This dissertation addresses the problem of searching a target within a region by sequential
queries with noisy responses. A Bayesian decision maker is responsible to collect observation
samples so as to enhance his knowledge about the true location in a speedy manner. When the
response is noiseless, the classical binary search solves such a problem optimally. Noisy binary search,
on the other hand, has also been formulated and studied extensively in theory over the past 60 years
since Horstein (1963). However, the algorithms developed in noisy binary search problem find
limited practical applications in real-world engineer problem. Motivated by bridging theory and
practice, we formulate the noisy binary search problem by identifying practical scenarios and
constraints that naturally rises with practical applications such as spectrum sensing in cognitive
communication, AoA estimation by adaptive beamforming in large antenna array system, visual
image inspection, bit-wise data transmission, heavy hitter detection in network system, etc.
The first part of the dissertation (Chapter 2) focuses on theoretical understanding and
developing noisy binary search algorithms under those practical constraints. Three algorithms
sortPM, dyaPM, hiePM are proposed. Using the extrinsic Jensen Divergence from information theory, we provide upper bound for the expected search time of each of the algorithms. By
comparing with an information theoretic lower bound, we demonstrate the asymptotic optimality
and suboptimality of the proposed algorithms (asymptotic in the resolution of the target location).
The second part of the dissertation applies the proposed hiePM to practical problems. In
particular, Chapter 3 demonstrates the application of hiePM on the data transmission problem
with noiseless feedback. The dyadic hierarchical query area of hiePM relates directly to the
bit representation of the data stream. This simplifies significantly the corresponding adaptive
encoding scheme and allows a bit-wise encoding. Chapter 4 considers the initial beam alignment
problem in 5G mmWave communication using beamforming. With a single-path channel model,
the problem is reduced to actively searching the Angle-of-Arrival (AoA) of the signal sent from
the user to the Base Station (BS). hiePM is applied to adaptively and sequentially choose the
beamforming from the hierarchical beamforming codebook. The proposed algorithm is compared
to prior works of initial beam alignment that employs linear beam search, repeat binary search,
or random beam search, respectively, and gives the state-of-art performance in terms of both
AoA estimation error at the end of the initial alignment, and the spectral efficiency during the
communication phase.