Children learning language in multilingual settings have tolearn that objects take different labels within each differentlanguage to which they are exposed. Previous research hasshown that adults can learn one-to-one and two-to-one word-object mappings via cross-situational statistical learning(CSSL), and that socio-pragmatic cues may differentiallyinfluence monolingual and bilingual adults’ learning of suchmappings. However, the extent to which monolingual andbilingual learners can keep track of multiple labels frommultiple speakers has not yet been investigated. Wemanipulated the number of speakers in a CSSL task thatinvolved learning both mapping types. We successfullyreplicated previous studies that found that both monolingualsand bilinguals could learn both types of mappings via CSSL.In addition, we found that bilinguals showed a steeper learningrate for two-to-one mappings than monolinguals, andbilinguals were more likely to accept two words for the sameobject than monolinguals. These results show that the effect ofspeaker identity on tracking word-object mappings variesaccording to language experience.