The CDC recommends PrEP for MSM at substantial risk of HIV acquisition, leaving clinicians unsure whether to prescribe PrEP to MSM who do not disclose HIV risk factors. A longitudinal cohort of MSM requesting PrEP despite reporting during a clinical visit either 100% condom use or participation in oral sex only and no other risk factors was followed over 13 months at a community clinic in San Francisco to assess the accuracy of their HIV risk perception. Participants completed a sexual and substance use behavior questionnaire at baseline, outside of the clinical visit and were followed by quarterly HIV/STI testing and condom use change questionnaires. Condomless sex increased from 0% at baseline to 12% at month 1, peaked at 34% at month 7, and then decreased again to 8% at month 13. Rates of pharyngeal GC/CT varied from 7% at baseline to 12% at month 13, while rectal GC/CT decreased from 6% at baseline to 0% at month 13. The rate of syphilis was 1% both at baseline and at month 13, however, 11% and 15% of clients tested positive for syphilis at months 1 and 7 respectively.