In the early 2000’s, animated family movies portray various versions of home and family. Some movies portray home as the place where you were born, whereas others portray home as any place you want it to be. While some films, such as Bao, portray family as blood relatives, other films, such as Wreck-It Ralph, Ice Age, and Monsters University, depict families as a group of individuals that have strong friendships and end up becoming their chosen family. An example of both of these concepts of family being portrayed in a family film is The Book of Life. In this essay, I will focus on the portrayal of home and family in animated family movies with a focus on case studies from the second movie of the Madagascar franchise: Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa. In addition, I will be analyzing how the soundtrack, in particular the songs “The Traveling Song” and “Alex on the Spot,” help in showing the film’s portrayal of home and family.