In the Cognitive Compressive Sensing (CCS) problem, a Cognitive Receiver (CR) seeks
to optimize the reward obtained by sensing an underlying $N$ dimensional random vector, by
collecting at most $K$ arbitrary projections of it. The $N$ components of the latent vector
represent sub-channels states, that change dynamically from "busy" to "idle" and vice
versa, as a Markov chain that is biased towards producing sparse vectors. To identify the
optimal strategy we formulate the Multi-Armed Bandit Compressive Sensing (MAB-CS) problem,
generalizing the popular Cognitive Spectrum Sensing model, in which the CR can sense $K$
out of the $N$ sub-channels, as well as the typical static setting of Compressive Sensing,
in which the CR observes $K$ linear combinations of the $N$ dimensional sparse vector. The
CR opportunistic choice of the sensing matrix should balance the desire of revealing the
state of as many dimensions of the latent vector as possible, while not exceeding the
limits beyond which the vector support is no longer uniquely identifiable.