- Sutton, Elizabeth;
- Huang, Erich;
- Drukker, Karen;
- Burnside, Elizabeth;
- Li, Hui;
- Net, Jose;
- Rao, Arvind;
- Whitman, Gary;
- Zuley, Margarita;
- Ganott, Marie;
- Bonaccio, Ermelinda;
- Giger, Maryellen;
- Morris, Elizabeth
BACKGROUND: In this study, we sought to investigate if computer-extracted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) phenotypes of breast cancer could replicate human-extracted size and Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) imaging phenotypes using MRI data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project of the National Cancer Institute. METHODS: Our retrospective interpretation study involved analysis of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act-compliant breast MRI data from The Cancer Imaging Archive, an open-source database from the TCGA project. This study was exempt from institutional review board approval at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and the need for informed consent was waived. Ninety-one pre-operative breast MRIs with verified invasive breast cancers were analysed. Three fellowship-trained breast radiologists evaluated the index cancer in each case according to size and the BI-RADS lexicon for shape, margin, and enhancement (human-extracted image phenotypes [HEIP]). Human inter-observer agreement was analysed by the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) for size and Krippendorffs α for other measurements. Quantitative MRI radiomics of computerised three-dimensional segmentations of each cancer generated computer-extracted image phenotypes (CEIP). Spearmans rank correlation coefficients were used to compare HEIP and CEIP. RESULTS: Inter-observer agreement for HEIP varied, with the highest agreement seen for size (ICC 0.679) and shape (ICC 0.527). The computer-extracted maximum linear size replicated the human measurement with p < 10-12. CEIP of shape, specifically sphericity and irregularity, replicated HEIP with both p values < 0.001. CEIP did not demonstrate agreement with HEIP of tumour margin or internal enhancement. CONCLUSIONS: Quantitative radiomics of breast cancer may replicate human-extracted tumour size and BI-RADS imaging phenotypes, thus enabling precision medicine.