**Morning, 7:00AM**
You wake up to the sound of birds chirping as the sun rises through the forest treetops. You move out from under the covers and sit up straight in your bed. What do you do?
[[>>Go back to sleep<<->Going back to sleep]]
(link:">>Get out of bed and get changed<<")[=
(set: $isClothed to true)
You stand up and change into some ripped blue jeans and a red flannel. You look in the mirror and think you look nice. You wear this everyday though.
(link:">>Look around your room<<")[You notice that the family portrait on your cabinet has fallen over. You sit it back up and take a moment to appreciate it. Your daughter and late wife smile at you. You smile back.]
[[//Go to the Living Room//->Living Room]]{
(set: $Time to 7)
(set: $HP to 100)
(set: $hasAxe to false)
(set: $boyVisit to false)
(set: $haveGranola to false)
(set: $hadCoffee to false)
(set: $haveMeds to false)
}You climb back into bed to get a couple more hours of rest. (if:$isClothed is true)[You're wearing day clothes instead of your pajamas, but for some reason you think that's okay.] You then close your eyes and go back to sleep.
(set: $Time to 9)
(t8n-time:5s)[[>>Wake up<<->Boy's Entrance]]You enter the **Living Room**
(if:visits >= 4)[(if:$boyVisit is false)[You hear an urgent knocking at the front door, along with the screams of what sounds like a young boy.
[[>>Look through the window to see what's going on<<->Window]]
[[>>Rush to open the door<<->Door]]]]
(if:visits is not 4)[[[//Go to the Kitchen//->Kitchen]]
[[//Go to the Bathroom//->Bathroom]]
[[//Go Outside//->Frontyard]]]
(if:$boyVisit is true)[[[//Leave to find your daughter//->Quest]]]You enter the **Kitchen**
(link:">>Brew some coffee<<")[You grind some beans and make yourself a cup of coffee. You drink it and feel energized.(set: $hadCoffee to true)]
(link:">>Take some granola bars<<")[You put some granola bars into your pockets.(set: $haveGranola to true)]
[[//Go to the Living Room//->Living Room]]You enter the **Bathroom**
(link:">>Open the medicine cabinet<<")[You see a bunch of different pill bottles. (if:visits is 1)[A bottle of painkillers falls out as you open the door.
(link:">>Pocket the painkillers<<")[(set: $haveMeds to true)You put the painkillers in your pocket, maybe for later use?]]]
[[//Go to the Living Room//->Living Room]]You enter the **Backyard**
[[//Go to back inside the Cabin//->Living Room]]
[[//Go to the Toolshed//->Toolshed]](set: $boyVisit to true)You hear an urgent knocking at the front door, along with the screams of what sounds like a young boy.
[[>>Look through the window to see what's going on<<->Window]]
[[>>Rush to open the door<<->Door]]You've been bitten by a zombie and infected. Too bad.You enter the **Toolshed**
(if:$hasAxe is false)[An axe lays against a cut tree stump.
(link:">>Take the axe<<")[(set: $hasAxe to true)You attach the axe to your belt.]]
[[//Go Outside//->Frontyard]](set: $boyVisit to true)You look out the window and see a small boy banging on your front door. And creeping up behind him, a pair of rotting corpses still moving. This sight makes you hesitate for a second, giving just enough time for these undead to grab hold of the boy.
One sinks their teeth into his neck, and blood splatters all over the window, blocking the sight of a scene you wish you hadn't seen.
You take a step back to process what just happened before your eyes. You wonder if your daughter is safe. What do you do?
[[>>Open the door<<->DoorZombie]]
[[>>Check your options<<->Quest]](set: $boyVisit to true)You open the door to see a small boy rush into the house past you, and in his trail two walking corpses follow. The smell of rotting flesh emanates from their bodies and almost brings you to vomit. You hesitate for a moment before shutting the door before them.
You turn around to see the boy crouched on the floor, hyperventilating and crying, tears running down his cheeks. You don't know exactly what to say, but you make an effort to help him.
(link:"\"Are you okay?\"")["I- I don't know... The zombies are everywhere already. My parents and sister are gone. I kept running and running with no where to go. Thank you for opening the door."
(link:"\"What's your name?\"")
["I'm Bobby.. Is it okay if I stay here for now?"
[[Sure, I'll stay here with you to make sure you're safe.->Boy End]]
[[Okay, but I need to go out and find my daughter. You'll be on your own.->Quest]]
You open the door and one of the zombies lunges at you. The other grabs hold of your arm and you're caught in their grasp. The zombies both bite at you and take out a chunk of your flesh.
[[...->Death]][[>>Search the house to find resources<<->Living Room]]
[[>>Call your daughter<<->Call]]
[[//Go to your car//->Car]]
[[//Walk to town//->Forest]]"Dad? Are you okay? Thank goodness. The town is overrun with zombies. Me and John are barricaded inside the house. The authorities are coming with a rescue helicopter. If you get here we can escape. Stay safe.
[[//Go to your car//->Car]]
[[//Walk to town//->Forest]]]
You attracted a bunch of zombies with the noise of the engine.
[[>>Drive through the zombies<<->Drivethru]]
[[>>Get out of the car<<->Onfoot]]You run into a few zombies.
[[>>Run left<<->Horde2]]
[[>>Run right<<->Town]]
(link:">>Fight the zombies<<")[(if:$hasAxe is true)[You hack the heads off of the two zombies and continue onwards.(t8n-time:5s)
[[...->Town]]](if:$hasAxe is false)[You try to punch the zombies but they just bite you. Dang...
(t8n-time:5s)[[...->Death]]]]You try to drive through the horde of zombies. You crush one after another but there's just too many. The bodies start to get stuck in the underside of the car and your engine starts to fail.
[[>>What do you do?<<->Horde]]You're still surrounded by zombies. You climb on top of a rock but they;re getting closer.
[[>>Make a final prayer before you die<<->Death]]
(if:$hadCoffee is true)[[[>>Outrun the zombies<<->Town]]]You've escaped from those zombies, but now what?
[[>>Go to your daughter's house<<->Horde2]]
[[>>Look for other humans<<->Rogue]](if:$helped is true)[The survivors escorted you to your daughter's house and thank you for your gift. ]Hooray! You've finally made it to your daughter's house. Hopefully she's safe. How do you get inside?
[[>>Knock on the door<<->Knock]]
[[>>Use the garage door<<->Garage]]
[[>>Go through the back door<<->Backyard]]You've come across a group of survivors. Their clothes muddy and covered in blood. They hold guns and other weapons. If you play this right, maybe they can escort you to your daughter's house.
"If you have anything useful, we'll take it to help you.", they say.
[[>>Plead them to help you find your daughter<<->RogueKill]]
(if:$haveGranola is true)[](link:">>Offer them some granola bars<<")[Sorry but that's not enough. Be on your way or else.
(if:$haveMeds is true)[[[>>Offer them painkillers<<->House]]][[>>Use their heads as skipping stones<<->Town]]
[[>>Just sit in your car and wait<<->Death]]The survivors didn't like you and killed you. Unlucky.You've run into more zombies! How unlucky of you. What now?
[[>>Try to fight them<<->Death]]
[[>>Make a distraction with a rock<<->House]]Nobody answers...
[[>>Shout for your daughter<<->Inside]][[>>Use the code lock<<->Horde3]]
[[>>Try to pull the door up<<->Inside]]You've attracted a horde of zombies with the noise of the garage door! There's even zombies inside the garage! They've got your surrounded and you've got nowhere else to go. Guess this is it for you.
[[...->Death]]Your daughter hears, and comes to see who it is. Happy tears are streaming down her face and she runs to you.
[[>>Give her a hug<<->Reunion]]Congratulations! You made it safely to your daughter and are reunited together. A police helicopter flys over to retrieve survivors and you, your daughter, and her family all climb the rope ladder they dropped down. You manage to make it to the closest safehaven in the state. The end.[[>>Shout for your daughter<<->Inside]]
[[Look around->Shot]]You begin to hear the sound of a helicopter above you. The gunman mistakes you for a zombie attacking a survivors house and shoots you. Uh oh, you were so close! The end.You decide to stay with Bobby for the time being. You call your daughter to see if she's alright. She picks up and is glad you're safe. She tells you that both her and her husband are safe and waiting for authorities to make a rescue sweep through the town.
(link:"...")[Later, you hear a helicopter flying over your home. You check outside and your daughter calls out for you. You and Bobby climb the rope ladder they dropped down and get on. You all safely arrive at the safest location in the state. The end.]