>Practice is over. A pat on the back from coach Jon, followed by a loud “**I’m liking what I’m seeing in practice lately lad**”, distracts the physical and psychological exhaustion that has been overwhelming you lately.
>Reflection on the **zero playing minutes you have accumulated after two years**(1990-1992) of your proffesional career, with the second division team Blackburn FC, has driven you to **contemplate quitting** your childhood dreams so that you can finaly start stabilizing you life.
>**Coach's starting 11 for next match will be decisive for your future**
[[>Make Coach Jon aware<|Coach]] about your delima, hoping this will influence him to give you play time.
(link: ">Walk to the shower<")[(set: $visitLocker = true)(goto: "LockerRoom")] hoping your performance in last couple trainings will finally win you minutes.
Caoch-"I understand how desperate you may feel kid, but there are thousands of other players that wish for your spot. Remember that recilience only makes achievements more satisfing. And I also want you to understand that in **this team there is no space for indecisiveness. All in or all out** Kid, make up your mind"
[[All out|home]]
(set: $visitLocker = true)
>Just like usual, coming into the lockerroom you become a victim of a physcal grotesque prank, that you find zero humor in, from one of your so called teammate(Thomas).
>You stare down at the blood driping from your nose, and as you get up from the floor, the sound of laughter ampliphize to the point that it almost feels like physcial pain.
**[[>Explode in engare, swing hands<|fight]]**
(if: $fightNoOption is not true)[
Look unbother, [[>make your way your locker<|Locker]], *you know this will probably be done soon anyways*, and even it is not, you can't blow your best change you've had to play
[[>head to the club office<|office]]
(if: $broke is not true)[
(alert:"Beyond this point, things get serious. Grab a snack and buckle up.")
>You feel the adrenaline kick in and your (text-style: "rumble")[ body shakes]. You wonder how that sucker punch didn't knock him out.
{(live: 1s)[
(either: "Bang", "Kaboom!", "Whammo!", "Pow!")
>You got 20 man on you! move fast!
{(live: 4s)[ (if: time < 7s)[
(link: ">Keepfighting<")[(set: $broke = true)(goto: "fight")] or
(else-if: time > 8.5s )[
Auch! they just cracked your ankle
(set: $broke = true)
(link: ">walk... or more like hop your way to the nurse<")[(set: $broke = true)(goto: "nurce")]
>As humbly walk to your locker, your best friend approches...
Mark-“Hey look at this picture of the stadium the team is playing on next match, isn't it a bueaty”
[[<open locker>]]
[[talk to Mark]]
(set: $confrontCoach to false)
(set: $fight to false)
(set: $caught to false)
(set: $call to false)
(set: $allout to false)
(set: $rebealvariable1 to false)
(set: $rebealvariabel2 to false)
(set: $visitLocker to false)
(set: $fightNoOption to false)
(set: $askPlay to false)
(set: $askTransfer to false)
(set: $TooFar to false)
(set: $timeup to false)
(set: $lockeropen to false)
(set: $bag to false)
(set: $broke to false)
(set: $confess to false)>You walk in to your house wondering what's the best way to tell you family that your turning your back on the dream they also contributed to.
>But even before you let a word out..
Mom- "Hey son, I have good and bad knews. The treatment is gonna take longer than what the Doctor expected. But thankfully your insurace from the club has committed to conver until next year when the treament is done!"
Little Brother- "Yeah man, it seems like being a proffesional comes with it's percs other than the girl fans. I think I'm gonna start taking soccer more serious since I already have someone's steps to follow"
[[let them know about you quitting the team|rebeal]]
[[tell them about how good you doing in practice instead. Hide your decision to quit|playit]]
Mom- "Why are you quitting?!! did you not hear the message the coach left on the voicemail?
(if: $call is not true)[
(link: ">Pickup phone<")[(set: $call = true)(goto: "rebeal")]
[[>ignore<, is probaly another one of his helpless speaches. Sorry mom gotta start with a new life by finding a job| walkaway]] ]
Voicemail- "Hey lad, it's coach Jon, couldn't find you at facility so I thought I could reach you here. Just wanted to make you aware that you are in the starting 11 for tomorrow's game. You better get you family there."
[[Forward to the game|pregame]]
Mom-"Glad you are doing so well son, does that mean you are inviting us to your next game, we still haven't seen you play"
[["I wish I could but they don't give free tickets to players"|playit2]]
[[>Let her know you are quitting<|rebeal]]
>Your best... and only friend in the team, catches up to you
Mark-"Man you are above brave, I mean it was 20 of them versus your speedy Gonzales legs lmao."
"Oh you wanted me get more bit up. A almost twisted my ankle, I that is enough"
Mark-"bummer! you know I heard coach talk about giving you some time next match"
"I think I just blew that option with the fight. I think I'ma head [[home]] and tell my famlily about my desition to quit"
Mark-"No way man, just go back to the office and tell the manager what happened he'll comprahand if you tell him about all the hazing."
Mark-"OR!!**If you really despressed for minutes, you just have to [[get ride of Thomas]] who's playing on your possition**.
>As you walk into the locker room, you recive unwelcoming looks from all teammates. They must (if: $lockeropen is true)[ "know you tried to get ride of Thomas
>While you head to the side where the non-staring player change, you hear your name called by Coach Jon.
Jon-"I need a word with you kid"
"Shut!! he must know what I tried to do"
[[Talk to coach|matchCoach]]
] (else:)[ know that you will finally have your fist minutes of play. Whatta supportive team.
>Well there isn't much to do more than to warm up and prove yourself you are significant to this team.
[[Game on|Game]]
Mark-"Don't woory man I got some powerfull **laxantive**, it will lasts a couple of days so tomorrow you can have some warranty minutes in. We just have to put it into that ugly shaker he's always carring around. He won't taste it. See I used to drink it like water as a kid to skip school lol"
Mark-"Plus I don't think he even wants to play this game. You'll do him a favor"
[[>Get ride of Thomas<|cheat]] warranty a spot on the starting 11.
(if: $TooFar is not true)[
[["This doesn't sound convincing man, got a better plan?"|next]]
]Mark-"All in the shower! The shaker is halfway empty, his bag is completely open, what you waiting for!!"
(if: $lockeropen is not true)[
(link: ">Open Thoma's locker<")[(set: $lockeropen = true)(goto: "cheat")]
] (else-if: $lockeropen is true and $bag is not true)[
(text-style: "rumble")[WOW! There are two bags and both of them zipped up with a lock]
(link: ">choice the left bag to unlock <")[(set: $bag = true)(goto: "cheat")]
(link: ">choice the right bag to unlock <")[(set: $bag = true)(goto: "cheat")]
](else-if: $lockeropen is true and $bag is true)[
(text-style: "rumble")[Try a combo!]
{(live: 0.2s)[
(either: "111", "222", "666", "000", "020", "198")
{(live: 2s)[
Thomas- "**What are you doing with my shaker man? Is that laxantive? **[[ explain!!! |gets coaught]]
**"Don't downgrade your dreams to fit your reality, upgrade your conviction to match your destiny"** //John Assart//
... oh and don't forget to stay humble
>You can help be indicisive as you Looking at the hanged pictures of those who inpired and believed in you to be in this place; you’re mom, who took on a second job to keep you in the academies, your school coach that pulled all posibly strings to get you a spot at tryouts for Blackburn FC.
>As you remenized on the waste of efford it would be to quit at this point..
Mark-"You wanna ignore me man? It not my fault we got some pricks as teammates, I didn't agree with what they did to you if I would have told you it would of been the two of us on the ground. But, hey I actually got some to tell you"
"OOH so you knew and didn't warn me, dude you were last tie I had at this shady place"
[[go home dicisively|home]]
[[talk to Mark]]
Mark-"From the picture the stadium looks like the perfect place to make a day-view right? You know I heard coach talk about you with the rest of the staff"
"You know Thomas has that position on lock, scoring game after game. I can't just appear out the blue next match to take his spot.
Mark-"Well if that's the poblem, we just get ride of it"
[["what are you exacly talking about? you wanna get ride of Thomas?"|get ride of Thomas]]
[["I've already made up my mind, I'm quitting the team man"|home]]Thomas-"Wow kid, you really have gone low this time. How can I ever trust you in the field when you can't be trusted in the locker room. But I understand you are desperate to play, and //I'm also gonna take advantage of it//.
See you at the game son.
[[talk to the manager|office]],
[[Fast forward to game|pregame]], "I'm probably just gonna sit on the bench again"
//*"What did he mean by "I'm gonna take advange of it" anyways?"//>As you walk to the job ageancy, you see this old man begging. You think to yourself "he provably end up like that after following his unrealistic dreams".
>he approchaes you after noticing the team gear you are wearing.
Beggar-"Hey you play for Blackburn, I've seen you coming out of the facility before. uuuh I once dreamed to achieve my dream like you have, but I suppresed my vision, since everyone would tell me it was nothing but a fantasy, not knowing that what I was actually suppresing was the real essences of what gave me life. I end up like this because I lost motive. it was a by-product of relizing I had became nothing of what I invisioned. I end up being just a regular 8-5 guy, no fun in that"
"look, I appricate you shearing but I don't have any money. ooh but I have some game ticket you can sell"
Beggar-"No I won't sell them, I want to watch you play"
[[.. continue]]Nurse-"You got lucky kid"
"Why the injury isn't bad?"
Nurse-"no, that this is the only thing you hurt. Did you think you were Bruce Li? But, yes the injury is not horrible. Should be fine by tomorrow"
[[Walk back to locker|Mark]]
[[There is no point of making a case for yourself, you blew your chances. Go home|home]]
[[talk to manager about transger|office]]"I don't play no more man. it's pointless and a waste of my time if I'm not playing."
Beggar-"Sorry kid but I don't see how fighting to achieve your ideals is a waste of time"
"It is if people around don't recognize your effort"
Beggar-"Than look for who will recognize it"
"You right!!"
(if: $visitLocker is not true)[
(link: "I'm gonna get myself transfer")[(set: $fightNoOption = true)(goto: "LockerRoom")]
(link: "I'm gonna get myself transferr, <Talk to manager at the facility>")[(set: $fightNoOption = true)(goto: "office")]
](if: $visitLocker is true)[
Manager-"Hey nice to see you here, I heard what happened at the locker room earlier, are you okay, is there something we can do to stop this"
Manager-"Hey, nice to see you at the office, can I help you"]
(if: $askPlay is not true and $askTransfer is not true )[
(link: "yes, I want playing time")[(set: $askPlay = true)(goto: "office")]
(link: "I believe is to late to fix things here sir, I'm here to ask for a transfer")[(set: $askTransfer = true)(goto: "office")]
(if: $askPlay is true or $askTransfer is true )[
Manager- "I'm not sure if you are aware but Coach Jon has added to the starting eleven for tomorrow!! better start getting mentaly ready for the big day"
Coach-"You have the opportunity, you've been waiting for kid. Apperently Thomas couldn't show up today. Somethig about a stomach problem. Are you feeling ready for your big day?"
[["More than ready"|Game]]
//*Thats what he meant with "I'll take advantage of this", he did not ganna play today"//And the(text-style: "rumble")[ whistle blows!!].
The ball is in your feet.
This is soccer!!!! Act fast
Temmmates- "MAN ON!!!!"
{(live: .7s)[
(if: time > 8s)[
>Took to long to react, they took the ball. Now go [[chase]] the ball
(either: "[[pass]]", "[[shoot]]", "[[drible]]")
Commentators-"That kid must is surely nervous, that shot was nothing close to the frame. Chances like those do not come back"
>Time to play defence. Go [[chase]] the ball.
>Seems like that was the first and last time you are gonna get the ball this game. Your teammates aren't sharing the ball at all.
>You notice the coach grown in frustation.
(text-style: "rumble")[>Wait, an opponent with the ball is next to you ]
{(live: .3s)[
(either: "[[Body tackle]]", "[[slide tackle]]")
[[fast forward to end of game|end game]]
[[restart soccer game|Game]][[Maybe you should go back to check the voice mail|rebeal]]
(display: "lesson")Mark-"Well, there's always:
[[loosing up his car breaks|what]]
[[putting oil on his door step|what]]
[[My cousing is in a gag that can jump him|what]]
[[You know his an immigrant...|what]]
(alert:"WWOOOWW, let's slow down, let's rethiking about our choices")
(link: ">Let's rewind a little")[(set: $TooFar = true)(goto: "get ride of Thomas")]
Coach- "wow kid, you are really desperate to get some minutes. So you are the cause that he did not show up!!"
"Not technacly sir, he caught me while I tried to put the laxantive in his drink, so he never should of had any stomach pain caused by me"
Coach- "So he dicided to just skip the game with a foolish excuse. Well I appriciate your honesty, and will considerate it for further matches.
Now just think of today's game"
[[Game]]>Nice, keep shearing the ball like this, there is no better better way to creat association with your teammates than this.
> Wow you got the ball again
{(live: .7s)[
(if: time > 9s)[
>Took to long to react, they took the ball. Now go [[chase]] the ball
](else-if: time < 9s and time > 6s)[
(either: "[[Pass]]", "[[shoot]]", "[[drible]]")
]}>Remember you don't have Ronaldo's skills
>The ball was lost right before passing the first defender
>Time to go [[chase]] after te ball.Coach-"Why are you passing the ball right infront of the goal!!!!. Shoot kid!!"
>Your team just lost the ball go [[chase]]
*//Shoot next time//Mom- "You have been in the team for a while now, I thing is time for you to get at least free tickets. It would be a good way of promotioning the team"
[[>Let her know you are quitting<|rebeal]]
[["The team doesn't have that kind of money, it hardly pays our salary mom"|playit3]]
[[>Got for a walk, to many question will make you rebeal<|lesson]]Mom-"You are right, they should invest in recing your salary. Gotta start by treating the players better. Perphaves, they can improve the medical insurance covarage they give us. I pay a lot for co-pay"
[[>Let her know you are quitting<|rebeal]]
[[>Got for a walk<|lesson]] too many questions will make you rebeal
good tackle!!
> Wow you got the ball again
{(live: .7s)[
(if: time > 9s)[
>Took to long to react, they took the ball. Now go [[chase]] the ball
](else-if: time < 7s and time > 3s)[
(either: "[[Pass]]", "[[shoot]]", "[[drible]]")
OOUUUH that was a dirty play! Got to late to the ball and got the opponets ankle.
A yellow card is not gonna make the coach any happier.
we gotta start running more.
[[fast forward to end of game|end game]]
[[restart soccer game|Game]]>You have been desperatly trying to score, or even get the ball, all game long.
**>Finally a long ball is played to you on the air, it is a 50/50 ball agians the keeper**
>This is your chance!.. Clue(think of your the choices you have made through out before you make the following decision)
[[contest 50/50 agains keeper]] This is your last chance to shine!
[[Restart game since practice|lockerroom]]
>As you walk to your locker, you see your friend Mark approach.
Mark-“Hey look at this picture of the stadium the team is playing on next match, isn't it a bueaty”
Mark-"From the picture the stadium looks like the perfect place to make a day-view right? You know I heard coach talk about you with the rest of the staff"
"You know Thomas has that positon on lock, scoring game after game. I can't just appear next match to take his spot out of the blue.
Mark-"Well if that's the poblem, we just get ride of it"
[["what are you exacly talking about? you wanna get ride of Thomas?"|get ride of Thomas]]
[["I've already made up my mind, I'm quitting the team man"|home]]Mom-"When is he gonna wake up!? Is he ever gonna be the same if he does Doctor?"
Doctor-"Can't warranty anything madam, the kick impact did some heavy damage"
Mom-"How can a 9 year old in a youthsoccer game kick so hard?"
**SURPRISE**, This was just a coma dream.
(set: $visitLocker = true)
>Just like usual, coming into the lockerroom you become a victim of a physcal grotesque prank, that you find zero humor in, from one of your so called teammate(Thomas).
>You stare down at the blood driping from your nose, and as you get up from the floor, the sound of laughter ampliphize to the point that it almost feels like physcial pain.
**[[>Explode in engare, swing hands<|fight]]**
Look unbother, [[>make your way your locker<|Locker]], *you know this will probably be done soon anyways*, and even it is not, you can't blow your best change you've had to play