Purpose: Research examining health disparities in sexually diverse populations is quite variable. The purpose of the present article was to shed light on the conflicting findings pertaining to minority stress and health by examining the potential impact of age, childhood victimization, and different measurements of health. Methods: The present research used data from the Generations Study, a questionnaire study of sexually diverse adults (ages 18-60) surveyed between 2016 and 2019. We modeled direct and indirect links among (1) childhood exposure to physical or sexual abuse, (2) adult exposure to victimization or harassment, and (3) adult physical health status, assessed both subjectively and objectively. Participants were 1398 sexually diverse adults (e.g., lesbian, gay, bisexual); the present work only utilizes wave one of the data collected in 2016. Results: We found that both childhood abuse and adult harassment/victimization predicted sexually diverse adults health status, but these associations only manifested as diagnosable disease outcomes among adults over 50. Associations between childhood abuse and adult health were partly attributable to the fact that abuse-exposed children were disproportionately exposed to harassment and victimization as adults. Conclusion: Our research makes a novel contribution to our understanding of the health effects of stigma by pinpointing the multiple, cascading pathways through which adversity relates to health.