You wake up bright and early in the morning around 11 AM.
It takes a bit of effort, but you eventually find the motivation to get out of bed and head into the (link-reveal:"living room.")[
Your mother is sitting in the old reclining chair, sipping on some coffee while she reads a book. You plop yourself down on the couch and pull out your phone to look at social media, like you usually do in the morning until you actually feel awake. Looking at social media is often a gamble for you, with what you come across having a big impact on your (color:#0fa816)[mood] for the rest of the day.
Do you want to look at [[Twitter->Twitter1]], [[Instagram->Instagram1]] or [[YouTube->YouTube1]]?]
(set: $happiness = 0)
(set: $Twit1a to 0)
(set: $Twit1b to 0)
(set: $Insta1a to 0)
(set: $Insta1b to 0)
(set: $YTProg to 0)
(set: $InstaProg to 0)
(set: $TwitProg to 0)(enchant:?page,(background:#10183a))
You open up (link-reveal:"Twitter...")[
The bright white and blue homepage pops up on your phone causing you to squint your eyes against the light. You immediately swap to dark mode like a normal person and start deciding what you want to look at.
Do you look at [[tweets from the people you follow->Twitter1 a]] or look at [[what is currently trending->Twitter1 b]]?]
(set: $TwitProg to 1)
(enchant:?page,(background:(gradient: 0, 0,(hsl:24,0.9421,0.4745,0.65),0.4825,(hsl:312,0.9451,0.5,0.6),1,(hsl:255,0.7767,0.5961,0.65))))
It takes you a second to find the Instagram app since the app logo has changed again. You wonder how much people will complain about this change as you (color:#6befef)[(link-reveal:"open the app...")[
(color:white)[Greeted by the homepage you decide what you want to look at.
Do you look at (color:#6befef)[[[people's stories->Instagram1 a]]], (color:#6befef)[[[check your messages->Instagram1 b]]], or (color:#6befef)[[[scroll through your feed->Instagram1 c]]]?]]]
(set: $InstaProg to 1)
(set: $Insta1a to 0)
(set: $Insta1b to 0)(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#7d7d7d)+(background:white))
You open up YouTube...
Your homepage is full of suggestions for The Office clips because you watched a single video about it the other day. You think about what you want to look at,
Do you (color:red)[[look at what is trending->YouTube1 a]], (color:red)[[check your subscription feed->YouTube1 b]], or (color:red)[[watch a The Office clip->YouTube1 c]].
(set: $YTProg to 1)
You scroll through your (link-reveal:"homepage...")[
You come across a video of a cute puppy running around in a field. The video makes you feel happy and you watch it several times over.
Eventually you [[move on->Twitter2]]...
src= "">]
(set: $happiness += 1)
(set: $Twit1a to 1)(enchant:?page,(background:#10183a))
You look at the (link-reveal:"trending tab...")[
Trending in the United States, you see that your state has
hit a record high of new confirmed COVID-19 cases today.
You think about how you just want everything to go back to normal and how far away that dream of returning to normality might be.
It makes you feel a little sad.
You eventually [[move on...->Twitter2]]]
(set: $happiness -= 1)
(set: $Twit1b to 1)(enchant:?page,(background:#10183a))
(if: $Twit1a is 1)[You continue to scroll through your feed...](if: $Twit1b is 1)[Exiting out of the trending tab you instead start scrolling through your feed...]
Something catches your eye as you are mindlessly going through your timeline, a new season for your favorite show has been announced. You are absolutely, positively ''HYPED''. It is like looking through the window of a petshop and seeing a bunch of kittens, making you fully ''PUMPED'' to go in and play with them.
Do you [[read the comments->Twitter2 b]] on the tweet or [[scroll through your feed some more?->Twitter2 e]]
(set: $happiness += 1)
(enchant:?page,(background:(gradient: 0, 0,(hsl:24,0.9421,0.4745,0.65),0.4825,(hsl:312,0.9451,0.5,0.6),1,(hsl:255,0.7767,0.5961,0.65))))
You click through a (color:#6befef)[(link-reveal:"couple stories...")[
(color:white)[You see a throwback group photo of when you and a bunch of people were hanging out
posted by your friend.
Remebering that the photo was taken the night where your friends twerked so hard they caused an earthquake makes you smile. The memory also reminds you of how COVID is stopping more fun experiences like that from happening.
(if: $Insta1b is 0)[Thinking about your friends, you decide if you want to (color:#6befef)[[[look through some more stories->Instagram1 a1]]] or (color:#6befef)[[[check your messages with them.->Instagram1 b]]]](if: $Insta1b is 1)[You decide it is probably time to (color:#6befef)[[[close the app->Instagram2]]]]]]]
(set: $Insta1a to 1)
(enchant:?page,(background:(gradient: 0, 0,(hsl:24,0.9421,0.4745,0.65),0.4825,(hsl:312,0.9451,0.5,0.6),1,(hsl:255,0.7767,0.5961,0.65))))
Clicking on the direct messages icon you see that one of the group chats you are in with a bunch of people from school has a lot of (color:#6befef)[(link-reveal:"new messages...")[
(color:white)[You see a message from you friend talking about how they want nothing more in the world than to have their skull crushed in between Bernie Sanders' thighs. The thought of being smashed by Bernie's thunder thighs makes you happy.
(if: $Insta1a is 0)[Thinking about your friends, you decide if you want to (color:#6befef)[[[write something in the chat->Instagram1 b1]]] or (color:#6befef)[[[check their stories to see what they are up to.->Instagram1 a]]]](if: $Insta1a is 1)[You decide it is probably time to (color:#6befef)[[[close the app.->Instagram2]]]]]]]
(set: $happiness += 1)
(set: $Insta1b to 1)(enchant:?page,(background:(gradient: 0, 0,(hsl:24,0.9421,0.4745,0.65),0.4825,(hsl:312,0.9451,0.5,0.6),1,(hsl:255,0.7767,0.5961,0.65))))
You start (color:#6befef)[(link-reveal:"scrolling through your feed...")[
(color:white)[You come across a post announcing that two people who you knew in highschool are getting married.
The thought of people your age getting married, while the most adult thing you have done recently is when you stopped yourself from buying an expensive plushie online, (color:#6befef)[(link-reveal:"terrfies you.")[
(color:white)[The idea of "Wait, isn't being an adult all about being able to do what you want?" crosses your mind. You ponder (color:#6befef)[[[buying the plushie->Instagram1 c1]]] to prove your maturity, but you still think about how that (color:#6befef)[[[might be a bad idea.->Instagram1 c2]]]]]]]]]
(set: $happiness -= 1)(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#7d7d7d)+(background:white))
You click on the (color:red)[(link-reveal:"trending tab...")[
(color:#7d7d7d)[You are instantly barraged by countless videos of famous YouTubers basically burning money for views, clickbait so bad it almost makes you gag, and about one video that you might be interested in watching.
Despite immediately regretting your decision of clicking on this tab, you feel you might as well choose a video to watch. Do you watch one of the (color:red)[[[clickbait heavy videos->YouTube1 a1]]], or the (color:red)[[[one video that you have some interest in.->YouTube1 a2]]]]]]
(set: $happiness -= 1)(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#7d7d7d)+(background:white))
You start scrolling through your (color:red)[(link-reveal:"subscription feed...")[
(color:#7d7d7d)[Blessing your eyes with its beauty, you see that your favorite ASMR channel has posted a sequal to your favorite video "Serial Killer ASMR". You promptly open the video and enjoy the relaxing experience of being the victim of a whispering murderer.
You think about whether you want to (color:red)[[[read some comments->YouTube1 b1]]] or] (color:red)[[[look through the suggested videos.->YouTube1 b2]]]]]
(set: $happiness += 1)(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#7d7d7d)+(background:white))
You eventually decide on a video that has a thumbnail with Michael Scott doing something really ''WACKY'' around (color:red)[(link-reveal:"the office...")[
(color:#7d7d7d)[After watching the first video you go down a rabbit hole of watching The Office clips. An endless cycle of consuming media until you feel as if you have watched the entirety of the show, despite never having actually seen a full episode.
After an indeterminable amount of time you glance at the clock on the wall to check the time. Your mind has gone so numb from paper business based comedy that you have forgotten how to read analog clocks.
You wonder if you should (color:red)[[[try to watch some full episodes->YouTube1 c1]]] or (color:red)[[[try to find clips that you have not seen yet->YouTube1 c2]]].]]](enchant:?page,(background:#10183a))
You close the app feeling (color:#0fa816)[(if: $happiness >= 3)[ecstatic](if: $happiness is 2)[joyful](if: $happiness is 1)[content](if: $happiness is 0)[neutral](if: $happiness is -1)[saddened](if: $happiness is -2)[depressed](if: $happiness <= -3)[utterly miserable]] and decide (link-reveal:"what to do next...")[
(if: ($InstaProg is 1) and $YTProg is 1)[Realizing that you have now looked through a lot of your social media apps you wonder if it is [[time to stop looking at your phone...->End1]]](if: ($InstaProg is 1) and $YTProg is 0)[You choose to see what you can [[find on YouTube...->YouTube1]]](if: ($InstaProg is 0) and $YTProg is 1)[You choose to check [[what is on Instagram...->Instagram1]]](if: ($InstaProg is 0) and $YTProg is 0)[Do you want to look at [[Instagram->Instagram1]] or [[YouTube->YouTube1]] next?]]
Are you entirely sure that you want to [[read the comments on this tweet->Twitter2 c]]?
Or do you want to just[[ call it a day when it comes to twitter->Twitter2 a]].(enchant:?page,(background:#10183a))
You choose to take a look at what people are saying about the announcement (link-reveal:"in the comments...")[
Almost immediately, the entire plot of the next season is spoiled for you by some revolting sack of flesh that calls themself a human. How ''DARE'' they spoil the show for you, what kind of despicable being talks about the plot of the next season right underneath the announcement for it.
Your disappointment is immesaurable and your day is ruined.
You consider [[leaving an angry reply->Twitter2 d]] to the post, but you realize you could also just [[close the app->Twitter2 a]].]
(set: $happiness -= 1)(enchant:?page,(background:#10183a))
You go ham on your keyboard for the next 30 seconds, you have never typed faster or harder in your entire life. Obcenities are being spewed across the internet at such an incredible rate. Repressed emotions that have been bottled up since you were young are coming out in full force, all focused on this one individual that you have never met before. (link-reveal:"You smash the send button, drool dripping down your face.")[
They block you.
You decide that it is time to [[close the app->Twitter2 a]].]
(set: $happiness -= 1)Having spent a good amount of time staring at your phone, you decide that it is probably time to (link-reveal:"do something productive.")[
You get up off the couch feeling (color:#0fa816)[(if: $happiness >= 3)[ecstatic](if: $happiness is 2)[joyful](if: $happiness is 1)[content](if: $happiness is 0)[neutral](if: $happiness is -1)[saddened](if: $happiness is -2)[depressed](if: $happiness <= -3)[utterly miserable]], due to what you looked at on your phone and you [[start your day.->End2]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:#7d7d7d)+(background:white))
Searching through the suggested videos, you (color:red)[(link-reveal:"scroll past countless clips that you have already watched. ")[
(color:#7d7d7d)[You begin to wonder if you should start rewatching some of them
when you finally come across a video you have not seen yet.
You watch it and it's pretty funny.
You forget where you are for a moment.
You think that now would be a good time to] [[close the app->YouTube2]](color:#7d7d7d)[, but there is this desire deep in your heart to] [[find just one more clip.->YouTube1 c3]]]]
(set: $happiness += 1)(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#7d7d7d)+(background:white))
Deciding that you want to try and actually watch the show as opposed to just watching tons of minute long clips on YouTube, (color:red)[(link-reveal:"you open up your Netflix app.")[
(color:#7d7d7d)[For some reason as you search through Netflix, you can't seem to find The Office. You had heard from a friend before that the show was on Netflix, so you google search it up. Showing up in the results is information that tells you that The Office was removed off of Netflix at the start of the year.
You cry.
A lot.
You eventually decide to be] [[done with YouTube.->YouTube2]]]]
(set: $happiness -= 1)(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#7d7d7d)+(background:white))
You close the app feeling (color:#0fa816)[(if: $happiness >= 3)[ecstatic](if: $happiness is 2)[joyful](if: $happiness is 1)[content](if: $happiness is 0)[neutral](if: $happiness is -1)[saddened](if: $happiness is -2)[depressed](if: $happiness <= -3)[utterly miserable]] and decide (color:red)[(link-reveal:"what to do next...")[
(color:#7d7d7d)[(if: ($TwitProg is 1) and $InstaProg is 1)[Realizing that you have now looked through a lot of your social media apps you wonder if it is time to (color:red)[[[stop looking at your phone...->End1]]]](if: ($TwitProg is 1) and $InstaProg is 0)[You choose to see what you can (color:red)[[[find on Instagram...->Instagram1]]]](if: ($TwitterProg is 0) and $InstaProg is 1)[You choose to check (color:red)[[[what is on Twitter...->Twitter1]]]](if: ($TwitProg is 0) and $InstaProg is 0)[Do you want to look at (color:red)[[[Twitter->Twitter1]]] or (color:red)[[[Instagram->Instagram1]]] next?]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:#7d7d7d)+(background:white))
The concept of time completely disintegrates into nothingness as you desperately (color:red)[(link-reveal:"scrounge through a never-ending list of already watched The Office clips.")[
(color:#7d7d7d)[Right before you almost give up and collapse into a gross ball of tears, you catch a glimpse of an unwatched video rise from the pits of hell. You instantly click on it with your nasty fingers, it appears to be a highlight from an episode called] (link-reveal:"\"Scott's Tots\".")[
(color:#7d7d7d)[The video makes you feel secondhand embarrasement that you did not believe possible up until this moment. As the video ends, you can see your face in the reflection of your phone screen. You have never felt so empty.
You decide to] [[close the app.->YouTube2]]]]]
(set: $happiness -= 1)(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#7d7d7d)+(background:white))
As you go to look through the comments, you accidently hit the button which starts (color:red)[(link-reveal:"streaming your phone screen to the television.")[
(color:#7d7d7d)[The television lights up with the image of a person ostentatiously weilding a kitchen knife. In crystal clear surround sound, the seductive whispering of a person talking about how they are going to kill you fills the house for] (link-reveal:"everyone to hear.")[
(color:#7d7d7d)[Your mother stares at you with eyes that say "I expect so little from you, and yet you still manage to disappoint me without fail".
You quickly turn off the streaming and] [[close the app.->YouTube2]]]]]
(set: $happiness -= 1)
As you listen, you start to (color:red)[(link-reveal:"scroll through the suggested videos.")[
(color:#7d7d7d)[You come across many ASMR videos that make you question your existance on this planet. You had previously believed that you were at the far extreme of the weird spectrum before with the ASMR you are currently listening to, but it appears that you have barely] (link-reveal:"scratched the surface.")[
(color:#7d7d7d)[The wide variety of different and very specific scenarios shocks you, but also does not suprise you too much now that you reflect on it. Curiousity getting the best of you, you end up clicking on a ASMR role-play video where the viewer is a corpse being dressed up for post mortem photos.
You almost enjoyed the video and you do not know how to feel about that.
You eventually decide to] [[close the app.->YouTube2]]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:#7d7d7d)+(background:white))
After some thought, you pick one of the videos with a guy staring straight into the camera with his mouth wide (color:red)[(link-reveal:"open in excitement in the thumbnail.")[
(color:#7d7d7d)[The video shows the guys buying a lot of one thing, and then putting them all together in one place. It takes a painfully long amount of time for the video to actually get to the point, but for some reason you keep watching. While watching you think about how much money it must have cost in order to buy this much of one thing. You think about how much you would like to have even the] (link-reveal:"smallest fraction of that money.")[
(color:#7d7d7d)[The 20 minute long journey of guys yelling and being way too hyped about everything eventually ends. You don't really feel much about it.
You eventually] [[close the app.->YouTube2]]]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:#7d7d7d)+(background:white))
You click on a video of a dapper young man with a suit on. The video appears to be a food review of the (color:red)[(link-reveal:"McDonald's Spicy Chicken McNuggets.")[
(color:#7d7d7d)[A sense of comfort washes over you. You feel as if you are being whisked away by the exhilaration of a formal fast food review. With each word coming out of the man's mouth with his perfectly combed hair making you feel a greater sense of security in your life. His tie is a beautiful blue and every dip of the nuggets into sauce erases all the anxieties that have been floating around your mind. The way he sips water shows such elegance and grace that you can't find the willpower to] (link-reveal:"pry your eyes from the screen.")[
(color:#7d7d7d)[As the video ends, you return to the world around you, but you feel almost lighter now.
You decide it's time to] [[close the app.->YouTube2]]]]]
(set: $happiness += 1)
(enchant:?page,(background:(gradient: 0, 0,(hsl:24,0.9421,0.4745,0.65),0.4825,(hsl:312,0.9451,0.5,0.6),1,(hsl:255,0.7767,0.5961,0.65))))
You cave in and decide to (color:#6befef)[(link-reveal:"purchase the plushie.")[
(color:white)[You really really did not need to spend the already little amount of money you have on this, but oh my was it worth it. I mean look at this guy. Look how cute they are.
Feeling satisfied about your life choices you decide to] (color:#6befef)[[[close Instagram.->Instagram2]]]]]
(set: $happiness += 1)(enchant:?page,(background:(gradient: 0, 0,(hsl:24,0.9421,0.4745,0.65),0.4825,(hsl:312,0.9451,0.5,0.6),1,(hsl:255,0.7767,0.5961,0.65))))
You decide this time to listen to your (color:#6befef)[(link-reveal:"brain instead of your heart.")[
(color:white)[You feel responsible due to your ability to stop yourself from impulse buying stuff you do not need. You sit up a little bit straighter and take a look out the window. Yea you might not be getting married, but you are incredibly grown up.
You think about how many stickers you could buy with the money you just saved and eventually
decide to] [[close the app.->Instagram2]]]](enchant:?page,(background:(gradient: 0, 0,(hsl:24,0.9421,0.4745,0.65),0.4825,(hsl:312,0.9451,0.5,0.6),1,(hsl:255,0.7767,0.5961,0.65))))
You close the app feeling (color:#0fa816)[(if: $happiness >= 3)[ecstatic](if: $happiness is 2)[joyful](if: $happiness is 1)[content](if: $happiness is 0)[neutral](if: $happiness is -1)[saddened](if: $happiness is -2)[depressed](if: $happiness <= -3)[utterly miserable]] and decide (color:#6befef)[(link-reveal:"what to do next...")[
(color:white)[(if: ($TwitProg is 1) and $YTProg is 1)[Realizing that you have now looked through a lot of your social media apps you wonder if it is time to (color:#6befef)[[[stop looking at your phone...->End1]]]](if: ($TwitProg is 1) and $YTProg is 0)[You choose to see what you can (color:#6befef)[[[find on YouTube...->YouTube1]]]](if: ($TwitProg is 0) and $YTProg is 1)[You choose to check (color:#6befef)[[[what is on Twitter...->Twitter1]]]](if: ($TwitProg is 0) and $YTProg is 0)[Do you want to look at (color:#6befef)[[[Twitter->Twitter1]]] or (color:#6befef)[[[YouTube->YouTube1]]] next?]]]](enchant:?page,(background:(gradient: 0, 0,(hsl:24,0.9421,0.4745,0.65),0.4825,(hsl:312,0.9451,0.5,0.6),1,(hsl:255,0.7767,0.5961,0.65))))
You click through (color:#6befef)[(link-reveal:"some more stories...")[
(color:white)[Seeing what all of the people are up to that you used to know and see in high school everday makes you a bit sad. These people used to be such a large part of your life and now you can't even remember the (color:#6befef)[(link-reveal:"last time you talked to them.")[
(color:white)[Actually yea you can and you remember that a couple of them ended up being a little racist. You don't feel so bad anymore.
You decide it is probably time to] [[close the app.->Instagram2]]]]]]]
(enchant:?page,(background:(gradient: 0, 0,(hsl:24,0.9421,0.4745,0.65),0.4825,(hsl:312,0.9451,0.5,0.6),1,(hsl:255,0.7767,0.5961,0.65))))
You send a (color:#6befef)[(link-reveal:"little joke in the chat...")[
(color:white)[Not a single person laughes or even acknowledges your message. You get completely and outright ignored. The conversation in the chat goes on as if you do not even exist. You thought the joke was pretty funny, but now this is a bit awkward.
You decide to] [[close the app.->Instagram2]]]]
(set: $happiness -= 1)You finished the game feeling (color:#0fa816)[(if: $happiness >= 3)[ecstatic](if: $happiness is 2)[joyful](if: $happiness is 1)[content](if: $happiness is 0)[neutral](if: $happiness is -1)[saddened](if: $happiness is -2)[depressed](if: $happiness <= -3)[utterly miserable]]. Congrats!
[[Play Again?->Start]](enchant:?page,(background:#10183a))
Going even further down your feed you begin to come across a lot of tweets (link-reveal:"talking about GameStop. ")[
Looking into it, you find that a ton of people are buying GameStop stock in order to take money from unreasonable rich people. That's pretty hype.
As you dig into it further you find out how much some people have made in just the past couple weeks off of this. It makes you feel pretty sad that you were not able to be a part of it.
You eventually decide to [[close the app...->Twitter2 a]]]