Ho boy.
You did it again. You made another (link-reveal: "rash decision.")
<i>Sure</i>, it sounded like a good idea when Grace came into your room carrying a bag of shrooms, asking you to hike with her to the [[Garden of Eden->1.0.1]]. (link-reveal: "But was it?")
No. [[Definitely not.->1.1]]
(set: $nibbledSlug to false)
(set: $sanity to 0)Wasn't this supposed to take 40 minutes to kick in?
Whoever said that is a damn liar because its been 12 minutes, we just left the Garden of Eden (after, you know, ingesting the [[forbidden fruit->1.0.2]]), and I'm already feeling a (link-reveal:"little weird.")
Are these train tracks <i>[[moving?->1.2]]</i>
(set: $sanity to $sanity - 1)The Garden of Eden. You know, in the woods about an hour hike away from Merrill, not the one where Adam and Eve ate the [[forbidden fruit->1.0.2]] and became conscious about the nature of Good and Evil...
(set: $sanity to $sanity - 1)Hey, you need to stop overthinking this. You are NOT Adam and Grace is NOT Eve... If anything she's starting to look more like an Elf than human.
Woa, she has some [[pointy ears..->1.1]]
(set: $sanity to $sanity - 2)No no no. They aren't moving. I would hear a train coming and I don't hear anything...
[[Is that a banana slug on the tracks?->1.3]]
[[Where the hell did Grace go?->2.0]]Damn that's looking like a lickable Banana Slug. I wanna lick it.
[[Lick the Banana Slug.->1.3.1]]
[[Don't lick the Banana Slug.->1.3.2]]Damn I'm licking the hell outa this Banana Slug. Lowkey, I might just take a nibble...
[[Nibble on that thing.->]]
[[Do not nibble on that thing.->1.3.2]]
(set: $sanity to $sanity - 1)Alright, good choice. I just realized that that is NOT a banana slug, it appears to be [[witch's butter.->]]
(set: $sanity to $sanity + 1)Ah yes, Witches Butter. That yellow-jelly-fungus you learned about in class. Edible, but probably not great for my stomache considering I'm already feeling a bit queezy. Alright now, [[where the hell is Grace?->2.0]]Honestly, not that bad. I thought Banana Slug would be tougher than this but its actually quite an easy bite. Good choice.
Alright now, [[where the hell is Grace?->2.0]]
(set: $nibbledSlug to true)
(set: $sanity to $sanity - 1)Crap, I know she told me she was gonna go pee, but how long ago was that?
[[Go look for Grace.->2.1]]
[[Stay where you are and start petting the tree next to you.->2.2]]Right. Grace Grace Grace where could you have gone...
I think she climbed down the hill. Yeah, definitely climbed down the hill to go find a spot to pee. Good memory.
[[Start walking down the hill.->2.1.1]]
[[Wait, why am I trying to find her if she went to pee?->2.2]]Alright yeah I'll stay right here and... Oh man this tree is looky awfully wild right now... Oh my goodness it feels amazing woaaaa what the heck. Is that some [[moss->2.2.1]]? I gotta pet me some moss...
[[Pet the moss.->2.2.2]]
[[Keep petting the tree.->2.2.3]]Okay I'm just gonna take a looksies down this hill and... Still lookin... Wow that really just keeps going don't it?
Alright. Yeah so this ain't no hill, it's a void to the unkown. I've found the end of the world.
Oh goodness. Ho boy.
[[Slowly start stepping your way down the hill.->2.1.2]]
[[Jump into the void.->2.1.3]]
[[Scoot your way down.->2.1.4]]Moss is just one of those underappreciated organisms that needs more attention. I think I'll go <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moss" target="_blank">research moss</a> later.
<i>You're losing your sanity.</i>
(set: $sanity to $sanity - 3)
[[Get back to that tree.->2.2]]Oh my gosh the moss feels amazing. Is that a fern up there? Oh my goodness flowers, flowers look so beautiful and smell so good...
[[Go pet the fern up the hill.->]]
[[Go smell the flowers up the hill.->]]<i>Spend a while petting the tree.</i>
[[Run to Grace.->2.3]]<b><i>You stand there staring at the bottom of the hill. Your heart is racing. It's been three minutes and you're still staring as it goes even deeper.</b></i>
"Hey tweaker what the hell you doin there?"
"Oh thank God. Grace, whatever you do, don't look down hills."
[[Run back to Grace who is now standing on the train tracks, back from her pee.->2.3]]Ok ok nice and easy... nice anddDDDDDKELMYLEGGEGSMYLEGEGMMLEGEMGLSGSE.
[[Ho boy.->]]And for a moment, I am infinite. There is nothing that can stop me. Yes, as the wind soars past on my flight downwards, I'm increasingly convinced that flight was once a trait humans possessed until we started eating dai---AHEGUENSLKELMLEGEMSGSMYLEGEGGSGLSOEIGEMLEGSGSGLGS
[[Ho boy.->]]Okay if I just sit my ass on the ground and slowly... Slowly scoot my way.
Aha dude this is totally like when dogs scoot their butts on the ground.
Woaa am I part dog?... [[I don't know if I can handle being part dog.->]]
<i>A deer of the doe variety slowly creeps into view. The forest floor is littered in fallen branches and jutting roots that'd make safe traversal extremely tedious.</i>
[[Chase the deer.->]]
Or don't chase the deer. Follow the sound of [[flowing water.->]]Alright I'm back with Grace. We just gotta [[stick together now.->4]]Oh wow this flower smells amazing. I wonder how it tastes.
[[Eat the flower.->]]
[[Don't eat the flower.->]]
(set: $picked to "flower")Pet the fern. Pick a leaf. Yes, we must keep the fern leaf to pet.
[[Stumble down the hill in excitement from her return.->4]]
(set: $picked to "fern")Oh I'm gonna get that deer. What will I do once I catch up? I do not know.
(link-reveal:"That is not important.") [
Hey, what's that white thing covered in red stuff coming [[out of my leg?->]]
]Oh wow. Water would feel so nice right now. Woa where am I?
[[Enter the clearing.->3]]Oh that's a... that's a bone... That's <b><i>my</i></b> bone...
[[But who is me?->]]
I wonder what bone feels like.
[[Touch the bone.->Start]]Wait. How the HELL did I end up at the Garden of Eden again?
And [[why am I getting so hot?->3.1]]"Big dummy. What have you been up to?"
(link-reveal:"\"I was just--\"")
"Doesn't matter anymore. While I was peeing I spoke to two faeries--"
"Yes-- faeries. Keep up. They told me the cave troll is coming in two minutes and we gotta book it."
<i>You think about this and her eflish ears for a (link-reveal:"moment.")
</i>"Holy shit you're right. The cave troll is [[coming down the railroad tracks!->4.1]]"]
You know, the flower doesn't taste too good. That actually tasted AWFUL. Oh gosh its leaving a weird tingling in my mouth.
I think I'll take some just in case, for later, of course.
[[Stumble down the hill in excitement from her return.->4]]
(set: $nibbledFlower to true)Yeah, I think I'll just pick the flower. Save it for later in case I get hungry.
[[Stumble down the hill in excitement from her return.->4]]<h1>A <i>Trip</i> In the Woods</h1>
<h3>WARNING: Content Includes</h3>
<ul><li>References to a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance. For more information, visit <a href="https://www.dea.gov/controlled-substances-act" target="_blank">DEA.gov</a></li><li>Brief nudity.</li><li>Mild, adequate use of profanity.</li></ul>
(link-reveal:"Enter the Pogonip") [
Wait, no the (link-reveal:"Garden of Eden.") [
[[You're already losing it bud.->1.0]]
]]Alright listen, there's two possibilities:
One. Shrooms paralyzes you.
Two. My legs not moving might have something to do with the bones sticking out of them.
Either way, the darkness closing in seems very comfy and I think [[I'll take a nap in the void.->Start]] This is a very serious issue. If I'm part dog, then that means one of my parents is part dog.
But which one? Sure, my Dad ate dog food that one time... But my Mom definitely applies a little-too-liberal amount of peanut butter to her toast.
[[Contemplate deeply.->]]
(set: $sanity to $sanity - 4)<i>The thought of being part dog takes so much mental energy that you actually sober up for a brief moment, stand up, and walk back up the hill.</i>
[[You'll have to revisit this thought later.->]] Your parents have some explaining."Hey STUPID"
"What they hell were you doin' down the hill?"
[[Run to Grace.->2.3]]As you contemplate the existence of self, a black curtain begins closing on your world. You don't feel afraid. It's actually quite comfortable.
[[Nestle into the void.->Start]]"Exactly. Let's go."
[[You both bolt up the trail.->4.2]]
Gosh it's like a dang inferno in this jacket. I really don't wanna become a human hotdog.
[[Take off the jacket.->3.2]]
[[Jump into the water.->3.3]]Ah much better. I think the rest (link-reveal:"needs to come off though.")
Shirt. Too restrictive.
Oh man oh man. I feel like... like a psychadelic Tarzan!!!
[[I think I'll put my shoes back on though...->3.2.1]]
]Ah so refreshing. I could.. I could just...
[[Close your eyes.->3.3.1]]The colors. The <span id="colorbtn" style="cursor:pointer;color:#DA70D6;" onClick="goColor()">patterns</span> inside my head.
(link-reveal:"Wow, wow.")
The canvassed network of all organisms connected to eachother, like a multidimensional colorful web of nature. I could look at this forever.
It's so beautiful... (link-reveal:"But so cold.")
So, so, cold. (link-reveal:"Where did my arms and legs go?")
[[Drift away into the void.->Start]]
function goColor() {
$("tw-story").css("transition", "all 4s ease");
$("tw-story").css("background-image", "linear-gradient(to bottom right, #D8BFD8, #EE82EE, #DA70D6, #9370DB, #9932CC)");
$("tw-link").css("transition", "all 3s ease");
$("tw-link").css("color", "white");
$("#colorbtn").css("color", "white");
</script>My true form! And look! Nature is gathering around me. Butterflies, <b>EVERYWHERE.</b> Everything is so <span id="greenbtn" style="color:green;cursor:pointer;" onClick="goGreen()">green.</span> It's beautiful.
(if: $sanity < -3)[
<i>You've lost it... There is only one thing left to do.</i>
(link-reveal:"One thing...")[
[[Run off into the woods... Nude, bare, your essential form. This is as nature intended. Limits? There are none. You are eternal!!!->Start]]
<i>The universe is so vast. From the largest galaxies to the smallest microbes, each respective element is itself an infinite expanse to be explored.</i>
[[Ponder this. Nude. There are people around, you don't care. This is as nature intended, now meditate on it.->Start]]
function goGreen() {
$("tw-story").css("transition", "all 4s ease");
$("tw-story").css("background-color", "forestgreen");
$("tw-story").css("background-image", "linear-gradient(to bottom right, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)");
$("tw-link").css("transition", "all 3s ease");
$("tw-link").css("color", "#DA70D6");
$("#greenbtn").css("color", "white");
</script>Lo and behold, before us, atop the trail, lay a fiery moat of lava.
Great monstrous beasts of iron speeding down, devouring any poor souls who crossed their path.
"Grace, we can't make it across the lava."
"Crap. You're right."
"We need sticks."
"That's exactly what I was thinking. Bridge over it with sticks."
[[Go gather sticks.->4.3]]
"Wait... What if we just [[jump it?->4.4]]"Alright alright, gathering sticks sticks sticks...
Little stick there, big stick here, OH big STICK! What a BEAUT of a stick!
(if: $sanity < -3)
[[Take the stick as your staff. You are now the king of the sticks.->4.3.2]]
[[Grab the big stick.->4.3.1]]
]"You think we can do it?"
"I know it."
"Hold on, I need to catch my breath. The air is getting heavier."
"Yeah I feel that too."
[[Concentrate on breathing. You feel your heart racing.->4.4.1]]Oh... (link-reveal:"What is happening?")
Everything is getting heavier. <span style="color:#EE82EE;cursor:pointer" onClick="goBright()" id="brightbtn">Brighter</span> and colorful.
"I need to (link-reveal:"sit down.\"")
"Yeah, me too. Is everything getting bright for you?"
<i>You and Grace sit there, on the side of the road. At some point you begin holding hands, just looking around at everything...
(if: $nibbledSlug is true and $nibbledFlower is true)[
<i>Suddenly, almost violently, you feel the combination of the banana slug and flower in your stomach erupt. And you [[barf all over Grace.->Start]]</i>
](else-if: $nibbledSlug is true)
<i>Suddenly, almost violently, you feel the combination of the banana slug in your stomach erupt. And you [[barf all over the ground.->Start]]</i>
](else-if: $nibbledFlower is true)
<i>Suddenly, almost violently, you feel the combination of the banana slug and flower in your stomach erupt. And you [[barf all over yourself.->Start]]</i>
function goBright() {
$("tw-story").css("transition", "all 4s ease");
$("tw-story").css("background-image", "linear-gradient(to bottom right, #D8BFD8, #EE82EE, #DA70D6, #9370DB, white, #9932CC, white)");
$("tw-link").css("transition", "all 3s ease");
$("#brightbtn").css("color", "white");
</script>Wow this stick must weigh a lot cause I'm... I'm having a hard time breathing.
"Hold on I need to rest a second."
"Yeah me too. The air is getting heavier."
[[Sit down next to Grace. Concentrate on your breathing...->4.4.1]]Oh man it's getting toasty... Really, really hot.
Good thing the King of Sticks has no need for clothes.
(link-reveal:"Take off your clothes.")
The King of Sticks is bound by nothing.
[[Bolt across the moat of lava.->4.3.3]]
]Ah crap... This sprinting across lava is really taking it out of me.
I'm running out of.
[[The King of Sticks lays on the ground.->4.3.4]]The king of sticks needs to rest...
<span style="color:#EE82EE;cursor:pointer" onClick="closeEyes()" id="eyesbtn">Close your eyes.</span>
The void [[isn't so bad.->Start]]
function closeEyes() {
$("tw-story").css("transition", "all 4s ease");
$("tw-story").css("background-image", "linear-gradient(to bottom right, #D8BFD8, #EE82EE, #DA70D6, #9370DB, white, #9932CC, white)");
$("tw-link").css("transition", "all 3s ease");
$("#eyesbtn").css("color", "white");