You hear the sound of a loud alarm.
You hear footsteps scrambling about, crunching on the floor.
You hear a metal door open and slam shut.
[[Open your eyes|store]]
(set: $wearingmask to true)
(set: $hasmask to true)
(set: $bloodmask to true)
(set: $faceknown to false)
(set: $oldladyface to false)
(set: $hasgun to true)
(set: $holdinggun to true)
(set: $hasbike to false)
(set: $vanspotted to false)
(set: $hasvan to false)You see flashing red and blue lights on the ceiling and hear the sound of sirens. The last thing you remember is hitting your head.
The mounted television reports of a robbery in a jewelry store in the city.
[[Turn your head to the right|store look right]]
[[Turn your head to the left|store look left]]
You [[wince|store touch face]] as you try to move your head, but you have to [[leave.|run away]]You are facing the entrance of the store.
Police are surrounding the building and are about to enter.
Broken glass is scattered across the floor.
[[Look up|store]]You are facing the counter.
There is a metal door to the left with an exit sign glowing above.
To the right there is a storage room.
You wonder how long you've lain there on the floor.
[[Look up|store]]You feel fabric. You think it's a [[mask|take off mask]]. On your other hand you are holding [[a gun|check gun]]. It might give the police the wrong idea. But they are slowly entering the building. You think you should [[get up and go|run away]].You quickly remove the mask from your head. It's bloody, and your head hurts. [[You drop it and get up.|run away]]
(set: $wearingmask to false)
(set: $hasmask to false)You lift yourself up. A policeman spots you and tells you to freeze.
(if: $holdinggun is true)[They notice a gun in your hand and fire, narrowly missing you. Shocked, you drop the gun and cover your head. (set: $holdinggun to false)(set: $hasgun to false)](if: $wearingmask is false)[You crouch back down attempting to hide your face, but it might be too late.(set: $faceknown to true)] Afraid of getting arrested, you crawl quickly behind the counter, past the [[storage|check storage]] to the [[exit.|door exit]]You glimpse into the storage room and find a [[ladder.|climb ladder]]When you open the door, you encounter a scared old lady.
(if: $wearingmask is true)[She screams at the sight of you, alerting a nearby policeman. You [[sprint toward the alley in a hurry.|run from police]]]
(if: $wearingmask is false)[She asks if you are all right, noticing the wound on your head.
Looking around, the police have not made it to the back yet.
You thank the lady, but say you are in a hurry, and [[run to the alley|run to alley]].
(set: $faceknown to true)(set: $oldladyface to true)
You think that the roof might be a better place to escape.
From the roof you spot a green van driving off from the scene. You think it could belong to the real robbers. (set: $vanspotted to true)
You hear the sirens wailing and the sound of panicked pedestrians. You ask yourself what your [[next steps|next steps]] could be.
The policeman is running after you. In the alley, you find a [[bike locked to a pipe|grab bike]].
(set: $beingchased to true)In the alley, you find a bike locked to a pipe. Maybe you can find the owner and ask to borrow it, but there is no one around.
You recollect yourself and [[call a taxi.|call taxi]]
Your head is still bleedingYou want to (if: $beingchased is true)[escape.](else:)[find the culprits.] So you make it to the entrance and manage to sneak into the concert.
It is very crowded and the music is loud. (if: $beingchased is true)[But it could help you get away from the pursuers.]
As you push through the crowd, you see the door to the [[back stage.|back stage]](if: $hasgun is true)[In desperation, you shoot the lock open with your gun and [[hop on the bike.|see concert]](set: $hasbike to true)(set: $beingchased to false)
The policeman can't keep up and reports on his radio.](if: $hasgun is false)[You wish you could ride it, but there is nothing to break the lock.
You keep [[running|still chased]] as the policeman chases you and reports on his radio.]
You [[don't want|drop gun]] to have a gun with you. But it could [[come in handy.|keep gun]]You stuff the gun into your [[pocket.|store]] (set: $holdinggun to false)You leave the gun [[behind.|store]]
(set: $hasgun to false)(set: $holdinggun to false)In a secluded area, you remove the mask and put it in your pocket. (set: $wearingmask to false)
You feel dizzy and tired, so you leave the bike and start walking to the [[hospital.|at hospital]](set: $hasbike to false)
(if: $vanspotted is true)[On the way there, you spot a green van driving into a garage at a [[concert hall.|enter concert]]]The taxi arrives and asks you where you want to go.
You consider going to the [[police station|taxi to police station]], but your head is burning and the [[hospital|taxi to hospital]] might be a good idea.Clearing your name and reporting as a witness sounds good. You tell the driver to get you to the [[station.|at station]]
(if: $vanspotted is true)[(display: "spot green van")]You are starting to feel dizzy. You tell the driver to get you to the [[hospital.|at hospital]]
(if: $vanspotted is true)[(display: "spot green van")]On the way to there, you spot a green van driving into a concert hall garage. You wonder if you should stop to [[check it out.|stop at concert]]It's suspicious. You ask the driver to stop at the [[concert hall entrance|enter concert]] instead. Soon, you hear the sound of sirens again, getting louder as you continue to be chased.
You are fatigued and dizzy, and want to [[give in.|give up]] But you keep running, and head toward the [[concert hall.|enter concert]]You stop running as the police catch up with you with along with their vehicles.
You regret running away. You wonder what will become of you, and if the real culprits are ever found.
You are under arrest.You arrive at the hospital.
You are treated and bandaged, and you lay in bed thinking about what to do next.
The nurse then brings in [[visitors.|visitors]]You arrive at the station.
You tell the police that you witnessed the robbery.
(if: $hasvan is false)[They ask you for any [[reports|reports]] on the matter.](else:)[You tell them everything is in the [[van parked outside.|van parked outside]]]
It was the police.
(if: $faceknown is true)[They recognize your face.
(if: $hasmask is false)[(if: $bloodmask is true)[They found a mask with your blood on it.]]
(if: $hasgun is false)[They found a gun with your fingerprints on it.
You are under arrest.](if: $faceknown is false)[They think you were at the robbery and ask you some questions.
(if: $vanspotted is false)[But you [[don't know anything|questioning]] about the robbers or where they went.](if: $vanspotted is true)[You tell them that you saw a green van leave the scene and go to the [[concert hall|thank you]]]
]You show them the gun, and they analyze it, but can only find your fingerprints.
They find you suspicious, and make you a [[suspect.|face recognize]]Time passes.
(if: $faceknown is true)[They recognize your face from descriptions.
(if: $hasmask is false)[(if: $bloodmask is true)[They found a mask with your blood on it.]
(if: $oldladyface is true)[It is found out that your features match what an old lady described to the police on the scene earlier.]]
(if: $hasgun is false)[They found a gun with your fingerprints on it.
You are under arrest.]
(else:)[They deem you to be [[innocent for now.|thank you]]]You trip and tremble as your head spins from the wound.
You make it to the back stage area. To the left is the [[parking garage.|garage]] To the right is the [[band room.|band room]]In the garage, you see the [[green van.|look in green van]]
[[Go back stage|back stage]]You peak into the band room.
On the table lies heaps of expensive [[jewelry and shiny materials.|into band room]]
[[Go back stage|back stage]]At the van, you peer through the tinted windows. It looks empty.
[[Go back|garage]]It seems like no one is inside at the moment, but you are suspicious.
You slowly [[enter the room.|enter band room]]To be [[cautious,|enter band room]] you take out the gun. (set: $holdinggun to true)The muffled sound of music can be heard. It makes your head ache.
On closer inspection, the jewelry is definitely from the store earlier.
You look inside a small cabinet and find multiple masks, similar to the one you [[were wearing.|mask reaction]]The police have probably surrounded and entered the building, and know you have went into the storage room.
(if: $wearingmask is true)[You also notice that you are wearing [[a mask.|consider mask]]](if: $wearingmask is false)[You look at your [[surroundings.|check surroundings]]]You take the mask off. You notice that you're bleeding and decide to keep it. You put it in your pocket and look for a [[way to escape.|check surroundings]]
(set: $wearingmask to false)There is an [[apartment|into apartment]] attached next to the jewelry store.There is an open window, and it is the only other way down.
Silently, you head to the apartment window and check that no one is inside.
Then, you [[climb into the room.|apartment room]]It's small, and to the [[door|exit apt room]] is a short hallway.
To the left is a [[bathroom.|apt bathroom]] To the right is a [[kitchen.|apt kitchen]]Quietly, you leave the apartment and go down into the next street.
There, you decide to call a [[taxi.|call taxi]]The bathroom door is closed. Maybe someone is inside. Best be [[quiet.|apartment room]]In the kitchen, there is a sink. (if: $hasmask is true)[You consider [[washing the mask|wash mask]] you have]
But you are in a [[hurry.|apartment room]]Washing the mask could remove the blood from it. You run the sink and wash the mask, but the person in the bathroom hears the commotion.
They see you in the kitchen and run to the window to call for the police.
You leave the mask and dart to the [[exit.|escape apt]]
(set: $hasmask to false)
(set: $bloodmask to false)
(set: $faceknown to true)You run down the stairs into the [[alley|run from police]] as a policeman spots you.This must be clear evidence that the criminals are here, maybe they are the band playing right now!
You decide to(if: $beingchased is false)[
[[call the police.|call police]]]
[[confront them yourself.|wait for band]]
[[take the evidence and jewelry.|take evidence]]
[[leave.|leave band room]](if: $faceknown is true)[They recognize your face.
(if: $hasmask is false)[(if: $bloodmask is true)[They found a mask with your blood on it.]]
(if: $hasgun is false)[They found a gun with your fingerprints on it.
You are under arrest.]The police thank you. It seems you have made it out of trouble.
Now you can only hope that the real culprits are captured.They are suspicious, and decide to take you to the [[station|at station]] for more questioning.You show them the mask and they analyze it, but they could (if: $bloodmask is true)[only find your blood on it.
They find you suspicious, and make you a [[suspect.|face recognize]]](if: $bloodmask is false)[[[not find anything useful.|reports]]](if: $vanspotted is true)[You tell them that you saw a green van leave the scene and go to the [[concert hall|thank you]]]
(else:)[(if: $hasgun is true)[You wonder if you should [[show them the gun.|show gun]]](if: $hasmask is true)[You wonder if you should [[show them the mask.|show mask]]]]You take out your phone to call, though it is hard to hear with the sound of the music.
You tell them that you know where the stolen goods are and who the culprits are. They tell you to wait on the [[location.]]You want to confront them yourself and determine why they did this to you, and maybe get revenge.
(if: $beingchased is true)[You look around and sit on a couch by a wall waiting for them to return. But suddenly you hear many [[footsteps]] in the hall way.](else:)[You look around and sit on a couch by a wall waiting for them to [[return.]]]You can present the evidence to the police and prove that you were innocent. You pack the jewelry and masks and grab the keys to the van.
(if: $beingchased is true)[Before you leave, you notice multiple officers outside in the hallway. You stop and put everything down because you do not want to frame yourself.
You decide to [[hide behind the couch.|hide behind couch]]
](else:)[You get to the van and unlock it, opening the trunk and putting everything inside. Then you drive off to the [[police station.|at station]](set: $hasvan to true)]Peaking through the door again, you catch a glimpse of multiple police officers walking about, checking rooms with guns drawn.
(if: $beingchased is true)[You decide to
[[call for the police.|call for police]]
[[hide behind the couch.|hide behind couch]]
](else:)[You [[call for the police.|call for police]]]
You yell out to the police who then look at in your direction.
They go towards the room telling you to keep your hands up.
(if: $faceknown is true)[One of them recognizes your face and tells the others. ]As they enter the room you explain your innocence and say that the [[evidence is all here.]]Behind the couch, you wait as the police finally enter the band room. You can hear them searching around, and they find the jewelry and masks.
You hear one of them approach the couch and you try to crawl away slowly.
(if: $hasgun is true)[But as you move, the gun you have slips out from your pocket and hits the floor.
You pause like, but it seems as though no one heard the sound due to the music. You quickly [[pick up the gun]] and put it in your pocket.](else:)[But there is no where to go, and soon the cop peaks over the couch finding you frozen on the floor.
They handcuff you and question you about the stolen goods in this room, as you explain your innocence and wait for the [[music to end.|music ends]]]But as you put it in, the officer peaks over the couch and finds you with your hand in your pants and tells you to freeze.
You try to put your hands up, but the quick movement scares the cop and he fires one loud shot into your chest. You black out and unfortunately never wake up again.The music finally ends and the band returns only to be arrested on the spot.
The band argues that you were the one that had the idea of robbing the store while pretending to be innocent. You argue that you were framed and forced to wear the mask.
In the end, the you and the band are under arrest.The police do not believe you, and arrest you thinking you are framing the band.You look around and sit on a couch by a wall waiting for the cops to arrive.
Soon you hear many [[footsteps]] in the hall way.They are suspicious, wondering why you say you witnessed the robbery while also having the van full of stolen goods.
You tell them that you took it from the culprits at the concert hall, that you didn't do anything wrong, but they [[don't believe you.|face recognize]]Finally the music ends and the band enters. You confront them and ask them why they [[framed you.]](if: $hasmask is true)[(if: $bloodmask is false)[You leave the mask you cleaned on the table. ]](if: $beingchased is false)[You leave the room and exit the concert hall. At a distance away, you call the police letting them know of the evidence in the concert hall on a pay phone and [[hang up.]]](else:)[You try to leave the room, but [[hear something|footsteps]] outside.]Later on the news, the culprits are discovered to be the band members.
(if: $faceknown is true)[But your face was known, and the police come to your house and put you [[under arrest|face recognize]] for questioning, believing you were an accomplice.](elseif: $hasmask is false or $hasgun is false)[But there was evidence found against you, and the police come to your house and put you [[under arrest|face recognize]] for questioning, believing you were an accomplice.](else:)[You managed to get away and with a little free jewels as well.
YOU WIN]Double-click this passage to edit it.They said that they just wanted someone to blame so that they could get away easier. But now that they were found, they will not let you live.
They take out weapons and fire at you, forcing you to hide behind the couch.
(if: $hasgun is true)[You try to fire a shot but they manage to hit you in the head again. You black out for the last time.](else:)[But there is no where to run. The only thing you can do is call the police.
You take out your phone and dial 9-1-1, but before you can press call, you get hit in the head. You black out for the last time.]