Two experiments examined the effects of interactive tutorial
features (compared to “passive” features) on learning spatial
tasks, an area seldom explored in interactivity research.
Experiment 1 results indicated that for simple spatial tasks,
interactive tutorials hindered learning for participants of
higher spatial ability but improved learning for lower-ability
participants. This interaction can be explained by
“compensation,” the notion that people of higher ability can
compensate for poor external support (passive tutorials) while
people of lower ability need the better support. It is likely that
the increased cognitive load of interactivity (Kalyuga, 2007)
hindered high-spatial participants on a relatively easy task. In
Experiment 2, task difficulty was increased, and the results
revealed that the interactive tutorial produced better learning
than the passive tutorial, regardless of spatial abilities. With
the relatively difficult task, the benefits of interactivity
became clearer because most people actually needed the
interactive features despite the associated cognitive load.