It's 1 am, but here I am, cramming for this stupid AP Calculus exam.
(set:$momR to false)
(set:$mom to false)
(set:$distraction to false)
(set:$off =false)
(set:$alarm to false)I think my APush homework is due tomorrow too...
But I can't even care about that at this point.
I have seven classes and three APs this semester, and my lack of sleep is catching onto me.
[[I need to go back to studying]]*Sigh*
I know, I know. I need to focus. The exam is a considerable portion of my grade. Let see, do I use the disk or the washer method to find the volume of this? Come to think of it, why does any of this even matter. I probably won't be rotating imaginary shapes once I'm out of school. Why aren't they teaching us more important life stuff, like [[taxes->Try to focus again]] or [[meal prep]] or something.
(set: $f to (text-style: "fade-in-out"))I wonder if they have easy calculators for your taxes?
Let's $f[[Google->Taxes]] it and check it out!
(text-style:"subscript")[[DON'T GET DISTRACTED!!!->I need to focus]]But there's so many ideas running through my mind right now.
I can Google about $f[[taxes->Taxes]], $f[[college->college]], or $f[[meal prep->mp2]]. All these will prepare me for life after high school.
(text-style:"subscript")[[DON'T GET DISTRACTED!!!->Don't get distracted]]
(set: $b to (text-style: "blink"))(set: $counter to 5)
Find Study:
$f[[Twitter->lost]] | $f[[Facebook->lost]] | $f[[Steam->lost]] | $f[[Youtube->lost]] | $f[[Discord->lost]] | $f[[Overwatch->lost]] | $f[[League of Legends->lost]] | $f[[Minecraft->lost]] | (if:$mom is true)+$f[[Study->You got an A]](if:$distraction is false)+(if:$mom is false)+$f[[Study->You got a B]](if:$distraction is true)+$f[[Study->You got a C]] | $f[[Instagram->lost]] | $f[[Shower->lost]] | $f[[Pinterest->lost]] | $f[[80 days->lost]] | $f[[Uplay->lost]] | $f[[Twitter->lost]] | $f[[Facebook->lost]] | $f[[Steam->lost]] | $f[[Youtube->lost]] | $f[[Discord->lost]] | $f[[Overwatch->lost]] | (if:$mom is true)+$f[[Study->You got an A]](if:$distraction is false)+(if:$mom is false)+$f[[Study->You got a B]](if:$distraction is true)+$f[[Study->You got a C]] | $f[[Instagram->lost]] | $f[[Shower->lost]] | $f[[Pinterest->lost]] | $f[[80 days->lost]] | $f[[Uplay->lost]] | $f[[League of Legends->lost]] | $f[[Minecraft->lost]] | $f[[Twitter->lost]] | $f[[Facebook->lost]] | $f[[Steam->lost]] | $f[[Youtube->lost]] | $f[[Discord->lost]] | $f[[Overwatch->lost]] | $f[[League of Legends->lost]] | $f[[Minecraft->lost]] | (if:$mom is true)+$f[[Study->You got an A]](if:$distraction is false)+(if:$mom is false)+$f[[Study->You got a B]](if:$distraction is true)+$f[[Study->You got a C]] | $f[[Instagram->lost]] | $f[[Shower->lost]] | $f[[Pinterest->lost]] | $f[[80 days->lost]] | $f[[Uplay->lost]] | $f[[Twitter->lost]] | $f[[Facebook->lost]] | $f[[Steam->lost]] | $f[[Youtube->lost]] | $f[[Discord->lost]] | $f[[Overwatch->lost]] | (if:$mom is true)+$f[[Study->You got an A]](if:$distraction is false)+(if:$mom is false)+$f[[Study->You got a B]](if:$distraction is true)+$f[[Study->You got a C]] | $f[[Instagram->lost]] | $f[[Shower->lost]] | $f[[Pinterest->lost]] | $f[[80 days->lost]] | $f[[Uplay->lost]] | $f[[League of Legends->lost]] | $f[[Minecraft->lost]]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1) (if:$counter is 0)+(if:visits<3)[(go-to:"lost")](else-if:$counter is 0 and visits>=3)[(go-to:"Let see the time")] (replace: ?amount)[$counter] ]
Ugh, this is obviously not working; I cannot focus at all. At least I had the will to fight back all the temptations. I should probably give my mind a little break.
[[next->I need a break]]
(set:$counting =0)Hmm, I have some options...
I can [[browse the internet->Browse the internet]] and take my mind off of studying. I can get some [[coffee]], so I can wake myself up a bit. Or maybe, I can go out for some [[fresh air->Go out for some fresh air]], all this studying is suffocating me.
[[I'm sick of all of this, I want to go to bed->bed]]
(set:$counting=$counting+1)Hmm, I know I'm probably going to get distracted once I get on the internet.
[[Set an alarm]]
(if:$alarm is false)[[Keep browsing->Let see the time]]
*You tried to sneak out of your room quietly to make some coffee. You managed to get into the kitchen without waking anyone.*
Ugh, it's really dark here. I can barely see.
[[turn on the light]]
(if:$off is false)[[[don't turn on the light]]](else:)+(text-color:#74828f)[<s>don't turn on the light</s>]
(set: $coffee = true)Ahh, nothing feels better than a breath of fresh air.
[[next->walk2]]To be honest, I'm not caught up with this material for this exam... The teacher had a voice that would speak any bird to sleep, and I can barely concentrate in class without dozing off.
[[Can I really afford to sleep? ->I need a break]]
[[Go to sleep anyways]]Oww, that's bright. Well, my eyes will adjust soon enough. There's too much frustrations for today and I don't have the will to nagivate through the dark.
[[next->mhmm]]As tired as I am, I shouldn't turn on the lights. My parent's room are kind of close to the kitchen, I don't want cause more extra distractions than I already am.
[[next ->see mom]]
(set:$off =true)**Crash, a cup drops to the floor**
Oh no! That was so loud...
I probably should have just turned on the lights.
**Click, door opens**
"Hey sweetie, what's going on?", your mother asks.
"Oh, I'm sorry mom! I didn't mean to wake you. I was just trying to find my cup to make some coffee."
"This late?"
"Yeah... I have an exam coming up and I'm trying to stay up, and study for it. "
*You see your mother's worrying face*
"I'll be okay mom, don't worry. I'll just make this coffee and go back."
"Okay sweetie. Just make sure to get your rest too."
[[Go back to your room->I need a break]]
(set:$momR to true)**You overslept and missed your exam**
*You woke up at 1 pm, which is way past your exam time.
But hey, at least you got some shut-eye. You got nothing to lose except for your grades.*
(link:"You have a chance to restart. Would you take it?")[(reload:)]I still have [[3 more chapters]] I need to study.
Honestly, I haven't been caught up with the materials this whole semester...
I'm just so tired and restless all the time now.
I wished things were easier like back then.
What's the point of all of this anyways?
After I get my dipolma I will need to put up with more school to get my bachelors.
Maybe a bachelors wouldn't even be enough in today's society anymore. I probably need a [[Masters or a PHD]].
I don't even know [[what I want to do anymore]].
I'm probably going to get a stupid finance degree and be stuck with a miserable job the rest of my life.
(if:visits >3)+(if:$momR is false)[[give up]]
(if:visits>2)+(if:$momR is true)[[You hear a click on your door]]I wonder what kind of recipes they have?
Let's $f[[Google->mp2]] it and check it out!
(text-style:"subscript")[[Don't get distracted!->I need to focus]]Wow! These look delicous!!!
<style> img{
These Youtube videos looks interesting too. There's the [[5 healthy meal prep recipe->this]], [[$3 bento meal prep->that]] and the [[6 vegan lunch meal prep->vegan]].
(if:visits >3)[[Let see the time]]
(set:$distraction to true)I won't be able to finish my studying anyways...
It won't make a difference even if I did go to school.
My grades are pretty bad already and I can barely keep up with the class.
I don't even have friends at school.
I don't even want to see anyone there.
What's the point of trying?
My family will be fine, they have my brother.
I should just sleep and hope I never wake up.
[[next->Go to sleep anyways]]Okay, let's try studying again. I got a small break already, maybe it'll be easier to focus now. I just need to make sure I don't fall for anymore distractions and wandering thoughts.
[[next->keep going]]
God, which chapter should I study first?
I honestly don't remember anything from class, so I'm basically going to do my learning now. I don't think I will have time to do all 3 chapters either. I wasted too much time earlier.
(set:$count =0)
(set: $counter to 15)I don't even know what I want to do in life.
I have a few interests here and there, but I never feel good enough to pursue them.
My parents are saying maybe I should be a doctor, or a lawyer. They make the most money...
[[Ugh->3am dread]]
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[What else is there->mp2]]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[What else is there->mp2]]Oh my god. I wasted 2 hours doing this instead of studying. I barely know anything for this exam, I'm not prepared at all.
[[next->3am dread]]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[What else is there->mp2]]Hmm, this looks like a helpful image. I should save this somewhere.
(set:$distraction to true)
<style> img{
These Youtube videos seem helpful. There's the [[How to do taxes for the first time]] and [[Taxes 101]].
(if:visits >2)[[What time is it?->Let see the time]]Hmm, he seem to explain the tax calculator question I had earlier...
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[What else is there->Taxes]]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[What else is there->Taxes]]Should I just do the first chapter?
No, that would just probably be like 2 questions on the exam.
Maybe the third chapter?
Maybe I can just skim over all of them.
**Frick, time is passing every second I spent thinking about this.**
[[Don't panic, keep breathing!->loop]]
(if: $count > 4)[[Deep Breath!->breath]]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "give up")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
(set:$count = $count+1)Okay, okay.
I managed to calmed myself down.
[[What was I doing again->3am dread]]
(if: visits >=2) [[Maybe I should go take a walk->Walk]]I think that's a good idea. Then, I can browse while staying on track with my time.
(set:$alarm to true)*You spent the next 20 minutes browsing memes and watching tic toc videos on youtube.*
***Ring ring ring***
(if:$counting<3)[Ah, it's time already? It felt kind of short...](else:)[[Oh no! I'm running out of time, I need to go back to study->study2]]
(if:$counting<3)[[[Take another break->I need a break]]]*Phew*
I'm glad I didn't wake anyone.
Nothing is better than a cup of coffee.
[[Let's go back->I need a break]]Ugh, just thinking of about 6 more years of school makes me puke. The amount of debt I'll be in would be insane. I'll probably spend another 10 more years after my PHD trying to pay off my school debt.
[[What was I doing again->3am dread]]
(if: visits >3)[[Maybe I should just give up->give up]]*You went out and took a walk*
I think I feel better now...
A walk and a breath of fresh air is what I probably needed.
I was panicking too much earlier...
I'm a bit out of time, but I can probably look at some of the chapter summary and get some idea of the materials.
I should get at least a passing grade.
[[Let's try studying again->keep going]]**You managed to pull an all-nighter studying, but couldn't finish your APush homework**
*You skimmed through some materials in the three chapters. Unfortunately, since you wasted too much time getting off track, there wasn't nearly enough time to learn all of them.
You're late with your APush assignment, and you're suffering from a crippling lack of sleep.
But hey, a decent grade comes with a price, even if it means shortening your life right?*
(link:"There's a total of 4 endings, would you like to try again?")[(reload:)]**You pulled an all-nighter and finished all your work**
*You manage to get through all the distractions in a structured and planned manner. You even got enough time to get through all the materials as well as finishing the Apush homework. You told yourself you would never pull an all-nighter like this again, but deep down, you know you will.*
(link:"There's a total of 4 endings, would you like to try again?")[(reload:)]Hmm, these campuses looks nice.
(set:$distraction to true)
<style> img {
Here are some interesting Youtube college tours: [[Rice University]], [[UCSC]], [[Standford]]
(if:visits >3)[[What time is it?->Let see the time]]**You survived the cramming and had some left over mental energy!**
*Thanks to your mom's support, you got more motivation to study. She also got your dad to drive you to school this morning, so you even managed to get a little shut-eye in the car. Luckily, you were also able to finish your APush homework since you completed your exam early. You told yourself you want to do better to make sure you never get yourself in a situation like this again.*
(link:"There's a total of 4 endings, would you like to try again?")[(reload:)]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[What else is there->college]]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[What else is there->college]]<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
[[What else is there->college]]The starting part is usually the hardest. I just need to make sure I keep myself from being distracted for the next few minutes, then I'll have the momentum push through.
[[next->almost there]]
(set: $f to (text-style: "fade-in-out"))(set: $counter to 10)
$f[[I should go out for a walk again->lost]]
$f[[Maybe I should get another cup of coffee->lost]]
$f[[The washer method reminds me of the laundry I need to do->lost]]
$f[[I need to focus on my studies->almost theree]]
$f[[I should go out for a walk again->lost]]
$f[[The washer method reminds me of the laundry I need to do->lost]]
$f[[Maybe I should get another cup of coffee->lost]]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1) (if:$counter is 0)+(if:visits<3)[(go-to:"lost")](else-if:$counter is 0 and visits>=3)[(go-to:"Let see the time")] (replace: ?amount)[$counter] ]
Oh frick! I almost did it, but I got sidetracked again!
(if:visits <3)[[[Let's try again->keep going]]](else:)[[What time is it?->Let see the time]]Almost there!
(set: $counter to 5)
$f[[I should go out for a walk again->lost]]
$f[[Maybe I should get another cup of coffee->lost]]
$f[[The washer method reminds me of the laundry I need to do->lost]]
$f[[I should go out for a walk again->lost]]
$f[[The washer method reminds me of the laundry I need to do->lost]]
$f[[I need to focus on my studies->focus]]
$f[[Maybe I should get another cup of coffee->lost]]
$f[[I should go out for a walk again->lost]]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1) (if:$counter is 0)+(if:visits<3)[(go-to:"lost")](else-if:$counter is 0 and visits>=3)[(go-to:"Let see the time")] (replace: ?amount)[$counter] ]
*You opened the door. There, you see some cookies and a cup of coffee on a tray, right next to your door. There also seems to be a note.*
<style> img{
[[Read the note]]*Good luck with the studying sweetie. I made your favorite cookies and an extra cup of coffee in case you need it.
Love, Mom.
P.S: I told dad and he agreed to drive you to school tomorrow, so you don't have to take the public transportation.*
[[eat the cookies]]*Crunch*
The cookies are still slightly warm from the oven.
I guess mom must had baked it after seeing me in the kitchen earlier. It's beyond delicious I can't even describe it.
It's just so warm...
(set:$mom to true)I was so down earlier, but after eating mom's cookies I feel ready to get up again. Moms really are amazing aren't they?
I think our teacher told us a few days ago the more specific topics in the exam. I need to find where I wrote those notes. Why didn't I think of this earlier? I must had been so wrapped up in my thoughts I forgot about it.
[[Let's try studying again->keep going]]Honestly, how did I ever let myself get to this point?
I promised myself last time I wouldn't cram, but here I am again.
I think I'm just so tired all the time, I barely have time for myself. After one assignment is due, there's more coming up.
I can barely keep up...
[[next->walk3]]Most children seem to be naturally curious, but once they get to school, they stop wanting to learn as much.
I remember I used to be such an enthusiastic child too.
I had so many questions about the world, so much so, it started annoying all the adults around me.
I wonder what happened to that young me.
[[Let's go back now->I need a break]]Double-click this passage to edit it.