Networks are everywhere, they are the essentials of our lives. The main questions are, how they work and why it is necessary to understand them. These are the initial remarks in Christopher G. Brinton and Mung Chiang’s brand new book. Christopher G. Brinton is the Head of Advanced Research at Zoomi Inc., where he works on big-data analytics, social learning networks, and personalized learning. He holds a PhD in electrical engineering from Princeton University. Mung Chiang is the Arthur LeGrand Doty Professor of Princeton, where he also serves as chairman of the Princeton Entrepreneurship Council and director of the Keller Center for Innovation in Engineering Education. In their new book they try to show the most important six principles that connect people’s lives. The main purpose of this book, beside entertainment and being a popular science book, is to be a basis for a network introductory course in college or high school.