It's a beautiful morning. You woke up as usually. Your wife had aleady woke up and prepared the dinner for the familly. You walk to
<img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="bed">
[[your son's room]]It is a big armoire which contain many nice outfits. You are acually prond of your clothes. You want to wear
<img src="" width="558" height="558" alt="armoire">
[[jacket and jeans]]You like sleeping naked. You think you should wear clothes before you enter your son's room. You don't want to be embarrassed. So you go to your
<img src="" width="220" height="165" alt="armoire">
[[armoire]].It has been a pretty busy week. You only wear the suit during the weekends because of work in the office. So You think why don't you try something new in the weekend. Check out the [[armoire]]
<img src="" width="485" height="485" alt="armoire">You look at your hoodie and slacks. These remind your college life. You were a basketball player before. "oh, I missed the college." You can't help being nostalgic. However, It's time to [[wake your son up]].
<img src="" width="485" height="485" alt="armoire">these are clothes when you had date with your wife at the college. You missed them a lot. It's time to [[wake your son up]].
<img src="" width="485" height="485" alt="armoire">You open the door. You found out your son seemed to stay up last night. And he was still playing video games on the bed. You
<img src="" width="670" height="335" alt="armoire">
[[tell him to stop, then have breakfirst]]
[[shut down the console]]
[[leave the room]]"Ok, dad. Just two minutes, I have to finish this round." Your son told you he need to finish the game first. You are really mad at him, however you did not want to ruin this beautiful morning. Plus, you really don't want your wife to join this argument. So you decide to [[leave the room]].
You stare at your son and show him you are angry. However, he is still playing the game. You have to shut down the console and told your son to eat the breakfast. "Why did you do that? This is important to me, My friends are still waiting for my help!..." Your son seems to be triggered, You have to [[leave the room]]You left your son's room, and go the kitchen. Your beautiful wife is cooking for the family. She is still looking fabulous even it's the eleven years when you guys are married. You love her so much and cannot help [[giving her a hug]]"Oh, honey. I like your outfit today, it brings back some sweet memory to me. I remember when we first met... Wait, is Todd coming for the breakfast?" You wife said. "I am coming mom. It's too early." Your son came out of his room and sat on the table. [[You says]]
<img src="" width="555" height="720" alt="armoire">"you are 14 now, Todd. You need to wake up on time by yourself. I really don't want drag you out of your bed every morning." You did not point out the fact that your son was actually staying up all night. Again, you really don't want to ruin this beautiful morning. [[You son says]]
<img src="" width="900" height="601" alt="armoire">"Fine, dad. I will wake up on time." Your wife prepared scrambled eggs and cereal this morning. While your guys are eating the breakfast, you heard some noise from the backyard. You decide to check the [[backyard]]"Hey Smith, It's me!" You found out it's Jack - your neighber. He was in a rush. You ask him what was going on? [[Jack replys]]
<img src="" width="800" height="600" alt="armoire">"you guys need to leave the town now! scary monster escaped form some crazy scientist lab last night. It's like zombie. I think they are coming to our block right now!" Jack was injuried. He did not seem to lie to you. So you decide:
<img src=",f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/rhcateuabtbjgiidmswp.jpg" width="800" height="450" alt="armoire">
[[ignore Jack and continue the wonderful breakfast]]
[[tell the family to leave]]F**k jack. It's a wonderful morning, you decide to continue the breakfast. You turn on the Tv to watch some news. However, when you change to the local television channel. It is nothing on the screen. You have never saw this before. You realize your nighber might be ture about the monsters. And the the television station might be attacked by those things. [["bang! bang!"]]
<img src="" width="800" height="450" alt="armoire">"We need to leave right now!" You shout at your son and wife. They are push by you into cars without knowing the situation is. [[Your wife said to you]]Something is attacking your house room. You are not calm anymore. You pick up your pistol that store in your closet. And tell your son and wife go back in to your room. You decide to [[defense the monster by yourself]].
<img src="" width="610" height="493" alt="armoire">Three minutes after they pumped the door, the monsters came into the house. Yeah, they did look like zombies. It's a human like monster. You shoot at them. They are not strong monsters, few of them go down. However, They just countinue coming into your house. Your amo ran out, the monster surround you and crash you into pieces. Your wife went out, She screamed that you are already dead. It's the end, what if you trust your neigber, it could be differnt story.
<img src=",c_limit,f_jpg,h_630,q_90,w_630/v1557432612/production/designs/4804947_0.jpg" width="610" height="610" alt="armoire">"what happened?" You tell them about the jack's story. Your wife respond, " I don't believe this shit. I need to clean the kitchen now." So she left the car and went into the room. Within the 30 seconds, You heard scream from you wife. You run out from your car and [[rush into the house]].
<img src="" width="410" height="230" alt="armoire">She was aleardy attacked by the monsters, It seems that she can not make it. You decide to
<img src="" width="612" height="408" alt="armoire">
[[save her]]
[[left her]]"Jane!" You run at the monsters and try to save your wife. However, it's too late. She aleady stopped her breathing. And you are about to die. Also, you heard your son's screaming. Well, you guys can meet at the heaven.
<img src=",c_limit,f_jpg,h_630,q_90,w_630/v1557432612/production/designs/4804947_0.jpg" width="610" height="610" alt="armoire">I quickly ran back to the car, and dirve out of the town. On the way to the highway, your son keep crying and shout at why did you save your wife. You did not respond, cause you are also very sad about it. When you finally drive to the highway. You found out it is in a big traffic. Everybody want leave this damn town. So you [[take a deep breath]]
<img src="" width="768" height="784" alt="armoire">You now have three ways to leave the town. First, You can take your son out of the car and walk out of this place. Since it's in a big traffic, it might be quicker if you two can run. Second, stay in the car. It is might be more safer, becasuse your car is acutally military modified car. You guys could wait for the police or army to clean the road and protect you.Third, drive out of the highway and try to dirve on the ground that is beside the highway. You decide
<img src="" width="852" height="480" alt="armoire">
[[try to drive on the ground]]You decided to walk out of the town. You told your son to stop crying for your mom and run on the highway.He had no choice, so he followed you. You saw a lot of people getting out of the cars and starting running on the road. "Run for your life!", "Let's go, we have no time!" People are actually crazy and afraid. [[You run, run and run]].
<img src="" width="600" height="473" alt="armoire">You stayed in the car and wished the traffic would be cleand soon. And the army is on their way to kill those blooded monsters. You son is stilling crying in the car, You don't know what to say. you lost your wife, he lost his mom. What can you say? [[you draw out]]
<img src="" width="852" height="480" alt="armoire">You decide to drive beside the highway, the ground is pretty bad for driving. Because you guys are living in a desert city. Noraml cars can not drive on that situation. Only [[your car can drive on that]].
<img src="" width="615" height="409" alt="armoire">you cannot run anymore. It's been four hours since you and your son ran. You son seems to have no strenth any more. So you decide to take a break for few minuts. [[You sit]]
<img src="" width="800" height="578" alt="armoire">you sit on the car that people abandon. Sudeenly, you start crying. "It coulbe be a beautiful morning!" You complain to the god. And now you lost your wife, and chased by the mosters. While you are resting, the monsters are catching upon you guys. So, you guys start to run as fast as you can. However, it's too late. They are quickly surround you guys. It's over.
<img src=",c_limit,f_jpg,h_630,q_90,w_630/v1557432612/production/designs/4804947_0.jpg" width="610" height="610" alt="armoire">The cigarette hidden in your car. You used to smoke in the car alone while you are under too much pressure. "Ah!" You signed again and again. When you are smoking the cigarette, the monsters are coming around the car. They seem can not have damage on the car. [[However]],
<img src="" width="1280" height="760" alt="armoire">
There is a big monster coming to your car. He is like Hulk in the moive. You guys want to get out of the car. It's too late. He has aleady crushed your car. It's all over.
<img src=",c_limit,f_jpg,h_630,q_90,w_630/v1557432612/production/designs/4804947_0.jpg" width="610" height="610" alt="armoire">You quickly went out of the town. You look at the rearview mirsror. there are too many people stuck at the big traffic. A sense of relief comes out, when you guys are away form the mosnters. [[After five hours driving on the desert]]. You finally arrive in a small town. Your car is runnning out of gas right now. So you decide to go to the gas station to [[fill up the car]].
<img src="" width="615" height="409" alt="armoire">You find a gas station. However, there is nobody there. It is a strange and quite town. You guys can not even hear a voice. "This is a ghost town. I think we need to leave" Your son said to you. Yeah, this is scary. You can not see anybody on the street even cars. Maybe the monsters attacked this town early today. If so, you better leave now. However, your car is running out of gas. You decide to
<img src="" width="300" height="225" alt="armoire">
[[Still fill up the gas]]
[[leave the town]]"There is nothing to worry about, Todd. We are now far away form those monsters." you try to convince your son to stay few minutes to fill up the gas. Then you drive into the gas station. While you are filling up the gas tank, your son say to you that he is hungry. So you decide to
[[Go to the convenience store]]
[[leave the town as soon as possible]]You decide to leave the town now. After 1 hour of driving, your car stops. You guys are in the dersert. The hot winds keep blowing which make you very thristy and hungry. You decide to [[walk back to the town]].
<img src="" width="1024" height="768" alt="armoire">You walk into the store. There is nobody running the store. You just want to grab some foods and leave this damn place. However, while you are picking your foods, a women come out from the toilet with a hurt leg. [["Hey, please help me.."]]
<img src="" width="748" height="421" alt="armoire">
You want to leave the town right now. But you are also hungry. You guys might need to travel on the road for few days. So you decide to [[Go to the convenience store]] to get foods and water.On the way back to the town, you guys generally feel sick and headache. Your son even throw up. But you can not stop walking, it is a hot desert. If you guys keeping staying in such a hot temperature like this, you two might faint due to heat stroke. So you carry your son on the back. [[Then you continue walking]].You don't know how long you have walked. You can not feel your feet anymore. The desert is not hot anymore. Suddenly, you faint on the ground. It's a busy day, now you can have a good rest.
<img src=",c_limit,f_jpg,h_630,q_90,w_630/v1557432612/production/designs/4804947_0.jpg" width="610" height="610" alt="armoire">You are scared by this women, you aim your pistol to her head and told her don't move. "Calm down, I am not a monster. I was left by my co-worker here. Everybody in the town left and went to the military base which is safe." You asked her why did people leave her along in the town. "I was attacked by the monsters, they were afraid that I became one of those monster. Please help me! I can show you the way to the base". [[You look at her]]
<img src="" width="634" height="705" alt="armoire">
She is indeed in a bad situation. Her left leg is horrible, you can even smell the blood. She might die if you leave her. However, if you take her with you. She might became a monster. Those monster really looks like zombies. So you decide to
<img src="" width="1300" height="863" alt="armoire">
[[Save the women]]
[[left the women]]You decide to save the women. You don't want to kill a human undiretly. You carry her on your back to the car. She gives you a local map and show you how to drive to the military base. In the evening, you arrive at [[base]]You remembered how your wife was killed by those monsters. You can not let this thing happen to your son. So you deicide to leave the women. After you filling up the gas tank, you left the town. You [[decide to find to the military base that women talked about]].
<img src="" width="1024" height="579" alt="armoire">
Luckly, the women did not turn into monster while you are on the way.You met with the army. They are reciving the people to their temporary camp. They told you they are on their way to kill the monsters. Also, they take the women to the isolation ward. It is save to stay in ther base. Finally, Your son and you can sit down and have a rest. You keeping thinking about the sence that your wife was ripped by the monster. But at least, you are safe now.
<img src="" width="350" height="286" alt="armoire">However, it is a big desert. You can not see anything about human on the ground. The only thing you see is sand. And you cannot use the internet. Because the signal is too bad in the waste land like this. After two days of driving, you are completely lost in the desert. The food and water is running out. One night, after your son slept, you can not stand this anymore. You use your pistol aim at your head to end everything. It's over right now.
<img src=",c_limit,f_jpg,h_630,q_90,w_630/v1557432612/production/designs/4804947_0.jpg" width="610" height="610" alt="armoire">