Tsunami-generated acoustic–gravity waves have been observed to propagate in the atmosphere up to the ionosphere, where they have an impact on the total electron content. The authors simulate numerically the propagation of two-dimensional linear acoustic–gravity waves in an atmosphere with vertically varying stratification and horizontal background winds. The authors’ goal is to compare the difference in how much energy reaches the lower ionosphere up to an altitude of 180 km, where the atmosphere is assumed to be anelastic or fully compressible. The authors consider three specific atmospheric cases: a uniformly stratified atmosphere without winds, an idealized case with a wind jet, and a realistic case with an atmospheric profile corresponding to the 2004 Sumatra tsunami. Results show that for the last two cases, the number and height of turning points are different for the anelastic and compressible assumptions, and the net result is that compressibility enhances the total transmission of energy through the whole atmosphere.