This case study explores how strategy-based instruction (SBI), assisted by multimedia software, can be incorporated to teach beginning-level ESL learners metacognitive writing strategies. Two beginning-level adult learners participated in a 10-session SBI on planning and organizing strategies. The Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA) was implemented with the aid of graphic organizer software. Our findings show that technology-supported SBI has brought multiple benefits for the learners. Comparisons of writings before and after SBI indicate that there is noticeable improvement in learners’ ability to generate ideas and in logical organization of their essays. Researchers’ observation notes and learners’ reflections suggest that learners’ engagement and motivation are boosted during their prewriting activities using the graphic organizer software. A close examination of the semantic maps generated from the writing software also reveals how learners practice metacognitive planning and organizing strategies for their writing. Finally, recommendations are made for future instructors and researchers investigating this topic.