Interest in hybrid mechanical systems, in which a mechanical oscillator is coupledto quantum elements such as spins, superconducting circuits, and optical photons, has
increased in recent years due to the novel means of controlling and coupling disparate
quantum systems that mechanical motion enables. In this dissertation we study the
specific system of diamond optomechanical crytals (OMCs), which are capable of hosting
and coupling to embedded defect qubits such as nitrogen-vacancy (NV) and siliconvacancy
(SiV) center spins. We calculate the expected spin-phonon coupling rate for
SiV spins interacting with a diamond OMC mechanical mode and find expected zeropoint
couping rates of > 1 MHz. We design, fabricate, and measure diamond OMCs,
demonstrating GHz-scale mechanical modes with quality factors > 100,000 at liquid helium
temperatures. We also measure nitrogen-vacancy center spins embedded in diamond
OMCs and find T2 = 72 μs, comparable to the coherence times of NV spins in bulk
diamond with natural 13C abundance.