Let O be the minimal nilpotent adjoint orbit in a classical complex semisimple Lie
algebra g. O is a smooth quasi-affine variety stable under the Euler dilation action $C^*$
on g. The algebra of differential operators on O is D(O)=D(Cl(O)) where the closure Cl(O)
is a singular cone in g. See \cite{jos} and \cite{bkHam} for some results on the geometry
and quantization of O. We construct an explicit subspace $A_{-1}\subset D(O)$ of commuting
differential operators which are Euler homogeneous of degree -1. The space $A_{-1}$ is
finite-dimensional, g-stable and carries the adjoint representation. $A_{-1}$ consists of
(for $g \neq sp(2n,C)$) non-obvious order 4 differential operators obtained by quantizing
symbols we obtained previously. These operators are "exotic" in that there is (apparently)
no geometric or algebraic theory which explains them. The algebra generated by $A_{-1}$ is
a maximal commutative subalgebra A of D(X). We find a G-equivariant algebra isomorphism
R(O) to A, $f\mapsto D_f$, such that the formula $(f|g)=({constant term of}D_{\bar{g}} f)$
defines a positive-definite Hermitian inner product on R(O). We will use these operators
$D_f$ to quantize O in a subsequent paper.