(t8n: "pulse")+(align: "=><==")[''1st Alarm'']
The 1st of 3 alarms goes off and wakes you from a dead sleep.
Do you wake up or do you hit the snooze button?
[[wake up?]] or [[snooze button?]]
why wake up at all? [[todays schedule]](t8n: "pulse")+(align: "=><==")[''2nd Alarm'']
You close you eyes for what seems like a secound and now the 2nd of 3 alarms goes off.
Do you wake up now or do you hit the snooze button and sleep longer?
[[wake up now?]] or hit the [[snooze button->sleep longer?]]You're up now and ready to go but you don't have a lot of time to get to class, so you grab a piece of fruit and run off. As you're walking out of porter, you decide on whether to try and make the bus or walk.
[[run to bus stop?]] or [[rush to class?]](t8n: "pulse")+(align: "=><==")[''3rd Alarm'']
The 3rd and final alarm goes off.
Do you get out of bed or do you turn off the alarm and close your eyes a little while longer?
[[get out of bed?]] or [[turn off the alarm]]You get out of bed, get ready and realize you have still have 30 minutes before class starts.
Would you like to go to [[grab some breakfest]] before getting to class?
Or would you rather [[take some fruit]] and get there early?You get up and get ready as fast as you can, you run out of yor room to try to rush over to get class, as you're walking, you realize you forget to grab something for breakfest and wonder if you should just get something on break or go back and grab a snack.
[[go back for a snack]] or [[grab something during break]]You finally wake up feeling rested but it is now 12pm and you slept through most of the class and you know that even if you get ready and rush over there you won't even make it for the last couple minutes of class.
You tell yourself you will wake up earlier next time but realize you've said that to yourself all quarter, and now, being halfway through the quarter, you've officially fallen behind.
(t8n: "pulse")+(align: "=><==")[''The End'']
(align: "=><==")[[try to make it to next class?->1st Alarm]]You get to the dinning hal, have a decent breakfest and now decide whether you should take the bus or walk all the way to science hiil from RCC.
[[take the bus]] or [[walk all the way]]You're off to an early start and must decide if you want to take the bus or walk to calss.
[[catch the bus]] or [[walk up]]Whether or not you had sufficient sleep last night, you have a 9am class that's all the way accross campus to go to, that ends and 12:30pm. Your alarms are set to go off as follows, 8:00am, 8:15am, and 8:30am.
[[back to start->1st Alarm]]you take the bus to class and get there nice and early, you walk in to see your favorite seat up in the front and decide to go sit down and wait for class to start.
Suddenly you see yourself sitting in a plane and a flight attendant is saying something in the middle of the commotion but you can't make it out.
you're at a lost for words but think that you should get to the flight attendant to find out what's going on but at the same time you want to check out the window to see why the plane is shaking so much.
[[talk to flight attendant]] or [[look outside window?]]You manage a nice walk to class and get there with a couple minutes to spare, to your surprise you even find your favorite seat, so you proceed to sit down and start your day. Where you teacher decribes Isaac Newtons Law of gravity and demonstrates it with falling objects.
(t8n: "pulse")+(align: "=><==")[''The End'']
(align: "=><==")[[Restart Game?->1st Alarm]]you take the bus to class and get there nice and early, you walk in to see your favorite seat up in the front and decide to go sit down and wait for class to start.
(t8n: "pulse")+(align: "=><==")[''The End'']
(align: "=><==")[[Restart Game?->1st Alarm]]You manage a nice walk to class and get there with a couple minutes to spare, to your surprise you even find your favorite seat, so you proceed to sit down and start your day. Where you teacher decribes Isaac Newtons Law of gravity and demonstrates it with falling objects before a quiz.
(t8n: "pulse")+(align: "=><==")[''The End'']
(align: "=><==")[[Restart Game?->1st Alarm]]You are at the bus stop but not sure if you missed it or if it will come soon. Do you continue to wait for it or do you walk to class?
[[wait for bus]] or [[rush to class?]]You making it to class with a minute to spare and even though your drenched in sweat from the hike, you're glad you made it on time. you look around and realize that most of the good seating is taken, do you walk toward the front in hopes of finding a decent seat or call it a day and sit in the back?
[[search for a seat?]] or [[sit in the back?]]After waiting for a while a bus finally shows up, unfortunatley the bus gets to science hill 10 minutes after class started and to make things worse, you trip and fall as you're getting off the bus
You're late and bruised from your fall, do you just proceed to class or cut your losses and go back home to nurse your wounds.
[[proceed to class]] or [[go back home->1st Alarm]]It's a tight spot, but you find a good a seat so you make your way past a couple students, as you go to sit down the apple that you've been holding on to falls down and under the seat in front of you. You decide to reach for it and put it away so you can focus on cooling off and paying attention to the teacher.
(t8n: "pulse")+(align: "=><==")[''The End'']
(align: "=><==")[[Restart Game?->1st Alarm]]You decide to play it safe, especially since you are sweating, and sit in the back where you can feel a draft from the open door. You proceed to enjoy the lecture while you enjoy your apple that you brought with you to keep you energized.
(t8n: "pulse")+(align: "=><==")[''The End'']
(align: "=><==")[[Restart Game?->1st Alarm]]You call out to the flight attendant and and as they approach you suddenly realize you're wearing a parachute and are being led out of the plane.
Look down and see yourself falling and with all your might you let out a scream which wakes you up from your sleep.
You realize that you've been having an almost perfect morning dream and your alarm is set to go off at any minute.
(t8n: "pulse")+(align: "=><==")[''The End'']
(align: "=><==")[[Restart Game?->1st Alarm]]You look out the window to see a gremlin on the wing and he is laughing while bitting on the wing.
You feel the plane take a dive and and you feel a jolt throughout your entire body which wakes you from your sleep.
You realize that you've been having an almost perfect morning dream and your alarm is set to go off at any minute.
(t8n: "pulse")+(align: "=><==")[''The End'']
(align: "=><==")[[Restart Game?->1st Alarm]]You get to class and find it crowded, so you quietly sit in the back to catch your teacher stating that there is about to be a quiz on the previous classes discussion, something you just had a first hand experiance with Isaac Newtons Law of gravity.
(t8n: "pulse")+(align: "=><==")[''The End'']
(align: "=><==")[[Restart Game?->1st Alarm]]You grab a snack which only delays you a couple of extra minutes and now your off to class. Although you know you might be late, you wonder if you should just walk to class or run, but can't remember if it matters if your late or not for class.
[[walk to class]] or [[run to class]]You walk over to class to find that the techer is doing a quick review before starting a quiz so you quietly sit in the back to await instructions for the quiz.
(t8n: "pulse")+(align: "=><==")[''The End'']
(align: "=><==")[[Restart Game?->1st Alarm]]you show up late to class and realize that the class is in the middle of a quiz and now you're falling behind on time.
(t8n: "pulse")+(align: "=><==")[''The End'']
(align: "=><==")[[Restart Game?->1st Alarm]]You making it to class just as the class is starting and even though your drenched in sweat from the run, you're glad you made it on time. you look around and realize that the teacher is going to do a quick review before starting a quiz so you grab a seat in the back and eat your snack before you start feeling like falling back asleep from your run.
(t8n: "pulse")+(align: "=><==")[''The End'']
(align: "=><==")[[Restart Game?->1st Alarm]]