Information transmission between individuals through social
learning is a foundational component of cultural evolution.
However, how this transmission occurs is still debated. The
copying account draws parallels with biological mechanisms
for genetic inheritance, arguing that learners copy what they
observe as they see it. On the other hand, the reconstruction
account argues that learners recreate only what is relevant and
reconstruct it using pragmatic inference, environmental and
contextual cues. Distinguishing these two accounts empirically
using typical transmission chain studies is difficult because
they generate overlapping predictions. In this study we present
an innovative methodological approach that generates different
predictions of these accounts by manipulating the task context
between model and learner in a transmission episode. We
provide an empirical proof-of-concept showing that, when a
model introduces embedded signals to their actions that are not
intended to be transmitted, learners’ reproductions are more
consistent with a process of reconstruction than copying.