It's a Saturday and it is cloudy, chilly, and seemingly going to rain later. You made plans to go visit your friend and his family so you get dressed, put on your favorite red scarf and make your way to your friend's home. You enter their home unannouced and notice that they are still asleep.
[[Watch them sleep.|Wait.]]
[[Look at their alarm clock.|Clock.]]Next to your friend's bed is a digital clock.
[[Set off their alarm.|Wake.]]
[[Continue waiting.|Continue waiting.]]You stand there an watch to see what happens.
[[Continue to wait. |Continue waiting.]]
[[Look at their clock.|Clock.]]After waiting a few moments, they [[shiver as if cold.|Wake.]]They have awoken from their slumber, shivering.
[[Talk to them.|Gurgle.]]
[[Stand there and look at them.|Ghost.]]They don't acknowlege your [[presence.|Continuation]]Your friend looks at their phone and sees an unread text from a few hours ago from their long time childhood friend asking them to come and visit. They get up and grab their car keys.
[[Get in the car with them.]]You enter their vehicle, they don't seem to notice you being there. They turn up the heater in the car.
[[Turn off the heater.|Car interaction.]]
[[Turn on the car radio.|Car interaction.]]
[[Do nothing.|Continue drive.]]Seemingly annoyed, they [[undo it.|Continue drive.]]After a period of time they have arrived to their friend's home.
[[Get out of the car.|It's quiet.]]Upon walking up to the home they look down and scramble through their pockets as if looking for something. It seems as though they have forgotten their keys to the home. They ring the doorbell but there is no response.
[[Attempt to open door.|Unlock Door.]]You reach for the door and it opens just fine. How is it that your friend is was [[struggling?|Confused.]]Upon walking in, you both notice that all of the lights are off, it is dark and it is eerily quiet. So much so, that the sound of your own breathing and heartbeat become pronounced. In some minor confusion they look all around them as if lost.
[[Try to find nearby lightsource to see better.|You find a lightswitch.]]
[[Have them do it.|They find a lightswitch]]You find a nearby lightswitch and [[flick it on.|Light.]]They find a nearby lightswitch and [[flick it on.|Light.]]The light seems to be malfunctioning and is flickering. However it is just enought for you both to see around the enviorment. To your left is the kitchen where there is a sink and some handsoap.
[[Get a drink of water.|Sink.]]
[[Go wash your hands because COVID is still a thing.|Sink.]]
[[Do nothing.|They go to sink.]]You make your way to the kitchen sink and turn it on. Shortly after your friend in a hurry follows up beind you and [[turns the sink off.|What's that sound?]]. They're stressed out. Your friend makes their way to the kitchen and they proceed to [[wash their hands.|What's that sound?]]After, you both simultaneously seem to notice a faint echoing sound nearby. Under your breath you mumble "What's that sound?" Your friend looks back in your direction with a jutter with a fearful look on their face. You both decide to [[approach the noise.|Approching]]You both slowly make your way to the nearby noise. Approaching closer makes the noise more audible and clear but it's also getting darker. You notice your friend has wrapped their arms around themselves and is still shivering.
[[Take off your red scarf and wrap it around your friend.|Scarf Wrap]]
[[Continue towards the sound.|Approach sound.]]You reach for your scraf, you can't take it off. It's somehow [[attached|Panic.]] to you. You struggle further to no avail. It won't budge.
[[Stay calm.|Approach sound.]]You both continue to inch closer and closer to the sound, further and further away from the light. As it gets darker the sound becomes clearer. You can now make out approximately what the sound it. It sounds like liquid being repeatedly poured on the floor. Like a quarter cup at a time, [[over an over.|To the door.]]In the darkness you both make your way to the front of a door. The floor is wet and slippery beneathe your feet and you see a sheen of what little light is left reflecting off the liquid. Your friend in a low voice says "Why is there a leak?" and tries to keep their balance.
[[Tell your friend to put red scarf of the floor for more grip so you don't slip.|Ignores recommendation.]]
[[Try to keep your balance.|Open door?]]
[[Reach for the door to open it.|Open door?]]Your friend continues to struggle, they [[ignore your recommendation.|Open door?]]As you struggle to keep your balance you reach for the door handle. As you are reaching your friend falls forward and grabs it instead to keep themsleves steady. Their [[shivering|Door is open.]] is making it even harder to stay balanced.They turn the door handle and [[open the door.|Dark closet.]]It's too dark too see what is in there. Your friend reaches in and feels something wet and metallic swinging. It's the [[switch to the lightbulb.|Pulls the light switch.]]They pull the light switch.
[[Look inside.|Inside.]]You [[look|See.]] inside.You see blood pouring from a body [[hanging...|Red scarf.]]from a red scarf. You scream, but all that comes out is a gurgle.
[[Replay|Start]]You attempt to speak to them, however you are only able to make a faint [[gurgling|Ghost.]] noise.In a panic you attempt to scream for help, all that comes out is a mere grainy whimper, gruff and out of breath. Your friend does not hear your cries. The best thing to do is to just [[stay calm and move on.|Approach sound.]]Your friend jutters back frightened then [[leers in confusion|Enter Home.]], but quickly shrugs it off.