Hypospadias is the ectopic opening of the urethra on the penis or scrotum. Exposure to estrogenic and/or anti-androgenic chemicals in utero may play an etiologic role. DDT and the pyrethroids cypermethrin and deltamethrin, are used to control malaria. DDT is estrogenic and its breakdown product DDE is anti-androgenic; cypermethrin and deltamethrin can also disrupt androgen pathways. We examined the relationship between maternal exposure to these insecticides during pregnancy and hypospadias among boys participating in the Venda Health Examination of Mothers, Babies and their Environment (VHEMBE) in Limpopo Province, South Africa. We measured peripartum levels of p,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE in maternal serum and urinary pyrethroid metabolites. We conducted urogenital examination on 359 one-year-old boys. A total of 291 (81.0 %) had phimosis, which prevented full urogenital examination, leaving a final sample of 68 boys for determination of the presence of hypospadias. Diagnosis was based on concordance of two independent physicians. We identified hypospadias in 23 of the 68 boys (34 %). Maternal urinary concentrations of cis-DCCA and trans-DCCA metabolites of cypermethrin and other pyrethroids, were associated with an increased risk for hypospadias, but the other metabolite 3-PBA was not (adjusted relative risk per 10-fold increase = 1.58, 95 % CI 1.07-2.34; 1.61, 95 % CI 1.09-2.36; and 1.48, 95 % CI 0.78-2.78, respectively). No associations were found between p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDE, 3-PBA or cis-DBCA and hypospadias. We observed a high prevalence of hypospadias among boys without phymosis. Boys with higher prenatal exposure to pyrethroid insecticides were at higher risk of hypospadias. Our findings may have global implications given that pyrethroid insecticides are widely used for malaria control, in agriculture and for home use.