Background: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a chronic disease that disproportionately affects Punjabis, a distinct South Asian sub-group, due to unique risk factors. This dissertation will provide an adapted, culturally tailored intervention design modeled after an existing intervention. The updated intervention will be culturally tailored for the rural Punjabi population in the San Joaquin Valley, based on key informant responses. Methods: Using qualitative interviews, conducting a literature review, and applying the Delphi method, an adapted T2D intervention was culturally tailored to meet the needs of the SJV Punjabi population. I completed 17 semi-structured interviews with individuals who work closely with the SJV Punjabi community (non-profit organizations, medical professionals, and health departments/agencies). The interview guides were developed using the social-ecological model (SEM). The SEM informed questions about individual, social cultural, and institutional level factors that affect T2D risk factors. The key informant interviews identified cultural assets and essential aspects of an intervention design tailored to SJV Punjabi individuals. Results: Key informants encouraged using cultural assets in the culturally tailored T2D intervention. Cultural assets included traditional foods, “sair” (walking), and the Gurdwaras (Sikh Temples). The key informants provided essential considerations that were adapted to the intervention identified in the literature review. Conclusion: This dissertation shows the benefits of using key informants and the Delphi method to culturally tailor a health intervention for culturally distinct populations. In addition, this dissertation will inform the implementation of a T2D education intervention for the SJV Punjabi population.