(set: $daysLeft to 10)
(set: $score to 0)
(set: $teamNumber to 0)
(set: $tech to false)
(set: $thief to false)
(set: $talk to false)
(set: $misc to false)
(set: $hacker to false)
(set: $gadgets to false)
(set: $ghost to false)
(set: $pickpocket to false)
(set: $catBurglar to false)
(set: $insideMan to false)
(set: $mom to false)
(set: $driver to false)
(set: $muscle to false)
(set: $hackerTalked to false)
(set: $gadgetsTalked to false)
(set: $ghostTalked to false)
(set: $pickpocketTalked to false)
(set: $catBurglarTalked to false)
(set: $insideManTalked to false)
(set: $momTalked to false)
(set: $driverTalked to false)
(set: $muscleTalked to false)
(set: $rivalTalked to false)
(set: $ghostNumber to false)
(set: $insideManContact to false)
(set: $fullPay to 0)
(set: $tookFall to false)
}(enchant:?page,(background:#dac8c0))(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[As you scroll through your news app, a passage catches your eye. The ][[Museum of Art and Culture|museum]] (text-colour:#3f0c0f)[has recently found a rare and valuable ][[treasure|treasure]](text-colour:#3f0c0f)[, and they plan to make it the centerpiece of their new exhibit, which opens 11 days from now.
However, you realize that right before the exhibit opens, you have the perfect window to swoop in and steal the treasure.
Do you want to do the heist?]
(replace:"No.")[(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[No.]](text-colour:#3f0c0f)[Are you sure? You love doing heists, and this will be your most impressive one yet.(replace:"Yes!")[]]
[[Okay, I'll do it.|yesHeist]]
[[I'm sure. I don't want to.|noHeist]]](enchant:?page,(background:#dac8c0))(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[Alright, let's do it! If you pull this heist off, you'll be legendary.
Only one problem: you can't do it alone.]
(text-colour:#a71205)[(link-reveal:"You need a heist team.")[(enchant:?page,(background:#110809))(enchant:?passage,(text-colour:#f0edeb))(replace:"Alright, let's do it! If you pull this heist off, you'll be legendary.")[(text-colour:#f0edeb)[Alright, let's do it! If you pull this heist off, you'll be legendary.]](replace:"Only one problem: you can't do it alone.")[(text-colour:#f0edeb)[Only one problem: you can't do it alone.]]
(text-color:#f0edeb)[Luckily, you have some contacts you can try to recruit, though you may need to get help from others to convince some of them.
Ideally, you'll make a four person heist team, with a variety of skills. Luckily, you have contacts that specialize in thievery, tech, talking, and everything in between. Depending on the skill level of the members you recruit, you may be able to manage with a smaller team.
Just don't forget that you're on a strict time table, so choose which days you spend on which people carefully!
(text-colour:#a71205)[[[Look at your contacts.|dayHub]]]]]](enchant:?page,(background:#dac8c0))(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[You decide that this isn't the heist for you, and continue to go about your daily life.
About a week later, you see another article about the treasure. Turns out, you weren't the only one with the idea to try a heist: it was stolen!
You look a little closer, and realize it wasn't stolen by just anyone: this looks like the work of your biggest rival, Contessa Rey! She'll never let you hear the end of this.
[''THE END'']]
[[Play again.|start]](enchant:?page,(background:#dac8c0))(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[The treasure in question is a rare jewel that was found among Babylonian ruins. Monetarily, it's worth millions, and historically, it's priceless.]
(text-colour:#a71205)[[[Back.|start]]](enchant:?page,(background:#dac8c0))(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[The Museum of Art and Culture is known for acquiring some of the rarest and most priceless artifacts in the world. Successfully stealing from there would make you legendary.]
(text-colour:#a71205)[[[Back.|start]]](if: $daysLeft is 0)[(go-to:"timesUp")](if: $teamNumber is 4)[(go-to:"teamFull")]There are (print:$daysLeft) day(if: $daysLeft is not 1)[s] remaining to make a heist team before it's time to steal the treasure. You have recruited (print:$teamNumber) (if:$teamNumber is 1)[person](else:)[people].
You have some contacts you can call:
[[Akilah Trakas.|gadgetsInfo]]
[[Isaac Pent.|pickpocketInfo]]
[[Sienna Argent.|catBurglarInfo]]
[[Chauncey Gibbon.|insideManInfo]]
[[Larry Burley.|driverInfo]]
[[Patrycja Mikos.|muscleInfo]]
[[Contessa Rey.|rivalInfo]]
[[The Ghost.|ghostInfo]]
[[Review team.|teamHub]]
[[What am I doing again?|yesHeist]]
(link-rerun:"I'm ready.")[
Are you sure?
(link:"Nevermind.")[(replace:"Are you sure?")[](replace:"Yes.")[]]](if: $teamNumber is 0)[Nobody is on your team.
](if: $gadgets is true)[[[Akilah Trakas|gadgetsInfo]] is on your team.
](if: $pickpocket is true)[[[Isaac Pent|pickpocketInfo]] is on your team.
](if: $catBurglar is true)[[[Sienna Argent|catBurglarInfo]] is on your team.
](if: $insideMan is true)[[[Chauncey Gibbon|insideManInfo]] is on your team.
](if: $driver is true)[[[Larry Burley|driverInfo]] is on your team.
](if: $muscle is true)[[[Patrycja Mikos|muscleInfo]] is on your team.
](if: $ghost is true)[[[The Ghost|ghostInfo]] is on your team.
](if: $hacker is true)[[[blackberryPie|hackerInfo]] is on your team.
](if: $mom is true)[[[Mom|momInfo]] is on your team.
[[Back.|dayHub]]blackberryPie is one of your friends on Steam, and the two of you play games together frequently. They've mentioned that they're a computer science major in college, and they like playing games when their coding projects get too stressful. You get the sense that they wouldn't have any moral qualms about helping with a heist, though they hate following directions or being told what to do.
(if: $hacker is true)[You've recruited blackberryPie to your team.
](else-if: $hackerTalked is true)[You've tried talking to blackberryPie before, but weren't able to convince them.
](if: $hacker is false)[[[Talk.|hackerTalk]]
][[Back.|dayHub]](set:$fromG to true)(set:$fromM to false)Akilah Trakas is a tech expert that always has the right tool for the job. She specializes in her gadgets, but is able to help almost any aspect of a heist team.(if: $gadgets is false)[ Only one problem: she still hates you for the last [[job|lastJob]] you both did together. Could you find someone else to convince her to trust you?](if: $muscle is true)[ However, the fact that Patrycja Mikos trusts you again might mean something to her.]
(if: $gadgets is true)[You've recruited Akilah to your team.
](else-if: $gadgetsTalked is true)[You've tried talking to Akilah before, but weren't able to convince her.
](if: $gadgets is false)[[[Talk.|gadgetsTalk]]
][[Back.|dayHub]]The Ghost is a world famous superthief, known only for how mysterious they are. The thefts attributed to them keep on getting more complex, almost as if they're showing off.(if: $ghostNumber is true)[ Luckily, Contessa Rey gave you the information about exactly how to contact them.](else:)[ But despite the mystery, you think you might have found their phone number. Hopefully it works. If not, maybe you know someone else who might have it?]
(if: $ghost is true)[You've recruited the ghost to your team.
](else-if: $ghostTalked is true)[You've tried talking to the ghost before, but weren't able to convince them.
](if: $ghost is false)[[[Talk.|ghostTalk]]
][[Back.|dayHub]](set:$fromP to true)(set:$fromC to false)Isaac Pent is an acquaintance of yours from [[college|school]]. The two of you learned basic thievery together and would sometimes practice picking pockets in your dining hall. However, you lost touch after school ended, and you're not sure what he's done with his skills since.
(if: $pickpocket is true)[You've recruited Isaac to your team.
](else-if: $pickpocketTalked is true)[You've tried talking to Isaac before, but weren't able to convince him.
](if: $pickpocket is false)[[[Talk.|pickpocketTalk]]
][[Back.|dayHub]](set:$fromC to true)(set:$fromP to false)Sienna Argent is trying to make a name for herself as a world famous superthief, but is currently only locally known. Though she goes by a false name publicly, you're fairly certain you know her true identity - a historian at your [[old college|school]], though you doubt she'll explicitly admit to it. In both her day job and secret identity, she seems to find the historical value of a piece much more important than its monetary value.
(if: $catBurglar is true)[You've recruited Sienna to your team.
](else-if: $catBurglarTalked is true)[You've tried talking to Sienna before, but weren't able to convince her.
](if: $catBurglar is false)[[[Talk.|catBurglarTalk]]
][[Back.|dayHub]]Chauncey Gibbon works at the Museum of Art and Culture and has a lot of knowledge about their policies and layout. (if: $insideManContact is true)[If you're remembering correctly, your mom mentioned that he was one of the employees in charge of managing the new exhibit for the treasure. He has a deep appreciation for art and the experience of observing it deeply.](else:)[You haven't met him before, but you hope he'd still be willing to have a conversation with you. Maybe someone could help you get a better foot in the door?]
(if: $insideMan is true)[You've recruited Chauncey to your team.
](else-if: $insideManTalked is true)[You've tried talking to Chauncey before, but weren't able to convince him.
](if: $insideMan is false)[[[Talk.|insideManTalk]]
][[Back.|dayHub]]Mom is very caring, and always tries her best to support you. However, she worries about your career, because she's not exactly sure how you're able to earn money and she's nervous that you might be doing something illegal. She always makes sure to let you know she can call a friend to help you out if you need it.
(if: $mom is true)[You've recruited Mom to your team.
](else-if: $momTalked is true)[You've tried talking to Mom before, but weren't able to convince her.
](if: $mom is false)[[[Talk.|momTalk]]
][[Back.|dayHub]]Larry Burley was an Uber driver who you had a really interesting conversation with once. He seemed to be looking for a different job, and didn't seem very picky about what it was, though he did want all the information before committing to anything.
(if: $driver is true)[You've recruited Larry to your team.
](else-if: $driverTalked is true)[You've tried talking to Larry before, but weren't able to convince him.
](if: $driver is false)[[[Talk.|driverTalk]]
][[Back.|dayHub]](set:$fromM to true)(set:$fromG to false)Patrycja Mikos is always working out, and isn't shy about bashing a few heads if the situation calls for it. You've only seen her lose a fight once, and it was on the last [[job|lastJob]] the two of you were on together. She values loyalty above all else, so you're surprised she forgave you for what happened last time.
(if: $muscle is true)[You've recruited Patrycja to your team.
](else-if: $muscleTalked is true)[You've tried talking to Patrycja before, but weren't able to convince her.
](if: $muscle is false)[[[Talk.|muscleTalk]]
][[Back.|dayHub]]Contessa Rey is your biggest rival when it comes to heists. No matter what you do, it seems like she always comes up with something bigger and better. But maybe if you put aside that rivalry and humble yourself, she'll have some good ideas for you? She is an expert, after all.
(if: $rivalTalked is true)[You've tried talking to Contessa before, but weren't able to convince her.
[[Back.|dayHub]]{(set: $daysLeft to $daysLeft - 1)}"finally online again!! (if: $hackerTalked is true)[want to actually play games instead of just talking?](else:)[you up for a rematch?]"(set:$hackerTalked to true)
(link-reveal: "Not right now. I have a question for you.")[(replace: "Well, I have a game of sorts...")[]
(link-reveal: "I have a job for you.")[(replace: "Can you hack?")[]
"lol i have no time for a job, this semester is KILLING me >_<"
(if: $fullPay < 1)[(link-reveal:"I'll pay you.")[(replace: "It'll only take a few days.")[]
"well i would hope so lmao! but i need time, not money. speaking of, i gotta go study, ttyl :/"
(link-reveal:"It'll only take a few days.")[(replace: "I'll pay you.")[]
"oh nice! what kind of job is it?"
(link-reveal: "Some coding practice.")[(replace: "An illegal one.")[]
"like some random game or startup idea? no way that only takes a few days, coding takes longer than you think. ask someone on fiverr or something"
(link-reveal: "An illegal one.")[(replace: "Some coding practice.")[]
"lmao are you TRYING to incriminate yourself? sounds fun though, i'm in ;p"
''RECRUITED: BLACKBERRYPIE''(set: $hacker to true)(set: $teamNumber to $teamNumber +1)(set: $score to $score + 2)(set: $tech to true)
(link-reveal: "Can you hack?")[(replace: "I have a job for you.")[]
"enough. why?"
(link-reveal: "Can you hack well enough to get into a museum security system?")[(replace: "Want some hacking practice?")[]
"lol that doesn't sound very legal..."
(link-reveal:"Just kidding!")[(replace: "And?")[]
"haha? i guess you got me, lowkey was hoping you were serious...oh well :/"
(link-reveal:"And?")[(replace: "Just kidding!")[]
"see, i knew you were fun! i'm in"
''RECRUITED: BLACKBERRYPIE''(set: $hacker to true)(set: $teamNumber to $teamNumber +1)(set: $score to $score + 2)(set: $tech to true)
(link-reveal: "Want some hacking practice?")[(replace: "Can you hack well enough to get into a museum security system?")[]
"lol why not? i'm in"
''RECRUITED: BLACKBERRYPIE''(set: $hacker to true)(set: $teamNumber to $teamNumber +1)(set: $score to $score + 2)(set: $tech to true)
(link-reveal: "Well, I have a game of sorts...")[(replace: "Not right now. I have a question for you.")[]
"a new game? do tell"
(link-reveal:"It's more of a job, actually.")[(replace: "It's a game where everything actually happens in real life...")[]
"a job that's like a game? like gametesting?"
(link-reveal:"I'm planning a heist.")[(replace: "I need you to do some coding for me.")[]
"sounds illegal, i'm in ^_^"
''RECRUITED: BLACKBERRYPIE''(set: $hacker to true)(set: $teamNumber to $teamNumber +1)(set: $score to $score + 2)(set: $tech to true)
(link-reveal:"I need you to do some coding for me.")[(replace: "I'm planning a heist.")[]
"lol coding is fun but i want to play games to take a break from it right now. are you going to play with me or should i just play on my own?"
(link-reveal:"It's a game where everything actually happens in real life...")[(replace: "It's more of a job, actually.")[]
"are you telling me to go outside? i don't need you patronizing me right now, message me once you feel like being fun again."
[[Back.|dayHub]]]]{(set: $daysLeft to $daysLeft - 1)}(if: $gadgetsTalked is true)["I still have no interest in ever seeing you again."](else:)["What the hell are you doing here? I thought I said never to speak to me again."](set: $gadgetsTalked to true)
(link-reveal:"I have a job for you.")[(replace:"I wanted to say that I'm sorry.")[]
"Why on Earth would I accept?"
(link-reveal:"I've changed.")[(replace:"I'll pay you.")[](replace:"Patrycja is coming.")[]
"Like hell you have. Go tell your story to someone else, you won't fool me."
(if: $fullPay < 1)[(link-reveal:"I'll pay you.")[(replace:"I've changed.")[](replace:"Patrycja is coming.")[]
"No amount of money could convince me to spend another minute talking to you, let alone work with you. Get out."
(if: $muscle is true)[(link-reveal:"Patrycja is coming.")[(replace:"I've changed.")[](replace:"I'll pay you.")[]
"Then she's a fool."
(link-reveal:"Maybe so.")[(replace:"She's not.")[]
"You have no right to speak about her, let insult her. Get out!"
(link-reveal:"She's not.")[(replace:"Maybe so.")[]
"Well...Patka can make her own choices. And I can be there to support her if those choices go wrong. I'll come, but only for her."
''RECRUITED: AKILAH TRAKAS''(set: $gadgets to true)(set: $teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 3)(set: $tech to true)
(link-reveal:"I wanted to say that I'm sorry.")[(replace:"I have a job for you.")[]
"And I don't forgive you, never will. Are we done here?"
(if: $muscle is true)[(link-reveal: "Patrycja did.")[
(link-reveal:"You should too.")[(replace:"Didn't it affect her most?")[]
"You have *no* right to tell me what I should and shouldn't do. Get out!"
(link-reveal:"Didn't it affect her most?")[(replace:"You should too.")[]
"I guess. Well, if Patka's letting you slide, then I need to be there to keep a closer eye on you."
''RECRUITED: AKILAH TRAKAS''(set: $gadgets to true)(set: $teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 3)(set: $tech to true)
[[Back.|dayHub]]]]](else:)[[[Back.|dayHub]]]]{(set: $daysLeft to $daysLeft - 1)}You try calling the number(if: $ghostTalked is true)[ again](if: $ghostNumber is true)[, using the information Contessa Rey gave you].
(if: $ghostNumber is false)[You hear a few rings, and then...nothing. Is the number wrong, or are they just ignoring you?(set: $ghostTalked to true)
[[Back.|dayHub]]](else:)[You hear a few rings, and then an unfamilar voice speaks.
"Hello? Who is this?(if: $ghostTalked is true)[ Have we spoken before?]"(set: $ghostTalked to true)
(link-reveal:"A friend.")[(replace:"A fan.")[]
"Is that so? Well, I'm guessing you're not just calling for friendly chat, are you?"
(link-reveal:"I'm just calling to get to know you better.")[(replace:"I'm calling about a job.")[]
"Ha! I don't have time for small talk. Only call this number if you have something interesting to discuss with me."
You hear a click, and the line goes dead.
(link-reveal:"I'm calling about a job.")[(replace:"I'm just calling to get to know you better.")[]
"Oh? Well, what's in it for me?"
(if: $fullPay < 1)[(link-reveal:"Money.")[(replace:"Excitement.")[]
"I have plenty of money already. How much are you willing to offer?"
(link-reveal:"An equal cut.")[(replace:"Everything we get.")[]
"Don't insult me. Why would I work under you to earn only a fraction of the reward I could get on my own? Only call this number if you have an interesting offer for me."
You hear a click, and the line goes dead.
(link-reveal:"Everything we get.")[(replace:"An equal cut.")[]
"Well, that's certainly interesting. I accept your offer. When it's time for the job, you'll hear from me again."
You hear a click, and the line goes dead.
''RECRUITED: THE GHOST''(set: $ghost to true)(set: $teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 3)(set: $thief to true)(set: $fullPay to 3)
"Well, that's certainly an interesting offer. It's been a while since I've done something fun. I accept. When it's time for the job, you'll hear from me again."
You hear a click, and the line goes dead.
''RECRUITED: THE GHOST''(set: $ghost to true)(set: $teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 3)(set: $thief to true)
(link-reveal:"A fan.")[(replace:"A friend.")[]
"What? You're not supposed to have this number."
You hear a click, and the line goes dead.
[[Back.|dayHub]]]]{(set: $daysLeft to $daysLeft - 1)}"Hey man! (if: $pickpocketTalked)[I'm glad you changed your mind! You did change your mind, right?](else:)[What's up? I feel like we haven't talked in forever!]"(set: $pickpocketTalked to true)
(link-reveal: "I have a job for you.")[(replace:"What have you been doing since college?")[]
"A heist? Awesome! When do I start?"
(link-reveal:"Actually, how many jobs have you done before?")[(replace:"I'll let you know when it's ready.")[]
"C'mon, don't you remember all those days in the dining hall?"
(link-reveal: "No, I mean actual heists.")[(replace:"Alright.")[]
"Well...one after this one?"
(link-reveal: "Alright.")[(replace:"Actually, nevermind.")[]
"You won't regret including me, I promise!"
''RECRUITED: ISAAC PENT''(set: $pickpocket to true)(set:$teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 1)(set: $thief to true)
(link-reveal: "Actually, nevermind.")[(replace:"Alright.")[]
"Bro, what? C'mon, how am I supposed to get experience? Bro?"
(link-reveal: "Alright.")[(replace:"No, I mean actual heists.")[]
"You won't regret including me, I promise!"
''RECRUITED: ISAAC PENT''(set: $pickpocket to true)(set:$teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 1)(set: $thief to true)
(link-reveal:"I'll let you know when it's ready.")[(replace:"Actually, how many jobs have you done before?")[]
"You won't regret including me, I promise!"
''RECRUITED: ISAAC PENT''(set: $pickpocket to true)(set:$teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 1)(set: $thief to true)
(link-reveal: "What have you been doing since college?")[(replace:"I have a job for you.")[]
"Oh you know, things here and there. What about you?"
(link-reveal: "What sort of things?")[(replace:"I've been planning a heist I want you to join.")[]
"Just keeping my skills sharp, that sort of thing. Wait, have you been planning anything?"
(link-reveal: "A heist. Want to join?")[(replace:"Nevermind.")[]
"Of course! When do I start?"
(link-reveal:"Actually, how many jobs have you done before?")[(replace:"I'll let you know when it's ready.")[]
"C'mon, don't you remember all those days in the dining hall?"
(link-reveal: "No, I mean actual heists.")[(replace:"Alright.")[]
"Well...one after this one?"
(link-reveal: "Alright.")[(replace:"Actually, nevermind.")[]
"You won't regret including me, I promise!"
''RECRUITED: ISAAC PENT''(set: $pickpocket to true)(set:$teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 1)(set: $thief to true)
(link-reveal: "Actually, nevermind.")[(replace:"Alright.")[]
"Bro, what? C'mon, how am I supposed to get experience? Bro?"
(link-reveal: "Alright.")[(replace:"No, I mean actual heists.")[]
"You won't regret including me, I promise!"
''RECRUITED: ISAAC PENT''(set: $pickpocket to true)(set:$teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 1)(set: $thief to true)
(link-reveal:"I'll let you know when it's ready.")[(replace:"Actually, how many jobs have you done before?")[]
"You won't regret including me, I promise!"
''RECRUITED: ISAAC PENT''(set: $pickpocket to true)(set:$teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 1)(set: $thief to true)
(link-reveal: "Nevermind.")[(replace:"A heist. Want to join?")[]
"Bro, what? C'mon, you can include me! Bro?"
(link-reveal: "I've been planning a heist I want you to join.")[(replace:"What sort of things?")[]
"Oh, awesome! When do I start?"
(link-reveal:"Actually, how many jobs have you done before?")[(replace:"I'll let you know when it's ready.")[]
"C'mon, don't you remember all those days in the dining hall?"
(link-reveal: "No, I mean actual heists.")[(replace:"Alright.")[]
"Well...one after this one?"
(link-reveal: "Alright.")[(replace:"Actually, nevermind.")[]
"You won't regret including me, I promise!"
''RECRUITED: ISAAC PENT''(set: $pickpocket to true)(set:$teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 1)(set: $thief to true)
(link-reveal: "Actually, nevermind.")[(replace:"Alright.")[]
"Bro, what? C'mon, how am I supposed to get experience? Bro?"
(link-reveal: "Alright.")[(replace:"No, I mean actual heists.")[]
"You won't regret including me, I promise!"
''RECRUITED: ISAAC PENT''(set: $pickpocket to true)(set:$teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 1)(set: $thief to true)
(link-reveal:"I'll let you know when it's ready.")[(replace:"Actually, how many jobs have you done before?")[]
"You won't regret including me, I promise!"
''RECRUITED: ISAAC PENT''(set: $pickpocket to true)(set:$teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 1)(set: $thief to true)
[[Back.|dayHub]]]]]{(set: $daysLeft to $daysLeft - 1)}"Hello. It's always nice to see people express interest in my research. Did you have a(if:$catBurglarTalked is true)[nother] question about it?"(set:$catBurglarTalked to true)
(link-reveal: "I had a question about the new treasure at the Museum of Art and Culture.")[(replace:"I actually have a job for you.")[]
"Is that so? I haven't looked into it myself. What makes this particular treasure so important?"
(link-reveal:"It's very valuable.")[(replace:"It's very rare.")[]
"Every part of history is valuable, no matter how much money they're arbitrarily assigned to be worth. I hope you learn to see more worth in other elements of history."
(link-reveal:"It's very rare.")[(replace:"It's very valuable.")[]
"I won't lie, I can't resist the allure of rare historical finds. What kind of information were you hoping for?"
(link-reveal:"Whatever information you can find.")[(replace:"Some more hands-on research.")[]
"I can do that for you. Leave your contact information with me, and I'll let you know what I find during my research.
(link-reveal:"Some more hands-on research.")[(replace:"Whatever information you can find.")[]
"Hm. Well, I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that, but I think I know a *friend* who might be able to help you out."
''RECRUITED: SIENNA ARGENT''(set:$catBurglar to true)(set:$teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set:$score to $score + 2)(set:$thief to true)
(link-reveal: "I actually have a job for you.")[(replace:"I had a question about the new treasure at the Museum of Art and Culture.")[]
"I can't promise anything, but what sort of job were you hoping for me to do?"
(link-reveal:"Research.")[(replace:"A heist.")[]
"Do you have a specific topic? I don't research just anything at the drop of a hat."
(link-reveal:"It's of the more hands-on variety.")[(replace:"I'll pay you.")[]
"Hm. Well, I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that, but I think I know a *friend* who might be able to help you out."
''RECRUITED: SIENNA ARGENT''(set:$catBurglar to true)(set:$teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set:$score to $score + 2)(set:$thief to true)
(if: $fullPay < 1)[(link-reveal:"I'll pay you.")[(replace:"It's of the more hands-on variety.")[]
"My apologies, but I already have a full time job here at the university, and i only add extra research topics if they're of special interest to me. Come back if you think you have a topic that might qualify."
(link-reveal:"A heist.")[(replace:"Research.")[]
"I'm not sure what you're talking about. Did you mistake me for someone else?"
(link-replace:"I think I did, sorry.")[(replace:"No. I know who you are.")[]
"An understandable mistake. I hope you're able to contact them."
(link-replace:"No. I know who you are.")[(replace:"I think I did, sorry.")[]
"I don't know what you're talking about...but I think I have a *friend* who might."
''RECRUITED: SIENNA ARGENT''(set:$catBurglar to true)(set:$teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set:$score to $score + 2)(set:$thief to true)
[[Back.|dayHub]]]]]{(set: $daysLeft to $daysLeft - 1)}(if: $insideManContact is true)["Hello! (if: $insideManTalked is true)[Is there anything else I can help you or your mother with?](else:)[I just got off the phone with your mother, we had a lovely chat. Is there anything I can help you with?]"(set:$insideManTalked to true)
(link-reveal:"I need help getting into the museum.")[(replace:"I need your help with a job.")[]
"Out of curiosity, why do you want to get in?"
(link-reveal:"I want to see the exhibits without a crowd getting in the way.")[(replace:"I want to steal the new treasure.")[]
"Oh yes, the museum can get pretty full. Well, I'm not supposed to do this sort of thing, but we can consider it a favor to your mother. Just don't tell anyone, okay?"
''RECRUITED: CHAUNCEY GIBBON''(set:$insideMan to true)(set:$teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set:$score to $score + 3)(set: $talk to true)
(link-reveal:"I want to steal the new treasure.")[(replace:"I want to see the exhibits without a crowd getting in the way.")[]
"Your mother told me you can be such a jokester! I can see it now."
(link-replace: "Yes, I was just joking.")[(replace:"I'm being serious.")[]
"Alright. Well, let me know if you have any serious questions."
(link-replace: "I'm being serious.")[(replace:"Yes, I was just joking.")[]
"I'm sorry, but that's a crime. I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
(link-reveal:"I need your help with a job.")[(replace:"I need help getting into the museum.")[]
"A job? It might be a better idea to talk to a career consultant about that. Unless you mean at the museum?"
(link-replace: "I meant a museum job.")[(replace:"I meant a job for you.")[]
"Well, we're pretty busy managing the new exhibit right now, but come talk to me again in a couple of weeks. Your mother had such high praises about you, and I'd love to work with you."
(link-replace: "I meant a job for you.")[(replace:"I meant a museum job.")[]
"For me? I'm flattered that you thought of me, but I'm quite happy in my current position. I'm afraid you'll have to ask someone else."
[[Back.|dayHub]]]]](else:)["Hello, I'm not sure I know you. Did you have a(if:$insideManTalked is true)[nother] question about the museum?"(set: $insideManTalked to true)
(link-reveal: "Can you get me in?")[(replace:"What's the best way to break in?")[]
"I'm not sure exactly what you mean. Why do you need to get into the museum?"
(link-reveal: "I want to volunteer.")[(replace:"I want to steal the treasure.")[]
"I think you'd have better luck contacting our volunteer coordinator to ask about that. Good luck!"
(link-reveal: "I want to steal the treasure.")[(replace:"I want to volunteer.")[]
"Excuse me?"
(link-reveal: "Just kidding! I want to volunteer.")[(replace:"Can you help me steal it?")[]
"If that was your idea of a joke, it wasn't a very funny one. You should probably talk to someone else about this."
(link-reveal: "Can you help me steal it?")[(replace:"Just kidding! I want to volunteer.")[]
"I'm not sure why you have the impression I'd be willing to aid you in a crime, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
(link-reveal: "What's the best way to break in?")[(replace:"Can you get me in?")[]
"Excuse me?"
(link-reveal: "Just kidding! I want to volunteer.")[(replace:"Can you help me break in?")[]
"If that was your idea of a joke, it wasn't a very funny one. You should probably talk to someone else about this."
(link-reveal: "Can you help me break in?")[(replace:"Just kidding! I want to volunteer.")[]
"I'm not sure why you have the impression I'd be willing to aid you in a crime, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
[[Back.|reported]]]]]{(set: $daysLeft to $daysLeft - 1)}"Hello dear! I always love hearing from you. (if: $momTalked is false)[Did you need something from me?](else:)[Did you forget to ask me something?]"(set: $momTalked to true)
(link-reveal: "I need your help for a job.")[
"Of course, honey! I can call someone for you, if you want?"
(link-reveal: "Sure.")[(replace:"No, I want help from you.")[]
"Okay, dear. Who should I call?"
(link-reveal: "The Ghost.")[(replace:"Akilah Trakas.")[](replace:"Chauncey Gibbon.")[]
"Who? I'm sorry honey, I have no idea what you're talking about. If you want to talk about your favorite FaceTuber, maybe talk to one of your siblings instead."
(link-reveal: "Akilah Trakas.")[(replace:"The Ghost.")[](replace:"Chauncey Gibbon.")[]
"Isn't she around your age? I don't know her very well, you'd have better luck talking to her yourself."
(if: $insideManContact is false)[(link-reveal: "Chauncey Gibbon.")[(replace:"Akilah Trakas.")[](replace:"The Ghost.")[]
"Chauncey Gibbon from the Museum of Art and Culture? Of course, honey! I'll give him a call right now."(set: $insideManContact to true)
(link-reveal: "No, I want help from you.")[(replace:"Sure.")[]
"Are you sure, dear? What sort of job do you need my help with?"
(link-reveal: "A heist.")[(replace:"...Volunteering.")[]
"What? Is that some kind of joke?"
(link-reveal: "Yes, I was just kidding. It's for volunteering.")[(replace:"No, I'm being serious.")[]
"Please don't prank me, sweetie. But I'd love to help with volunteering. I can make a few calls to give you access to volunteer at the museum."
''RECRUITED: MOM''(set: $mom to true)(set: $teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 1)(set: $talk to true)
(link-reveal: "No, I'm being serious.")[(replace:"Yes, I was just kidding. It's for volunteering.")[]
"A heist? Sweetie, you know that's illegal... I can't help you with that."
(link-reveal: "...Volunteering.")[(replace:"A heist.")[]
"I'd love to help with volunteering! I can make a few calls to give you access to volunteer at the museum."
''RECRUITED: MOM''(set: $mom to true)(set: $teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 1)(set: $talk to true)
[[Back.|dayHub]]]]]{(set: $daysLeft to $daysLeft - 1)}"It's good to talk to you again. What's up?(if:$driverTalked is true)[ Did you need something else from me?]"(set:$driverTalked to true)
(link-reveal:"I need a ride.")[(replace:"I need your help on a job.")[]
"I know you know how to use Uber, why not just use it?"
(link-reveal:"Good idea, I will.")[(replace:"I wanted this to be a little more under the table.")[]
"Okay. Talk to you later."
(link-reveal:"I wanted this to be a little more under the table.")[(replace:"Good idea, I will.")[]
"What's in it for me?"
(if:$fullPay < 1)[(link-reveal:"I'll pay you.")[(replace:"I'll give you five stars.")[]
"How much?"
(link-reveal:"A fair amount.")[(replace:"As much as I can.")[]
"Cryptic, but reasonable. Alright. Let me know when you need me, I'll be avaliable."
''RECRUITED: LARRY BURLEY''(set:$driver to true)(set:$teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 2)(set: $misc to true)
(link-reveal:"As much as I can.")[(replace:"A fair amount.")[]
"That's an offer I can't refuse. Let me know when you need me, I'll be avaliable."(set:$fullPay to 1)
''RECRUITED: LARRY BURLEY''(set:$driver to true)(set:$teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 2)(set: $misc to true)
(link-reveal:"I'll give you five stars.")[(replace:"I'll pay you.")[]
"I thought the whole point was that we weren't using Uber? You should probably find someone else."
(link-reveal:"I need your help on a job.")[(replace:"I need a ride.")[]
"What kind of job?"
(link-reveal:"I can't tell you.")[(replace:"A getaway driver.")[]
"I can't say yes to a job I know nothing about. You'd better ask someone else."
(link-reveal:"A getaway driver.")[(replace:"I can't tell you.")[]
"Well, that definitely sounds more interesting than the average Uber ride. I'm in."
''RECRUITED: LARRY BURLEY''(set:$driver to true)(set:$teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 2)(set: $misc to true)
[[Back.|dayHub]]]]{(set: $daysLeft to $daysLeft - 1)}"Hello. I am not very happy to see you(if: $muscleTalked is true)[ again], but we can talk."(set: $muscleTalked to true)
(link-reveal: "I have a job for you.")[(replace:"I'm sorry about last time.")[]
"A job like last time? Why should I try that again?"
(link-reveal:"It won't be like last time.")[(replace:"I'll pay you.")[]
"What will be different?"
(link-reveal:"I have a better plan.")[(replace:"I won't leave anyone behind this time.")[]
"No. That does not mean anything. Good luck finding someone else."
(link-reveal:"I won't leave anyone behind this time.")[(replace:"I have a better plan.")[]
"Will you take the fall yourself?"
(link-reveal: "Yes.")[(replace:"No.")[]
"Okay. I trust you."(set:$tookFall to true)
''RECRUITED: PATRYCJA MIKOS''(set: $muscle to true)(set: $teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 2)(set: $misc to true)
(link-reveal: "No.")[(replace:"Yes.")[]
"Then leave."
(if: $fullPay < 1)[(link-reveal:"I'll pay you.")[(replace:"It won't be like last time.")[]
"Of course. How much?"
(link-reveal:"An equal cut.")[(replace:"Everything we get.")[]
"The treasure is worth a lot. I accept."
''RECRUITED: PATRYCJA MIKOS''(set: $muscle to true)(set: $teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 2)(set: $misc to true)
(link-reveal:"Everything we get.")[(replace:"An equal cut.")[]
"That is not very fair to everyone else. But I would be foolish to refuse such a large offer."(set: $fullPay to 2)
''RECRUITED: PATRYCJA MIKOS''(set: $muscle to true)(set: $teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 2)(set: $misc to true)
(link-reveal: "I'm sorry about last time.")[(replace:"I have a job for you.")[]
"I already forgave you. Why are you talking about it again?"
(link-reveal:"I have a new job for you.")[(replace:"I want to show that I've changed.")[]
"Then I do not believe you are sorry. Leave."
(link-reveal:"I want to show that I've changed.")[(replace:"I have a new job for you.")[]
(link-reveal:"I'm smarter.")[(replace:"I'm more responsible.")[]
"I do not care. Being smart only means you will have smart words to say about bad risks. I do not want to be the way you solve a bad risk."
(link-reveal:"I'm more responsible.")[(replace:"I'm smarter.")[]
"Will you be responsible for others? Will you look out for everyone?"
"Okay. I believe you have changed. I will help."(set:$tookFall to true)
''RECRUITED: PATRYCJA MIKOS''(set: $muscle to true)(set: $teamNumber to $teamNumber + 1)(set: $score to $score + 2)(set: $misc to true)
"Then you are not responsible. You have not changed."
[[Done.|dayHub]]]]]]{(set: $daysLeft to $daysLeft - 1)}(if: $rivalTalked is true)["So you've come crawling back to me now that you realize you're not even half the heist leader I am?"](else:)["So you've finally come to your senses and realized you're not even half the heist leader I am?"](set: $rivalTalked to true)
(link-reveal:"Something like that.")[
"Hm, now we're getting somewhere. So what do you need?"(replace:"What? No!")[]
(link-reveal:"I need your skills.")[
"So you want me to run your heist?"(replace:"I need your network.")[]
[[If that's how you'll help.|rivalEnd]]
(link-reveal:"No, I want you to be a member of my team, not the leader.")[
"Ha! I don't do that, especially not under your leadership. We're done here."(replace:"If that's how you'll help.")[]
(link-reveal:"I need your network.")[
"You're just using me to get to someone else? Insulting. But since you clearly need the help, here's my contact for The Ghost. Now get out of my face.(set:$ghostNumber to true)(replace:"I need your skills.")[]
(link-reveal:"What? No!")[
"Then why are you here?"(replace:"Something like that.")[]
(link-reveal:"To offer you a job.")[
"Under your leadership? As if. We're done here."(replace:"To get information.")[](replace:"To brag.")[]
(link-reveal:"To get information.")[
"About what?"(replace:"To offer you a job.")[](replace:"To brag.")[]
(link-reveal:"The job.")[
"I don't know any more about it than you do. But it's not like I would tell you even if I did. Now leave, I have some research to do."(replace:"Other contacts.")[]
(link-reveal:"Other contacts.")[
"You're just using me to get to someone else? Insulting. But since you clearly need the help, here's my contact for The Ghost. Now get out of my face.(set:$ghostNumber to true)(replace:"The job.")[]
(link-reveal:"To brag.")[
"You're bragging before the job is even done? We'll see if you have the same tune in a week. Now leave, I have some research to do."(replace:"To offer you a job.")[](replace:"To get information.")[]
(set: $daysLeft to 10)
(set: $score to 0)
(set: $teamNumber to 0)
(set: $tech to false)
(set: $thief to false)
(set: $talk to false)
(set: $misc to false)
(set: $hacker to false)
(set: $gadgets to false)
(set: $ghost to false)
(set: $pickpocket to false)
(set: $catBurglar to false)
(set: $insideMan to false)
(set: $mom to false)
(set: $driver to false)
(set: $muscle to false)
(set: $hackerTalked to false)
(set: $gadgetsTalked to false)
(set: $ghostTalked to false)
(set: $pickpocketTalked to false)
(set: $catBurglarTalked to false)
(set: $insideManTalked to false)
(set: $momTalked to false)
(set: $driverTalked to false)
(set: $muscleTalked to false)
(set: $rivalTalked to false)
(set: $ghostNumber to false)
(set: $insideManContact to false)
(set: $fullPay to 0)
(set: $tookFall to false)
}(enchant:?page,(background:#dac8c0))(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[You reluctantly let Contessa Rey take over the job, giving her all the information you have. It hurts your pride, but she's always been the expert, and maybe it makes more sense to just let her take charge.
The morning of the planned heist day, you wake up to a surprising article: the treasure was already stolen!
You call Contessa.]
(link-reveal:"Have you seen the news?")[
(text-colour:#3f0c0f)["Oh, about my team's success? We decided evening was a much better time for the job."](replace:"What's the new plan?")[](replace:"Have you seen the news?")[(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[Have you seen the news?]]
(link-reveal:"Why didn't you include me?")[
(replace:"Why didn't you include me?")[(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[Why didn't you include me?]](text-colour:#3f0c0f)["Sorry, but your skills just weren't necessary. Better luck next time!"
''THE END'']
[[Play again.|start]]]]
(link-reveal:"What's the new plan?")[
(text-colour:#3f0c0f)["For the heist? It's already over!"](replace:"Have you seen the news?")[](replace:"What's the new plan?")[(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[What's the new plan?]]
(link-reveal:"Why didn't you include me?")[
(replace:"Why didn't you include me?")[(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[Why didn't you include me?]](text-colour:#3f0c0f)["Sorry, but your skills just weren't necessary. Better luck next time!"
''THE END'']
[[Play again.|start]]]]You reflect on how the heist went.
(if: $tech is true)[(if: $thief is true)[(if: $talk is true)[(if: $misc is true)[(set: $score to $score + 2)]]]](if: $teamNumber is 0)[
As you knew from the start, completing this heist would be impossible without a team, and it was. You were caught almost immediately once you entered the building.
](if:$score < 8)[(if:$gadgets is true)[(link:"
Akilah Trakas...")[
Akilah Trakas tried to use her gadgets to be of as much aid as possible, but even she couldn't save a failing team singlehandedly. If she hated you before, you shudder to imagine how she feels about you now.
]](if:$pickpocket is true)[(link:"
Isaac Pent...")[
Isaac Pent clearly hadn't had any experience since his petty thefts in college, and it showed. In the end, you ended up regretting including him.
]](if:$catBurglar is true)[(link:"
Sienna Argent...")[
Sienna Argent, despite all her best efforts, (if:$tookFall is true)[won't be making a name for herself through thievery](else:)[only made a name for herself on her new criminal record]. Maybe next time she should stick to her day job.
]](if:$insideMan is true)[(link:"
Chauncey Gibbon...")[
Chauncey Gibbon may have had a lot of inside knowledge, but having a heist member that's not even aware he's a part of a heist is never a good idea. (if: $tookFall is true)[At least he still has his job.
](else:)[Now he can't even work at the museum.
]]](if:$driver is true)[(link:"
Larry Burley...")[
Larry Burley may have wanted a different job than driving for Uber, but (if: $tookFall is true)[being a getaway driver won't be what he'll choose next](else:)[being in prison probably isn't what he envisioned]. You doubt you'll have any more interesting conversations with him in the future.
]](if:$muscle is true)[(link:"
Patrycja Mikos...")[
Patrycja Mikos may be good at bashing heads, but she's never been great at leaving the scene of a crime. (if: $tookFall is true)[At least she'll probably appreciate how you distracted the police so she wouldn't get caught again.
](else:)[Once again, she was caught during your job, and you probably lost the last chance you had at her trust.
]]](if:$ghost is true)[(link:"
The Ghost...")[
The Ghost may be a master thief, but they're not exactly a team player. At the first sign of trouble, they disappeared, and you doubt you'll be hearing from them again.
]](if:$hacker is true)[(link:"
blackberryPie may think they can hack, but they weren't even able to get past the first firewall. Maybe it's for the best that now you can't distract them from their schoolwork.
]](if:$mom is true)[(link:"
Mom means well, but she's not cut out to help with a heist, especially if she's convinced it's actually just volunteering. At least now she knows what your job is, though it's not exactly information that she's happy about.
The heist failed. (if:$tookFall is true)[At least you were able to ensure you were the only one that got caught. ]Better luck next time...once you finish serving your sentence.
''THE END''](else:)[(if:$gadgets is true)[(link:"
Akilah Trakas...")[
Akilah Trakas spent a lot of the time keeping a close eye on you, but she didn't have any reason to worry in the end. Her gadgets ended up being a key part of everyone's success.
]](if:$pickpocket is true)[(link:"
Isaac Pent...")[
Isaac Pent may not have been on any jobs before, but he showed promise. You think that you might take him under your wing and tutor him so that he can become a skilled master thief.
]](if:$catBurglar is true)[(link:"
Sienna Argent...")[
Sienna Argent got closer than ever to making a name for herself, and will probably continue on to even bigger heists. She also got to fulfill her thirst for history and will have lots of details to add to her future research.
]](if:$insideMan is true)[(link:"
Chauncey Gibbon...")[
Chauncey Gibbon may not have realized exactly what he was involved with, but his aid was invaluable. And to be fair, you did actually do what you said you were going to, which was to see the exhibit without anyone else around.
]](if:$driver is true)[(link:"
Larry Burley...")[
Larry Burley learned that although he might not like working for Uber, he certainly loves to drive. (if: $fullPay is 1)[With the entirety of the treasure, he'll be able to buy as many cars as he pleases](else:)[He mentioned that he's going to look into becoming a racecar driver, because he loves the thrill of the chase].
]](if:$muscle is true)[(link:"
Patrycja Mikos...")[
Patrycja Mikos demonstrated that despite having a tendency to get caught, she's a must have member on a heist team. (if:$fullPay is 2)[However, she's decided to take her newfound fortune and permenantly retire from her life of crime](else:)[Now that she can trust you again, you anticipate working together many times in the future].
]](if:$ghost is true)[(link:"
The Ghost...")[
The Ghost showed up exactly when you needed them, even though you'd given them barely any information about the plan. Afterwards, you tried to thank them, but they had already disappeared(if:$fullPay is 3)[ with the treasure].
]](if:$hacker is true)[(link:"
blackberryPie showed how much of a hacking prodigy they are. You would encourage them to pursue that talent even more, but you suspect they would just say they'd rather play video games.
]](if:$mom is true)[(link:"
Mom loved spending time with you, even if she was convinced you guys were actually volunteering. Now she keeps on asking you if you want to volunteer together again, and you're considering saying yes.
Congratulations! You did it! (if: $fullPay > 0)[You didn't get any of the reward, but at least you have bragging rights. ]Now onto even bigger and better heists.
''THE END'']{
(set: $daysLeft to 10)
(set: $score to 0)
(set: $teamNumber to 0)
(set: $tech to false)
(set: $thief to false)
(set: $talk to false)
(set: $misc to false)
(set: $hacker to false)
(set: $gadgets to false)
(set: $ghost to false)
(set: $pickpocket to false)
(set: $catBurglar to false)
(set: $insideMan to false)
(set: $mom to false)
(set: $driver to false)
(set: $muscle to false)
(set: $hackerTalked to false)
(set: $gadgetsTalked to false)
(set: $ghostTalked to false)
(set: $pickpocketTalked to false)
(set: $catBurglarTalked to false)
(set: $insideManTalked to false)
(set: $momTalked to false)
(set: $driverTalked to false)
(set: $muscleTalked to false)
(set: $rivalTalked to false)
(set: $ghostNumber to false)
(set: $insideManContact to false)
(set: $fullPay to 0)
(set: $tookFall to false)
[[Play again.|start]]You've run out time to build your heist team: it's now or never!
Will you go through with the heist?
[[Review team.|teamHub]]
Are you sure? You love doing heists, and this will be your most impressive one yet.(replace:"Yes!")[]
[[Okay, I'll do it.|heist]]
[[I'm sure. I don't want to.|noHeist]]]You've recruited enough people, and now your team is full!
Will you go through with the heist?
[[Review team.|teamHub]]
Are you sure? You love doing heists, and this will be your most impressive one yet.(replace:"Yes!")[]
[[Okay, I'll do it.|heist]]
[[I'm sure. I don't want to.|noHeist]]]{
(set: $daysLeft to 10)
(set: $score to 0)
(set: $teamNumber to 0)
(set: $tech to false)
(set: $thief to false)
(set: $talk to false)
(set: $misc to false)
(set: $hacker to false)
(set: $gadgets to false)
(set: $ghost to false)
(set: $pickpocket to false)
(set: $catBurglar to false)
(set: $insideMan to false)
(set: $mom to false)
(set: $driver to false)
(set: $muscle to false)
(set: $hackerTalked to false)
(set: $gadgetsTalked to false)
(set: $ghostTalked to false)
(set: $pickpocketTalked to false)
(set: $catBurglarTalked to false)
(set: $insideManTalked to false)
(set: $momTalked to false)
(set: $driverTalked to false)
(set: $muscleTalked to false)
(set: $rivalTalked to false)
(set: $ghostNumber to false)
(set: $insideManContact to false)
(set: $fullPay to 0)
(set: $tookFall to false)
}(enchant:?page,(background:#dac8c0))(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[As you sit at home, you hear a knock at the door.]
(link-reveal:"Open the door.")[(replace:"Ignore it.")[](replace:"Open the door.")[(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[Open the door.]]
(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[A police officer stands in front of you.
"I'm sorry, but you've been reported for attempted robbery. You're under arrest."
Better luck next time...once you finish serving your sentence.
''THE END'']
[[Play again.|start]]]
(link-reveal:"Ignore it.")[(replace:"Open the door.")[](replace:"Ignore it.")[(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[Ignore it.]]
(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[The knocking grows louder and stronger.
"Police! Open up!"]
(link-reveal:"Fine. Open the door.")[(replace:"Continue to ignore it.")[](replace:"Fine. Open the door.")[(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[Fine. Open the door.]]
(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[A police officer stands in front of you.
"You've been reported for attempted robbery. You're under arrest."
Better luck next time...once you finish serving your sentence.
''THE END'']
[[Play again.|start]]]
(link-reveal:"Continue to ignore it.")[(replace:"Fine. Open the door.")[](replace:"Continue to ignore it.")[(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[Continue to ignore it.]]
(text-colour:#3f0c0f)[The door lurches forward as it's broken down.
"You've been reported for attempted robbery. You're under arrest."
Better luck next time...once you finish serving your sentence.
''THE END'']
[[Play again.|start]]]]On your last job, you asked Patrycja Mikos and Akilah Trakas to be a part of your team. Although you managed to get away with the treasure, Patrycja was caught and ended up taking the fall for the group.
Fortunately, Patrycja's lawyers worked things out, and she was found innocent. She claims she's forgiven you, but her girlfriend Akilah still holds a grudge.
(if: $muscle is true)[(if: $gadgets is true)[Both of them have decided to trust you again.](else:)[Patrycja believes that this time will go better.]
](if: $fromG is true)[[[Back.|gadgetsInfo]]](if: $fromM is true)[[[Back.|muscleInfo]]]Your old college, Grandview University, is particularly popular for students with an interest in history or art. However, it's also unofficially known for producing a high rate of criminals.
(if: $fromC is true)[[[Back.|catBurglarInfo]]](if: $fromP is true)[[[Back.|pickpocketInfo]]]