Turbulent fluid motions within planets, moons, and stars drive a number of key phenomena ranging from the dynamo action that generates and sustains global-scale magnetic fields to the formation of atmospheric features like vortices and jets. The rotating convective interior flows that give rise to such phenomena are inaccessible to direct observation, so studies of their dynamics are rooted in forward models that explore the relationship between observable features and their underlying physics. Characteristic quantities, such as the flow velocities and the physical scales at which convective driving occurs, are not well constrained for these systems due to challenges in modeling realistic planetary conditions. The goal of this thesis is to provide insights into these aspects through a comprehensive experimental investigation of rotating convective turbulence, guided by theoretical predictions for such flows.
In order to accomplish this, I have conducted an extensive suite of rotating and non-rotating convection laboratory experiments in liquid metal (gallium), water, and silicone oil. Key thermal and rotational parameters are systematically varied to study their effect on the flow. The unique consideration of both low viscosity liquid metal and high viscosity silicone oil enables a thorough examination of the contributions from viscous and inertial effects in rotating convection, a key topic of debate. Through a variety of heat transfer, velocity, and length scale measurements across my experiments, I develop empirical scaling predictions for these quantities within geophysical settings, as well as compare results to leading theoretical predictions. Through this analysis, I find that heat transfer is often controlled by laminar boundary layers, while internal bulk motions are predominantly inertial even in the relatively viscous silicone oils. This suggests that i) turbulent geophysical flows with moderate viscosities are still likely controlled by inertia in the bulk, and ii) realistic geophysical bulk dynamics can be simulated in experiments despite being far from planetary conditions. Further, I find that the oscillatory regime of liquid metal rotating convection is uniquely positioned to attain both inertial heat transfer and bulk dynamics, as theorized to persist in turbulent planetary flows. Confirming the existence of this ``geostrophic turbulence" regime not only provides further validation of laboratory experiments as proxies for planetary flows, but also validates the theoretical prediction for the regime itself, which had remained elusive in studies of rotating convection.