You hesitate before speaking. Seeing his hopeful face causes you to momentarily falter, but you've made your choice.
"I am so sorry sir, but I don't think I can help you here."
He looks obviously disappointed. "Oh. Okay. I understand."
He starts to turn around, but before he can you sense another sneeze coming along. With little time to react, you recieve a full snot rocket to the face.
"*sniff* Oh Damn! I'm sorry about that man, my bad! I'd offer a Kleenex, but I unfortunately don't have any on me."
"Um, no its okay, thank you though." You say while wiping a little off the side of your cheek.
"Ah ok, haha I'm just gonna head out now."
"You do that. Sorry again."
The Snotty Satyr exits the shop, looking even more sullen than when he came in.
<<set $helpedSatyr to false>>
[[next->final customer]] <<if lastVisited("Basic Healing/Cold") is 1>>
"Hey! Good News. I think you just have a cold."
"You know, that makes a lot of sense. *sniff*"
You hold out the Cold Cure to him.
"If you take this, you should feel better in no time."
His eyes go wide as he looks at the bottle in your hand. He immedidately swipes it and at a speed that only someone whose chugged many a bottle of 'milk' on the wall can achieve, he downs the brew in less than 3 seconds.
His stance changes almost instantly as he seems to be immediately rejuvenized. Standing tall and firm, he smiles wide at you.
"Thanks so much doc! That was exactly what I needed!"
"Anytime! And not a doctor!"
<<if hasVisited("feeble")>>\
"Also remember to get more sleep in! Or else you'll continue to be more susceptible to colds in the future!
"I hear ya loud and clear doc!" He says as he boldy struts out of the small building.
"I don't think you do!" You loudly call after him.
<<set $helpedSatyr to true>>
<<set $All_Cold_Cure -=1>>
<<set $Town_Rating +=1>>
<<elseif hasVisited("Enhancements")>>\
"Ok! I think I figured it out. This should be the potion you are looking for!"
"Oh okay if you say so."
He eyes the potion cautiously. "I think I'll just try this later. I appreicate the help sir."
"Yeah no problem! I hope it works for you!"
He walks out the store, and you're left feeling a little unsure.
<<set $Town_Rating -=1>>\
<<set $Enhancements -=1>>\
<<elseif hasVisited("Counter Spell")>>\
"Ok! I think I figured it out. This should be the potion you are looking for!"
"Oh okay if you say so."
He eyes the potion cautiously. "I think I'll just try this later. I appreicate the help sir."
"Yeah no problem! I hope it works for you!"
He walks out the store, and you're left feeling a little unsure.
<<set $Town_Rating -=1>>\
<<set $Counter_Curse -=1>>\
[[next->final customer]]
The front shop door SLAMS open. Shaking various pots and tables nearby. Out of the corner of your eye, you think you even see Bean-Man jump.
The customer who walks in the door is truly just a man. Arrogance and undeserved confidence seeping out of every pore of his body.
"Hey there kid, can I speak to the owner of this establishment?"
"That would be me how can I help you!"
"Oh? Actually? You look awfully young to own this place. You steal it from somebody HAHAHHA" He boasts for an uncomfortable amount of time.
You awkwardly smile back, until you can't bare his laugh any longer. "Hmp well... uh, anyways no I did not, but uh how can I help you."
He quickly glaces around the shop. "Well, you see I've been told you sell here some-" He pauses and watches Bean Man until he's pretty sure he's out of earshot. Quieter he clarifies, <span class="smalltext">"-items with [[magical properities]]?</span>"
"Yup! We sure do! What were you looking for exactly?"
"Just a little something. To help [[boost]] my day."Um yeah I think I have something you can use. You can try this speed potion."
He greedily takes the potion and doesn't thank you. But he offers you a ticket to the race.
On his way out he turns around and yells, "Thanks for thinking of my daughters, kid!'
And as he leaves the shop you can't help but feel like you've made a mistake.
<<set $d1HelpedCheater to true>>
<<set $Enchancements -=1>>
[[next->end day]]You look him directly in the eyes. "I am so sorry sir, but I do not have anything that I can give you to help with your situation."
"Bullshit! As if I'd believe that. Pft whatever. I don't need your help to win anyway. Just you watch!!"
Before he exits the front door, he turns around and says, "One last thing kid, I hope you're happy, because on the rare chance I don't win, then you've ruined my daughters lives."
<<set $Town_Rating +=1>>\
<<set $d1HelpedCheater to false>>\
[[next->end day]]Sheesh! What a first day that was. I wonder what tomorrow will look like?
[[Change sign to close->Change sign from open to close]]<<set $Total_Potions to 0>>\
<<set $All_Cold_Cure to 0>>\
<<set $Counter_Curse to 0>>\
<<set $Enhancements to 0>>\
<<button "DAY TWO" "Day 2 Begin">>\
<<set $varA += 10, $varB += 10>>\
As you go to open up the shop for the day you notice the clouds outside seem to be pretty dense. What a gloomy day today!
But no matter the clouds, it's time to make some potions!
<<if $Total_Potions <=3>>\
What potion do you want to make?
[[Cold Cure ->Cold Cure d2]]
[[General Enchancement Potion ->General Enchancement Potion d2]]
[[Counter Curse->Counter Curse d2]]
<<endif>>\<<if $d1HelpedCheater is true>>\
As soon as you turn over the sign and make your way to behind the counter, you hear a familar SLAM of the front door behind you.
Looking into the doorway you see the angry street racer returned for vengence.
You look down at his foot and it seems to be in a cast of some sort, you suppose he sprained it? But what has that got to do with you.
He hobbles to counter with a finger pointed right under your nose. Screaming at the top of his lungs, "YOU GAVE ME THAT STUPID POTION AND NOW LOOK. I HURT MY FOOT. BECAUSE OF YOU. IT MADE ME TOO DAMN FAST. I demand a repayment of sort! You owe me at least that."
"Well I'm sorry sir, but I don-"
He continues on like this for a while. You are just about fed up with his nonsense. You sense unless you give him what he wants he won't leave the store.
<<if $All_Cold_Cure >0>>\
Do you offer him the potion?
[[Offer him->help street racer]]
<<elseif $All_Cold_Cure ==0>>\
You check your inventory, it looks like you have $All_Cold_Cure remedies to fix this. Looks like you couldn't help him even if you wanted to.
[[Refuse him->dont help street racer]]
<<if $d1HelpedCheater is false>>
As you flipped the sign to open and walked back to your counter, the door immediately swings over.
You see the hobbling street racer pitifully make his way over to your counter.
"Hey man, look in that race yesterday I made a big mistake and totally sprained my ankle, do you think you can help me? It really really hurts."
"I feel like if I had something to make me go faster this wouldn't have happened. But still I know you can help me. Please, I can really use it. My daughters already think I'm pathetic and coming home with this injury won't make it any better."
<<if $All_Cold_Cure >0>>\
Do you offer to help him?
[[Offer him->help street racer]]
<<elseif $All_Cold_Cure ==0>>\
You check your inventory, it looks like you have $All_Cold_Cure remedies to fix this. Looks like you couldn't help him even if you wanted to.
[[Refuse him->dont help street racer]]
<<set $helpedRacerAgain to true>>\
<<set $All_Cold_Cure -=1>>\
<<set $Town_Rating -=1>>\
You decided to help the street racer.
He might not be the nicest man out there, but no one deserves to get declined help for an injury.
"Here you go sir, this should help with your foot, or at the very least help with the pain."
"HMPH about time, it took you a while to give that to me. Don't you see I'm in pain here? Ugh the service at this shop is awful."
With that last remark he leaves the shop. Through the window you swear you see a sinister smirk on his face.
Truly, you feel bad for the daughters who had to grow up with that man as their father.
[[next->House Gardener]]<<set $Town_Rating +=1>>\
<<if $d1HelpedCheater is true>>
"I'm sorry sir, but I don't have anything here I can help you with."
He storms out the shop.
Good Riddence you think to yourself.
"Ugh you suck!"
He storms out the shop.
[[next->House Gardener]]The door opens yet again. This time a young wood elf walks in.
"Good afternoon! How are you doing today?"
"Hello! I'm doing great thanks for asking. Well not entirely great, I need a little help with [[something weird]] thats been going on."
<<if lastVisited("Plants enhance") is 1>>\
"Here! Take this enchancment potion and sprinkle a little bit on all your plants! I use this for the plants around the shop and it works 9/10 times. It'll make them all stronger! But be warned, there's like a 1/100 side effect that they might become sentient, and then you'll have a talking plant on your hand."
"We used to have this talking green onion plant and man, did he hate getting his stems cut. You can ask Bean-Man more about it, he's the one who had to ... deal with him."
Bean-Man momentarily looks up from what he was working on, clearly upset. "Kid! You know we don't talk about the green onion fiasco of 97'.
The wood elf looks a little doubtful at the potion in her hands. "Ok, well if you think this is the solution, I'll give it a go I suppose.
You decide to help them! Congrats you might have just saved someones plants!
<<set $Enhancements -=1>><<set $Town_Rating -=1>>\
<<if lastVisited("Plants Cold") is 1>>\
"Honestly, I think you might be seeing things. Try this potion. It should help you get better."
"Excuse me! But I know what I'm experiencing and I don't appreicate you calling me a liar! I'm never coming back here again." Absolutely appalled she takes the potion you handed her and throws it on the floor.
"And that's what I think about your stupid potion."
As she storms out the door, you consider the fact that you might have just read that one wrong whoops.
<<set $All_Cold_Cure -=1>><<set $Town_Rating -= 2>>\
<<if lastVisited("Plants Cursed") is 1>>\
"Ok after everything you've told me, I'm like pretty sure someones put a curse on you to harm every plant you touch."
"That's terrible who would even do such a thing!"
<<if hasVisited("around people") is true>>\
"I'm like pretty sure it was that guy who gave you the business card. he might have put a curse on it or something. You should probably have someone look into that creep."
"Oh shit ok, that checks. I'll do that right after I help all my plants."
"I honestly have no idea, but keep a look out for anyone suspicious."
"And here take this potion and combine it with some water, wash your hands and clean all your infected plants with it and everything should be back to normal."
With a bright smile the gardener gives you a firm nod, and waves goodbye as she exits the store determined to fix everything.
You just saved that ladies plants and her shop! Go you!
<<set $Counter_Curse-=1>>\
<<set $Town_Rating+=1>>\
<<if $helpedSatyr is true>>\
[[next->Satyr's Recommended Friend]]
[[next->Old Lady]]
<<endif>>\"I am so sorry miss but I don't think there's anything I can do to help you. I'm really sorry about that.
"Oh, okay. I understand."
"Well I guess I'll just keep trying and hope all my plants don't die."
She sollumnly walks out the shop, and puts her hand on your fern near the door as she exits. Seemingly looking for some comfort in any local flora.
You swear as she turns the corner out of the shop you see you're fern start to wilt.
<<if $helpedSatyr is true>>
[[next->Satyr's Recommended Friend]]
[[next->Old Lady]]
<<endif>>The next customer to walk in the door looks like the nicest old lady you'll ever meet.
As she continued into the store, you notice she's holding a tray of what smells like freshly baked coookies. Is this heaven?
"Good Morning Ma'am!"
"Well good morning to you too! I just thought you being the new shop owner for this here potion shop, you'd like some cookies to end off your day. I brought some yesterday too. Handed them to the round fellow. "
That explains the cookies.
"Oh my goodness! I would love some thank you so much."
"Not a problem at all dear."
As you go to munch on some scrumptious chocolate chip cookies. You suddenly rememeber you run a shop.
"Oh right! Is there anything I can help you with while you're here?"
"Oh it's not much, just some folks around town concerned cause I seem to have a bit of [[cough]]. They insisted I come in, and I thought well why not, I can meet the new man in charge while I'm there."
<<set $cureOldLady to true>>\
<<set $All_Cold_Cure -=1>>\
<<set $Town_Rating +=1>>\
"Looks like I have some left in stock! Here you go, if you take this that cough should go away soon!"
"Oh, are you sure? It's really no big thing. I am sure someone else can use it more than me."
"It's not big problem really! It's almost time to close anyway and these things never last past a day."
"Well if you insist, I must thank you very much. It means a lot to this old soul."
"Of course! I hope you have a great rest of your day, and thank you so much for these cookies!"
[[next->end day 2]]<<set $cureOldLady to false>>\
<<set $Town_Rating -=3>>\
"I am rea-"
"You don't have to say it kiddo."
"I completely understand, there a lot of more important people out there that can use the medicine more than me. Everybody is just making a big fuss over nothing"
"Now, I feel totally fine, so don't you go worrying about me now ok?"
"..yes ma'am. I am still sorry I can't help you though."
"That's alright. You just enjoy those cookies and maybe I'll stop by again tomorrow?"
"That sounds great. I look forward to it. Have a good rest of your day."
"You too son!"
[[next->end day 2]]"Man! The days keep getting longer huh?"
Bean-Man sticks his head out from seemingly nowhere. How is he always around? "That's what happens when you get more customers."
"Well, yeah but still, it was a long day."
"If you say so kid."
[[Change sign to close->move onto day 3]]<<set $Total_Potions to 0>>\
<<set $All_Cold_Cure to 0>>\
<<set $Counter_Curse to 0>>\
<<set $Enhancements to 0>>\
<<button "DAY THREE" "Day 3 Start">>\
<<set $varA += 10, $varB += 10>>\
<</button>>The routine has become more regular now: open the door make some potions, talk to some people, close the doors, enjoy my free time. Things can't get more predictable than this.
"Bean-Man, how do you think today will go?"
You see Bean-Man lounging on a chaise (where did he get that?) with a lollipop in his mouth and sunglasses on his face. He appears to be enjoying the utmost comfort life can bring.
"You see kid, that's where you're wrong. The day has many possibilities. It's best to prepare a varying easter basket if you catch my drift."
"You're very weird... has anyone told you that?"
"All the time, kid. All the time."
Well whatever, it's time to make some potions!
<<if $Total_Potions <=3>>\
What potion do you want to make?
[[Cold Cure->Cold Cure d3]]
[[General Enchancement Potion ->General Enchancement Potion d3]]
[[Counter Curse ->Counter Curse d3]]
<<if $cureOldLady is false>>
The first person who walks in the door looks a little sullen.
"Hey are you alright there sir?"
"Oh sorry, could you tell something was wrong? It's not much, but this one community leader died last night. She had this small cough and I guess it spiraled out of control and she didn't wake up this morning. The whole town is pretty upset by it. She made the best cookies."
"Oh. I am certainly sorry to hear that."
They sit in silence for a little bit fidgeting with their hands.
"But! That's not why I'm here, ha so sorry about that. I didn't mean to bring down the mood. Um, I just have some boxes that I need to move but-"
"I am a little scrawny haha, and I don't think I have the strength to [[move]] them on my own. So, I was wondering if you had anything that could help me [[gain some strength]]?"
The first customer of the day walks in looking happy!
"Hey there potion man!"
"You're in a good mood!"
"Yup, everyone was really worried that our community leader was going to get really sick, but luckily she healed quickly!"
"Well that's certainly good to hear!"
"Sure is!"
"What can I do you for today?"
"Oh yeah, I need to move and I was wondering if you had anything that could help me. See I am a little scrawny haha, and I don't think I have the strength to [[move]] them on my own. So, I was wondering if you had anything that could help me [[gain some strength]]?"
<<endif>>You decide to help moving man!
"I think this is what you're looking for! I hope it helps!"
<<if $cureOldLady is false>>\
"Oh man thanks so much! This really means a lot!"
"I wish the lady knew about you too, maybe you could have done something to help her. Oh well."
"Thanks so much dude! This day just keeps getting better and better."
"Yeah no problem! Good luck moving!"
"Thanks man!"
[[next->2nd customer d3]]You don't help the moving man.
"Hey I am so sorry but I don't think I have anything that can help you out."
"Oh.. ok I guess I just won't be able to move, that's fine. You know my mom, my friends, everyones out of town right now. I have no one to help me and if I don't move out soon my landlord will make me pay a fee. But whatever. '
"I really am sorry. I hope it works out."
He scoffs and leaves.
[[next->2nd customer d3]]<<if hasVisited("duration") or hasVisited("this is a new thing")>>\
The next customer walks in the door. A short looking fellow in some suspenders. Interesting fashion choice, but who am I to judge.
"Hello good afternoon sir, how may I help you today?"
<span class="bigtext">"GOOD AFTERNOON I HAVE A BIT OF AN ISSUE"</span>
The pots and bowls around him shake from the volume of his voice. Why is he so loud?
"Hi, I'm sorry sir, but can you turn do-"
Your ears begin to hurt.
"I take it that's the issue you've come in here with today."
He nods firmly.
"Maybe we can continue this conversation over paper?" You start to pull out some scrap paper you keep behind the counter and a quill for him to write with. He walks up to the counter takes the paper and quill and is ready for any questions you might have.
[[How long has this been going on?->duration]]
[[You're not usually this loud right?->this is a new thing]]
[[I have a strong feeling I know how to help you. ->Guess Loud]]
The next customer walks in the door. A short looking fellow in some suspenders. Interesting fashion choice, but who am I to judge.
"Hello good afternoon sir, how may I help you today?"
<<timed 2s t8n>>
@@.shudder2;<span class="bigtext">"GOOD AFTERNOON I HAVE A BIT OF AN ISSUE"</span>@@
The pots and bowls around him shake from the volume of his voice. Why is he so loud?
"Hi, I'm sorry sir, but can you turn do-"
@@.shudder2;<span class="bigtext">YOU WANT ME TO TURN DOWN MY VOICE. GEE I SURE WOULD LIKE TO.</span>@@
Your ears begin to hurt.
"I take it that's the issue you've come in here with today."
He nods firmly.
"Maybe we can continue this conversation over paper?" You start to pull out some scrap paper you keep behind the counter and a quill for him to write with. He walks up to the counter takes the paper and quill and is ready for any questions you might have.
[[How long has this been going on?->duration]]
[[You're not usually this loud right?->this is a new thing]]
[[I have a strong feeling I know how to help you. ->Guess Loud]]
The next customer to walk through the door is an ill looking Satyr. He's holding his fingers tightly against his brow.
"Hello! Are you alright there?"
"Hi, um no not really my head is killing me. I actually came here because my friend reccommended me. He said you helped him with his nose problem?"
"Ah yes! I remember him. Yeah he came in with the most clogged nose I've ever heard. I'm glad to hear he's doing better. Now back to you though, what seems to be the problem?"
"Well all the sudden I got this [[gigantic headache]] and it won't go away. It hurts so bad I can barely think straight [[most days]]."
<<if hasVisited("most days") or hasVisited("gigantic headache")>>\
"It could be several different things but do you have any suspicion as to where this illness originated from?"
"Well recently I was hanging out with Gof, the Satyr who was in here before, so I was thinking maybe I caught something from him, but I'm not entirely sure."
"Oh okay! Thats useful information thank you!"
[[continue->rec satyr guess]]
The door opens yet again.
"Hey there how's it going!"
"Not well."
"Ah I'm sorry to hear that whats wrong?"
"... I dont feel [[good]]."
"Can you elaborate?"
"Something hurts."
"Have you interacted with any [[sick people]] lately?"
"Or maybe you [[pissed someone off]]?"
His face remains still, eyes pointed down to the floor.
"Um, okay, have you maybe interacted with some magical object lately?"
He glances at his [[arm]], and shifts around uncomfortably.
<</linkreplace>>"I think my uncles mad at me."
"Why is your uncle mad at you"
"I broke his window."
Sighing, you recollect yourself. This has to be one of the most infuriating customers to date.
You take a second to examine the facts. Something hurts, and his uncle might be mad at him because he broke a window. Probably not enough reason to curse somebody, but who knows maybe his uncle really liked that window.
What are the common signs of a curse? The person is doing something out of character, their are [[strange marks on their body]], sudden illness, and lots of bad luck.
<</linkreplace>>\"I wasn't paying attention."
"To if someone was feverish around you?"
"Okay, so probably not a sickness then"
[[back->good]]"Oh okay! Is it your arm? Does your arm hurt?"
"Can you tell me anything more about what hurts about it."
"It just sort of ... feels bruised."
"Did you hit it against anything?"
"A window."
"A window?"
"Yeah I broke it, the window."
[["Oh okay"]]You take a second to examine his body. He seems to be standing fine so no limp or anything. Looking closer you see some markings on his left arm. It's hard to tell if its scars or something else.
"What's up with those markings on your left arm there?"
"Oh they just showed up."
"Like out of no where?"
"...yeah I guess so."
[[Make your guess->Vauge Guess]]
[[Ask more questions ->good]]Taking a closer look the guy, he honeslty might have just injured himself on the window. Especially if his arm went through it.
[["Okay I think I know what you need."->Vauge Guess]]
"That's good."
You noticed it's been a minute since someone came into the shop. Maybe no more customers for today.
As you go to turn around to read your Naruto Manga, an all too familiar slam of the front door startles you. Oh god not thi-
You turn around with the fakest smile you can muster. "Hello sir how can I help you today?"
"I want some more of that good stuff. Today I'm feeling [[''lucky'']]"
The door opens and this time in walks a familar Saytr. Oh but he looks MAD.
"HEY DUDE! What the actual heck. The shit you gave me didn't work. My head is still killing me.
"What did you even give me?!"
"Oh I am so sorry, I thought you had a cold so I gave you a healing potion."
"Well clearly that wasn't it so try again! Because I can't live like this! It hurts so bad, and I keep seeing stupid ravens everywhere. Like they are shitting all over my house everywhere. It's so annoying. It's like it came out of no where."
"Out of no where you say? Then if it's not a regular sickness you've probably been cursed."
"Yes, its more common than you might think. Though I don't know where all these people are learning how to curse around here. Let me check my inventory see if I have any curse potions available.
<<if $Counter_Curse >0>>
Looks like we have $Counter_Curse left!
Do you want to offer one to them?
[[Offer Potion->curse to help]]
<<elseif $Counter_Curse ==0>>
Damn. Looks like we don't have any left.
[[Refuse Potion->do not give curse]]
MAN, what a day today was. Seriously though, who the hell is going around cursing everyone in this town. You feel like this is a much bigger issue than everyone lets on. Why is this crime so normalized??
You decide today is the day to hit the sack earlier than normal. It feels like tomorrow is going to be weird.
[[Change sign to close]]For some reason you've decided yet again to give this man what he wants, service is service I suppose.
"Here you go sir, your Enhancement."
"You've made me a very rich man."
He takes the potion and quickly exits the shop.
<<set $Town_Rating -=1>>\
<<set $Enhancements -=1>>\
<<if $notCold is true>>\
[[next->5th customer d3]]
[[next->end day 3]]
<<endif>>"Sorry sir, but I can't give you what you'd like."
"Excuse me, what the fuck. You've given me everything else why is this different?"
"Because I can't sir, I'm out of stock."
"Like I'd believe that for even a minute. I don't need this fuck you. I'll take my business elsewhere."
As he walks out the door under your breath you mutter, "Good."
<<set $Town_Rating +=1>>
<<if $notCold is true>>
[[next->5th customer d3]]
[[next->end day 3]]
<<endif>>"Here you go this one should work!"
"Hmp. Should have worked the first time."
[[next->end day 3]]"I am so sorry but it doesn't seem like I have a counter curse available."
"Are you fucking kidding me??"
"First you give me the wrong potion. Then you refuse to give me what I actually need. You're terrible! Who do you think you are!"
"I'm never coming back here and I'm gonna make sure no one else does either!!"
<<set $Town_Rating -=1>>
[[next->end day 3]]
"Good Morning Bean-Man!"
"Morning kid, how'd you sleep?"
<<if $Town_Rating <0>>\
"Honestly, not that great! But who knows maybe today will make it better."
"hmm maybe."
"Pretty good I cannot lie! I feel like today is going to be a good day!"
"Here's hoping kid!"
[[Open Shop!]]\<<if $Town_Rating >0>>\
You go to turn the sign over, every morning like usual, but when you open the door you're surprised to see the whole town on your front lawn??
"Uh, Good Morning everyone? Please don't tell me you are all sick."
<<if $cureOldLady is true>>\
"Hey son! Oh no no we're all feeling great thanks to you! See, everyone in the town just wanted to pitch in to thank you for all the hard work you've been putting in to making sure everyone is healthy."
"YEAH!" roars the crowd.
"Oh?" Sheepishly you pull your hand to scratch the back of your head. "Haha it really wasn't much. Just doing my job."
"No, but really you've made such a positive impression on this whole town. We wanted to throw you a little party to celebrate!"
"A party for me? Wow guys, I'm honored thank you. But you really didn't have to."
"Nonsense, we all insist. Now, let's go eat some cake, huh?"
"Hey kid."
"B-Bean-Man?? How are you outside already? I just talked to you?"
"I jumped out the window. But that's beside the point! Look, everyone here was talking about how much they appreciated the new kid potion maker in town, and they were looking for something to do to celebrate you. So we planned a little party in your honor! Isn't that something?"
"Woah! Are you serious that's, so nice of everyone."
"Sure is, now let's dig in huh?!"
You spend the rest of your day partying it up with the townsfolk. It's a great time and they made a really good cake! You couldn't be happier to run this shop and do this for a living, and seeing everyones smiling faces really makes the job worthwhile.
<<elseif $Town_Rating <0>>\
Today feels really off. As you get up to change the sign and open the shop you notice a lot of people outside your lawn. They do not look happy. Are they carrying torches?? Is this some kind of mob?
"We want you out! You've made this town sigifincantly worse since you took control of the shop, and we are all sick of it!"
"Yeah!" roars the crowd.
"Hey look I am sorry guys I-I didn't mean to."
"Too little too late. Now get out of here!!"
You shut the door, heartbroken. "I-I didn't know I was hurting everyone! I was just trying to do my job." You look to Bean-man for some kind of support. He looks away not meeting your eyes.
"Hey look kid, it's- things don't go right sometimes. But there's no point staying somewhere where they don't want us. We should just pack up and try again somewhere else."
You collect the boxes and start to pack your belongings away, wondering where it all went wrong.
<<elseif $Town_Rating == 0>>\
Time to start another day!
Feels like I'm missing something though? Weird.
<<button "FINAL DAY" "The finale">>\
<<set $varA += 10, $varB += 10>>\
<</button>>The door opens slightly and in walks in a [[feeble]] looking Satyr. He seems hardly able to stand, and his hooves softly drag through the door.
"Hello! Welcome to Alastar's Alchemy Shop! How can I help you?"
<<timed 1s t8n>>
"...uh hi."
"My, nose is..."
He pauses momentarily as his face contorts.
The feeble Satyr almost stumbles over from the impact of that dramatic sneeze.
Embarassed, he makes an attempt to compose himself whilst simutaniously covering his face with his hand.
"It's kind of [[stuffed]]."
<</timed>><<set $Total_Potions to 0>>
<<set $All_Cold_Cure to 0>>
<<set $Counter_Curse to 0>>
<<set $Enhancements to 0>>
<<set $Town_Rating to 0>>
<<set $notCold to false>>Hey Kid,
Guess what, I got a super fancy job up in the Capital! This means I am going to leave you in charge of the potion shop. I know, I know--I am an awesome mentor, you can thank me later.
It's now your responsibility to create the daily potions for any customers that walk into the shop. Those needy bastards always want something. For only having 3 services we sure do get a wide variety of cases that show up. From enchancements/upgrades, basic healing, to reversing cursings, we sure do it all!
You've never had to work directly with the customers before, but let me tell you they are a handful. We get a lot of not so serious customers and sometimes sketchy people that walk in, so I want to make sure you understand that you do NOT have to help those people everytime. You never know whose going to walk in the door next, they might have a really serious problem, so remember to priotize those cases first.
Another important thing I want you to do, while you're still getting the hang of running the shop is to only prep 3 potions a day. I know we used to do more, but now that I am not there to help you make them, I don't want you to get overwhelmed with work. Especially since they expire after 24 hours, it's pointless for you to try to keep up the workload.
[[next page]]
It's time to Enhance!! This is straight up acts against nature, lets go.
For some reason these brews always smell like the color blue and green.
@@.shadow;+1 Enhancement Potion@@
<<set $Enhancements +=1>>
<<set $Total_Potions +=1>>
<<if $Total_Potions <3>>
[[next->Day 1]]
<<elseif $Total_Potions ==3>>
[[next->Snotty Satyr]]
<</nobr>>These ones are always tricky. Especially when theres so many different curses out there.
But somehow we found the right combination!
Potions like these no matter how hard we try always turn out purple.
@@.shadow;+1 Counter Spell@@
<<set $Total_Potions +=1>>
<<set $Counter_Curse +=1>>
<<if $Total_Potions <3>>
[[next->Day 1]]
<<elseif $Total_Potions ==3>>
[[next->Snotty Satyr]]
<</nobr>>You carefully look through the medicinal herbs buckets and shove leaves into a bottle and brew it.
WOO smells like grape, thats some cold remedy
@@.shadow;+1 Healing Potion@@
<<set $All_Cold_Cure +=1>>
<<set $Total_Potions +=1>>
<<if $Total_Potions <3>>
[[next->Day 1]]
<<elseif $Total_Potions == 3>>
[[next->Snotty Satyr]]
You carefully look through the medicinal herbs buckets and shove leaves into a bottle and brew it.
WOO smells like grape, thats some cold remedy
@@.shadow;+1 Healing Potion@@
<<set $All_Cold_Cure +=1>>
<<set $Total_Potions +=1>>
<<if $Total_Potions <3>>
[[next->Day 3 Start]]
<<elseif $Total_Potions == 3>>
[[next->time to open d3]]
<</nobr>>It's time to Enhance!! This is straight up acts against nature, lets go.
For some reason these brews always smell like the color blue and green.
@@.shadow;+1 Enchancement Potion@@
<<set $Enhancements +=1>>
<<set $Total_Potions +=1>>
<<if $Total_Potions <3>>
[[next->Day 2 Begin]]
<<elseif $Total_Potions ==3>>
[[next->Open Up Shop!]]
<</nobr>>These ones are always tricky. Especially when theres so many different curses out there.
But somehow we found the right combonation!
Potions like these no matter how hard we try always turn out purple.
@@.shadow;+1 Counter Spell@@
<<set $Total_Potions +=1>>
<<set $Counter_Curse +=1>>
<<if $Total_Potions <3>>
[[next->Day 2 Begin]]
<<elseif $Total_Potions ==3>>
[[next->Open Up Shop!]]
<</nobr>>You carefully look through the medicinal herbs buckets and shove leaves into a bottle and brew it.
WOO smells like grape, thats some cold remedy
@@.shadow;+1 Healing Potion@@
<<set $All_Cold_Cure +=1>>
<<set $Total_Potions +=1>>
<<if $Total_Potions <3>>
[[next->Day 2 Begin]]
<<elseif $Total_Potions == 3>>
[[next->Open Up Shop!]]
These ones are always tricky. Especially when theres so many different curses out there.
But somehow we found the right combonation!
Potions like these no matter how hard we try always turn out purple.
@@.shadow;+1 Counter Spell@@
<<set $Total_Potions +=1>>
<<set $Counter_Curse +=1>>
<<if $Total_Potions <3>>
[[next->Day 3 Start]]
<<elseif $Total_Potions ==3>>
[[next->time to open d3]]
<</nobr>>It's time to Enhance!! This is straight up acts against nature, lets go.
For some reason these brews always smell like the color blue and green.
@@.shadow;+1 Enchancements@@
<<set $Enhancements +=1>>
<<set $Total_Potions +=1>>
<<if $Total_Potions <3>>
[[next->Day 3 Start]]
<<elseif $Total_Potions ==3>>
[[next->time to open d3]]
<</nobr>>Lastly, tell Bean Man I'll miss him dearly.
JUST KIDDING! He was the nosiest man I've ever met. Almost intolerable at times.
But he was a good coworker. Very diligent guy, you should [[listen to what he says]], he might offer a lot of good insight.
Anyway best of luck!
- Alastar
<span class="titletext">It's A Potion Shop!</span>
[[Start->Letter Introduction]]Time to Make some potions!
<<if $Total_Potions <=3>>\
What potion do you want to make?
[[Cold Cure]]
[[General Enhancement Potion]]
[[Counter Curse]]
You take a second to learn as much as you can from a glance before you start asking questions. You used to notice Alastar doing this a lot with the customers. Almost like he was checking off items off an imaginary list in his head before listening to a word they had to say.
A few immediate key observations. His nose looks irriated, maybe from constant Kleenex usage. His legs seem to be shaking, as though he is having difficulty standing. And his eyes are bloodshot red, maybe not enough sleep?
"Have you been sleeping much lately?"
"Um, not particularly I suppose, but when do I usually haha."
"How long would you say you sleep on average?"
"Maybe four hours, why?"
"Four hours! That is certainly not enough sleep."
"Hmm maybe, but I like doing what I want, and sleep will not obstruct me from that."
You beg to differ, but decide to keep it to yourself.
[[back->Snotty Satyr]]
"You say your nose is stuffed?"
<<timed 2s >>
"If you couldn't tell, you must not be a very good doctor."
"Not a doctor. I make potions and other magical remedies."
"Then magically remedy my nose to get better!"
Ignoring that last comment, you think you have an idea as to what can help him, but asking a few questions never hurt nobody.
<h1>Ask questions?</h1>
[["How long have you had the illness?"->q1]]
[["Have you interacted with anyone sick lately?"->q2]]
<h1>Or make your guess?</h1>
[[Guess]]"Uh not really sure, just noticed it like yesterday, but I also haven't been very present lately if you catch my drift, haha."
"So probably not that long then?"
He puts one finger up and-
Whew that one looked even worse some how?
"*sniff* No not that long. Would have defintely noticed it if it was going on for a while."
[[back->stuffed]]"Hard to say I'm around a lot of people most of the time."
Pondering on it for a second, his face shifts momentarily. As if recalling a memory.
"You know actually I think my cousin Jimmy was sick recently. He's been to a few of our ragers recently."
[[Oh?->stuffed]]You think you know what this Snotty Satyr needs.
Which Potion do you want to offer him?
[[Basic Healing/Cold]]
[[Counter Spell]]You've come to the conclusion that he's probably just got the common cold.
Before you disclose your opinion, you recall the message from your mentor, with the limited stock we have not everyone can be helped.
<<if $All_Cold_Cure >0>>
Luckily you have $All_Cold_Cure in stock.
Do you want to offer him the potion?
[[Give Potion->Give Satyr Potion]]
[[Refuse->Refuse Satyr Potion]]
Not going to lie, you are pretty stumped on this one. Maybe he's looking for an enhancement? Something to help him either make his nose stronger or to help him avoid sleep for a few days.
Regardless of whichever of those it is. You're like 60% sure he want's an Enhancement potion.
<<if $Enhancements >0>>
Luckily you have $Enhancements in stock.
Do you want to offer him the potion?
[[Give Potion->Give Satyr Potion]]
[[Refuse->Refuse Satyr Potion]]You've come to the conclusion that he might have been cursed to have a really terrible stuffed nose.
Before you disclose your opinion, you recall the message from your mentor, with the limited stock we have not everyone can be helped.
<<if $Counter_Curse >0>>
Luckily you have $Counter_Curse in stock.
Do you want to offer him the potion?
[[Give Potion->Give Satyr Potion]]
[[Refuse->Refuse Satyr Potion]]It's usually not asked so weirdly, but we do provide a handful of magical stock. Mostly Counter-Spell type wards, but on occasion people come in asking for elixirs. It's quite possible he's looking for one of those.
As you think to yourself, you debate bringing up the different kinds of magical means that you've provided to people in the past.
[[Tell him about past stock]]
[[Hear him more->final customer]]"A boost? Like caffeine?"
"No no kid, like a real boost of energy. Something that might perhaps help in a race? Because you see here, you are looking at a soon to be very wealthy man, however, there's only one little thing standing in my way."
I'm not the fastest man alive. So I suppose I was just looking for something that could give me a little advantage. What do you say?"
He stares back at you with this weird half smile that makes your skin crawl.
Sure you probably have something you can offer this guy. But do you really want to?
<<timed 12s>>\
"And wait! Before you come up with an answer, can I just say what I need to use my winnings on. You see I have these two beautiful daughters back home." He pulls out one of those wallets with the accordian picture holders that come out of it. "And I know that money would help me make their life so much better. "
You lock eyes with the two young girls in the photos. Slightly unsure you ask yourself again. Should you offer something to this man?
<<if $Enhancements >0>>\
[[Offer->Enhance the Racer]]
[[Don't Offer->Refuse the Racer]]
"Well If you'd like to hear more about what we've sold to people before in regards to only having the critera of posessing 'magical properities' I'd be happy to tell you!"
"No I don't wanna hear about that. I only need the specific thing."
[["Oh, okay"->final customer]]"Well you've come to the right place, I'm all about helping with weird things. What's your problem?"
"Well." She looks down to floor exasperated, like she doesn't know where to begin. "I just don't know what to do. Ever since I was little I've had this great knack for plants. I was taught almost everything about gardening growing up, but now I [[cannot get a single plant past the nursey stage!->young plants]]"
"And all my [[exisiting ones are slowing dying->existing plants]] and nothing I do is helping them! I've tried everything in the book! I've done enough repotting, pruning, and soaking to last a life time this last month."
"Yikes that does sound frustrating!"
<<if lastVisited("existing plants") is 1>>\
"I think I have an idea as to what might help with your problem!"
Which potion would you like to offer her?
[[Basic Healing/Cold->Plants Cold]]
[[Counter Curse->Plants Cursed]]
[[Enhancement->Plants enhance]]
<<if lastVisited("young plants") is 1>>\
"I think I have an idea as to what might help with your problem!"
Which potion would you like to offer her?
[[Basic Healing/Cold->Plants Cold]]
[[Counter Curse->Plants Cursed]]
[[Enhancement->Plants enhance]]
<<endif>>\"Customers? Do you own a plants shop?"
She perks up a bit at the mention of her shop. "Yes I do! I opened semi-recently, actually! I think it's been about 3-4 months now. You'd be surprised how many people in the town come around looking for plant help."
"Wow that's great!"
"Yeah it is! Well until you know, the whole dying plants thing."
"Oh yeah."
[["yeah."->young plants]]"You've tried growing baby plant's recently and it's been failing?"
"Yeah every other week I take on a [[customers]] plants to help grow it past the nursery stage, since i know that can be difficult for some people. I also like to do it because it helps me learn the quirks of different types of plants. But I don't know I've been [[failing at it recently.->recently]]"
[[back->something weird]]"You mentioned that this has been happening only recently? Do you remember when it first started?"
She thinks about it for a second. "I want to say maybe like 3-4 weeks ago I started to notice it. But I didn't think anything much of it, plants can be a little dramatic sometimes. What was really weird is that it wasn't just the new plants, even the ones I've had for ages were dying. That's when I started to realize something strange was happening."
[[Noted, thank you. ->young plants]]
"Wait so it's not just the nursey plants that don't seem to get better? It's your existing plants too?"
"Yeah! Like for example I've had this Dracaena Marginata I've had for years! He's been healthy and thriving since the day I got him! Then suddenly after I did a little check up with him about a week ago, he's started to wilt too!"
[["Have you interacted with a lot of people recently?"->around people]]
[["Has anyone else been around that plant?"->around draca]]
[[back->something weird]]
"Around my Dracaena? No not really, I keep him in my room since he's one of my oldest plants, and no one every goes in there except for me."
[[back->existing plants]]"Well yeah, I'm around people all the time, I try to have a conversation with most poeple who walk in my shop."
"Any frequent repeating customers?"
"Um besides this one nice old lady. Not really I don't think s-"
"OH YEAH THERES THIS ONE CREEP! This guy is terrible! I always seem him lurking outside my shop, and he only came inside once like 3 weeks ago."
"Did he buy anything?"
"No not really, he just sort of looked at all my plants and then he handed me some kind of buisness card. I don't even think I read it, I kinda just threw it away."
[["Interesting"->existing plants]]You think her plants can use some enchancements! Clearly something she is doing isn't working, and the solution is to make the plants stronger!
After checking your inventory you see you have $Enhancements in stock!
<<if $Enhancements >0>>\
Do you want to offer her the potion?
[[Offer her->Give Potion to Gardener]]
[[Refuse Gardener]]
From the sound of things, someones cursed this poor gardeners green thumb.
<<if hasVisited("around people") is true>>
Honestly it might have been that creepy dude who gave her the business card. She should probably go have someone investigate that guy.
After checking your inventory you see you have $Counter_Curse in stock!
<<if $Counter_Curse >0>>\
Do you want to offer her the potion?
[[Offer her->Give Potion to Gardener]]
[[Refuse Gardener]]
You think maybe she's just hallucinating about her plants dying. It's possible she has a bad fever and is seeing things.
After checking your inventory you see you have $All_Cold_Cure in stock!
<<if $All_Cold_Cure >0>>\
Do you want to offer her the potion?
[[Offer her->Give Potion to Gardener]]
[[Refuse Gardener]] "Are you only experiencing this headache? Are there any other symptoms?"
"Not really, but the headache is enough of a problem on it own to be honest. It's really disorienting."
[[back->Satyr's Recommended Friend]]
"Most days? Has this been going on for a while?"
"Not really, I think it started earlier this week. But it feels like it's been an eternity"
"I'm sorry to hear that."
[[back->Satyr's Recommended Friend]] I think I know what issue this Satyr is facing.
Which potion would you like to offer them?
[[Basic Healing/Cold->Satyr Cold]]
[[Counter Curse->Satyr Cursed]]
[[Enhancements->Satyr Enhance]]You think this Satyr is probably cursed. Not sure why or who, but clearly someone wants them to have a bad time.
<<if $Counter_Curse >0>>\
You have $Counter_Curse left!
Do you want to offer the potion?
[[Offer Potion->give 2nd Satyr]]
<<elseif $Counter_Curse ==0>>\
Unforutnately you don't have any Counter Curses left.
[[Refuse Potion->refuse 2nd Satyr]] I think this Satyr just has a case of the common cold. Especially if they were hanging around Snotty Satyr just recently.
<<if $All_Cold_Cure >0>>
You have $All_Cold_Cure left!
Do you want to offer the potion?
[[Offer Potion->give 2nd Satyr]]
<<elseif $All_Cold_Cure ==0>>
Unforutnately you don't have any Enhancments potions left.
[[Refuse Potion->refuse 2nd Satyr]]
You think this Satyr needs to enhance their mind!! No one gets anywhere just sitting around doing nothing.
Don't you know as humans (Satyr's?) we can only access 10% of our brain. What if all they need is a boost to access more of their brain power! Imagine what they could do then!
<<if $Enhancements >0>>
You have $Enhancements left!
Do you want to offer the potion?
[[Offer Potion->give 2nd Satyr]]
<<elseif $Enhancements ==0>>
Unfortunately you don't have any Enhancements potions left.
[[Refuse Potion->refuse 2nd Satyr]] "I am so sorry, but I cannot currently help you."
"Are you serious? You CAN'T help me? This is ridiculous my head is pounding and there is not a single thing you can do?"
"I can't believe Gof reccommended this place. I am so out of here."
<<set $Town_Rating -=1>>\
[[next->Old Lady]]<<if lastVisited("Satyr Cold") is 1>>
"After hearing everything you told me, I think you just have a common cold."
"Really? It feels much more than that, but maybe you're right."
"Here take this, drink it twice a day for a 3 days and that headache should clear up right away!"
"Okay. I'll try it thanks a lot!"
<<set $All_Cold_Cure -=1>>
<<set $notCold to true>>
"Have a good rest of your day!!"
<<if lastVisited("Satyr Enhance") is 1>>
"I think I figure it out!"
"It's your mind!! You're trying to expand it too much, and push past your capabilities and that's where your headache is stemming from!! Because we can only use up to 10% of our full brain power, but you... you're SPECIAL. YOU ARE DESTINED FOR GREATNESS AND I WILL BE THE ONE TO HELP YOU SURPASS ALL OTHERS."
"You're hella crazy. Bye"
He walks out the shop.
<<set $Enhancements -=1>>\
<<if lastVisited("Satyr Cursed") is 1>>\
"Ok, so don't be alarmed but I think someone put a curse on you, and that's why you head is hurting a lot,"
"Oh word! You know I have been seeing a lot of ravens around recently!"
"Ah yeah, that's one of the signs. Here if you just take this potion, you should start to feel better soon."
"Awesome thanks so much!"
"No problem have a good rest of your day!"
<<set $Counter_Curse -=1>>\
<<set $Town_Rating +=1>>\
[[next->Old Lady]]
"Oh you have a bit of a cough? Is that all or any other fever symptoms?"
"Nothing else new, that didnt come with old age!"
"Here let me see if I have anything in stock for you."
<<if $All_Cold_Cure >0>>\
Ah looks like I have $All_Cold_Cure potion left for treating cold symptoms.
Do you want to offer it to her?
[[Offer Medicine->help old woman]]
<<elseif $All_Cold_Cure ==0>>\
Shoot, looks like I'm all out of the cold medicine.
[[Refuse Medicine->dont help old woman]] "You say you need strength?"
"Yeah I don't really got a lot of it. So a boost would be helpful."
"Gotcha ok!"
<<if $Enhancements >0 and $cureOldLady is false>>\
You think you got some Enhancements stocked up for today. Maybe you ought to cheer this guy up with a stength boost. Besides it's partially you're fault for not being able to help that lady.
[[Offer Boost->help]]
<<elseif $Enhancements>0 and $cureOldLady is true>>\
You check the inventory. Looks like you have $Enhancements enhancements stocked up.
Do you want to offer him the potion?
[[Offer Boost->help]]
<<elseif $Enhancements ==0>>\
Shoot looks like you don't have anything to help him.
[[Refuse Boost->dont]]"Oh you're moving where to?"
"Um just a different town, I just wanted to get out of here. To much of the same old. Also, there's like a surprising amount of curses that happen here. It's kind of weird."
"Oh man, you're telling me."
[[next->time to open d3]]You think you know what plauges this man.
Which Potion do you want to offer him?
[[Basic Healing/Cold->Vauge Cold]]
[[Enchancements->Vauge Enhance]]
[[Counter Spell->Vauge Curse]]Sounds like his uncle is really mad at him. Perhaps mad enough to cast a curse?
Gotta cover all your bases, never can trust the ones closest to you.
<<if $Counter_Curse >0>>
Looks like you have some counter curse potions in stock.
Do you want to offer him one?
[[Offer Potion->Help Vauge]]
<<elseif $Counter_Curse ==0>>
Damn. Looks like you don't have any more counter curse potions in stock.
[[Refuse Potion->Don't Help Vauge]]<<if hasVisited("Oh Okay") is true>>\
You think this man might just not feel good because he hit his arm through a window.
It's quite possible all he needs is some basic healing.
<<if $All_Cold_Cure >0>>\
Looks like you have some healing potions in stock.
Do you want to offer him one?
[[Offer Healing->Help Vauge]]
<<elseif $All_Cold_Cure ==0>>\
Damn. Looks like you don't have any more healing potions in stock.
[[Refuse Healing->Don't Help Vauge]]You think this guy needs a potion to make his skin stronger so he can keep busting through windows. Well you certainly are the right guy for the job!
<<if $Enhancements >0>>
Looks like you have some Enhancements potions in stock.
Do you want to offer him one?
[[Offer Potion->Help Vauge]]
<<elseif $Enhancements ==0>>
Damn. Looks like you don't have any more Enhancements potions in stock.
[[Refuse Potion->Don't Help Vauge]]<<if lastVisited("Vauge Enhance") is 1>>\
"Here you go sir, it'll make your skin stronger!"
He looks confused, but takes it and walks out the door.
<<set $Enhancements -=1>>\
<<if lastVisited("Vauge Cold") is 1>>\
"I think you just need some healing for your arm there. Take this it should help.
You give him the healing potion and he takes it and nods and leaves.
"What a weird guy."
<<set $All_Cold_Cure -=1>>\
<<set $Counter_Curse-=1>>\
<<set $Town_Rating+=1>>\
<<if lastVisited("Vauge Curse") is 1>>\
"I think your uncle might have cursed you, you should go check up with him about that. Also watch out for windows and take this, it'll help you feel better.
He takes the potion looks determined and quickly walks out the door.
"Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned the uncle."
<<set $Counter_Curse -=1>>\
<<if $helpedRacerAgain is true>>
[[next->4th customer d3]]
<<elseif $notCold is true>>
[[next->5th customer d3]]
[[next->end day 3]]
<</nobr>>"I am sorry sir, but I don't think I have anything that can help you."
He grunts and swiftly walks out the door.
"Well, damn."
<<if $helpedRacerAgain is true>>
[[next->4th customer d3]]
<<elseif $notCold is true>>
[[next->5th customer d3]]
[[next->end day 3]]
He takes a second to write on the paper.
Once he flips it over for you to read, you see he's written.
"About 2 days now. It's ruining my life truly."
"Oof I bet."
He continues to write more on the paper.
Flipping it over once more you see it says, "I am a librarian."
[[back->2nd customer d3]]He stares at you blankly. Like you've made a poor joke.
Then he turns to the paper to write something.
After flipping it back for you to read, you see it says.
"No you idiot, I'm not usually this loud. It wasn't this loud at first actually. It kept steadily increasing the more I talked. So it took me a few hours to notice I was getting incremently louder."
He nods back in response.
[[back->2nd customer d3]] You're pretty sure you know what's ailmenting this guy.
Which potion do you want to offer him?
[[Basic Healing/Cold->Loud Cold]]
[[Enhancements->Loud Enhance]]
[[Counter Curse->Loud Curse]]You know how sometimes when people get sick they lose their voice? Maybe it was the opposite with this guy! MAYBE when he gets sick he GAINS volume.
That's kind of rad. But he might still want help though, I'm sure its just as draining on your voice to be raspy as it is loud.
<<if $All_Cold_Cure >0>>
Looks like you have some cold medicine in stock.
Do you want to offer him one?
[[Offer Potion->Loud Help]]
<<elseif $All_Cold_Cure == 0>>
Oh nevermind looks like we're all out of healing and cold medicine.
[[Refuse Potion->Loud Don't Help]]
Alright alright, I know there's been days when maybe you didn't always come to the wisest conclusion. But you really think you've hit it right on the nail today.
This guy. He doesn't want to get quieter. HE WANTS TO GET LOUDERRRR.
<<if $Enhancements >0>>\
Looks like you have some Enhancement potions in stock!
Do you want to offer him one?
[[Offer Potion->Loud Help]]
<<elseif $Enhancements ==0>>\
Ha. Looking at this inventory, actually looks like you can't offer him the supreme voice you wanted to.
[[Refuse Potion->Loud Don't Help]]Alright yeah, obviously this guys been affected with a nasty curse. Obnoxiously loud day ruining voice that's a bright neon sign pointing to a curse baby.
<<if $Counter_Curse >0>>\
Looks like we got $Counter_Curse Counter Curse Potions in stock.
Do you want to offer this guy one of them?
[[Offer Potion->Loud Help]]
<<elseif $Counter_Curse ==0>>\
Oh yikes! It looks like we're all out. Shoot.
[[Refuse Potion->Loud Don't Help]]<<if hasVisited("Loud Cold") is true>>
"Hey sir do I have the solution for you!"
He looks back at you with hope in his eyes.
"Now I know you're condition is pretty rare, it's not often that when people get sick their voice gets LOUDER not quieter, but I have a solution regardless!"
The small man stares dumbfoundly at you and the bottle you are offering him.
His hand comes up and smashes the bottle out of your hands. Rude.
@@.shudder;<span class="bigtext">"YOU IDIOTTTT THIS IS A CURSE!!!"</span>@@
Wow, I think you really felt your ears pop with that one.
Oh wait did he say a curse? Wow misread that one whoops.
You check your inventory for counter curse potions, you find $Counter_Curse potions.
<<if $Counter_Curse >0>>\
"I am so sorry about that one sir, here I have a counter curse for you."
Begrudingly he takes it and drinks it right away. After he finishes the bottle you can see the hesitation in his voice as he dares to speak.
"...thank you."
He turns around and leaves the shop.
Well all well that ends well right!
<<set $All_Cold_Cure -=1>>\
<<set $Counter_Curse -=1>>\
<<elseif $Counter_Curse ==0>>\
"Oh. We actually don't have any counter curse potions stocked up at the moment. Haha, come back tomorrow?"
The cursed man yells so many obscenties at you. You wouldn't wish this scolding on even your greatest enemy. It was so loud and extended you are pretty sure several pots have fallen from their shelves around the shop.
Once he calmed down he quietly left the store, and you are a changed person.
<<set $All_Cold_Cure -=1>>\
<<set $Town_Rating -=1>>\
<<if hasVisited("Loud Enhance") is true>>\
Before you are even able to get the words, 'I want to give you an Enhancment potion' out of your mouth. The small man noticed the label on the bottle and just turns around and walks away.
"Oh well then ok."
Surprisingly Bean-Man walks over and takes the enhancment potion from your hands.
"You don't even deserve to give this out. That was so stupid."
- 1 Enhancement potion from your inventory :(
<<set $Enhancments -=1>>\
<<if hasVisited("Loud Curse") is true>>
"This is one nasty curse sir!"
He nods.
"Here if you take this it should clear it up pretty much immediately."
He takes the potion you offered to him, and drinks it slowly. Within a few moments of finishing the elixer, he dares try to speak.
"Hi... OH THANK GOD! Thank you so much!!!!"
"Yeah of course!"
He basically skips out the building giddy and renewed with life.
<<set $Counter_Curse -=1>>\
<<set $Town_Rating +=1>>\
[[next->3rd customer d3]]"I am sorry I don't have anything to help you with your problem."
@@.shudder2;<span class="bigtext">"YOU CAN'T HELP ME. I AM A LIBRARIAN I WILL LOSE MY JOB IF I CAN'T GET THIS FIXED."</span>@@
<<linkreplace"I am reall-">>
@@.shudder2;<span class="bigtext">"SHUT UP I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT. YOU SUCK."</span>@@
The angry librarian storms out of the shop.
Looks like I won't be able to rent out any books anytime soon.
[[next->3rd customer d3]]
"Yeah I want you to give me something to increase my luck! I got into this really big stakes card game and I want all the advantages I can get!"
"What do you say you got anything for me!"
He's clearly asking for an Enhancment potion. It seem as though you have $Enhancements left.
<<if $Enhancements >0>>\
Would you like to give him one?
[[Offer Enhancement->give him enhancement]]
<<elseif $Enhancements ==0>>\
Looks like you don't have anything to give him.
[[Refuse Enhancements->dont give him enhancement]]
As you set down the letter from Alaster, you think about what it said.
Listen to Bean-Man huh? Guess it couldn't hurt. Today's the first day we open back up the shop since Alastar left. So maybe he can give you some more advice for how best to run the day.
You set off to look for him, it doesn't take very long all you had to do was spot the roundest thing in the shop.
"Hey Goodmorning Bean-Man!"
He turns around, with a mouth full of ... cookies? Where the hell did he get those.
"Omp! Gd Mring"
Quickly swallowing them, he sets down the plate he was holding and turns back to you. "Did you need something?"
"Uh, yeah I was just reading that letter Alaster gave me, and well I was just wondering if you had any advice for today!"
"Advice huh? Well, do regular bathroom breaks, don't be rude, and maybe put on a jacket it's kind of chilly today."
"That has nothing to do with running the shop," you deadpan.
"Or does it have everything to do with running the shop?" Giggling he skips away off to do God knows what now. That guy is so weird, you don't know why you even bothered asking him anything. As you go to open the windows to let in some air, a cool draft blows in.
"Damn it is kind of chilly, maybe I will go fetch my jacket."
[[Flip sign from Closed to Open]]
<<button "''DAY ONE''" "Day 1">>\
<<set $varA += 10, $varB += 10>>\