(text-colour:#b6b6b6)[Hello my [''Child'']<c|] (click: ?c)[
(live:0.2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[(text-colour:#b6b6b6)[''I'']<i| ](stop:)]] (click: ?i)[
(text-colour:#b6b6b6)[''am'']<am|] (click: ?am)[
(live:1s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[(text-colour:#ffffff)+(align:"=><=")+(box:"=XX=")[#''GOD'']<g|](stop:)]] (click: ?g)[
(live:0.2s)[(t8n: "dissolve")[(text-colour:#b6b6b6)[would you like to meet your [[sibling?->garden1]]]](stop:)]][''GOD'' leads you down a long white [cooridor]<c|. The walls are decked with the most beautiful sculptures of various creatures ''GOD'' plans to make. The cold marble at your feet warms as soon as you notice it's discomfort.](click: ?c)[
You follow ''GOD'' out into a vibrant garden, all is [young]<y| and fruitful. The rabbits open their eyes for the first time right as the flowers begin to sprout. Even the trees are no more than a few days old.](click: ?y)[
Before you stands a person of exquisit beauty rivaled only by ''GOD'' and yourself. They observe you as you do them, both of you curious of this [[new being->jobs]]. ]
[My children
I have a [''job'']<j| for each of you!](click: ?j)[
(color: #880000)[One of you will become the ruler of |hll>[ ''HELL'']. A land where the sinners of the world must go. You will be given command over the entire population of demons, ugly but strong creatures of extreme loyalty.]
[ and]<a|](click: ?a)[(replace: ?hll)[[[''HELL''->are you sure?L]]]
(color: #000088)[The other will become the ruler of [[''HEAVEN''->are you sure?N]]. A land where all those who are not sinners will go. You will be given command over the entire population of angles, arrogent yet swift beings with vast knowledge of the world]
Since you were born second, I will let you chose ''first'']Are you sure you want to rule over ''Hell''? You will be known as the Amazing Lucifer, King of Hell.
[[Yes-> decided]][ (set: $holy to false)]
[[No->jobs]]Are you sure you want to rule over ''Heaven''? You will be known as the mighty Gabriel, Ruler of the Heavens.
[[Yes-> decided]][ (set: $holy to true)]
[[No->jobs]](if: $holy)[ So you have chosen the path of Heaven and left Hell to your sibling. Is that okay with [you]<b|?(set: $sib to "Lucifer")]
(else:)[ So you have chosen the path of Hell and left Heaven to your sibling. Is that okay with [you]<b|?(set: $sib to "Gabriel")]
(click: ?b)[$sib looks [through you]<yikes| and you feel a //chill// run down your
Their eyes soften and they vigorously nod their head.]
(click: ?yikes)[''GOD'' smiles down at you and hands you and your sibling a key each. They don't look different, but their energies vary vastly. As you look up, you find a door in front of you. I leave you with the freedom to decorate and work as you see fit, good luck!
(if: $holy)[[[Open the door->Heaven1]]]
(else:)[[[Open the door->Hell1]]]]A tall angle hovers at the otherside, her head bowed, waiting above an endless plane of sand.(set: $drs to "Liege")(set: $holy to true)
<u>My Liege.</u>
<u>I am the angel Michael! Your dedicated worker and caretaker of Heaven</u>
[[Where are the other angels?-> waiting]]
[[Can I do anything I want? -> whatever]]
[[Will you follow my commands? -> whatever]]
[[What is the taxation policy up here? -> whatever]]
[[When do we get started? -> Heaven2]]A small demon stands at the otherside, his head bowed, waiting on an endless plane of rock.(set: $drs to "King")(set: $holy to false)
<u>My King.</u>
<u>I am the demon beelzebub! Your loyal servent and caretaker of Hell</u>
[[Where are the other demons?-> waiting]]
[[Can I do anything I want? -> whatever]]
[[Will you follow my commands? -> whatever]]
[[What is the taxation policy down here? -> whatever]]
[[When do we get started? -> Hell2]]<u>They are waiting on your command my $drs</u>
(if: $holy)[ [[I have another question->Heaven1]]]
(else:)[ [[I have another question->Hell1]]]<u>Whatever you want my $drs</u>
(if: $holy)[[[I have another question->Heaven1]]]
(else:)[[[I have another question->Hell1]]]<u>Right now my Liege!</u>
The beautiful angle ascends into the sky, coming back down with a |np>[small note pad].(click: ?np)[
On the pad, there are a series of pictures, one beautiful, one terrifying, and one reminds you of ''GOD''.
<u>My Liege, these are your choices for how we will furnish our glorious Heavens!</u>
[what do you think I should do?]<t|(click: ?t)[
<u>My Liege, I would recommend the land of milk and honey as my personal favorite. But I trust your judgment on this matter.</u>]
[[The Castle of pain-> copn]] is a magnificent palace laid with gold, silver, jewels, and most importantly BLOOD!
[[The Land of the Milk and Honey -> lomahn]] is a beautiful field where all things, living and dead, florish in JOY!
[[The Void-> vdn]] is just as it sounds, an empty VOID that seems to engulf all that dare step in it.
]<u>Right now my King!</u>
The little demon scurries away, coming back with a |np>[small note pad].(click: ?np)[
On the pad, there are a series of pictures, one beautiful, one terrifying, and one reminds you of ''GOD''.
<u>My king, these are your choices for how we will furnish our amazing land of Hell!</u>
[what do you think I should do?]<t|(click: ?t)[
<u>My king, I am honored that you seek out my opinion! I would recommend the castle of pain as my personal favorite!</u>]
[[The Castle of pain-> copl]] is a magnificent palace laid with gold, silver, jewels, and most importantly BLOOD!
[[The Land of the Milk and Honey -> lomahl]] is a beautiful field where all things, living and dead, florish in JOY!
[[The Void-> vdl]] is just as it sounds, an empty VOID that seems to engulf all that dare step in it.
](set: $home to 0)
<u>Fantastic choice my Liege!</u>
<u>Now shall we get along with our [[duties->heaven3]]?</u>(set: $home to 1)
<u>Fantastic choice my Liege!</u>
<u>Now shall we get along with our [[duties->heaven3]]?</u>(set: $home to 2)
<u>Fantastic choice my Liege!</u>
<u>Now shall we get along with our [[duties->heaven3]]?</u>(set: $home to 0)
<u>Fantastic choice my King!</u>
<u>Now shall we get along with our [[duties->hell3]]?</u>(set: $home to 1)
<u>Fantastic choice my King!</u>
<u>Now shall we get along with our [[duties->hell3]]?</u>(set: $home to 2)
<u>Fantastic choice my King!</u>
<u>Now shall we get along with our [[duties->hell3]]?</u>Many [Decades]<e| Pass
(click: ?e)[The furnishing of Hell is complete as you instructed it, the (if: $home is 0)[Pool of Sorrow](else-if: $home is 1)[Lake of Love](else:)[Utter Emptiness] is a favorite among the demons.
As you finally sit back and relax, the first soul arives at the gates of Hell. weary and old, it is slow to make it's way to you.
The soul looks up with tears in it's |s>[eyes].](click: ?s)[
^^I can't believe the legends were true!^^
Beelzebub skitters over to you,
<u>My King, this human is the first one to die after performing a sin! What shall we do with them?</u>
[[Cause them more PAIN->Punishment]] to make them repent!
[[Give them whatever they WISH->Chaos]], who knows why they did it!
[[Let them wander outside->Solo]], this is no place for their kind!]Many [Eons]<e| Pass
(click: ?e)[The furnishing of Heaven is complete as you instructed it, the (if: $home is 0)[Pool of Sorrow](else-if: $home is 1)[Lake of Love](else:)[Utter Emptiness] is a favorite among the angels.
As you sit back and relax, the same way you would on any other day, the first soul arives at the gates of Heaven. weary and old, it is slow to make it's way to you.
The soul looks up with tears in it's |s>[eyes].](click: ?s)[
^^I can't believe the legends were true!^^
Michael descends in front of you,
<u>My Liege, this human is the first one to do no wrong! What shall we do with them?</u>
[[Cause them more PAIN->Truth]] to see if they are truly holy!
[[Give them whatever they WISH->Pleasure]], they earned it!
[[Let them wander outside->Solo]], this is no place for their kind!]The soul looks to you with dispair as your angels begin to draw their swords.
<u>Is this necessary my |k>[Liege]?</u>(click: ?k)[
As their wails fade into the distance, you watch over your lands. The angels torturing each new soul, getting them to admit to some nasty thought or sinful deed. They always succeed.
One crawls to your feet and asks[...]<a|](click: ?a)[
You draw your sword, pointing it toward them.
[[That's what YOU tell US->Truth2]]]The angels seem pleased with your choice, opting to return to their normal duties, lounging around and what not.
The soul bows deeply and walks away.
Michael |a>[aproaches] you.(click: ?a)[
<u>It is nice to see those who worked so hard in their human lives being rewarded accordingly</u>
I agree. [[This is perfect->Pleasure2]]]Are you sure my Child?
(if: $holy)[[[Let me rethink->heaven3]]]
(if: not $holy)[[[Let me rethink->hell3]]]
[I'm Good!]<g|(click: ?g)[
These souls will build up and one day you may not be able to ignore them.
[[I said i'm Good!->the rampage]]]The soul looks to you with dispair as your demons cackle in delight.
<u>exellent choice my |k>[King]!</u>(click: ?k)[
As their wails fade into the distance, you watch over your kingdom. The demons delightfully play with each new soul, finding ways to get them to break.
When one crawls to your feet and asks[...]<a|](click: ?a)[
[[This is how it must be->Punishment2]]]The demons hesitate at your announcment. Some even giving you glares of anger and disgust.
The soul can't even believe it! When they eventually leave, Beelzebub wadles up to you.
<u>Are you sure this was the right decision my [King]<k|?</u>(click: ?k)[
Before you can awnser, you hear a loud explosion in the distance.
The demons scramble twords the sound to find that the first soul had been killed by the next soul to enter.
The soul looks at you with a |w>[wild] expression before darting away.](click: ?w)[
You send the demons to chase after the soul and sit back in your throne
[[This may have been a mistake->Chaos2]].]EON's pass [...]<p|
(click: ?p)[
Your gates begin to creak and moan with the [buildup]<b| of souls]
(click: ?b)[
and as the last [human]<h| dies.]
(click: ?h)[the]<t|
(click: ?t)[gate]<g|
(click: ?g)[[[~~B R E A K S~~-> gardenfinsolo]]]
(set: $fight to false)[You wake up in the [garden]<g|.](click: ?g)[
Your sibling $sib walks up to you, looks you in the eyes, embraces you, and begins to [cry]<c| on your shoulder](click: ?c)[
''GOD'' comes out from their old marble cooridor.
I am sorry that I must return to you like this, when you were young, I saw a bright future ahead of you. But it seems I was [wrong]<w|.](click: ?w)[
and yet [[regardless->fin]] of that.]
(if: $fight)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"===XXXXXXXXXXXXXX===")[#[''I AM PROUD OF |y>[YOU]'']]](else:)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"===XXXXXXXXXXXXXX===")[#[''I AM PROUD OF YOU'']]]
(click: ?y)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"===XXXXXXXXXXXXXX===")[#[''BOTH OF YOU'']]]
You wake up to the sounds of screams and the crunch of bones. The smell of blood and sweat [playing]<b| along your nose.(click: ?b)[
Beelzebub sits at the foot of the bed, plotting the next heinous act they will commit.
<u>The volume of souls in hell has grown past our capacity my King. We have to do |s>[something].</u>](click: ?s)[
(set: $Pforces to true)
[What do you think we should do?]<a|(click: ?a)[
<u>My King! I would be honored to fight under your banner of war! We have all been seeking new playthings since souls became boring!</u>]
[[Go to war->War]]
[[Permanently remove souls->Wipeout]]]You wake up to the sounds of gunfire and explosions. The smell of smoke and wisky [assulting]<b| your nose.(click: ?b)[
Beelzebub sits at the foot of the bed, still puting ice on their black eye.
<u>The volume of souls in hell has grown past our capacity my King. We have to do |s>[something].</u>](click: ?s)[
(set: $Pforces to false)
[What do you think we should do?]<a|(click: ?a)[
<u>While I hate to admit it, we have gotten complicit in our daily work my King. I believe that we simply don't have the power to take more land.</u>]
[[Go to war->War]]
[[Permanently remove souls->Wipeout]]]The time passes peacfully. The souls begin their own form of governance, and the angels enjoy learning of life on earth.
When the sound of |m>[marching] fills the air.(click: ?m)[
Michael hurries to your side.
<u>My liege! The land of hell is has become overrun with too many sinners.
Your brother marches on these lands as we speak!</u>
(set: $Pforces to false)
[What do you think we should do?]<a|(click: ?a)[
<u>While I hate to admit it, those little demons are far superior in power to our easy going angels. I believe we should live to fight another day</u>]
[[Go to war->WarN]]
[[Surrender to Lucifer->Surrender]]]The time passes filled with the screams of the "sinners" who wandered into your land.
When the sound of |m>[marching] fills the air.(click: ?m)[
Michael hurries to your side.
<u>My liege! The land of hell is has become overrun with too many sinners.
Your brother marches on these lands as we speak!</u>
(set: $Pforces to true)
[What do you think we should do?]<a|(click: ?a)[
<u>I believe our forces would be properly trained for war. At least more than those dirty little deamons!</u>]
[[Go to war->WarN]]
[[Surrender to Lucifer->Surrender]]](set: $fight to true)
Your army marches on the city of |h>[heaven].(click: ?h)[
(if: $Pforces)[
And even as you lose a considerable chunk of demons, your force easily |v>[overwhelms] the angels.(click: ?v)[
Beelzebub skitters up to you, Gabriel in chains behind them.
<u>What will you do with your sibling my King?</u>
[[kill them->supremecy]]
[[let them live->revolution]]]]
Yet your demons are weak, losing moral and numbers, you are forced to [retreat]<r|.(click: ?r)[
Beelzebub looks up to you.
<u>what now my King?</u>
[[We must eliminate souls->removal]]]]]The process of eliminating souls is easier than you thought.
(set: $fight to false)
Even though some kick in scream, they |d>[disappear] all the same.(click: ?d)[
The demons begin to take it easy, and the comotion seems to died down,
but before you know it.
[[Hell starts emptying->empty]]]Beelzebub [crawls]<f| over to you.(click: ?f)[
<u> My King! You are now the ruler of both heaven and hell, a truely epic [King]<l|!
I would like to thank you for leading us to victory.</u>]
(click: ?l)[
Your demons prosper while the angels are forced to take care of all the grueling daily labors of both realms.
You continue rule |u>[until]]
(click: ?u)[[[the final death->gardenfinsupreme]]]Letting your sibling go might have been a poor [choice]<c|.(click: ?c)[
You ruled [well]<w|](click: ?w)[
You even let Gabriel [live]<l|!](click: ?l)[
Yet you found yourself bleeding out on your sheets as Gabriel slides their dagger further into your |h>[heart]](click: ?h)[
and as you take your [[final breath->gardenfinbetrayl]]]Even though you hate to, you start wiping out swaths of [souls]<s|.(click: ?s)[
The process of eliminating souls is easier than you thought.
Even though some kick in scream, they |d>[disappear] all the same.](click: ?d)[
The demons begin to take it easy, and the comotion seems to died down,
but before you know it.
[[hell starts emptying->empty]]]Time becomes a |b>[blur] as the many souls of hell begin to thin out,(click: ?b)[
and one [day]<d|](click: ?d)[
[[people stop dying->gardenfinempty]]][You wake up in the [garden]<g|.](click: ?g)[
Your sibling $sib walks up to you, looks you in the eyes, gets down on their knees, and [begs]<c| for your forgivness.](click: ?c)[
''GOD'' comes out from their old marble cooridor.
I am sorry that I must return to you like this, when you were young, I saw a bright future ahead of you. But it seems you were [wronged]<w|. They give a firm look to $sib.](click: ?w)[
and yet [[regardless->fin]] of that.][You wake up in the [garden]<g|.](click: ?g)[
Your sibling $sib walks up to you, looks you in the eyes, and breaks down into [tears]<c|.](click: ?c)[
''GOD'' comes out from their old marble cooridor.
I am sorry that I must return to you like this, when you were young, I saw you two getting along. But it seems I was [wrong]<w|.](click: ?w)[
and yet [[regardless->fin]] of that.][You wake up in the [garden]<g|.](click: ?g)[
Your sibling $sib walks up to you, looks you in the eyes, embraces you, and wispers their [thanks]<c| into your ear.](click: ?c)[
''GOD'' comes out from their old marble cooridor.
I am sorry that I must return to you like this, when you were young, I saw a bright future ahead of you. But it seems you chose the [easy]<w| way out.](click: ?w)[
and yet [[regardless->fin]] of that.]Lucifer walks up to you, their demons skittering all over the place to pillage and plunder your lands.
(set: $fight to false)
They hand you a contract and [saunter]<s| off.(click: ?s)[
|w>[Within],](click: ?w)[ you find a map detailing a small piece of heaven that you may |r>[reside] in.](click: ?r)[
Coexistence takes a while to get use to, angels are often found with their heads on pikes, but those cases deminish over time.
eventually, [[the angels become restless->whatnow?]]](set: $fight to true)
Your army marches against the forces of |h>[hell].(click: ?h)[
(if: $Pforces)[
And even as the demons attempt to overwhelm you with numbers, your force easily |v>[smite] down the demonic forces.(click: ?v)[
Michael peacfully descends in front of you, Lucifer in chains behind them.
<u>What will you do with your sibling my Liege?</u>
[[kill them->supremecyN]]
[[let them live->revolutionN]]]]
Yet your angels are weak, losing moral and numbers, you are forced to [retreat]<r|.(click: ?r)[
Michael looks up to you.
<u>what now my Liege?</u>
[[We must surrender->Subjugation]]]]]The angels seem to be plotting a |c>[COUP]!(click: ?c)[
Michael walks over to you
<u>My Liege. Will you be helping us?</u>
[I will]<w|
[I won't]<b|
(click: ?w)[The coup goes smoothly, and in the dead of night, you slide a dagger up and under your siblings ribs.
(replace: ?b)[]
and as you stand in the moonlight,
[[Lucifer bleads out->supremecyN]]]
(click: ?b)[
The coup fails epicly, all those who participated are slaughtered.
(replace: ?w)[]
And as a result,
[[Lucifer takes proper control of heaven->Subjugation]]]]Michael [flys]<f| over to you.(click: ?f)[
<u> My Liege. You are now the ruler of both heaven and hell, a [Lord]<l|!
I would like to thank you for leading us with such dignity and grace.</u>]
(click: ?l)[
Your angels prosper while the demons are forced to take care of all the grueling daily labors of both realms.
You continue rule |u>[until]]
(click: ?u)[[[the final death->gardenfinsupreme]]]Letting your sibling go might have been a poor [choice]<c|.(click: ?c)[
You ruled [perfectly]<w|](click: ?w)[
You even let Lucifer [live]<l|!](click: ?l)[
Yet you found yourself bleeding out on your sheets as Lucifer slides their sword further into your |h>[head]](click: ?h)[
and as you take your [[final breath->gardenfinbetrayl]]]You live under your siblings rule for |m>[millenia].(click: ?m)[
Although their ways seem barbaric, but you have no place to argue.
And |t>[then]]
(click: ?t)[
One |d>[day]]
(click: ?d)[
The souls |s>[stop] coming]
(click: ?s)[
and with nothing more to do, [[you are summoned->gardenfinSub]]][You wake up in the [garden]<g|.](click: ?g)[
Your sibling $sib walks up to you, looks you in the eyes, and begins to [berate]<c| you with profanities](click: ?c)[
''GOD'' comes out from their old marble cooridor.
''THAT IS ENOUGH!'' When you were young, I saw a bright future ahead of you, Both of you! But it seems I was [wrong]<w|.](click: ?w)[
and yet [[regardless->fin]] of that.]