You feel and hear the deafening pounding of your heartbeat within your ears as you regain consciousness. You taste salt as the wetness that coats your forehead and dribbles down to the tip of your nose is sharply inhaled into your panicked breath.
"[[Get a grip|Grip]]", you tell yourself.(if: $syringeOnce is 0)[You pick up the syringe.](set: $syringeOnce to 1)(else:)[You carefully place the $lastItem on the tray and pick up the syringe.](set: $chosenSyringe to "yellow") The last thing you remember is a yellow substance being injected into you followed by excrutiating pain.
[[Examine the other contents|tray]]
(set: $hasScissors to false)
(set: $lastItem to "syringe")
(set: $color to "yellow")(if: $syringeOnce is 0)[You pick up the syringe.](set: $syringeOnce to 1)(else:)[You carefully place the $lastItem on the tray and pick up the syringe.](set: $chosenSyringe to "blue") The last thing you remember is a blue substance being injected into you followed by excrutiating pain.
[[Examine the other contents|tray]]
(set: $hasScissors to false)
(set: $lastItem to "syringe")
(set: $color to "blue"){
(set: $isClear to false)
(set: $hasScissors to false)
(set: $color to "yellow")
(set: $firstTray to 0)
(set: $time to 14)
(set: $lastItem to "syringe")
(set: $standing to false)
(set: $hasKeys to false)
}(if: $standing is false)[(goto:"Struggle")](if: $limpOnce is 0)[A man dressed in scrubs lies face down on the ground. You flip him over on his back. (set: $limpOnce to 1)] A crooked nose marks the middle of what would have been a handsome face. A [[badge|badge]] hangs around his neck. (if: $youKill is true)[Blood pools on the ground beneath his neck.]
(if:$youKill is true)[He has no pulse, you made sure of that.](else:)[[[Check his pulse|checkPulse]]]
[[Check his pockets|checkPockets]]
[[Stand up|Open]]
(if: $time >= 50 and $time < 55)[(goto: "itsTime")]
(if: $time >= 60 and $time < 65)[(goto: "itsTime2")]
(set: $time = $time + 2)
(set: $previousP to "limp")(if: $firstTray is 0)[You manage to plaster four fingers onto the metal tray and roll it closer to you. Then, you immediately notice the [[syringe|syringe]].(set: $firstTray to 1)](else:)[The metal tray is decorated with (if: $lastItem is not "bandages")[[[bandages|bandages]], ](if: $lastItem is not "scissors")[[[scissors|Scissors]], ](if: $lastItem is not "forceps")[[[forceps|forceps]], ](if: $lastItem is "syringe")[and [[tweezers|tweezers]]](else:)[(if: $lastItem is not "tweezers")[[[tweezers|tweezers]], ]and a [[syringe|$chosenSyringe]]].
(if:$canLeave is true)[[[Look elsewhere.|Open]]](else:)[(if:$time >= 60 and $color is "red")[[[Take on the guards|fight]]](else-if:$time >= 60)[[[Take on the guards|right]]](else:)[[[Look elsewhere.|Open]]]]
(if: $time >= 50 and $time < 55)[(goto: "itsTime")]
(if: $time >= 60 and $time < 62)[(goto: "itsTime2")]
(set: $previousP to "tray")
(set: $time = $time + 1)You carefully place the $lastItem on the table and pick up the bandages(if: $standing is not true)[.](if: $color is "yellow" and $standing is true)[, although you have no open wounds to wrap.](else-if: $standing is true)[(if:$bandageOnce is 0)[. You wrap the bandages around your arms and wrists which have lesions.(set: $bandageOnce to 1)]]
[[Examine the other contents|tray]]
(set: $hasScissors to false)
(set: $lastItem to "bandages")You carefully place the $lastItem on the table and pick up the tweezers. You aren't quite sure how this could be helpful.
[[Examine the other contents|tray]]
(set: $hasScissors to false)
(set: $lastItem to "tweezers")
You carefully place the $lastItem on the table and pick up the forceps. You aren't quite sure how this could be helpful.
[[Examine the other contents|tray]]
(set: $hasScissors to false)
(set: $lastItem to "forceps")You carefully place the $lastItem on the table and pick up the scissors. (if: $scissorOnce is 0)[Your confidence grows knowing that you can better defend yourself. (set: $scissorOnce to 1)] The blades were undoubtfully crafted for surgical procedures and are extremely sharp.
[[Examine the other contents|tray]]
(set: $hasScissors to true)
(if: $hasScissors is true and $standing is not true)[[[Cut the straps|Cut]]]
(set: $lastItem to "scissors")
It was the last thing you remembered before [[blacking out|blacked]].You close your eyes.
Slowly, you take deep breaths in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. You feel much calmer, although you still can't shake the feeling of something unnatural coursing through your veins...
[[Open your eyes.|Open]]
(if: $canLeave is true)[A guard lies lifeless at the door.[[Leave the room|leave]]](else:)[(if: $standing is false)[(goto:"Struggle")](if: $firstYank < 1)[You (if: $color is "red")[(set: $firstYank = $firstYank + 1)yank the handle aggressively](else:)[pull the handle] to no avail. A six-digit passcode is required to unlock the door.](else:)[(set: $firstYank = $firstYank +1)You rip(if: $firstYank > 2)[ped] off the handle. Even with the correct access code, you won't be able to leave...]
Go to the [[podiatry chair|Open]]
(if: $time >= 50 and $time < 55)[(goto: "itsTime")]
(if: $time >= 60 and $time < 65)[(goto: "itsTime2")]
(set: $time = $time + 1)
(set: $previousP to "door")
(if: $syringeOnce is 0)[You pick up the syringe.](set: $syringeOnce to 1)(else:)[You carefully place the $lastItem on the tray and pick up the syringe.](set: $chosenSyringe to "red") The last thing you remember is a red substance being injected into you followed by excrutiating pain.
[[Examine the other contents|tray]]
(set: $hasScissors to false)
(set: $lastItem to "syringe")
(set: $color to "red")(if: $time <60)[It is 11:$time AM.](else:)[(set:$temp = $time - 60)It is 12:(if:$temp < 10 and $temp >= 0)[0$temp](else:)[$temp PM.]]
[[Back|$previousP]].(if: $standing is true)[You stand in front of the podiatry chair. ](set: $previousP to "Open")Only a [[clock|clock]] and [[steel door|door]] across from you contrast the concrete floor, ceiling, and four walls surrounding you which are a dull gray. A flickering light to your left brings a (if:$youKill is true)[bloodied, ][[limp body|limp]] pressed against the ground in and out of view. A [[metal tray|tray]] sits atop a stand close to your right(if: $standing is not true)[ hand.](else:)[.]You struggle to move. You're forced to remain reclined by the restraints on your forehead, wrists, and both your ankles which are connected to an electric podiatry chair.
[[Look Around|$previousP]]
(if: $time >= 50)[(goto: "itsTime")]
(set: $time = $time + 1)A grimace of pain contorts your face when remembering the [[feeling|injected]] after being injected.A prick signified the needle entering your skin. Instantaneously, your left arm started spasming. Seemingly ceaseless [[sharp pain|intensified]] jolted throughout your arm. The pain only intensified as it advanced towards the rest of your body. Then your vision turned black and the sound of your screams which echoed fiercly within the concrete walls [[faded away|choose]]...You snapped out your memories because the pain was becoming unbearable. You hope that if you recover more memories, they will not be as terrible.
Whatever was injected into you was torturous.
But what was injected into you? As you reach for the syringe, you remember it contained contents of an odd color... surely either [[red|red]], [[yellow|yellow]], or [[blue|blue]].
(if: $time >= 50 and $time < 55)[(goto: "itsTime")]
(if: $time >= 60 and $time < 65)[(goto: "itsTime2")]
(set: $time = $time + 5)Your right hand flailed around in its restraints, desparately trying to claw at your left arm and remove the substance coursing through its veins at any cost. You felt as though your left arm was slowly being crushed by monumental weight, or as if it were being shocked by electricity repeatedly and everywhere.
[[Back|injected]].You hold the scissors between your thumb and pointer finger. You move your right arm down then bring it back up until the bottom blade slides beneath the strap.
A pinch of your fingers [[cuts through the strap|cutStrap]]!You use your free right hand to cut the straps on your remaining wrist, then forehead, and, finally, your ankles.
[[Stand up|Open]].
(set: $standing to true)
(set: $time = $time + 5)
(if: $time >= 50 and $time < 55)[(goto: "itsTime")]
(if: $time >= 60 and $time < 65)[(goto: "itsTime2")]___________________________________________________
Ezra Bolton
Chief Researcher
The University of California
Santa Cruz
Main areas of Research: Strength, regeneration, and sleep
|||||||| ||||||| ||||||||| || || |
(set: $time = $time + 2)You check his pulse.
(if: $opYellow is not true)[Nothing. He's dead.](else:)[You hear a weak pulse. It slowly becomes [[stronger.|stronger]]]
(set: $checkedPulse to true)You reach into his pockets and find (if: $hasKeys is false)[[[car keys|keys]], a [[wallet|wallet]], and a [[flask|flask]].](else:)[a [[wallet|wallet]] and a [[flask|flask]].]
[[Back|limp]]He drives a 2019 Tesla Model S. You pocket the keys.
(set: $hasKeys to true)
(if: $time >= 50 and $time < 55)[(goto: "itsTime")]
(if: $time >= 60 and $time < 65)[(goto: "itsTime2")]
(set: $time = $time + 2)(if: $walletOnce is 0)[You snatch a hundred dollar bill and two twenties in the wallet and put the wallet back in his pocket(set: $walletOnce to 1)](else:)[You already robbed the (if: $checkedPulse is true)[dead ]man of all his cash.]
(if: $time >= 50 and $time < 55)[(goto: "itsTime")]
(if: $time >= 60 and $time < 65)[(goto: "itsTime2")]
(set: $time = $time + 2)(if: $flaskOnce is 0)[You screw the flask cap open and smell alcohol. You down all of it. It's wonderful tequila. You put the flask back in his pocket.(set: $flaskOnce to 1)](else:)[There is nothing left to drink.]
(if: $time >= 50 and $time < 55)[(goto: "itsTime")]
(if: $time >= 60 and $time < 65)[(goto: "itsTime2")]
(set: $time = $time + 2)Suddenly, your body decides to give out.
You [[fall to your knees|fall]].Sharp pain pierces everywhere throughout your body. You feel as if you were [[thrown into a bed of broken glass|thrown]], and every nerve which could indicate pain fired at its highest potential.You lay on the ground curled up in fetal position screaming.
This excrutiating pain lasted for what seemed hours. Your teary eyes notice the [[clock|newClock]].
(if: $checkClock is true)[Only [[three minutes had passed|three]].]It is 11:53 AM.
(set: $checkClock to true)You [[black out|secs]] again...
(if: $color is "blue")[(goto: "die")]After a couple of minutes, you regain consciousness. A newfound (if: $color is "red")[energy](else:)[calmness] revitilizes you. You feel immensely (if: $color is "red")[powerful](else:)[restored], more than you ever could imagine someone to be...
You can't help but know that something is wrong with your body.
[[Stand up|Open]]
(set: $time to 55)
(if:$color is "red")[(set: $opRed to true)](else:)[(set: $opYellow to true)]You never regain consciousness. You [[have died|lose]].His heartbeat picks up to a regular pace. His breath returns to him and eventually, his eyes shoot open.
Astonished, he tries to quickly [[crawl backwards|crawl]], but fumbles over his own arms."Wh- how... What the hell?" he [[stammered|stammered]].Sudden realization overcomes him.
"I fucking did it," he said in disbelief. "A serum that gives humans [[restorative powers|restore]]. I finally made it."
(if: $hasScissors is true)[You stride towards the man with the scissors pointing to his throat.](else:)[You grab the scissors from the metal tray and stride towards the man with the scissors pointing to his throat.]
"You think I'm some fucking lab rat you can experiment on?" you shouted while slightly digging the scissors into his neck.
[[Kill him|kill]]
[[Ask more questions|ask]]The blades of your scissors enter the flesh of his neck and, eventually, his windpipe. He cries out in anguish until he becomes still.
[[Stand up|Open]]
(set: $youKill to true)
(set: $time = $time + 1)[[Who the fuck are you?|who]]The scissors were beginning to cut into the flesh of his neck and blood stained his scrubs.
"Please, please, please," he cried with palms in the air. "I can [[explain|explain]]"[[What did you inject me with?|what]][[Why are you keeping me here?|why]][[Why don't I remember anything?|question]]"I am Ezra Bolton, chief researcher for the National Institutes of Health. The United States is relying on our research center to produce something [[sepctacular|spectacular]].Currently, we are in a nuclear war with Russia. Millions of people are either dying from the nukes or suffering from its radiation. The government assigned us the task of creating human weapons to combat the Russians and human restorers to cure those who suffer from [[radiation|radiation]].You were found on the outskirts of Sacramento, a nuked city. You sustained some damage to the head, but the radiation did not seem to affect you as it should have. Our team suspected that there existed humans who could withstand radiation. You were the first we [[found|found]].You stared at him, dumbfounded.
You had asked the questions which you thought were going clear your confusion, but his answers just presented another unpleasant reality.
[[What were you to do...|do]]You firmly held the scissors against his neck.
"Give me the passcode to the door," you demanded.
"[[Did you not just h-|utter]]" he uttered, cut off by a punch to the face.
"It's 2 5 7 2 4 7," he said.
You quickly backed away from him and entered the passcode to [[unlock the door|unlock]].You swing the door open and leave the room.
Dozens of silver doors are embedded in the hallway.
The [[left|left]] of the hallways shows a staircase going up. The [[right|right]] of the hallway has two guards who are alarmed by your ruccus.You climb many flights of stairs and hear the guards behind you in close pursuit. Eventually, you run out of stairs and are forced to [[exit through a door|exitdoor]].You challenge the guards to your right.
You run towards them, wildly threatening your $lastItem.
The guards quickly and effortlessly [[dearm you|dearm]].You are blinded by the bilstering sun. You appear to be on the roof.
(if:$color is "red")[Dozens of guards](else:)[The two guards] smash the door open and approach you, forcing you to the ledge.
(if:$color is "red")[[[Take on the guards|rightRed]]](else:)[[[Take on the guards|right]]]
[[Jump.|Jump]]You leap over the ledge, passing one story
two stories
three stories
and finally four stories until your bones make a terrifying (if: $color is "red")[[[crunch|diedlol]]](else:)[[[crunch|crunch]]] against the asphalt.The pain lasts momentarily, but after a few seconds, you feel brand new.
(if:$hasKeys is true)[You take the keys out of your pocket and find the Tesla they belong to.
You quickly [[speed away|sppedaway]] from the guards that nearly catch you...](else:)[You sprint away from the horrid building, but only shortly. Guards from all possible angles [[swarm you|lose]]...]YOU WINYOU LOSEYou are thrown back into [[your cell|lose]].You stop what you're doing as you hear [[footsteps|footsteps]] approach your door.(set: $previousP to "footsteps")The door bursts open. Two guards enter the room, holding bats.
Your right hand weilds(if: $lastItem is "syringe")[a] $lastItem.
[[Dash towards the metal tray|tray]]
(if: $color is "yellow")[[[Fight|right]]](else:)[[[Fight|fight]]]
(set: $time to 63)Double-click this passage to edit it.(if: $previousP is "tray")[The guards close in on you. ]Your right hand weilds(if: $lastItem is "syringe")[ a] $lastItem.
You (if: $lastItem is "bandages")[hurl the bandages at one of the guards and sprint towards him at an inhumanely fast speed, then hit him with an uppercut to the chin. You hear his [[jaw break into thousands of smaller bones above your fist|guard1]].](else-if: $lastItem is "syringe")[sprint towards one of the guards at an inhumanely fast speed and jab the needle of the syringe into his face, over and over again. [[Blood sprays through each hole||guard1]].](else-if: $lastItem is "forceps" or $lastItem is "tweezers")[wind your arm back and fire the $lastItem straight towards one of the guard's right eye. The guard stumbles backwards as the $lastItem [[penetrates his eye, then brain|guard1]].](else:)[dash towards the left guard and switfly jab the blades of your scissors into his neck, [[piercing through the skin at the opposite side of entry|guard1]].]The second guard raises his bat, and brings it down on your head.
The bat shatters into two pieces, and your head bleeds a little. You feel [[no pain|shatters]].Horrified, the guard attempts to exit the room. As the guard slips halfway out the room, you slam the door on his body, nearly shutting it. His limp body slides to the ground after you release pressure.
[[Look Around|Open]]
(set: $canLeave to true)You swing the door open and leave the room.
Dozens of silver doors are embedded in the hallway.
The [[left|left1]] of the hallway shows a staircase going up. The [[right|right1]] of the hallway shows a staircase going down.
(set: $time = $time + 10)You climb up one flights of [[stairs|one]].You fly down the stairs to your right. A [[promising door|promise]] shows glimspses into the outside world.You lay on the cold concrete, [[unmoving|blackAgain]].Below you, you hear several footsteps following you in close pursuit. You scramble up three more flights of stairs before forced to [[exit through a door|exitdoor]].They make the [[first move|move]].You have been reduced to nothing more than a [[mess|lose]] on the ground.A tranquilizer dart exits the gun of one of the guards and grazes your hair as you quickly duck. You sprint towards the guard with swift speed, avoiding any incoming darts and land a [[deadly punch|punchh]] to the liver on one of the guards.Several guards recieve deadly blows before one successfully shoots a [[dart that pierces your skin|dart]].Immediately, you [[lose consciousness|dearm]].You swing the door open and are greeted with fresh air. Shouting from within the building you signals incoming guards.
(if:$hasKeys is true)[You take the keys out of your pocket and find the Tesla they belong to.
You quickly [[speed away|sppedaway]] from the guards that nearly catch you...](else:)[You sprint away from the horrid building, but only shortly. Guards from all possible angles [[swarm you|lose]]...]