You wake up in a dark room.
You think to yourself, "Where am I?".
Upon looking around the room you notice a couple of things, a small window with bars a couple of feet above you. There's no way for you to climb up there, you don't seem to remember how you got here.
Suddenly you notice a faint glow pass by, and exit the room.
[[>Follow the light<|FirstEncounter]]
(if: $butterfly2 is true and $butterfly3 is true)[[[>Remember<|Path2]]]
(if: $butterfly1 is true)[[[>"Sam"<|Sam]]]Upon following the light you notice a butterfly, it's iridescent wings constantly switch between a deep azure and an aqua blue, mesmerized you [[//continue walking straight//|PathToChoice]] (Your head starts aching)
You begin to feel light-headed, you stop in the middle of this long hallway. You can't seem to remember anything. You notice the butterfly suddenly diverge from the path in front of you, it suddenly takes a right and seemingly disappears. You somehow manage to continue walking and notice a door that opens into a room in the distance.
[[//Follow the butterfly.//|Encounter2]]
[[//Continue down the hallway.//|Branch1]]Upon entering the room, you notice the butterfly perched on a chair by the window. It's azure wings glimmering in the moonlight. Something about them just seems to capture your attention. Mesmerized you decide to [[take a closer look|Examine]] at this strange yet beautiful creature. You finally reach the end of this seemingly endless passage, the light behind you flickers as you find yourself in front of two open doors. You assume the one with the furniture is the living room. The other door seems to lead to a kitchen.
[[//Walk into the kitchen//|Kitchen]]
[[[//Walk into the living room//|Living room]]]{
(set: $butterfly1 to false)
(set: $butterfly2 to false)
(set: $butterfly3 to false)
}The Butterfly's wings faintly light up this otherwise pitch dark room, you look out the window but don't see the moon. It's strange, you wonder what gives it's wings that eerie glow. It suddenly flaps its (link: "wings")[(set: $butterfly2 = false)(set: $butterfly3 = false)(goto: "Iridescent Wings")]Your head is still aching, you feel like you just had something ripped right out of your skull. You decide to [[//continue down the hallway//|Branch1]] to look for some clues. You can't shake this strange feeling that something had just happened.You look for a light switch, as you fumble in the dark looking for the light switch something slimy gets on your hands. You finally turn on the light. The small bulb faintly illuminates this otherwise dark kitchen.
You take a look out the kitchen window but see nothing, it's just pitch black.
You beging to look around the kitchen and notice an old fridge, some mould growing in the corners of the room and a table in the center of the room.
On the table lies some bread,[[a knife]] and what appears to be some kind of red jam on the knife. As you enter the living room you notice a giant [[window]].The knife looks like an ordinary Chef's Knife, which seems like a strange choice to apply jam with, you look at it closely, the consistency seems way off, you bring it closer and take a whif.
The smell of iron fills the insides of your nostrils, it's blood...
Horrified you [[drop the knife]]You notice the slimy stuff on your fingers begin to drip you notice the black ooze as it drips to the floor. You begin to panic as memories of flashing lights, lound music, and what seems like a concert flood your mind. You remember your name, it's *****.
Overwhelmed by the sudden rush of information to your head you try to collect you thoughts and [[focus]].You look out and notice nothing but darkness, you check you watch but the the hands are no longer there as you look at your watch a name suddenly enters your head: "Sam". You don't know what to make of it. You decide to (link: "walk back into the hallway.")[(set: $butterfly3 = true)(goto: "Branch2")]You're back in the hallway
[[//Enter the kitchen//|Kitchen]]You remember being at a concert. You went there with your friends, it was late at night. You decided to leave early becuase you didn't feel too well. You drove back home and stood by the ocean...
Your memory from that point on seems blurry, you dont really remember what happened next, you go back into the [[hallway]] to look for clues. A butterfly comes and sits on your head.
[[It flaps its wings]](link: ".....")[(set: $butterfly2 = true)(goto: "Start")]You suddenly remember the sensation of falling, it was dark, you keep falling.
That was the las thing you remember before arriving at this strange house, unable to make sense of what's going you begin to [[panic]]It doesn't add up, you rummage through the room looking for clues. The only thing of any significance in the room is the small window. You notice a chair, it seemed to appear out of nowhere, you decide to climb onto the chair and [[//look out of the window//|Window]]You notice a shadowy figure in the distance, its hard to make out who or what it is because of the dark. The sense of dread begins to weigh on you, none of this makes sense. You wonder why you can't remember anything.
There's only two options at this point you can either
[[Look for the front door]]
[[Wait in the room and figure out your situation]]You exit the room, the hallway seems to be larger, you remember that the hallway only stretched out to one side but now seems to go the other direction too.
[[//Walk to the side you haven't checked out yet//|DevilPath]]You sit in the dark trying to figure out what happened to you, moreover how you ended up in this strange place.
You notice something glowing approach you, it's the butterfly
It flies toward you.
(link: ".....")[(set: $butterfly2 = false)(goto: "Start")]You begin to walk down the other side of this hallway, it's strange you feel like you've been in this house for a ney long time. You feel like you're missing something.
[[//Continue walking//|devilctd]]You continue walking for a very long time. The path seems to have no end, but nevertheless you continue walking, nothing makes sense but the name "Sam" keeps playing in your head, you finally stop.
You're overcome by this intense sense of dread, you look up to see a dark [[shadow]] looming over you.Terrified you slowly turn around but theres nothing in sight. You turn to the left only to see the room you were initially in, you feel like your mind is playing tricks on you.
[[//Continue Walking//|devilfin]]After hours of walking, your legs are in absolute agony. You scream hoping someone would hear your cry for help.
[[......|End]]Finally you hear a voice, it says welcome to the void, this is the afterlife, all of your memories begin coming back, you fell into the water and drowned, the demonic voice says this is the eternal afterlife, and ominously says enjoy the insanity.
You're afraid and confused. You see a faint glow moving towards you, it's a butterfly, (link: "it flaps it's wings.")[(set: $butterfly1 = true)(goto: "Start")]It all comes back to you, slowly in fragments. The [[concert]] you went to with your friends and Sam. You remember it was Christmas Eve, you had gone to a concert with your friends. You didn't want to go but [[Sam|cont]] forced you to go, you had never seen her this excited before, so you agreed to go with them.You reached the concert at about 11 pm. You decided to take a walk with Sam, that's when [[it]] happened.As the two of you were walking she took you aside to talk, she knew this was the worst possible time to bring it up but she did anyway.
Things between the two of you hadn't been going well for a while, you thought that things were going well, but you were wrong, it was over, she broke up with you.
You decided to stay friends with her, but you felt hollow, and alone.
You told your friends you were feeling sick, and decided to [[leave]] the concert early.You had gone to the cliff overlooking the ocean that was near your house, it was the only place in the world that gave you any sense of clarity. You stood there in the middle of the night, overlooking the ocean.
You could feel the emptiness in your heart, it felt like an abyss. It wasn't the sudden break up that bothered you, it was the idea that the only person who ever truly knew you decided to leave you.
You felt alone in that moment, as you tried to get up you slipped, and [[fell]].Everything made sense to you, in that moment as you fell you felt a sense of relief as the darkness overcame you.
You were finally (link: "dead.")[(set: $butterfly1 = false)(set: $butterfly2 = false)(set: $butterfly3 = false)(goto: "Start")]