Fefferman and Graham showed some time ago that four dimensional conformal
geometries could be analyzed in terms of six dimensional, ambient, Riemannian geometries
admitting a closed homothety. Recently it was shown how conformal geometry provides a
description of physics manifestly invariant under local choices of unit systems.
Strikingly, Einstein's equations are then equivalent to the existence of a parallel scale
tractor (a six component vector subject to a certain first order covariant constancy
condition at every point in four dimensional spacetime). These results suggest a six
dimensional description of four dimensional physics, a viewpoint promulgated by the two
times physics program of Bars. The Fefferman--Graham construction relies on a triplet of
operators corresponding, respectively to a curved six dimensional light cone, the dilation
generator and the Laplacian. These form an sp(2) algebra which Bars employs as a first
class algebra of constraints in a six-dimensional gauge theory. In this article four
dimensional gravity is recast in terms of six dimensional quantum mechanics by melding the
two times and tractor approaches. This "parent" formulation of gravity is built from an
infinite set of six dimensional fields. Successively integrating out these fields yields
various novel descriptions of gravity including a new four dimensional one built from a
scalar doublet, a tractor vector multiplet and a conformal class of metrics.