Table 10. Hand hygiene recommendations as applicable to dermatological outpatient settings
· Hands should be washed with soap (preferably anti-microbial, but plain acceptable) and water: - When hands are visible dirty - When hands are contaminated with proteinaceous material, blood, body fluids - If hands are likely to have been exposed to spores (e.g., Clostridium difficile, Bacillus anthracis) - Before eating - After using the restroom · In all other patient care circumstances, hands should be decontaminated with alcohol-based hand rubs · Hands should be decontaminated: - Before and after contact with each patient and his/her immediate environment - After removing gloves - Before donning gloves to perform sterile procedures (e.g., surgeries) - When moving from a contaminated to a clean patient body site · Gloves should be worn for contact with blood, body fluids, mucus membranes, non-intact skin, items or surfaces contaminated with body fluids |
Data from Boyce and Pittet [100], and Siegel et al [101].