,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(set: $hasRifle to false)
(set: $hasShield to false)
(set: $hasPExpl to false)
(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
You have been trained to be the first man out of the spaceship to help land and refuel. Looking through the window of the airlock room, your ship Hercules approaches a nearby docking station for refueling.
You hear a voice over your intercom, "Alright private, time to suit up. Grab the gear you need and be ready when its time to launch. We've never landed on this docking station before so I'd be careful if I were you..."
[[>look out the window< ->2b - Ship Exterior Hit]]
[[>Suit up and take Havoc rifle< ->2c - Suit up and take Havoc rifle]]
[[>try to get some sleep< ->2a - Get back to your post]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'shipimpact', 'playwhenpossible')
Something hits the exterior of the ship and knocks countless screws loose causing serious pressure loss and making it difficult to breath. You must act quickly or you will suffocate to death
[[>put spacesuit on<->3 - Captain radios you]]
[[>open airlock and get and back to the crew<->Open airlock - death]]
(set: $counter to 10)
You have (css: "color: red; font-size: 250%")[|amount>[$counter]] seconds left!
(set: $impossible to 'true')(if: $impossible is 'never')[[2 - Time runs out]]
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "2 - Time runs out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
](track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
(if: (track: 'shipimpact', 'isplaying'))[(track: 'shipimpact', 'fadeout', 0.5)]
You hear your captain radio you to debrief what happened.
[[>Answer the call<->4 - Inspect Ship Exterior]]
</t>(if: (track: 'shipimpact', 'isplaying'))[(track: 'shipimpact', 'fadeout', 0.5)]
(track: 'song', 'fadeout', 1)
(track: 'deathSting', 'playwhenpossible')
<d>You have died</d>
As you open the airlock to get back inside the ship, you forget that the room has not been pressurized and the exterior into space has not been sealed off. All the air inside the ship is sucked into space and your entire crew dies.
(link:">Try again<")[(reload:)]
[[>Start<->1 - intro]]
(track: 'song', 'loop', true)
(track: 'song', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
(set: $hasRifle to true)
As the ship lands at the docking station you see that it looks different from how you last saw it. You travel through the docking station wondering why no one is here. The metal of the second room in is tainted black and dark ooze burns your suit as the door handles as you reach for is too rusty to work. Your ankles lock tightly and dark ghost like hands grip your neck as you can't even scream for help.
[[>Kick the door in<->8 - death - Kick door in]]
[[>Radio for help<->8 - death - Radio for Help]]
(if: $hasRifle is true)[[[>Fight back<->9 - Pull Trigger]]]
(set: $impossible to 'true')(if: $impossible is 'never')[[Time runs out]]
(set: $counter to 10)
You have (css: "color: red; font-size: 250%")[|amount>[$counter]] seconds left!
(live: 1s)[
(set: $counter to it - 1)
(if: $counter is 0)[(go-to: "Time runs out")]
(replace: ?amount)[$counter]
](track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'song', 'fadeout', 1)
(track: 'deathSting', 'playwhenpossible', 1)
<d>You have died</d>
You try to break free of the force that is holding your feet in place but it is too strong for you. The dark hands around your neck snap each one of of your cervical vertebrae, killing you almost instantly.
(link:">Try again<")[(reload:)]
(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
With the last of your will-power, you grab your energy loaded Havoc rifle out of the holster. A high pitched scream emanates from the charging of your weapon as you ram it in the monsters mouth.
[[>Pull the trigger<->10 - Kill monster]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'song', 'fadeout', 1)
(track: 'deathSting', 'playwhenpossible', 1)
<d>You have died</d>
You pull out your radio to call for help but you can't utter a single word as the hands around your neck sqeeze tighter and tighter causing your eyes to bulge out of your head. You hear evil laughter come from the monster in front of you as your vision fades away into darkness.
(link:">Try again<")[(reload:)]
(track: 'gun', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
The monster vanishes into a cloud of smoke as the metallic walls become tainted black from it. A strange ooze is left behind, similar to the one that was on the ship before you landed. You wonder if your crew members would believe anything that just happened. As you try to calm your breathing, you realize that your supplies for survival are a little low. You try to decide whether to head back to the ship or to continue the search for the docking crew.
[[>Return to ship<->12 - Go back to ship]]
[[>Continue the search<->11a - Crawl through air shaft]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
Realizing how low your supplies were you head back to the ship. Going any deeper without some help would be suicide. You see strange footprints and marking in the ground indicating some type of a struggle between a man and a monster.
[[>Keep walking<->Back at ship]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
Unscrewing the hinges on a nearby air shaft, you navigate towards the next room but see a distant light towards the end of the tunnel. After all of the horror movies you've seen, you know you shouldn't go towards it.
[[>Crawl towards the light<->Crawl Towards the Light]]
[[>Play it smart<->Play it smart]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
The bright lights and hum of the ship provide some comfort to you as it is the only familiar thing in sight. You figures staring back at you through the glass wondering whats going on.
[[>Radio Ship<->Radio Ship]]
</t> This passage is used to hold the audio for the game
song: https://twinegameassets123.yolasite.com/resources/Music/mp32.mp3
gun: https://twinegameassets123.yolasite.com/resources/SFX/enemy_death.wav
radioin: https://twinegameassets123.yolasite.com/resources/SFX/radioin.wav
clicklink: https://twinegameassets123.yolasite.com/resources/SFX/clicklink.wav
gunTwo: https://twinegameassets123.yolasite.com/resources/SFX/gun.wav
deathSting: https://twinegameassets123.yolasite.com/resources/SFX/DeathSting.wav
shipimpact: https://twinegameassets123.yolasite.com/resources/SFX/shipimpact.wav(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
"Where the hell are you going? Were almost at the docking station"! As your crewmate yells at you for your incompetence.
[[>go back to your post<->1 - intro]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'radioin', 'playwhenpossible')
"Since we can't pressurize the airlock room yet, you're the only one on the ship whos suited up and can access the exterior of the ship"
We need you to inspect the damage and find out what supplies we need in order to repair!
[[>Follow orders<->5 - Record pattern or Sample the Ooze]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
After inspecting the ship exterior its clear that some type of object has hit the ship but in an orderly way. Green ooze fills the punctured holes in the frame. It creates a specific pattern.
[[>Record the pattern<->6 - Alien Pattern]]
[[>Take a sample of the ooze<->5 - death]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
(css: "font-size: 100%") + (font: "arial")[<b>šœ Üçç</b>]
You wonder what it means as you need to radio the captain.
[[>Call captain<->7 - Ship is Clear to Land]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'song', 'fadeout', 1)
(track: 'deathSting', 'playwhenpossible', 1)
<d>You have died</d>
As you touch the green ooze out of curiosity, it burns through your suit causing you to lose the air and pressure that sustained you. You slowly suffocate to death.
(link:">Try again<")[(reload:)]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'radioin', 'playwhenpossible')
"The ship is damaged but we are still clear to land captain". The captain replies, "Good, get ready to dock. You'll be the first one on the docking station private, Godspeed".
[[>Board the docking station<->8 - Dark Hands Around Neck]]
</t>(track: 'song', 'fadeout', 1)
(track: 'deathSting', 'playwhenpossible', 1)
<d>You have died</d>
<t>The dark hands put more and more pressure around your neck as you struggle breath. Your indecision just cost you your life.
(link:">Try again<")[(reload:)]
(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
<t>Inching towards the glowing light, the crawl shaft creaks loudly. You stop moving because you don't want to make so much noise. The glow of the room beneath you catches your eye as you notice strange looking space suits on the left side allong with some type of environmental pressurizing system on the right. The activation switch for the system has the same symbol as before.
(css: "font-size: 100%") + (font: "arial")[<b>šœ Üçç</b>]
[[>Don't stop, continue crawling forward<->Don't stop, continue crawling forward]]
[[>Take a closer look<->Take a closer look]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
<t>You remind yourself that this is not a scavenger hunt. Your main objective is to find the docking crew. You crawl in the opposite direction of the light where you see a flash of red light come through the vent.
[[>Check it out<]]</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
You fall on your face, cracking your air sealed helmet. Any remaining oxygen you had dissapates and you scramble to survive.
[[>Look for another spacesuit<->death by spacesuit]]
[[>Try to pressurize the room<->Try to pressurize the room]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'song', 'fadeout', 1)
(track: 'deathSting', 'playwhenpossible', 1)
<d>You have died</d>
You try taking the helmet off the space suit and putting it on your but theres a mismatch and you can't get any air to stay in your suit. You suffocate to death.
(link:">Try again<")[(reload:)]
(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'song', 'fadeout', 1)
(track: 'deathSting', 'playwhenpossible', 1)
<d>You have died</d>
Before you can even get to the switch a pair of evil red eyes confronts you. He devours you alive.
(link:">Try again<")[(reload:)]
(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
<t>Reaching the source of the light, your face turns to horror.
An entire labratory used for cloning foreign lifeforms. Highly illegal to say the least, you never believed the rumors the crew told you years ago. You have to destroy it but setting the plasma explosive here would be risky.
[[>Radio the crew<]]
[[>Crawl down and inspect<]]
[[>Set plasma explosive<->>death from explosion<]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
"Dockman to bridge, dockman to bridge over!"...
Theres no answer. As you wonder what to do next, the black metal that was supporting you shatters alerting anyone nearby.
[[>Brace yourself<->Brace yourself]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
"Dockman to bridge, dockman to bridge over!"...
You try to contact the crew but theres some interference down here. You can't get through to anyone.
[[>Crawl down and inspect<]]
[[>Set plasma explosive< ->>death from explosion<]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
You quietly look around the room and find a handful of malnourished scientists that have locked themselfs away. They look terrified, as if they are trying to protect themselves. Out of excitement to finally see someone, you yell, "HEY!". Suddenly a loud hiss comes out of the darkness and you see a pair of evil red eyes are staring back at you.
[[>Prepare to fight<]]</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
[[2b - Ship Exterior Hit]]
(set: $hasRifle = true)(goto: "2b - Ship Exterior Hit")
(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
You try explaining what happened to the crew as they look at you in horror. They don't know what to think as they have never encountered anything like this before. Trying to formulate the best plan of action, they recommend to take the extra survival kit in the side compartment of the ship.
[[>Open Survival Kit< ->Take Survival Kit]]
[[>Ask for them to come with you<]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
The survival kit contains major upgrades to your space suit and weaponry.
An electro magnetic shield will protect you from any attack that comes your way. The kit also comes with a high powered plasma explosive, capable of knocking down any door known built by man. You would love to take both but you can only carry one. Which one is it going to be?
[[>Electro Magnetic Shield<]]
[[>Plasma Explosive<]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
"The airlock room is the only way to get in or out of the ship and its still busted, thats why you need to find the docking crew. They are our only chance of getting the repairs we need. So get your ass out there and FIND THEM"!
[[>Continue the search<->Back at ship]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
You feel invincible, but don't get too argogent. You can still die if you aren't careful.
You head back to the room where you killed the dark handed monster earlier. Feeling confident that you can take on anything, you still have no idea where the docking crew is. Without a shred of evidence on where to search you think of what to do.
[[>Destroy the door<->Destroy the door]]
[[>Crawl through air shaft<->11a - Crawl through air shaft]]
(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
The rusty door that you tried to open earlier is a joke compared to the explosive you now have. You start the countdown and step all the way back.
[[>Set plasma explosive<->>Set plasma explosive<]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
The door flys off it hinges and the next room is now open. As you are about to walk through you hear the rumbling of footsteps growing louder. You must have triggered something.
[[>Prepare to fight<->Prepare to fight - death]]</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'song', 'fadeout', 1)
(track: 'deathSting', 'playwhenpossible', 1)
<d>You have died</d>
Lacking the proper training with explosives you set the countdown timer incorrectly leaving yourself no time to escape.
(link:">Try again<")[(reload:)]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'song', 'fadeout', 1)
(track: 'deathSting', 'playwhenpossible', 1)
<d>You have died</d>
Forgetting that the device was not a grenade, you hit the instant detonate button, turning you and everything else into a pile of ash.
(link:">Try again<")[(reload:)]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
The alien screams loudly as you shine a light on it. It charges at you faster than you can run.
[[>Use Havoc Rifle< ->Use Havoc Rifle - death]]
[[>Take Cover< ->Take Cover - death]]
(if: $hasShield is true)[[[>Use Electromagnetic Shield<->Use electro magnetic shield]]]
(if: $hasPExpl is true)[[[>Throw Plasma Explosive<->death from throwing explosion]]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'song', 'fadeout', 1)
(track: 'deathSting', 'playwhenpossible', 1)
<d>You have died</d>
Forgetting how long the charge of the weapon takes, You pull the trigger.
The alien's razor like hand enters your heart before a single shot ever leaves your weapon.
(link:">Try again<")[(reload:)]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
The monster fries like a chicken. You are relieved.
The scientists come out of the room and direct you to where the docking crew is
[[>Follow Them<]]</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
<t>You peak through the vent to see a handful of malnourished scientists that have locked themselfs away. They look terrified, as if they are trying to protect themselves.
[[>Crawl down<]]</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
They stare at you in amazement through a door of titanium alloy. You see a familiar women with the nametag of "Kara". Maybe she knows where the rest of the crew is.
[[>Talk<]]</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
They open the door and come out of hidding one by one. "Are you ok?!" You ask. One of the tramatized scientist mumbles, "It....It wasn't supposed to happen like this. We had everything under control. Until..."
His eyes transfixed on the ground, ashamed of what he did. His head moves upward to look you in the eye but as soon as he does his face turns to horror. He lets out an ear shattering scream.
[[>Turn around<]]</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
<t>Another monster like before charges toward the scientist, impaling his head into the wall. With an appetite for more, it charges at you and the rest of the scientists.
[[>Use Havoc Rifle<->Use Havoc Rifle 2]]
[[>Take Cover< -> Take Cover - death]]
(if: $hasPExpl is true)[[[>Throw Plasma Explosive<->Throw Plasma Explosive - death]]]
(if: $hasShield is true)[[[>Use Electromagnetic Shield<->Use Electromagnetic Shield]]]
</t>(track: 'gunTwo', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
<t>You pull the trigger, anticipating the shot to fire faster. You always forget how long the charge of the weapon takes. The alien runs at you and swings its knife like hand just before the energy round leaves the tip of your weapon.
[[>See the damage<]]</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
<t>A gapping whole is left in the alien as he falls over and dies. You turn around the rest of the scientist to see if they are ok. Without a word, they point at your abdomen in shock.
[[>Look Down<]]</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
As you look down, you see the claw of the alien that broke off in your abdomen. Bleeding starts as you fall over in shock.
"Please...my ship...it's in the cargo bay...". Kara runs over and applys pressure to your wound. They put you on a stretcher and roll you into a facility nearby nearby where you are finally seen by the lead docking crew member.
[[>Tell them<]]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
"MEDIC, WE NEED A MEDIC NOW!" Kara screams.
"I finally found you...go, my crew will rescue you."
"We're not leaving without you" She replies.
As you hand her your communication device. "Tell them what happened. Tell them..."
"You'll tell him yourself, HOLD ON!" She yells back
[[>Don't Give Up<]]</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
<t>The docking crew rush to the top of the deck and swiftly apply the much needed repairs to the airlock system.
Covered in blood and hanging on by a thread, you are carried back onto the ship.
[[>Debreif with crew<]]</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
<t>A team of doctors gather around you as Kara is still holding your hand, crying in desperation.
Knowing that you saved them, a subtle smile shifts in your face.
"We made it...we made...we..."
You breath deeply and close your eyes. The grip of your hand in hers relaxes, and your body lies still for the last time. You die a hero.
[[>Breath out, one more time<->The End - Bad]]</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
Mission Complete
The End!
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'song', 'fadeout', 1)
(track: 'deathSting', 'playwhenpossible', 1)
<d>You have died</d>
Before you have enough time to take cover the alien reaches you. He grabs you with an unprecedented force, breaking all of your bones.
(link:">Try again<")[(reload:)]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
[[Continue Searching]]
(set: $hasShield = true)(goto: "Continue Searching")(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
[[Continue Searching]]
(set: $hasPExpl = true)(goto: "Continue Searching")(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
<t>The alien runs at you and swings its knife like hand just before the electric pulse leaves your shield. The alien turns to ash as fast as he came charging at you. You turn around to the rest of the scientist to see if they are ok. Without a word, they point at your abdomen in shock.
[[>Look Down<]]</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'song', 'fadeout', 1)
(track: 'deathSting', 'playwhenpossible', 1)
<d>You have died</d>
As soon as you hide behind a steel box, the alien crashes into it with an unprevedented force, smashing you into the wall behind it.
(link:">Try again<")[(reload:)]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'song', 'fadeout', 1)
(track: 'deathSting', 'playwhenpossible', 1)
<d>You have died</d>
(link:">Try again<")[(reload:)]
</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
The docking crew rush to the top of the deck and swiftly apply the much needed repairs to the airlock system.
[[>Debreif with crew<->>Debrief<]]</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
Knowing that you saved them, a subtle smile shifts in your face.
"We made it...we made...we..."
You breath deeply and close your eyes.
[[>Clear for take off< ->The End - Good]]</t>(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
Mission Complete
The End!</t>{
<!-- Create a variable to track the position within the $typewriterText string -->
(set: $typewriterPos to 1)
<!-- Create a hook to hold the typed text -->
<!-- Set a delay of 20ms seconds per loop -->
(live: 1ms)[
<!-- Add the next character to the hook -->
(append: ?typewriterOutput)[(print: $typewriterText's $typewriterPos)]
<!-- Update the position -->
(set: $typewriterPos to it + 1)
<!-- If it's gone past the end, stop -->
(if: $typewriterPos is $typewriterText's length + 1)[
}(track: 'clicklink', 'playwhenpossible')
(track: 'song', 'fadeout', 1)
(track: 'deathSting', 'playwhenpossible', 1)
<d>You have died</d>
The sound of the blast alerts a near by herd of monsters. Before you can even react, they trample you to death. You didn't stand a chance.
(link:">Try again<")[(reload:)]
</t>(if: (track: 'shipimpact', 'isplaying'))[(track: 'shipimpact', 'fadeout', 0.5)]
(track: 'song', 'fadeout', 1)
(track: 'deathSting', 'playwhenpossible')
<d>You have died</d>
As all the air leaks out of the airlock room, you slowly suffocate. Your indecision just cost you your life.
(link:">Try again<")[(reload:)]