Compartment syndrome is a serious complication of high voltage electrical burns, limb carbonization and deep circular burns with delayed escharotomy. Without treatment, ischemic tissue damage leads to irreversible necrosis. Treatment is emergency surgical decompression. The burned patient is usually not searchable and cannot always be readily examined because of bulky dressings; diagnosis of compartment syndrome is always hard to make. The pressure transducer used in central arterial catheters is easy available. We used it to measure pressure in muscular compartments. We measured compartment pressure three times at different depths in all cases of electrical burn, carbonization and deep circumferential burns with delayed escharotomy. We also took the pressure in the uninjured limb. The pressure assessment device was composed of a blood pressure transducer commonly used in arterial catheters for arterial pressure monitoring with three connecting branches. The first branch was connected to the 'arterial pressure exit' in the monitoring device. The second, an IV tube, was connected to one litre of physiological serum in a pressure bag inflated to 200 mmHg. The third, also an IV tube with a sterile extension cable, was directly connected to an 18G standard straight needle to be inserted in the tissues for which interstitial pressure had to be measured. In patients with thermal burns, we measured pressure before and after escharotomy. Threshold intracompartmental pressure was 35 mmHg. We carried out pressure assessment of all muscular compartments during and at the end of surgery. The pressure transducer provides a pressure value in all muscular compartments with a time of installation and measuring of less than 5 minutes. Sensitivity is measured at +/- 1 mmHg. Operation is simple, non-operator dependent, and accessible to medical and paramedic teams. The pressure transducer allows accurate diagnosis of early or established compartment syndrome. It requires no additional equipment and its application does not delay therapeutic management. Its use helps with fasciotomy decision, especially after escharotomy, guides the surgeon in the exploration of different compartments and verifies the effectiveness of surgery.