(Set: $rock to false)
(Set: $BribeDragon to false)
(Set: $Lake to false)
(Set: $Path to false)
(Set: $Knife to false)
(Set: $Sword to false)
(Set: $Shield to false)
(Set: $Money to false)
You wake up to darkness. Your head is on the cold, damp ground and your back is stiff. After shackily getting up you look around to get a feel for your surroundings
[[cave interior]]
[[Check found endings]]The cave is barely lit, with only two small torches on the walls to give you light. In the center of the room stands an old man. His long, white beard showing his age and wisdom. Noticing your stand up he looks at you with dark eyes and speaks.
"Come forward child. I have a gift for you"
[[Run Away]]You're hesitant to approach a stranger, esspecially a strange man in a random dark cave. But you were never really one to take risk into account and you walk up to him.
As you get nearer, he reaches within his long beard, yes his beard not his robe, and then extends a now clentched hand towards you. He then motions you to open your hand and take what is in his.
[[Take Object]] Screw that. Ever hear of stanger danger? You're not taking any gifts from some strange man in a dark cave. You bolt for the cave entrance without looking behind you.
(set: $rock to false)
[[Exit Cave]]Once you leave the cave you look around and notice that you are within a forest.
(display: "Forest")
To your left you notice a lake. To your right you notice a dirt path.
[[Path]]You open your hand and he drops the unkown object into your open palm.
You look down at it, it's small, hard and dark in color, just barely filling out your palm.
Upon closer inspection you realize it's[[//...//->Object]]
A rock.
A dull, round, unassumming rock that you could have probably picked from
the ground anytime you wanted.
You look back up to the old man, who you now realize is probably just a crazy person, as he speaks.
"This is a powerful weapon child. May it aid you in your journey through this strange forest."
He grins as he backs aways, disappearing into the dark of the cave.
Utterly confused about this you stow the rock away in your pocket, get up and walk outside.
(Set: $rock to true)
[[Exit Cave]](Set: $Lake to true)
You approach the nearby lake. Its crystal clear waters allowing you to see that it is filled with aquatic life.
Nearby you also notice an abandoned camp set up. There is an old fire pit, with four large logs surrounding it, far enough apart to act as seats without catching fire.
On one of the logs you see what appears to be a fishing pole.
As you take in the scenery, you feel your stomach rumble. You don't remember the last time that you ate. Looking at the camp site you figure it couldn't hurt to try some [[fishing]].(Set: $Path to true)
You follow the path to a small clearing. Once you get close enough you stop at what you see. In that clearing is a small group of monsters all sitting around a fire pit. You have no idea why they have a fire going in the middle of the day, but hey their monsters and your not gonna question it too much. You see that they have set down their weapons and there is a chest in the middle.
You can think of three options
Try to [[sneak]] in.
Try and [[fight]] them.
[[//Go back//->back]]The thick foliage of the towering trees let only a few rays of sunshine to light up your surroundings.Picking up the fishing rod you walk to the waters edge. The pole is a simple one. In fact it looks more like a stick with a piece of string attached rather than an actual professional rod. There isn't even any hook at the end to weigh down the string in the water.
(if: $rock is true)
[Thinking over the problem, you remember the rock that the old man gave you. Using your perfected knot tying skills that you inexplicably have, you tie the rock to the end of the string and [[//cast//->RockCast]]]
(if: $Knife is true)
[You glance at the knife you managed to snag earlier. You Think that you can tie it to the end of the pole and [[cast]]]
[Well without a hook or weight you can't fish. Not to mention your too lazy to look around for something that could act as a substitue. Thinking this side trek was a total bust you decide to head [[back]]]You flick your wrist and send the improvised weight flying to the middle of the lake. Hoping to get a catch soon, you sit down and take in the beautiful scenery and sounds of nature.
As you begin to doze off to your peacful surroundings you feel a tug on the end of your line.
You pull up whatever is on the other end without any resistance. The end of the line breaks the water. You pulled out...a boot. The knife you had tied to the end had stabbed the side. Dejected by this disappointing excursion you decide to head [[back]].(display: "Forest")
{(if: $Lake is true and $Path is true)
[You notice a small opening between the trees that you hadn't noticed before. Curious you decide to explore it. [[Head to the opening]]]
[[//Lake//->Check Lake]]
[[//Path//->Check Path]]You walk through the opening in the trees. As you do so you notice that the air around you is getting heavy, and the light begins to fade as the foliage becomes thicker.
After a few minutes of walking you stumble upon some [[ancient ruins]].The strange creature looks right at you and speaks.
"Hail traveler, I am the great wish fish of the lake. I see that you have with you a relic of great power" He says while eyeing the rock that you had used as bait.
"If you would be so merciful as to let me go back, I will grant you a gift"
[[Let go]]
[[Eat]]Deciding to sneak up and possibly steal some objects for you to use.
(if: $rock is true)
[Thinking of the rock that you have on you you think that you can perhaps throw the rock as a distraction and give you time to steal some loot.
[[Throw rock]]]
[[Attempt to steal]]You decide to try and fight off the monsters. After all no one said you had a very good sense of self preservation.
(if: $rock is true)
[Remembering the rock in your pocket you think that you might be able to use it as a weapon. It's too small to attack the monsters head on but you could probably throw the rock and hit one of them.
[[Charge]](Set: $rock to false)
You toss the rock into the woods, hoping that the noise would cause the group of monsters to move further into the forest. Lucky for you their just dumb enough to do exactly that, heading to the edge of the clearing to investigate the noise.
Realizeing you don't have much time before they come back you quickly look at what you can grab.
[[//Weapon pile//->Attempt to steal]]
[[Chest]]With the monster backs turned you slowly crawl your way up to the nearest batch of weapons. Quickly reaching out you manage to grab one as you shuffle your way back out of the clearing before the monsters notice you.
Once you are sure you are clear you glance down at the object that you managed to snatch.
Its a small, glittering knife. Of all the weapons you could have grabbed from that pile you managed to get one of the smallest. Of course in hindsight with your luck it's no surprise that this happened.
(Set: $Knife to true)
Stowing the knife you decide to head [[back]] down the path.You manage to sneak in further thanks to the distracted monsters and reach the chest by the fire pit. You quickly open it, reach in and grab whats inside. Once you have the object you quickly scamper [[back to the path]].You chuck the rock as hard as you can at the nearest monster.
It goes soaring through the air until it hits one of the creatures in the back. Unfortunately it seems to have done nothing as it simply bounces off the evil beings back. Quickly the whole group turns and looks right at you.
Realizing that you may have made a mistake you begin to back away until something unexpected happens.
The monster that you had hit in the back begins to glow. You think that its about to attack but realize the other monsters are looking at it with wide frightened eyes. Suddenly theres a bright flash and BANG, it explodes. This knocks the other monsters back, who quickly get up and run.
Getting over your initial shock you run over and pick up the rock to inspect it, expecting it to glow or show some signs that it is something other than a rock, but you find nothing. Pocketing the rock you glance at the camp.
(Set: $Knife to true)
The monsters had taken most of the weapons, leaving only a few knives and the chest behind. Picking up one of the knives you glance at the chest and decide to take what is inside, but instead of inspecting it at the camp you realize it would be better to get away from the clearing so instead you head [[back to the path]].You rush at monsters, hoping to scare them an take them off guard.
Unfortunately these monsters do not appear to be frightened easily as they qickly turn towards you. Grabbing their weapons they barrel right back at you.
Realizing your mistake you attempt to turn around and run but it is too late. The monsters quickly catch you and hit you with their clubs and stab you with their blades. Some minutes later they appear to be satisfied and walk away from your broken corpse, happy to have rid the world of another human.
As you slowly bleed out, you think what you could have done differently, before the darkness slowly consumes you.
You were beat to death by monsters
(Set: $RushMonsters to true)
[[//Restart//->Opening]]Once you are sure you are clear of the monsters you look down at the object you managed to get.
Its a great glittering sword.
(if: $rock is false)
[Holding this four foot long blade of cold, sharp steel gives you a sense of confidence that you can defend yourself from anything this forest can throw at you. You may have lost the old man's rock, but you don't really care with this stunning blade.]
[The beautiful bladed weapon you hold before you holds your attention. Its sharp steel could certainly help in your exploration of the forest. Still though, you feel the weight of the rock in your pocket and wonder just what had happened when you hit that monster.]
(Set: $Sword to true)
[[//Head back//->back]]You nod and agree that the strange fish is free to go. You walk over and help it back into the water.
"Thank you stranger" it replies. "Now as I said I am a magical fish and cna grant you one of two things. I cn give you treasure, or a magical shield to protect you in this forest. Which will it be"
[[Shield]]Deciding not to listen to the crazy talking fish, you quickly kill it and carry the carcass over to the fire pit. You roast the fairly large creature over the fire and enjoy a nice meal.
Feeling full you decide then to go back towards the cave opening. You may have missed out on a potential wish but you sure aren't hungry anymore. You then decide to head [[back]].(if: $Lake is true)
[You have already been this way. No need to go there again.
[You haven't yet explored the lake so might as well head that way.
[[Lake]]](if: $Path is true)
[You have already been this way. No need to go there again.
[You haven't yet explored the dirt path so might as well head that [[//way//->Path]].]
You decide that what the hey, you may be stuck in this stange forest but atleast you can be rich and lost.
"I see, not the choise I would have taken but it is your decision" Says the fish. Quickly it dives under the water, only to return with a sack full of precious jewels.
"Good luck out there stranger!" Explaims the fish before diving back into the clear, blue water.
(Set: $Money to true)
With riches in hand you head [[back]](Set: $Shield to true)
You decide it would be best to have someithing to defend yourself. Who knows what else this forest may hold.
"A wise choice stranger." Says the fish. "This forest may look serene but in reality it holds a dark secret."
With that the fish disppears under the water, only to reappear seconds later holding a glittering round sheild in its mouth.
"Good luck stranger!" It exclaims before diving back into the clear, blue water.
Stapping the shield to your arm you decide to head [[back]].Moss covers the expansive rubble as you walk foward. A strange fog has suddenly appeared the further you got into the ruins.
In the corner of your eye you notice a few skeletons covered in rusty armor.
You decide to get a closer [[look]].As you approach the skeletons, you notice something odd. Despite the fact that they are nothing but piles of bones, you think that you see their eyes are following you.
Suddenly each of the skulls eye sockets light up with a mallicious yellow light. Each skeleton begins to stalk towards you, their rusty weapons drawn and their armor creaking.
Looking behind you, you realize that the same thing has happend. You are surrounded. Seeing no other option you attempt to [[fight them]].You quickly think through your options.
(if: $Sword is true)
[Draw [[sword]]]
(if: $rock is true)
[Chuck the [[rock]]]
(if: $Knife is true)
[Draw [[knife]]]
(if: $Shield is true)
[Raise your [[shield]]]
Fight them with your [[fists]]Drawing your sword you cut through skeletons with ease. Each one falling to the shining blade. Once you finish them all off you continue further into the [[ruins]]You throw the rock at the skeletons. It makes impact with one close to the center of the group. Once it bounces off, there a a short pause before BOOM! the skeleton explodes and takes out several others standing near it.
Noticing a puse in the ones behind you, you dive forward to grab the rock and throw it into the remaining group with similar results. Satisfied your safe for now you wander further into the [[ruins]].Using the small knife you manage to take a few stabbing forward. Sadly the knife means nothing against the hard bones of the monsters. It bounces off, and forces you to fall back. There is nothing you can do as the skeletons surge forward and hack you to pieces.
You tried to fight the skeletons with a knife and lost.
(Set: $KnifeSkeleton to true)
[[//Restart//->Opening]]Using the shield you block the skeletons attack and bash them when they get close. The hard steel makes short work of the creatures made of bone. Eventually you defeat all of them and move further into the [[ruins]]Thinking of no other options you run at them with your fists raised. Hoping the disarm one and take its weapon you take a swing. Unfortunately your fist meets nothing but hard steel and bone. Screaming in pain you clutch your hand in agony. Seeing their opening the skeletal warriors move in for the kill Slashing and hacking away at you.
You were overwhelmed by skeletons.
(Set: $FistSkeleton to true)
[[//Restart//->Opening]]You reach the top of the ruins. There appears to be the large skeleton of a large creature near to an ancient altar. Upon closer inspection you see it is a dragons skeleton. Then like the skeletons at the entrance, its eyes glow and it begins to stand. Reaching its full height it turns and [[glares at you]].Looking up at the huge skeletal monster, you feel a shudder down your spine. It takes a step forward, causing you to flail your arms as the ground shakes. Regaining your balance you prepare yourself to [[fight the dragon]]
You think through your options
(if: $rock is true)
[Throw the rock [[at it]]]
(if: $Sword is true)
[Try and kill it [[with the sword]]]
(if: $Money is true)
[Attempt to [[bribe the dragon]]]The rock soars through the air. It hits the animated skeleton, bouncing off the boney remains. If a skeleton dragon could look confused, this one certaily would do it. Quickly shaking off its confusion it rears up for another attack when suddenly it begins to glow. All in a split second, the dragons explodes in a brilliant flash of light, sending shattered bones in all directions.
You then head up to the [[altar]](if: $Shield is true)
[You draw both the sword and shield, preparing for a fight. The dragon seems to take this as a challenge, lowering itself like its about to luge forward. Suddenly it swings its tail. Luckily you manage to deflect the blow with your shield. Before the creature can recover you slash at it with the sword, chipping some of the bone and causing the monster to rear back in pain. You continue this same pattern until the skeletal dragon falls forward and crashes down, its once glowing eyes now dim. With that done you move up towards the [[altar]].]
[You draw your sword, preparing for a fight. The dragon seems to take this as a challenge, lowering itself like its about to luge forward. Suddenly it swings its tail. Unfortunately with nothing to block with the tail sends you flying into a nearby wall. Disoriented you fail to notice the large boney foot above you until its too late. The dragon steps down.
You were crushed by the dragon
(Set: $Crushed to true)
[[//Restart//->Opening]]]Thinking back to the stories you heard as a kid you remember that dragons like treasure and hoard it. Realizing this you pick out the bag of jewels that you have. The dragon pause, looking at the bag. You place it on the ground in front of it, acting a a peace offering. The dragond then takes the jewels and flies off. You're left standing there wondering just how a dragon can fly with bones for wings.
(Set: $BribeDragon to true)
Concluding that its thanks to magic you head to the [[altar]].You are about to embark on a short journey with several possible outcomes. Try and discover them all.
(Set: $FistSkeleton to false)
(Set: $KnifeSkeleton to false)
(Set: $RushMonsters to false)
(Set: $Crushed to false)
(Set: $Hero to false)
(Set: $Wander to false)
(Set: $Hunted to false)
}You inspect the altar. It looks like a simple stone alar, just a large rectangular object. But upon closer inspection you notice something interesting. In the middle of the flat top there appears to be somekind of hole that a small, round object could fit into.
(if: $rock is true)
[Thinking of the rock you place it into the hole. Suddenly the altar flashes with a bright light and begins to move revealing a staircase. You walk down it only to discover an entire room full of treasure. As you enter the room a glowing orb appears before you. You are startled when it begins to speak.
(if: $BribeDragon is true)
["Greeting traveler. I applaud your efforts to get this far. I see you have managed to find this ancient treasure room. Well it's all yours. But be warned. The dragon that you let escape is a greedy and will not be satisfied with what you gave to it earlier. When it sees that you are now richer than before it will come after you". With that said the orb disappears, leaving you with a sense of dread.
You're rich but with a target on your back
(Set: $Hunted to true)
["Greeting traveler. I applaud your efforts to get this far. I thank you for defeating that evil dragon. It was a blight upon this land. All this treasure is now yours. Consider it a gift to the hero who defeated the blight of the forest". The orb then flies over to a nearby wall, touches it and then disappears.
Then the wall begins to glow and then opens into a new room. Within it there is a shining suit of armor and a multitude of weapons. Taking in this arsenal you realize that you will be prepared for whatever this forest may have to throw at you. With new found confidence you gear up and prepare to try and find a way out.
You're now a heavily armed hero
(Set: $Hero to true)
[You can't think of anything you may have to fit in the hole. Disappointed you leave the ruins and wander back into the forest in hopes of finding your way out.
You become a wanderer
(Set: $Wander to true)
](if: $RushMonsters is true)
[You were killed trying to rush a group of monsters.]
(if: $FistSkeleton is true)
[You were overwhelmed by skeltons in a fist fight.]
(if: $KnifeSkeleton is true)
[You found that a knife is no match for solid bone.]
(if: $Crushed is true)
[You were crushed by the dragon in a fight.]
(if: $Hunted is true)
[You found some treasure but there is still the threat of the dragon.]
(if: $Wander is true)
[You killed the dragon but are left to wander the forest with nothing to show for it.]
(if: $Hero is true)
[You are seen as a hero and gained an arsenal of weapons to fight with.]
(if: $RushMonsters is true and $FistSkeleton is true and $KnifeSkeleton is true and $Crushed is true and $Hunted is true and $Wander is true and $Hero is true)
[Congrats! You found all of the endings! Thanks for playing.]
[[//back//->Opening]]You flick your wrist and send the improvised weight flying to the middle of the lake. Hoping to get a catch soon, you sit down and take in the beautiful scenery and sounds of nature.
As you begin to doze off to your peacful surroundings you feel a tug on the end of your line.
You pull and struggle with whatever is at the end of your line. Whatever creature is at the end of it is clearly large and prepared to fight. After several minutes of struggling, you eventually manage to pull the creature into the shallows. Its a lare, strange looking fish. It has glittering scales the color of gold and six fins of both sides. Intrigued by this you don't notice the fish spit out the rock until it suddenly [[speaks]].