You are a hostage negotiator, and you are running late.
(click: 'late')[You glance at the time and see that it's 6:00 AM. (click-replace:"6:00 AM")[6:10 AM](click-replace:"6:10 AM")[6:30 AM](click-replace:"6:30 AM")[7:00 AM]]
$yourName: "I need to [[hurry]]."You meet your fellow officer, Anthony, standing outside a tall building, surrounded by many police cars. He briefs you on the [[situation]].Anthony: "An unidentified robber attempted to rob the nearby bank. (click:'nearby bank')[The Bulwark Bank to be exact.]
Right now the robber is surrounded by our police officers in the area. In the bank with him is about a dozen [[hostages]]."$yourName: "It looks like he needs help. What are his demands?"
(click:'demands')[Anthony: "That's why you're [[here]]."]The officer hands you a phone with an established line to the robber.
You press it against your ear and say, [["hello."]]Ok. First thing I need to do is get a better idea of the situation. What should my first move be?
[[Introduce yourself]]
[[Wait for robber to respond]]$yourName: "Hello my name is Karl, and I am here to help you."
Would you like to keep your name as $yourName or Karl?
[[Karl]]All you hear is static. The robber refuses to talk first. What is your next move?
[[Introduce yourself]]
[[Keep waiting]]You wait for a [[response|robber's response]].After 10 seconds of silence, the robber finally responds.
$robberName: "I want a car, and guaranteed [[saftey]]."$yourName: "I can't do that until I know the hostages are safe."
[[Ask to come in]]
[[Strike a deal]](if: $deal is false)[$yourName: "Can I come inside to see if they are ok?"]
$robberName: "How do I know you don't have a gun."
[[Offer assurance]]$yourName: "I assure you I do not have a gun. Can I please come [[in|agrees to let you in]]?"$robberName: "Ok. You can come in. But don't even think about playing any tricks."
(if: $deal is true)[An elderly woman runs out of the building.]
You put down the phone, ready to head in, but you see a spare gun on top of the police car.
[[Take the gun]] and conceal it.
[[Leave the gun]](set: $deal to true)
$yourName: How about we make a trade. A hostage for [[me|Ask to come in]].(set: $hasGun to true)
You pick up the gun and conceal it behind your back. Then you head on [[inside]].You leave the gun, and head on [[inside]].{
(set: $yourName to "You")
(set: $hasGun to false)
(set: $deal to false)
(set: $isCalm to false)
(set: $robberName to "Robber")
(set: $isCaught to false)
(set: $gunIsOut to false)
(set: $isExplained to false)
(set: $hasInfo to false)
(set: $hasCompromise to false)
(set: $knowsMaster to false)
(set: $atHome to false)
(set: $atBar to false)
(set: $isThreat to false)
}Inside, you see several frightened civilians. The robber is holding a civilian at gunpoint.
$robberName: "Don't move or she dies! I mean they all die!!!"
[[Get information about him]]
[[Explain the situation to the robber]]
(if:$hasGun is true)[Since you have the gun, you can [[Pull out your gun]]](set: $isExplained to true)
You calmly walk forward.
(click: 'forward')[$yourName: "Listen, there are snipers outside this building waiting to fire if you do not cooperate."]
(click: 'cooperate')[The robber begins breathing heavily. Brings the hostage in closer.
$robberName: "Get me a car or I'll shoot. I swear!"]
(click: 'swear')[I need to get him to stay calm.
[[Attempt a compromise]]
(if: $hasInfo is false)[Try to [[Get information about him]]]
(if: $hasGun is true and $gunIsOut is false)[or [[Pull out your gun]]]](if: $isCalm is false)[You see sweat drip down from the robber's forehead. You calmly take a couple of steps forward.
You suddenly draw your gun and aim for the robber. The robber panics and is unsure of what to do.
(after: 5s)[**BAAM** **BAAM**]
(after: 7s)[Two bodies drop to the floor as blood begins to envelop them.
You look in horror to see both the robber and the civilian lay dead on the floor.
The rest of the civilians begin screaming and storm out the building.
The SWAT team rushes through the building looking for [[answers|Sad ending]].]]
(else:)[You suddenly draw your gun and aim for the robber.
(after: 2s)[**BAAM**]
(after: 3s)[The robber lay dead on the floor as the civilians continue screaming in fear. You walk away from the body knowing that your mission is [[complete|Robber is dead]].]]Months later.........(after: 2s)[.](after: 2.5s)[.](after: 3s)[.]
(after: 5s)[You wake up in bed, and look at your dresser where your badge used to be.]
(click: 'used to be')[All you can do now is reminisce on what you could have done differently.
[[Continue|Game over]]](set: $hasCompromise to true)
$yourName: "How about you give me a few hostages first, and then I can see what I can do about that car."
(click: 'car')[$robberName: Can I trust you?
[[Reassure him]]
(if: $hasInfo is false)[Try to [[Get information about him]]]
(if: $hasGun is true and $gunIsOut is false)[or [[Pull out your gun]]]]$yourName: "I know you are afraid, but I'm only here to help. What is your name?"
$robberName: "Garrett. It's Garrett."
Refer to him as Garrett or Robber?
(set: $hasInfo to true)
[[Robber]]$yourName: "Not going to happen. You have to help me out first."
(if: $hasCompromise is false)[Try to [[Attempt a compromise]]]
[[Wait for a response]]
(if: $hasGun is true and $gunIsOut is false)[or [[Pull out your gun]]](set: $gunIsOut to true)
You reach for your gun and try to intimidate him.
(click: 'him')[$robberName: "You lied to me!!"]
(click: 'me')[$yourName: "It doesn't have to end like this. I can still help you."
(if: $hasInfo is false)[Try to [[Get information about him]]]
(if: $isExplained is false)[Try to [[Explain the situation to the robber]]]
[[Shoot the robber]]]$yourName: "I'm on your side. No tricks."
(click: 'tricks')[The robber calms down. But can you trust him?
[[Wait for his next move]]
[[Give the order to snipe]]
(if: $hasGun is true and $gunIsOut is false)[He's wide open [[Pull out your gun]]]]The robber looks even more tensed, and starts tearing up.
$robberName: "Fine then."
The robber holds the gun firm. He's about to shoot!! You do not have time to talk things through.
[[Charge at the robber]]
[[Give the order to snipe]]
(if: $hasGun is true and $gunIsOut is false)[or [[Pull out your gun]]](if: $isCaught is true)[You see your partner from before.
Anthony: "Nice one."
[[Stand proud of your acheivement]]
[[Turn your badge in and walk away]]]
(else-if: $knowsMaster is true)[You pull out your [[phone|Master Ending]].]
(else:)[You exit the building and see your partner from before.
Anthony: "Nice one."
[[Stand proud of your acheivement]]
[[Turn your badge in and walk away]]]You walk away knowing that you saved the day.
(after: 3s)[(display: "Mission complete")](if: $isThreat is true)[It's Rick Gon.....
(after: 2s)["Cut!!!"]
(after: 4s)["Damn it Mike. You skipped a line."
"Alright back to starting positions everyone."]
(after: 8s)[(goto: "Game over")]]
(else:)[You toss your badge to him, and ....
(after: 2s)["Cut!!!"]
(after: 4s)["Damn it Mike. You skipped a line."
"Alright back to starting positions everyone."]
(after: 8s)[(goto: "Mission complete")]]You charge at the robber at full speed, and attempt to push the hostage out of the way.
(after: 4s)[**BAAM**]
(after: 6s)[You lie dead on the floor. All the civillians are unharmed, and rush out of the building in fear. The SWAT team storms the building and handcuffs the robber.
[[Continue|Game over]]](if: $isCalm is false)[You nod your head to give the order.
(after: 3s)[**BAAM** **BAAM**]
(after: 5s)[Two bodies drop to the floor as blood begins to envelop them.
You look in horror to see both the robber and the civilian lay dead on the floor.
The rest of the civilians begin screaming and storm out the building.
The SWAT team rushes through the building looking for [[answers|Sad ending]].]]
(else:)[You nod your head to give the order.
(after: 3s)[**BAAM**]
(after: 5s)[The robber lay dead on the floor as the civillians continue screaming in fear. You walk away from the body knowing that your mission is [[complete|Robber is dead]].]]$yourName: "I understand. I can help you. So please let go of the hostages and we can figure this out."
$robberName: "I just want this to be over."
[[Comfort him]]
[[Ask who the mastermind is]]$yourName: "That's a little hard to believe. You need help."
[[Ask who the mastermind is]]
(if: $hasCompromise is false)[Try to [[Attempt a compromise]]]
(if: $isExplained is false)[Try to [[Explain the situation to the robber]]]
(if: $hasGun is true and $gunIsOut is false)[or [[Pull out your gun]]]$yourName: "Don't worry. I can help you get out of this mess."
[[Ask who the mastermind is]]
[[Give the order to snipe]]$robberName: "I don't know the name. But I swear I'm telling the truth."
(set: $knowsMaster to true)
[[Roll with it|Lie]]
(if: $hasCompromise is false)[Try to [[Attempt a compromise]]]
(if: $hasGun is true and $gunIsOut is false)[or [[Pull out your gun]]]The robber signals for a few hostages to exit the building.
(click: 'building')[$robberName: "Ok. I gave you a few hostages. Now give me my car!"]
(set: $isCalm to true)(click: 'car')[The robber is lowering his weapon.
[[Give the order to snipe]]
(if: $hasGun is true and $gunIsOut is false)[[Pull out your gun]]]You signal to your partner.
$yourName: "Your car is on its way, for now just be patient."
(click: 'patient')[This is your last chance to act.
[[Give the order to snipe]]
(if: $hasGun is true and $gunIsOut is false)[or [[Pull out your gun]]]]$yourName: "Ok. It's here. Just follow me very slowly."
The robber, still holding on to the hostage, is carefully following you to the entrance of the bank. You are the first to exit the entrance and you leave the door open.
(live: 6s)[The police get a hold of the robber from the rear side, while securing the hostage. The rest of the hostages are secured in the building.
[[Next]]](set: $isCaught to true)
$robberName: "You lied to me!!!"
(if: $knowsMaster is true)[The robber yells as he is being shoved in a police [[car|Robber is Caught]].]
(else:)[The robber yells as he is being shoved in a police [[car|Robber is dead]].](set: $yourName to "Karl")
Name is set to Karl.
$yourName: "May I ask what your name [[is|robber's response]]?"Speech dialogue remains $yourName.
$yourName: "May I ask what your name [[is|robber's response]]?"(set: $robberName to "Garrett")
Robber's name set to Garrett.
[[Continue|Get information]]Name remains robber.
[[Continue|Get information]]$robberName: "It's not my fault I swear. Someone else put me up to this. I swear."
[[Believe him]]
[[Don't believe him]]
(if: $hasGun is true and $gunIsOut is false)[or [[Pull out your gun]]]<img src="" alt="Game Title">
(align:"===><==")[[[Play|Intro]]](after: 1s)[Ring] (after: 2s)[Ring] (after: 3s)[Ring]
(after: 4s)[$yourName: "It's taken care of. No more lose ends."]
(after: 6s)[(display: "Mission complete")]You see your partner from before.
Anthony: "Nice one."
[[Head back to your apartment]]
[[Get a drink at the bar]](set: $atHome to true)
You head back to your apartment, completely exhausted. However, the lights won't turn on. Inside, you see a figure sitting on your couch.
(click: 'couch')[???: "How's it going Karl. We need to talk."]
(click: 'talk')[You immediately recognize who it is. It's the mastermind.
[[Try to escape]]
[[Talk to him]]](set: $atBar to true)
You head to your local bar and take a seat. You notice that there is only one other person. The bartender immediately hands you a drink.
(click: 'drink')[$yourName: "I didn't order this."]
(click: 'this')[Bartender: "It's from the gentleman over there"]
(click: 'over there')[$yourName: "Over wher....."]
(click: 'wher.....')[You immediately recognize who it is. It's the mastermind.
[[Try to escape]]
[[Talk to him]]](if: $atHome is true)[You immediately run for the door. As soon as you open it, a tall man stands in front of you with a gun in his hand.
The Mastermind: "Can't do that Karl."
[[Talk to him]]]
(if: $atBar is true)[You immediately run for the door. As soon as you open it, a tall man stands in front of you with a gun in his hand.
The Mastermind: "Can't do that Karl."
[[Talk to him]]]The Mastermind: "You let him go Karl. Loose ends aren't good for business."
(click: 'business')[Your legs (text-style:"shudder")[tremble] as you take a seat next to him.]
(click: 'next to him')[$yourName: "I didn't want to kill him. It wasn't right."]
(click: 'right')[The Mastermind: "That wasn't part of the deal. It's your job to cover our slip ups."
[[Ask what happened to the robber]]
[[Ask what he wants]]]The Mastermind: "It's been taken care of, so don't worry about it."
[[Ask what he wants]]The Mastermind: "You screwed up. I do not tolelerate that. I can always just get another negotiator under my payroll."
(click: 'payroll')[He pulls out a gun. He's going to kill you.
[[Try to threaten him]]
(if: $hasGun is true)[You still have your gun [[Use your gun]]]](set: $isThreat to true)
You quickly pull out your phone.
$yourName: "If you shoot me, I have an typed up email exposing your identity to the city police department. I'll press send I sear."
The Mastermind: "Really, what's my name."
[[Say his name|Turn your badge in and walk away]]
[[Press send]]You pull out your gun, but there are two enemies. Who should you take out?
[[Shoot the guard]]
[[Shoot the mastermind]]You tap your phone screen, but it was a bluff.
The Mastermind: "I knew it."
(after: 1s)[(display: "Shoot the mastermind")]You turn around to shoot the gaurd. But...
(after: 2s)[**BAAM**]
(after: 3s)[You lie dead on the floor.]
(after: 4s)[The mastermind: "Sorry about the mess. Butch, give me Anthony's phone number."
[[Continue|Game over]]](if: $atHome is true)[(after: 2s)[**BAAM**]
(after: 4s)[You lie dead on the floor.]
(after: 7s)[The mastermind: "Sorry about the mess. Butch, give me Anthony's phone number."
[[Continue|Game over]]]]
(else:)[(after: 2s)[**BAAM** **BAAM**]
(after: 4s)[Both the mastermind and the guard lay dead on the floor.]
(after: 7s)[The Bartender: "Agent Mark of the FBI. I'm placing you under arrest Karl."]
(after: 10s)[Police storm the area, as he places you in handcuffs.
[[Continue|Game over]]]]<img src="" alt="Game Over"><img src="" alt="Mission Complete">