The Government of India and the RBI have taken various measures to promote and deepen financial inclusion in India. One of the more recent and innovative channels of increasing financial inclusion has been through kiosk banking. The essence of this study is to understand the different stakeholder perspectives regarding kiosk banking in India, the viability and sustainability of the model, the motivations of the village level entrepreneurs, and clients’ acceptability of web-based financial transactions. Kiosk Banking is essentially branchless banking which uses a computerized device, which is connected to the web, to provide real-time banking in rural or urban locations. It allows for flexibility and aims to reach the most remote areas. In this study we partnered with the All India Society for Electronics and Computer Technology (AISECT) to examine and understand the operations of 30 of their CSCs. AISECT provides CSC services through Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs) or local village leaders who operate the CSCs. We obtained VLE lists from AISECT and surveyed 30 well performing VLEs in the Sagar district, Madhya Pradesh and our respondents included 30 VLEs and 300 beneficiaries.