This dissertation seeks to show that the spatio-temporal couplings of ultrafast lasers can be exploited to bypass the current technology bottlenecks on achieving next-generation ultrahigh-intensity lasers. First, the design of a novel six-grating compressor is presented and analyzed with a ray-tracing code and custom post-processing software, where the use of chirped-beam grating pairs was found to increase group delay dispersion (GDD) removal over 425% greater than a traditional grating pair. The higher-order dispersion effects, that come from using high-dispersion gratings with a large induced GDD, on the temporally stretched pulse were examined with strategies proposed on how to mitigate them. A custom 2D amplification code was used to model the amplification of a spatially and temporally chirped beam-pulse in a large-aperture, Nd:glass amplifier that are commonly used as high-energy inertial confinement fusion lasers. Unique pulse distortion effects from this novel amplification scheme were uncovered, leading to a design strategy based on 2D sculpting of the spatio-temporal input pulse and shaping of the transverse gain profile in the amplifier. With these, a 40-J, 20-ns chirped beam pulse with a 2x spatial chirp, and spectral bandwidth capable of supporting a 100-fs compressed pulse duration, was shown to be amplified to excess of 25-kJ with a B-integral less than 5. This would enable the creation of an exawatt-class laser system. A novel stretcher design capable of producing a 20-ns stretched pulse and a multi-beam focusing arrangement based on a multi-segment tiled parabolic mirror are presented with a performance analysis, along with other technology advancements useful for ultrahigh-intensity laser systems.