<!--Written by LIYU SUN-->
You wake up in some kind of waiting room, wearing handcuffs and prisoner clothes. Someone is sitting next to you. From the name tag pinned on the man's extremely clean suit, you realized that, instead of being your cellmate, he is your "defense attorney" Sam.
[["What's happening here? Where am I?"]]
[[Remain silent->Remain silent]]
"See you on the trial." Sam opens the door and leaves.
"The software of these tablets is so lame." There seems to be an internet glitch with the tablet held by one of the police officers, "Forget about it. Time to go." They put away the tablet and guide you to the courtroom.
However, after opening the door of the waiting room, it is not the courtroom you imagine: instead, it’s a small room with some kind of beam-me-up teleporting platform in the middle.
"Based on your charges, you’re about to enter the most difficult battle court of deathmatch with the other 9 juries." You look around and realize that the source of the sound is coming from a mini statue-of-liberty on the top of the teleporting machine, "Will you commit your charges now and skip the trial process or fight for a chance of sentencing not guilty?"
[[Plead for Guilty]]
[[Fight for yourself]]
"Are you bloody serious?" Sam seems a little impatient, "You know I'm obliged to answer that even though you're just trying to joke on me, right?"
Sam continues, "You're charged with first-degree murder for the death of our nation's vice president. The prosecutors claimed that they had solid evidence pointing that it was you deliberately altered the code on the vice president's auto-driving system which caused the car accident."
[["What?! Murdering the vice president?! This is mental!"]]
[[Remain silent]]
"Mate, I know this sounds absurd." Sam stands up from the chair and starts tapping on his phone, "And that's why I chose to defend you. All these bloody things just happened too fast. Being unable to prevent the crime, the police was somehow able to gather the evidence and locate you within just three days. Moreover, the court skipped your hearing and directly proceeded to the trial. Guess who was the noob lawyer that took over your case? Me."
He carefully puts his phone back in his pocket and tidies up his suit, "It's about to begin."
[["What should I do?"]]
[[Remain silent]]
"Like I emphasized before." Sam seems rather calm, "I'll handle all of the stuff. No matter what happens during the trial, just stay where you are and all the things will be resolved."
[[Remain silent]]
]You've chosen to commit the crime to escape from the brutal trial.
Being sentenced to life imprisonment without parole, you spent more than 70 years in prison until the real murderer was found.
//(text-colour:blue)[Thank you for playing the game!]//(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:"https://www.thestadiumbusiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Vista-dallALTO_arena-neutra.jpeg"))
You walk to the teleporting device and get uncuffed by the police officer. It is at this moment, that you realized that there was a small chip flashing inside the skin near your chest.
Before having any time to figure out what it is, a strange feeling of paralysis seizes you. Everything next to you seems like being twisted into a mosaic all of sudden.
The moment after recovering your consciousness, you are dropped at the height of about 10 feet from nowhere to the ground, sitting in the center of some kind of ancient Rome arena.
Several lines of words emerged in your eyes (instead of seeing those words, you noticed that these words are like something being directly printed to your brain): “You’re now in the battle court of deathmatch. Saying ‘confess’ to exit, or stand up to face it.”
[["Confess!"->Plead for Guilty]]
[[Standing up]]
[[I'm gonna take a rest for a little bit here]]
An arrow shoots right at your head at an unbelievable speed.
An arrow flies above your head at an unbelievable speed.
You try to find out who attacked you and notice that the "juries" have entered the arena from different directions. While focusing your eyes on one of the juries, you realize that there are some lines of words popping up in your brain, telling some basic information about these juries.
The info of the first jury you saw:
"John Doe, 32 years old, Doctor of Juridical Science, suggesting that the defendant is guilty and should be sentenced to death."
(set: $menuLevel to 0)
[[Look for the next jury->second jury]]
[[Close your eyes and have a rest]]
[["Confess!"->Plead for Guilty]]
]You're teleported back to the previous room.
"That's very unfortunate. You failed to survive in the trial and most importantly, reality."
Some kind of high-pitched sound strikes your ears and the last thing you see is the chip underneath your skin shooting a laser to penetrate your heart.
//(text-colour:blue)[Thank you for playing the game!]//(enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:"https://www.thestadiumbusiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Vista-dallALTO_arena-neutra.jpeg"))
As you closed your eyes, a menu popped up to your brain, listing some info about the trial.
It is 2 against 7.
Before you can explore other options in the menu, you hear that there is another arrow coming towards you, this time you find the archer who initiate the attack: John.
[[Try to dodge it]]
[[Nah, I'm not gonna move]]
[["Confess!"->Plead for Guilty]]
The info of the second jury you saw:
"Elza Hammond, 28 years old, Doctor of Mechanic Engineering, suggesting that the defendant is guilty and should be sentenced to death."
[[Look for the last jury->first jury]]
[[Look for the next jury->third jury]]
(if:$menuLevel is 0)[[Close your eyes and have a rest]]
The info of the third jury you saw:
"Ava Pete, 42 years old, Doctor of agriculture, suggesting that the defendant is guilty and should be sentenced to death."
[[Look for the last jury->second jury]]
[[Look for the next jury->fourth jury]]
(if:$menuLevel is 0)[[Close your eyes and have a rest]]
The info of the first jury you saw:
"John Doe, 32 years old, Doctor of Juridical Science, suggesting that the defendant is guilty and should be sentenced to death."
[[Look for the next jury->second jury]]
(if:$menuLevel is 0)[[Close your eyes and have a rest]]
(if:$menuLevel is 1)[[I'm done here. Check for leads in the menu->Check for leads in the menu]]
(if:$menuLevel is 2)[[I'm done here. Exit the menu.->EXIT]]
The info of the fourth jury you saw:
"Sam Eclipse, 29 years old, Doctor of Computer Science, suggesting that the defendant is not guilty."
[[Look for the last jury->third jury]]
[[Look for the next jury->fifth jury]]
(if:$menuLevel is 0)[[Close your eyes and have a rest]]
The info of the fifth jury you saw:
"Kyle Clarkson, 42 years old, Doctor of agriculture, suggesting that the defendant is guilty and should be sentenced to death."
[[Look for the last jury->fourth jury]]
[[Look for the next jury->sixth jury]]
(if:$menuLevel is 0)[[Close your eyes and have a rest]]
The info of the sixth jury you saw:
"Stella Rousseau, 42 years old, Doctor of Computer Science, suggesting that the defendant is guilty and should be sentenced to death."
[[Look for the last jury->fifth jury]]
[[Look for the next jury->seventh jury]]
(if:$menuLevel is 0)[[Close your eyes and have a rest]]
The info of the seventh jury you saw:
"Jean Rousseau, 45 years old, Doctor of Juridical Science, suggesting that the defendant is guilty and should be sentenced to death."
[[Look for the last jury->sixth jury]]
[[Look for the next jury->eighth jury]]
(if:$menuLevel is 0)[[Close your eyes and have a rest]]
The info of the eighth jury you saw:
"Lilim Donald, 25 years old, Doctor of Psychology, suggesting that the defendant is guilty and should be sentenced to death."
[[Look for the last jury->seventh jury]]
[[Look for the next jury->ninth jury]]
(if:$menuLevel is 0)[[Close your eyes and have a rest]]
The info of the ninth jury you saw:
"Robert Parker, 22 years old, Master of Art, suggesting that the defendant is not guilty."
You recognized that your best pal at childhood, Robert, also attended this trial to prove your innocence.
[[Look for the last jury->eighth jury]]
(if:$menuLevel is 0)[[Close your eyes and have a rest]]
You successfully dodged the arrow. However, another jury emerged behind you and killed you with his sword.
The arrow somehow disappeared into the void. You look at the initiator of the attack: John the first jury seems very surprised as well. A glitch in the system? The arrow is just... gone.
In a blink of an eye, another jury emerged behind you and swayed his giant sword towards you.
Instead of being sliced into two pieces, you heard the sound of collisions between the weapons: Sam took the attack with his sword and Robert stood next to you with his shield.
"I've known you for 20 years and I'm damn sure that you don't have the gut to do this." Robert sends a private message to your eyes, "The real one in between us. You've got to find some leads in this trial by yourself and your only shot is in front of that damn statue."
(set: $menuLevel to 1)
(set: $correctEvidence to 0)
(set: $totalEvidence to 0)
[[Check the info of the juries again->first jury]]
[[Check for leads in the menu]]
[["Confess!"->Plead for Guilty]]
]You closed your eyes. After a few seconds, the menu appears again.
It seems like you have the authority to access all the evidence provided by the prosecutors now.
[[Case Brief]]
[[Crime Scene]]
[[Witness Info]]
[[EXIT]]The definition of the "crime scene" nowadays seems more and more ambiguous. As most cases were manipulated by humans but executed by bots and AIs, modern criminal science divided the "scene" into two categories:
Higher-level (i.e., reality):
The victim's vehicle went directly off the cliff into the sea. All the doors were completely locked up, combined with the forensic report, showing that the victim has died of suffocation. However, the health-monitoring chip in the victim's body recorded no sign of any struggling activities before the suffocation.
Lower-level (i.e., programming):
It seems like the suspect hard-cracked the self-driving software using a Personal Area Network. The suspect could be at a very close distance while performing the hack. Moreover, the black box in the AI control unit showed no trace of hacking at all. LAPD cyber-crime unit suggested that the case might be related to a world-striking cyber virus called "colourless".
(text-colour:red)[''Attention: These leads (i.e. clues) will determine whether you can find the real murderer! You can save as many leads as you want, however, saving too many leads might cause your inference to be not very convincing. Try to save only the correct leads for the case!'']
(if:(history: where its name contains "cliff")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "cliff"->cliff]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "doors were completely locked up")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "doors were completely locked up"->doors were completely locked up]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "suffocation")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "suffocation"->suffocation]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "no sign of any struggling")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "no sign of any struggling"->no sign of any struggling]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "hard-cracked")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "hard-cracked"->hard-cracked]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "Personal Area Network")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "Personal Area Network"->Personal Area Network]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "no trace of hacking")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "no trace of hacking"->no trace of hacking]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "world-striking cyber virus called colourless")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "world-striking cyber virus called colourless"->world-striking cyber virus called colourless]]
[[Case Brief]]
[[Witness Info]]
[[EXIT]]Key Witness 1 (female, 32, office lady): "I was by the window in my office and almost got deafened by that loud noise. That sound was definitely ear-blasting. But I think I've seen the first digit of the number plate on that white car that got away. It was an "F". I've got good sights, though I was on the eighth floor."
Key Witness 2 (male, 67, physics teacher): "I was driving in the opposite lane and saw the whole thing. All these maneuvers of the car are just so weird. But I did have a glance at that white car's number plate. It was something related to astronomy."
Key Witness 3 (female, 17, student): "I was doing my course assignment for my CS course and I had a glitch with my network connection. That was why I accidentally saw the limo crashing into the sea. I think I've also seen the number plate of that white car. But it was just too fast. Oh, it should be something related to Java and C++."
(text-colour:red)[''Attention: These leads (i.e. clues) will determine whether you can find the real murderer! You can save as many leads as you want, however, saving too many leads might cause your inference to be not very convincing. Try to save only the correct leads for the case!'']
(if:(history: where its name contains "loud noise")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "loud noise"->loud noise]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "an F")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "an F"->an F]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "eighth floor")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "eighth floor"->eighth floor]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "maneuvers")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "maneuvers"->maneuvers]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "astronomy")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "astronomy"->astronomy]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "glitch with my network")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "glitch with my network"->glitch with my network]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "Java and C++")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "Java and C++"->Java and C++]]
[[Case Brief]]
[[Crime Scene]]
[[EXIT]]The victim was transported from S.F. to L.A. using an electric limousine. Considering the status of the victim, a convoy of six armor-plated vehicles was arranged. Due to some technical problems, five of them had to stop for repairing.
Although LAPD immediately arranged substitutes for the convoy, there is only a 2-minute window (when the victim was only guarded by one vehicle) for the suspect to distract the security vehicles and perform the hacking. Being able to grasp this merely 2-minute-long opportunity showed almost OCD-like fabricated planning pre-organized by a high-intelligence criminal mind.
(text-colour:red)[''Attention: These leads (i.e. clues) will determine whether you can find the real murderer! You can save as many leads as you want, however, saving too many leads might cause your inference to be not very convincing. Try to save only the correct leads for the case!'']
(if:(history: where its name contains "S.F. to L.A.")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "S.F. to L.a."->S.F. to L.A.]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "electric limousine")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "electric limousine"->electric limousine]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "technical problems")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "technical problems"->technical problems]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "substitutes for the convoy")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "substitutes for the convoy"->substitutes for the convoy]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "2-minute window")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "2-minute window"->2-minute window]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "security vehicles")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "security vehicles"->security vehicles]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "OCD-like fabricated planning")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "OCD-like fabricated planning"->OCD-like fabricated planning]]
(if:(history: where its name contains "high-intelligence")'s length is 0)[[Save lead "high-intelligence"->high-intelligence]]
[[Crime Scene]]
[[Witness Info]]
[[EXIT]]You exited the menu and surprisingly realized that your old friend Robert and your lawyer Sam had defeated all the other juries.
"I never thought this would happen, mate." Robert seems quite astonished as well, "It's like watching an ametur soccer team winning the Manchester United!"
"Come on, let's get out of this place." Sam seems calm as usually.
(set: $menuLevel to 2)
[["Wait, I'd like to confirm something about the case"->Check for leads in the menu]]
[["Wait, I'd like to confirm something about the juries"->first jury]]
[[Get out of this damn place ASAP]]
[["Confess!"->Commit the crime But...]]
[[~~Check my Progress - This is the cheat option and might spoil the fun!~~->Check my Progress - This might spoil the fun!]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:"https://www.thestadiumbusiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Vista-dallALTO_arena-neutra.jpeg"))
As you walk towards the portal for exit. You felt a sense of disorganizing and fell right before the exit.
"The fact is..." the statue replies "you're wrong."
[["never mind, I'll plead for guilty"->Plead for Guilty]]
]You've found the real murder!
//(text-colour:blue)[Thank you for playing the game!]//
[[Decryption]](set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Case Brief]](set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Case Brief]](set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Case Brief]](set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Case Brief]](set: $correctEvidence to it + 1)
(set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead. ->Case Brief]](set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Case Brief]](set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Case Brief]](set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Witness Info]](set: $correctEvidence to it + 1)
(set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Witness Info]](set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Witness Info]](set: $correctEvidence to it + 1)
(set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Witness Info]](set: $correctEvidence to it + 1)
(set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Witness Info]](set: $correctEvidence to it + 1)
(set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Witness Info]](set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Witness Info]](set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Crime Scene]](set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Crime Scene]](set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Crime Scene]](set: $correctEvidence to it + 1)
(set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Crime Scene]](set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Crime Scene]](set: $correctEvidence to it + 1)
(set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Crime Scene]](set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Crime Scene]](set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Case Brief]](set: $correctEvidence to it + 1)
(set: $totalEvidence to it + 1)
[[You have saved the lead.->Crime Scene]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:black)+(bg:"https://img.atlasobscura.com/m75r5mUEb04Uup4YVwJxyQX29JIMpD7_6dvFi2CLq4w/rt:fit/w:1200/q:81/sm:1/scp:1/ar:1/aHR0cHM6Ly9hdGxh/cy1kZXYuczMuYW1h/em9uYXdzLmNvbS91/cGxvYWRzL3BsYWNl/X2ltYWdlcy8zZTMx/YTNlNjI2YTY0OTE0/MjdfMzA4NDc1MTU5/NV82YTI4YTAwNzRl/X28uanBn.jpg"))
The little staute glows with a red glimmer and gradually starts whispering, "Processing...your...information..."
[[Continue->Wrong Suspect]]
The little staute glows with a green glimmer and gradually starts whispering, "Processing...your...information..."
(if: $totalEvidence > 11)
[[Continue->Wrong Evidence]]
(else-if: $correctEvidence < 4)
[[Continue->Wrong Evidence]]
(else: )
[[Continue->Right Suspect]]
You've chosen to commit the crime to escape from the brutal trial.
"I'd like to make an appeal." You look at the little staute and say, "I've found the real murder while in the trial."
The real murderer is...
[[John->Wrong Proceed]]
[[Elza->Wrong Proceed]]
[[Ava->Wrong Proceed]]
[[Sam->Right Proceed]]
[[Kyle->Wrong Proceed]]
[[Stella->Wrong Proceed]]
[[Jean->Wrong Proceed]]
[[Lilim->Wrong Proceed]]
[[Robert->Wrong Proceed]]
]The real murderer: Sam.
The correct clues and evidence:
Sam's extreme attention on his tidiness - OCD-like fabricated planning,
Sam's last name "Eclipse" - an F (the witness mistakened "E" as "F"),
Sam's last name "Eclipse" - astronomy,
Sam's last name "Eclipse" - Java and C++,
The internet glitch happened on the police officers' tablet - glitch with my network,
Sam's emphasis on "staying unmoved" - no sign of any struggling
The internet glitch happened on the police officers' tablet - Personal Area Network
Sam's british accent - world-striking cyber virus called colourlessYou now have $correctEvidence correct leads!
There are 8 correct leads in total!
You only need 4 correct leads to find the real murderer!
"You're right about the murderer." the statue replies "But I can't help you with the wrong leads and evidence."
[["never mind, I'll plead for guilty"->Plead for Guilty]]