You'd love a day off at work!
Make your boss think you love working to win. Remember, everything has a consequence, and it's not always bad.
[[Good morning.]]
[[You drift asleep for a few minutes more, but soon it should be time to get up for work.]]
7:01 AM[[You bounce out of bed to get ready early.]]
7:01 AM[[The alarm goes off.]]
7:00 AM
<audio src="" autoplay>
You think about [[getting up quickly]] or [[resting for a minute longer.]]
7:00 AM[[You drift asleep for a few minutes more, but soon it will be time to get up for work.]]
7:10 AMYou slowly get out of bed, [[no time for breakfeast.]]
7:30 AMYou want to [[take a shower]], [[get dressed]], and [[eat breakfeast.]]
7:01 AMHeading to work in your car [[steadily]]. There are only [[15 minutes]] until you are supposed to be there...
7:45 AMYou pull into the parking lot and [[head inside]]
8:00 AMWorrying about the time, [[you speed up]] to get there quicker.
7:46 AMYou [[enter the building]] to your office past the [[vending machine]] outside.
8:02 AM
You arrive to work on time and [[enter the building.]]
7:52 AMYou walk into your office, through the hallway by [[the office kitchen]] to [[your desk.]]
7:59 AM[[You get into the shower and try to be quick]]
7:04 AMAs you're putting [[on your pants]] you [[get a phone call.]]
7:04 AMShould have plenty of [[time to get ready]]
7:17 AMAll ready to start [[driving to work.]]
7:35 AMYou arrive to work on time and [[enter the building.]]
7:52 AMAs you're [[eating breakfeast]] you [[get a phone call.]]
7:04 AMYou finished getting dressed and go pick up the phone. It is your [[boss speaking.]]
7:06 AMYou pick up the phone and [[it is your boss.]]
7:04 AM[["Hello, was worried you were not going to pick up."]][["Hello"]][[Can you work an extra two hours today? Justin is going to be late. Thank you.]]You finish up eating instead of picking up and get ready. Now you're all ready to start [[driving to work.]]
7:35 AM[["I need you to work an extra two hours today. Justin is going to be late. Thanks"]]You [[drive to work]] as usual after getting ready.
7:35 AMYou [[head to work]] as usual after getting ready.
7:35 AMYou enter the building, and walk down the hall way with the [[kitchen]] and your [[office]].
8:00 AMYou walk into the building, and down the hall way with [[the kitchen]] and [[your office]].
7:59 AMThere's some [[fresh coffee]] and a [[cookie]]
8:01 AMAnother day [[at work.]]
8:00 AMYou [[hear a knock]] on your door as you [[sit quietly.]]
8:01 AM"Hey there, I'm glad you got my early call, seems you love working here"
[[No]]You sit quietly and [[the knocking continues.]]
8:01 AM(text-color: "green")["Good, I'll see what I can do about giving you a day off for working late."
The End
-Your boss is extremely convinced that you love working here! Try again to reach a different ending-](text-color: "green")["Nice joke, I'll see you at lunch."
The End
-Your boss is convinced that you love working here! Try again to reach a different ending-]There's some [[fresh coffee]] and a [[cookie]]
8:01 AMAnother day [[at the job.]]
8:00 AMYou [[hear a sudden knock]] on your door as you [[sit.]]
8:01 AM(text-color: "orange")["Thanks for taking those extra hours. You'll be here a while, don't fall asleep like last week."
The End
-You must have done something slightly wrong, as your boss is only somewhat convinced that you love working here, but not quite. Try again to reach a different ending-]
<audio src="" autoplay>
You sit quietly and [[the knocking continues.]]
8:02 AM(text-color: "red")["Hey buddy why didn't you open up? You falling asleep? Try getting more sleep."
The End
-Don't ignore your boss! He is not convinced that you love working here, but not upset. Try again to reach a different ending- ]
<audio src="" autoplay>
"Hey! What are you doing in here, you should be working" - Your boss
[[Say "nothing" & apologize]]
[[Think of something]](text-color: "red")["Hey! What are you doing in here eating my cookie? And you look sleepy. Get a hold of yourself" - Your boss
The End
-Don't steal his food! Your boss is skeptical that you love working here. Try again to reach a different ending-]
<audio src="" autoplay>
(text-color: "red")["Get back to your desk."
The End
-Your boss is not convinced that you love working here. You must've accidently done something subtle or been late! Try again to reach a different ending-]
<audio src="" autoplay>
(text-color: "green")[You hand your boss a cup of fresh coffee and head to your office.
The End
-Your boss is convinced that you love working here! Try again to reach a different ending-]You [[hear a loud knock]] on your door.
8:01 AM(text-color: "red")["Hey there, you missed my call this morning. You gotta work with me bud if you want me to try to work with you." - Your boss
The End
-You must've missed something or you were unable to convince him! Your boss is not convinced that you love working here. Try again to reach a different ending-]
<audio src="" autoplay>
"Hey I was just on my way to your desk, what are you doing late?" - Your boss
[[I woke up late]]
[[I was in traffic]](text-color: "red")["You look well rested at least. But you still missed my call this morning and you're late. Check your messages." - Your boss
The End
-You must've missed something or you were unable to convince him! Your boss is not convinced that you love working here, and you've lost some hours. Try again to reach a different ending-]
<audio src="" autoplay>
(text-color: "red")["Doesn't matter, you actually missed my call this morning and you're late. Check your messages." - Your boss
The End
-You must've missed something or you were unable to convince him! Your boss is definitely not convinced that you love working here, and you've lost some hours. Try again to reach a different ending-]
<audio src="" autoplay>
You see [[coffee]] sitting on the table and [[a cookie]].
7:59 AM"Hey! What are you doing in here, you should be working" - Your boss
[[Say 'nothing' & apologize]]
[[Think of something to say]](text-color: "red")["Hey that's my cookie! You missed my call and need to get to work." - Your boss
The End
-You must've missed something or you were unable to convince him! Your boss is not convinced that you love working here. Try again to reach a different ending-]
<audio src="" autoplay>
(text-color: "red")["Get back to your desk. You missed my call earlier."
The End
-You must've missed something or you were unable to convince him! Your boss is not convinced that you love working here. Try again to reach a different ending-]
<audio src="" autoplay>
(text-color: "red")["I don't care if you're making coffee, you missed my call this morning. Get to your desk."
The End
-You must've missed something or you were unable to convince him! Your boss is not convinced that you love working here. Try again to reach a different ending-]
<audio src="" autoplay>
You see a [[nice looking cookie]] and [[a candy bar.]]
8:02 AM
You walk inside and see your boss at the front door.
[[Sorry I'm late]]
[[Good morning, I got you this cookie]]
8:03 AM
You walk inside and see your boss at the front door.
[[Sorry I'm late]]
[[Good morning, I got you this candy bar]]
8:03 AM
(text-color: "orange")["You missed my call this morning too but it's okay, just get to work."
The End
-You must have done something slightly wrong, as your boss is only somewhat convinced that you love working here, but not quite. Try again to reach a different ending-]
<audio src="" autoplay>
(text-color: "red")["I already got one, but thanks, get to your desk now."
The End
-You were late and must've missed something to make him upset! Your boss is not convinced that you love working here. Try again to reach a different ending-]
<audio src="" autoplay>
(text-color: "red")["Nice try buddy, but you must've missed my call this morning, get to work."
The End
-You were late and must've missed something to make him upset! Your boss is not convinced that you love working here. Try again to reach a different ending-]
<audio src="" autoplay>