The three site Higgsless model has been offered as a benchmark for studying
the collider phenomenology of Higgsless models. In this talk, we present how
well the three site Higgsless model performs as a general representative of
Higgsless models in describing W_L W_L scattering, and which modifications can
make it more representative. We employ general sum rules relating the masses
and couplings of the Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes of the gauge fields in continuum
and deconstructed Higgsless models as a way to compare the different theories.
After comparing the three site Higgsless model to flat and warped continuum
Higgsless models, we analyze an extensions of the three site Higgsless model,
namely, the Hidden Local Symmetry (HLS) Higgsless model. We demonstrate that
W_LW_L scattering in the HLS Higgsless model can very closely approximate
scattering in the continuum models, provided that the parameter `a' is chosen
to mimic rho-meson dominance of pi-pi scattering in QCD.