Emotions are rampant when one considers the non-physical form of lighting design. I often had to feign laughter with others in the room when I decided to introduce myself as an Emotional Support Designer.
Pieces of me go into every design, one could say I should be heightening the emotion of the character’s, But I have never once tried to accomplish that task. I most likely will never be that character, and I will never feel the same in the exact way that they are feeling, that is the actor’s job. I put my emotions on stage, how I feel in that moment, I want to heighten the viewers emotions, not the character’s.
Being born male I fell into the stereotype of not being able to (or maybe it would be better to say not wanting to) express my emotions. While studying to obtain my undergraduate degree I collected the practical skills of Lighting Design. Here at The University of California, San Diego, I expanded the skill of true emotional expression. I have created some of the most fulfilling pieces of art, but they slowly destroy me when my emotions cannot be fully understood.
Color has been theorized to effect emotion and is the world I live in. When my emotions are passionate my designs are deep in hue and vulgar, and when my emotions are dulled my designs are pale and stolid.
I hope my emotions constantly change throughout my career, and I hope to die, full of emotions.