BACKGROUND: Online videos can support large-scale library instruction and reference consultations while reducing time and access barriers for users. However, the development of online videos entails a time investment, a learning curve, and an ongoing maintenance effort that can be more significant compared to other instructional modes. This project aimed to streamline video production and maintenance in order to establish a sustainable online instructional program. In this poster, we describe the lean production values and assessment techniques that facilitated efficient online video development.
DESCRIPTION: Our video production is grounded in three principles. First, create short videos; each covering a single learning objective. Second, use modular building blocks of video lectures, demos, and transcripts, which will facilitate future video revisions. Finally, rely on low-cost, self-sufficient production. This involves a production workflow that embraces low-cost technology to lower collaboration barriers. For video maintenance, we used assessment-driven methods. We rely on a periodic review cycle and survey feedback to identify necessary changes. Examining audience retention statistics help us identify high-impact areas for focused effort. Additionally, we conducted a qualitative 2x2 matrix analysis (for skill level and subject scope) to identify gaps and trends in our instructional videos. This identified strategies for future video development.
CONCLUSION: Through reflective practice, we observed several positive outcomes. First, short modular videos are easier to tailor instruction to different clinical audiences and to introduce self-instruction in the reference workflow. Second, our lean production flow enabled staff to work independently and efficiently such that an instructional program was developed in a relatively short amount of time. Finally, our assessment identified precise strategies for future development. In particular, to focus on high-impact learning, to customize to learner preferences, to collaborate with other disciplinary librarians for advanced information literacy skills training, and to re-use existing video content.
Poster presentation at the Medical Library Association 2020 vConference (August 10-14).