(set: $time to it + 1)
(if:$time is 25)[[[...->Wait Win]]](else: )[
(if:$time is 1)[*oof*
Where am I?]
*Look*(click: "Look")+(replace: "Look")[It looks like you're in some sort of (text-colour:yellow)[Holding Room]. You're lying on a clean white bed of sorts although it really is far too firm for your liking. Regardless, the decor of this rooms seems distinctly outer-worldly to you.
It dawns upon you...
You've been abduced by aliens!
You (text-style:"shudder")[shudder] wondering what they might do to you.
Probably best to figure a way out of here.
To your right, there's a hallway that seems to be the only way in or out.
(if:visits < 2)[
(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Go into the hallway->W Hall]]]
(link: "Wait")[(goto: "Holding Room")]]
(if:visits >= 2)[(link: "Wait")[(goto: "Holding Room")]
[[Go into the hallway->W Hall]]]
Time: $time(if:visits > 1)[Holding Room ahead. You've already been here, probably nothing of interest anymore.]
Seems like a standard hallway.
Conviently human-sized...
(if:visits is 1)[Best to continue on for now.
(else:)[[[Enter Room->Holding Room]]
Time: $time minutes
(set: $time to it + 1)You approach what appears to be the (text-colour:yellow)[Center] of the ship. From here there are eight different rooms to go to. There's also a (text-colour:yellow)[ramp] that seems to be the primary way on/off the ship.
*Look*(click: "Look")+(replace: "Look")[It's a circular room: white and clean. If you were to imagine a stereotypical UFO interior, this would probably be it. Interestingly enough, there's a distinct lack of aliens aboard this alien space ship. They must be somewhere around here, better be careful.]
<pre><span class="inner-pre" style="font-size: 20px">
[[NW->NW Hall]] [[N->N Hall]] [[NE->NE Hall]]
[[W->W Hall]] (text-colour:grey)[x] [[E->E Hall]]
[[SW->SW Hall]] [[S->S Hall]] [[SE->SE Hall]]
[[Investigate the Ramp->Ramp]]
Time: $time minutes
(set: $time to it + 1)(if:visits > 1)[Armory ahead. You've already been here, probably nothing of interest anymore.]
The sign next to this room has a laser-esque symbol next to it...
Maybe it's the LASIK eye surgery room!
[[Enter Room->Armory]]
[[Head Back to the Center->Center]]
Time: $time minutes
(set: $time to it + 1)It really is convienent how all of these passageways and doors are perfectly human-sized, huh?
Very thoughtful of these aliens.
Well I guess not too thoughtful as it's probably alien-sized as well.
[[Enter Room->Teleporter]]
Time: $time minutes
(set: $time to it + 1)(if:visits > 1)[Engine Room ahead. You've already been here, probably nothing of interest anymore.]
It's pretty loud outside this room.
[[Enter Room->Engines]]
[[Head Back to the Center->Center]]
Time: $time minutes
(set: $time to it + 1)(if: visits > 1)[Bridge ahead. You've already been here, probably nothing of interest anymore.]
You hear some noise coming from the room up ahead. Sounds like talking, but not any language you've heard before. I would avoid it unless I was looking for a fight.
But hey, up to you.
(if: $weapons is false)[[[Enter Room->BD Warning 1]]]
(else: )[[[Enter Room->Bridge]]]
[[Head back to the center->Center]]
Time: $time minutes
(set: $time to it + 1)(if:visits > 1)[Navigation Room ahead. You've already been here, probably nothing of interest anymore.]
No obvious clues for what this room is.
[[Enter Room->Navigation]]
Time: $time minutes
(set: $time to it + 1)(if:visits > 1)[Computer Room ahead. You've already been here, probably nothing of interest anymore.]
Faint electrical whirring can be heard in the room to the north.
[[Enter Room->Computer Room]]
Time: $time minutes
(set: $time to it + 1)(if:visits > 1)[Waste Room ahead. You've already been here, probably nothing of interest anymore.]
You can already smell this room without even entering it.
[[Enter Room->Waste Room]]
Time: $time minutes
(set: $time to it + 1)(text-style:"buoy")[*Eww*]
*Look*(click: "Look")+(replace: "Look")[
Looks like a (text-colour:yellow)[trash disposal room]. There might be some interesting items to find here.
*Dig Through Trash*(click: "Dig Through Trash")+(replace: "Dig Through Trash")[Nothing!
Now you're covered in alien spaghetti sauce and have nothing to show for it!]]
[[Head back to the hallway->Center]]
Time: $time minutes
(set: $time to it + 1)Wowie! Looks like some sort of alien (text-colour:yellow)[server room]. There must be some crazy processing power on this space ship.
It's all a bit too advanced for you however. Nothing you can do here.
Too bad you failed all of your computer science classes in college. They might have come in handy right about now.
[[Head Back->Center]]
(if: $map)[<iframe src="https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Dp3qkGTxKzLFgiT8YMQtD0HgnyheF_jk/preview" width="640" height="480"></iframe>]
Time: $time minutes
Seems like this is a (text-colour:yellow)[ramp] to get on and off of the space ship. This could be the way to freedom!
(if: $landed)[Now that you have landed, you could probably escape through this ramp.
[[Open the hatch->Home]]](else: )[I wouldn't dare open this hatch without landing the ship first. But hey if you really want to.
[[Open the hatch->Ramp Warning 1]]]
[[Head Back->Center]]
Time: $time minutes
(set: $time to it + 1)Check it out! Looks like some sort of alien (text-colour:yellow)[armory].
I guess the laser symbol outside meant laser weapons. That makes more sense.
(if:visits is 1)[
(set: $weapons to true)
You quickly grab the most impressive looking gear. These alien firearms are remarkably similar to the Earth ones you know so well.
[[Head Back->Center]]
Time: $time minutes
(set: $time to it + 1)You open the door and find yourself in a room with about a dozen alien creatures. As they reach for weapons with their slimey appendages, you beat them to the draw.
*pew pew pew*
Lasers fly across the room until you are the only one left standing. The room is covered in stereotypically green alien goo. You have defeated the aliens.
Upon further inspection this room must be the (text-colour:yellow)[bridge] of the ship. And the controls look just like those of an RC Car!
(if: $landed is false)[
Little did these aliens know that you are an RC racing champ! Within a couple minutes you understand the controls and spin the space ship back towards Earth. You should be arriving within a minute thanks to the faster-than-light speed.
(set: $landed to true)
[[Head Back->Center]]
Time: $time minutes
(set: $time to it + 1)(if: $landed)[Yup! Landed already. Wow this alien technology is advanced!]
Maps cover every wall of this room. You can only guess that it is some sort of (text-colour:yellow)[navigation] room.
(if: $landed is false)[
Hey! Maybe you can set the current destination back to Earth and jump ship.
[[Fiddle With Navigation System->SubNav]]
[[Head back->Center]]
Time: $time minutes
(set: $time to it + 1)(text-style:"shudder")[
You can barely hear yourself think in this room! You can barely even hear the narrator.
The massive machinery in front of you must be some sort of (text-colour:yellow)[engine], probably that faster-than-light stuff you always hear them talking about on TV.
Probably best not to linger, your eardrums can only take so much.
[[Head Back->Center]]
Time: $time minutes
(set: $time to it + 1)Hey! You recognize this from all your sci-fi movies. This is a (text-colour:yellow)[teleporter]! Maybe you can use this to get back home.
Could be risky though.
After another look you see that there are three possible teleportation options already set up. Unfortunately, you have no idea what the locations are.
[[Option 1->Tele1]]
[[Option 2->Tele1]]
[[Option 3->Tele1]]
[[Head Back->Center]]
Time: $time minutes
(set: $time to it + 1)<!-- This is for setting up variables and the title -->
(text-colour:#74c0fc)[#Space Escape]
*by* Cameron West
*for* ARTG 80K
(text-colour:#ffe066)[(t8n-depart:"flicker")+(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Start->Holding Room]]]
(set: $time to 0)
(set: $map to false)
(set: $weapons to false)
(set: $landed to false)
You Win
You did nothing
Just Waited
You live I guess
Doesn't really count though
Kinda lame
You won in $time minutes!
Play Again?(click: "Play Again?")[(reload:)](if:visits is 1)[No going back now.]
Teleport option 1, huh?
I mean it might be okay.
Change your mind?
[[Yes! Option 2!->Tele2]]
[[Actually, Option 3 looks good to me.->Tele3]]
[[Nah, I'm certain->Earth]]
[[Cancel the whole thing->Center]]Teleport option 2 seems a little sketchy, but hey aren't they all?
Change your mind?
[[How about option 1->Tele1]]
[[Actually, Option 3 looks good to me.->Tele3]]
[[Cancel the whole thing->Center]]Hmm option 3 sure is an option.
Death isn't so bad is it?
Change your mind?
[[How about option 1->Tele1]]
[[Yes! Option 2!->Tele2]]
[[Gotta commit->Earth]]
[[Cancel the whole thing->Center]]Holy Cow! It looks like the teleportation worked. You have escaped the space ship.
As you take a look around, you notice distinct Earth topography. The problem is that you are nowhere near civilization! Now you have to find a way to get home.
But that's a problem for another game.
You won in $time minutes!
Play Again?(click: "Play Again?")[(reload:)]Welp you died.
Too bad, but hey, I told you so.
Try Again(click: "Try Again")[(reload:)]Luckily for you, you are an astrology expert. You quickly find The Milky Way galaxy that you call home.
Looks like the destination is once again set to Earth, and even better: this space ship really knows how to put the pedal to the metal.
You should be landed in no time at all, perhaps even when you leave this screen.
(set: $landed to true)
Only one way to find out
[[Head back->Navigation]]You run down the ramp as fast as possible.
You made it! Seconds after touching terra firma the hatch closes and the ship flys off. Seems like the aliens figured out their navigation wasn't set quite right.]
Thanks to your excellent navigation, however, you've landed right in front of your house. Time to get a good night's rest, you're about to have a very busy day selling your abduction story to every tabloid in the country.
You won in $time minutes!
Play Again?(click: "Play Again?")[(reload:)]I was serious about the fight, and you don't look like the strongest idividual to me.
You sure you want to this?
[[Yes->BD Warning 2]]
[[Go Back->Center]] Ahem.
You seemed to ignore my previous warning.
I don't think entering this room is a great idea without any *weapons*.
Head back for now?
[[Continue to the Room->BD Warning 3]]
[[Go Back->Center]] You're really starting to annoy me know.
I try to look out for you as my duty as the narrator, but yet here we are. You really want to end this game that badly.
You know what, fine. Go for it. See what I care.
Early game over is always fun.
[[Death->Bridge Death]]
[[Life->Center]] Listen bud, opening up doors (or in this case, oversized ramps) is not a great idea when you're in space.
[[Open the ramp->Ramp Warning 2]]
[[Nevermind->Center]]Space. Big vacuum.
Ship. No vacuum.
Open door, enter vacuum.
Enter vacuum, you die.
Death bad.
Don't die.
[[Open ramp anyway->Ramp Warning 3]]
[[Cancel->Center]] I really wonder what the point of my advice is if you so blatently refuse to listen.
<pre><span class="inner-pre" style="font-size: 20px">
O P E N I N G A D O O R / R A M P I N S P A C E, O N A S P A C E S H I P I S A B A D I D E A.
I F Y O U D O I T Y O U W I L L D I E.
Y O U C A N S T I L L P R E V E N T A N E A R L Y G A M E O V E R.
B E G A M E R, L I V E.
[[Fine.->Center]]You open the door and find yourself in a room with about a dozen alien creature. They quickly pull out their weapons and take you down. It's the end of the road for you. Maybe you would of had better luck with some weapons of your own.
Can't say I didn't warn you. Maybe listen to that kind and helpful voice in your head next time.
Try Again(click: "Try Again")[(reload:)]