...It's another beautiful morning, and (transition: "pulse")[**you**] woke up.
(set: $girl to (either: "Bar", "Su", "Bet", "Ca", "Debo", "Do", "Elea", "Ali", "Lo", "Isa", "Charlo", "Ame", "Mia", "Mi", "Tere", "Nao", "Sa", "Lyd", "Ale", "Zo", "Kay") + (either: "bara", "san", "ty", "rol", "rah", "ris", "nor", "ma", "ria", "phia", "tte", "a", "lia", "lie", "e", "olet", "die", "xa", "phie", "lee", "rora", "nah", "ly", "ley", "ntha"))
(set: $elements to (either: "sticky", "salty", "fluffy", "large", "tiny", "warm", "rough", "greasy", "bumpy", "cold", "ugly", "jolly", "wet"))
(set: $money to 5)
(set: $bag to (a: ))
(set: $charm to 0)
(set: $days to 1)
<head><script src="https://kit.fontawesome.com/dab32a8b44.js" crossorigin="anonymous"></script></head>
(track: 'chicken', 'play')<img class="floating" src="Assets/character.jpg" width="360" height="300">
You are a (transition: "pulse")[**normal**] college student.
[[Next->Introduction2]]<img class="floating" src="Assets/town.jpg" width="360" height="300">
~ Day $days ~ <i class="fas fa-cloud-sun"></i>
You have $$money left.
After looking around, you decided to go to
[[The Park->Park]]
[[Grocery Store->Grocery]]
[[The Library->Library]]
[[Recycling Facility->Trash]]
[[Amazon Warehouse->Warehouse]]
[[The Beach->Beach]]
(set: $park_visited to false)
(set: $library_visited to false)
(set: $mcdon_visited to false)
(set: $amazon_visited to false)
(set: $trash_visited to false)
(set: $beach_visited to false)
(set: $groce_visited to false)(set: $park_visited to true)
You rode your bike to the park. You saw some kids running and screaming around the playground. Some senior citizens exercising, they have their equipment bags laying around. There's also a small pond on the corner of the park.
[[Check the playground?]]
[[Check the pond?]]
[[Check the equipment bag?]]
(track: 'bike', 'play')(set: $library_visited to true)
The Library is very busy and quiet. You see many college students studying and suffering in those tiny wooden seats. There's a large variety of books collected in this place. You know she's gonna love getting a book as a gift because, well, who doesn't? But what kind of book should you get for her?
[[Check out kids books?]]
[[Check out adult books?]]
[[Check out returned books?]]
(track: 'bike', 'play')(set: $mcdon_visited to true)
You walked into the beautiful McDonald's restaurant. Greeted with the smell of the freshly cooked Sloopy cheeseburger and Chicken McNuggets. It makes you want to sit down and eat for a bit. But you can't! You're on a mission right now. Make up your mind!
[[Shop for food?]]
[[Search the trash bin?]]
(track: 'bike', 'play')(set: $amazon_visited to true)
You enter the enormous Amazon storage facility. The most advanced machine and robots are running around here collecting all the packages that need to be sent out. You know if you step in the warehouse those robots might turn into their killer mode on you, so you decided to stay outside and see what you can find.
[[Search the delivery truck?]]
[[Search the returned bin?]]
(track: 'bike', 'play')(set: $trash_visited to true)
You decided to go to the recycling facility in your town. There's nothing but trash around in here, but who knows, maybe you can find some good stuff from here.
[[Search the trash?]]
(track: 'bike', 'play')(set: $beach_visited to true)
You rode your bike down to the beach. The water is very dirty and not clear at all. You can smell the salt from the ocean and the stinks from all the trash on the beach. It would be so much better if people can stop being retarded and recycle their trash. But you don't have time to think about that right now because you're still a man on a mission.
[[Dig under the sand?]]
[[Walk along the seashore?]]
(track: 'bike', 'play')(either: (print: "<img class='floating' src='Assets/girl1.jpg' width='360' height='300'>"), (print: "<img class='floating' src='Assets/girl2.jpg' width='360' height='300'>"), (print: "<img class='floating' src='Assets/girl3.jpg' width='360' height='300'>"), (print: "<img class='floating' src='Assets/girl4.jpg' width='360' height='300'>"), (print: "<img class='floating' src='Assets/girl5.jpg' width='360' height='300'>"))
You meet a girl in school. Her name is (transition: "pulse")[**$girl**].
She (either:
"is 23 inches taller than you",
"is 17 inches shorter than you",
"is addicted to video games",
"always wear socks with a flipflop",
"always eat cereal out of a cup",
"always wear a fashionable IKEA bag with her Channel jacket",
"always carries multiple sandwiches with her",
"likes to eat pizza with ketchup and mayo",
"likes to slap everyone",
"likes to drink mayo from a bottle",
"likes to sing out of tune happy birthday song",
"usually wears a bullet-proof vest",
"thinks she has to save the world from an alien invasion",
"thinks has to save the world from rising sea levels",
"is hiding a terrible secret concerning a chicken",
"obsessed with country music",
"has a triangular face, a turned-up nose, and small lips.",
"have mousey brown hair that is shoulder length and thick"
She's so attractive and **charming** that almost every boy in school have a **crush** on her. And you are no exception.
[[Next->Introduction3]]<img class="floating" src="Assets/birthday.jpg" width="360" height="300">
Her **birthday** is coming up in (transition: 'pulse')[**5 days**]. You want to give her a birthday gift but you barely have any money left in your pocket.
So you decided to walk around town and try to find something that you can use to make her a birthday **gift** <i class="fas fa-gift"></i>.
[[To the Town!->Introduction4]](set: $groce_visited to true)
The grocery store is full of people. You see them shopping for stuff to feed their family. There's the fresh veggies area, and of course, no one is there because no one can afford it. There's the snack corner with everything you need to be unhealthy. You could also check out the discount bucket. Even though you know those stuff is gonna be expired soon but her birthday is only in a few days so it should be fine.
[[Shop in the veggies area]]
[[Shop in the snacks corner]]
[[Shop in the discount bucket]]
[[Search the trash bin?->Grocery Trash]]
(track: 'bike', 'play')<img class="floating" src="Assets/love.jpg" width="360" height="300">
Oh wait!
You also found out that she likes (transition: "pulse")[**$elements**] stuff. If you're able to find something with that quality, it will make your gift a lot more **charming**.
[[Now to the Town!->Town1]]You decided to look around the [playgournd]<shout|...
(set: $c_elem to (either: "dirty", "salty", "fluffy", "large", "tiny", "warm", "rough", "greasy", "bumpy", "cold", "ugly", "jolly", "old"))
(set: $c_item to (either: "shovel", "plastic bucket", "Peppa Pig doll", "lego piece", "Crocs™ sandals"))
(click: ?shout)[You found a (transition: "pulse")[$c_elem $c_item].
(track: 'duck', 'play')
(if: $days is 1) [[[Time to go home!->home]]]
(if: $days is 2) [[[Time to go home!->home2]]]
(if: $days is 3) [[[Time to go home!->home3]]]
(if: $days is 4) [[[Time to go home!->home4]]]]
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: $c_elem + " " + $c_item))
(if: $c_elem is $elements) [(set: $charm to $charm + 10 )]
(set: $charm to $charm + (random:7,13))You decided to stick your hand in the [pond]<shout|...
(set: $c_elem to (either: "sticky", "salty", "large", "tiny", "tough", "greasy", "cold", "ugly", "wet", "dirty", "gross"))
(set: $c_item to (either: "lily pad", "wet dirt", "toy boat", "koi fish"))
(click: ?shout)[You found a (transition: "pulse")[$c_elem $c_item].
(if: $fmon is true)[(set: $fmon to (random:3,10))(set: $money to $money + $fmon)And you also found $fmon bucks. Even though it's kinda wet.]
(track: 'duck', 'play')
(if: $days is 1) [[[Time to go home!->home]]]
(if: $days is 2) [[[Time to go home!->home2]]]
(if: $days is 3) [[[Time to go home!->home3]]]
(if: $days is 4) [[[Time to go home!->home4]]]]
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: $c_elem + " " + $c_item))
(if: $c_elem is $elements) [(set: $charm to $charm + 10 )]
(set: $charm to $charm + (random:3,7))You decided to search in the [equipment bag]<shout|...
(set: $c_elem to (either: "dated", "salty", "fluffy", "large", "tiny", "warm", "rough", "greasy", "bumpy", "cold", "jolly", "wet"))
(set: $c_item to (either: "barbell", "towel", "protein bar", "yoga mat"))
(click: ?shout)[You found a (transition: "pulse")[$c_elem $c_item].
(track: 'duck', 'play')
(if: $days is 1) [[[Time to go home!->home]]]
(if: $days is 2) [[[Time to go home!->home2]]]
(if: $days is 3) [[[Time to go home!->home3]]]
(if: $days is 4) [[[Time to go home!->home4]]]]
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: $c_elem + " " + $c_item))
(if: $c_elem is $elements) [(set: $charm to $charm + 10 )]
(set: $charm to $charm + (random:5,15))<img class="floating" src="Assets/night.png" width="360" height="300">
After a whole day of adventuring. You found your first gift <i class="fas fa-gift"></i> - a (print: $bag). "She's gonna love it," you think.
Your gift's charm is now at $charm% <i class="far fa-heart"></i>.
(print: "<div class='progress' id='progress'><div class='determinate' style='width: " + (text: $charm) + "%'></div></div>")
you got so excited that you can't even sleep at night.
[Sleep...zZZ <i class="far fa-moon"></i>]<night|
(set: $days to $days + 1)
(click: ?night)[(print: "<style>body, tw-story { animation-name: light_dark; animation-duration: 3s; } progress { background-color: #000000; }</style><script> document.getElementById('progress').style.display = 'none';</script>")(playlist: 'bgms', 'pause')(track: 'snore', 'play')(live: 2.9s)[(goto: "night1")]]<img class="floating" src="Assets/town.jpg" width="360" height="300">
~ Day $days ~ <i class="fas fa-sun"></i>
(if: $money >= 0)[You have $$money left.]
(else:)[You now have $$money, but that's okay, you can pay back your bank later.]
After looking around, you decided to go to
(if: $park_visited is false)[[[The Park->Park]]]
(if: $groce_visited is false)[[[Grocery Store->Grocery]]]
(if: $library_visited is false)[[[The Library->Library]]]
(if: $mcdon_visited is false)[[[McDonald's->McDonald's]]]
(if: $trash_visited is false)[[[Recycling Facility->Trash]]]
(if: $amazon_visited is false)[[[Amazon Warehouse->Warehouse]]]
(if: $beach_visited is false)[[[The Beach->Beach]]]
(playlist: 'bgms', 'play')
(track: 'chicken', 'play')<img class="floating" src="Assets/night.png" width="360" height="300">
Even The hot and sunny today can't kill your determination. You now have found two items for your gift box!
<i class="fas fa-gift"></i> A (print: $bag.join(" and a ")).
Your gift's charm is now at $charm% <i class="far fa-heart"></i>.
(print: "<div class='progress' id='progress'><div class='determinate' style='width: " + (text: $charm) + "%'></div></div>")
[Sleep...zZZ <i class="far fa-moon"></i>]<night|
(set: $days to $days + 1)
(click: ?night)[(print: "<style>body, tw-story { animation-name: light_dark; animation-duration: 3s; } progress { background-color: #000000; }</style><script> document.getElementById('progress').style.display = 'none';</script>")(playlist: 'bgms', 'pause')(track: 'snore', 'play')(live: 2.9s)[(goto: "night1")]]<img class="floating" src="Assets/night.png" width="360" height="300">
Now you have found three items:
<i class="fas fa-gift"></i> A (print: $bag.join(" and "))
They look really good!
Your gift's charm is now at $charm% <i class="far fa-heart"></i>.
(print: "<div class='progress' id='progress'><div class='determinate' style='width: " + (text: $charm) + "%'></div></div>")
[Sleep...zZZ <i class="far fa-moon"></i>]<night|
(set: $days to $days + 1)
(click: ?night)[(print: "<style>body, tw-story { animation-name: light_dark; animation-duration: 3s; } progress { background-color: #000000; }</style><script> document.getElementById('progress').style.display = 'none';</script>")(playlist: 'bgms', 'pause')(track: 'snore', 'play')(live: 2.9s)[(goto: "night1")]]<img class="floating" src="Assets/night.png" width="360" height="300">
Tomorrow is gonna be her birthday! You're too excited to show her what you have found. But you really should get some rest before that.
Your gift's charm is now at $charm% <i class="far fa-heart"></i>.
(print: "<div class='progress' id='progress'><div class='determinate' style='width: " + (text: $charm) + "%'></div></div>")
[Sleep...zZZ <i class="far fa-moon"></i>]<night|
(set: $days to $days + 1)
(click: ?night)[(print: "<style>body, tw-story { animation-name: light_dark; animation-duration: 3s; } progress { background-color: #000000; }</style><script> document.getElementById('progress').style.display = 'none';</script>")(playlist: 'bgms', 'pause')(track: 'snore', 'play')(live: 2.9s)[(goto: "night4")]]<img class="floating" src="Assets/town.jpg" width="360" height="300">
~ Day $days ~ <i class="fas fa-cloud"></i>
(if: $money >= 0)[You took a look at your wallet, and surprisingly, you still have $$money left.]
(else:)[You now have $$money, but that's okay, you can pay back your bank later.]
After looking around, you decided to go to
(if: $park_visited is false)[[[The Park->Park]]]
(if: $groce_visited is false)[[[Grocery Store->Grocery]]]
(if: $library_visited is false)[[[The Library->Library]]]
(if: $mcdon_visited is false)[[[McDonald's->McDonald's]]]
(if: $trash_visited is false)[[[Recycling Facility->Trash]]]
(if: $amazon_visited is false)[[[Amazon Warehouse->Warehouse]]]
(if: $beach_visited is false)[[[The Beach->Beach]]]
(playlist: 'bgms', 'play')
(track: 'chicken', 'play')<img class="floating" src="Assets/town.jpg" width="360" height="300">
~ Day $days ~ <i class="fas fa-cloud-sun"></i>
(if: $money >= 0)[You have $$money left.]
(else:)[You now have $$money, but that's okay, you can pay back your bank later.]
After looking around, you decided to go to
(if: $park_visited is false)[[[The Park->Park]]]
(if: $groce_visited is false)[[[Grocery Store->Grocery]]]
(if: $library_visited is false)[[[The Library->Library]]]
(if: $mcdon_visited is false)[[[McDonald's->McDonald's]]]
(if: $trash_visited is false)[[[Recycling Facility->Trash]]]
(if: $amazon_visited is false)[[[Amazon Warehouse->Warehouse]]]
(if: $beach_visited is false)[[[The Beach->Beach]]]
(playlist: 'bgms', 'play')
(track: 'chicken', 'play')You decided to search around in the [trash piles]<shout|...
(set: $c_elem to (either: "sticky", "salty", "fluffy", "large", "tiny", "warm", "rough", "greasy", "bumpy", "ugly", "jolly", "wet"))
(set: $c_item to (either: "toilet paper", "plastic bottle", "egg shell", "raccon", "used napkin", "yellowish paper", "pants", "underwear", "gold ring"))(set: $fmon to (either: true, false))
(click: ?shout)[Wow! After digging around the trash you actually found a (transition: "pulse")[$c_elem $c_item](if: $c_item is "gold ring")[, this is going to be really charming].
(if: $fmon is true)[(set: $fmon to (random:3,15))(set: $money to $money + $fmon)And you also found $fmon bucks. Lucky!]
(track: 'duck', 'play')
(if: $days is 1) [[[Time to go home!->home]]]
(if: $days is 2) [[[Time to go home!->home2]]]
(if: $days is 3) [[[Time to go home!->home3]]]
(if: $days is 4) [[[Time to go home!->home4]]]]
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: $c_elem + " " + $c_item))
(if: $c_elem is $elements) [(set: $charm to $charm + 10 )]
(if: $c_item is "gold ring") [(set: $charm to $charm + 30 )]
(set: $charm to $charm + (random:1,3))<img class="floating" src="Assets/birthday.jpg" width="360" height="300">
~ Day 5 ~
It's her birthday today! After so many days of exploration, you have found so many goodies and you can't wait to give them to her.
You now have <i class="fas fa-gift"></i> a (print: $bag.join(" and a ")) in your gift box.
You found her sitting in the school's dining hall alone. You thought this is the best time to gift, so you pull out your gift box from your backpack.
(playlist: 'bgms', 'play')
(track: 'chicken', 'play')(transition: "pulse")[<img class="floating" src="Assets/title.jpg" width="360" height="300">
(if: (playlist: 'bgms', 'isplaying') is false)[
(playlist: 'bgms', 'shuffle')
(playlist: 'bgms', 'loop', true)
(playlist: 'bgms', 'play')
](track: 'duck', 'play')
Created by (transition: "pulse")[**Sam Feng**]
© 2020
Icons by Font Awesome
Audios supported by Harlowe Audio Library (HAL)
Background musics by Kevin MacLeod under license CC BY 3.0
Sound effects from freesound.org under license CC0
[[Back->Menu]] (set: $c_elem to (either: "sticky", "salty", "fluffy", "large", "tiny", "warm", "rough", "greasy", "bumpy", "cold", "ugly", "jolly", "wet"))(set: $c_item to (either: "cabbage", "potato", "onion", "tomato", "cucumber", "pumpkin", "garlic", "kale", "pepper")) (set: $cost to (random:10,24))
You decided to check out the [veggies area]<shout| with the $$money you have. Most the stuff around here cost around 10 to 24 dollars.
(click: ?shout)[(if: $money >= 10)[(set: $money to $money - $cost)With the money you have, you bought a (transition: "pulse")[$c_elem $c_item]. It cost you $cost dollars, and you now have $$money left.
(track: 'duck', 'play')
(if: $days is 1) [[[Time to go home!->home]]]
(if: $days is 2) [[[Time to go home!->home2]]]
(if: $days is 3) [[[Time to go home!->home3]]]
(if: $days is 4) [[[Time to go home!->home4]]]
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: $c_elem + " " + $c_item))(if: $c_elem is $elements) [(set: $charm to $charm + 10 )](set: $charm to $charm + (random:1,10))]
(else:)[(transition: "pulse")[Hmmm], you don't have enough money to shop here. Better go somewhere else.
[[Go back->Grocery]] ]](set: $c_elem to (either: "sticky", "salty", "chewy", "tasty", "tiny", "warm", "rough", "greasy", "bumpy", "cold", "ugly", "jolly", "wet"))(set: $c_item to (either: "black pepper chips", "garlic chocolate", "dried wild fish", "Salsagheti", "apple pie oreo", "dried cuttlefish")) (set: $cost to (random:5,10))
You decided to check out the [snack corner]<shout| with the $$money you have. Most the stuff around here cost around 5 to 10 dollars.
(click: ?shout)[(if: $money >= 5)[(set: $money to $money - $cost)With the money you have, you bought a (transition: "pulse")[$c_elem $c_item]. It cost you $cost dollars, and you now have $$money left.
(track: 'duck', 'play')
(if: $days is 1) [[[Time to go home!->home]]]
(if: $days is 2) [[[Time to go home!->home2]]]
(if: $days is 3) [[[Time to go home!->home3]]]
(if: $days is 4) [[[Time to go home!->home4]]]
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: $c_elem + " " + $c_item))(if: $c_elem is $elements) [(set: $charm to $charm + 10 )](set: $charm to $charm + (random:10,18))]
(else:)[(transition: "pulse")[Hmmm], you don't have enough money to shop here. Better go somewhere else.
[[Go back->Grocery]] ]](set: $c_elem to (either: "sticky", "salty", "chewy", "cute", "tiny", "rough", "greasy", "tacky", "bad", "ugly", "moldy", "wet"))(set: $c_item to (either: "jar of pickles", "bread", "bootleg Mario", "salami", "nicolas cage movies", "Windows XP Home Edition")) (set: $cost to (random:1,4))
You decided to check out the [discount bucket]<shout| with the $$money you have. Most the stuff around here cost around 1 to 4 dollars.
(click: ?shout)[(if: $money >= 1)[(set: $money to $money - $cost)With the money you have, you bought a (transition: "pulse")[$c_elem $c_item]. It cost you $cost dollars, and you now have $$money left.
(track: 'duck', 'play')
(if: $days is 1) [[[Time to go home!->home]]]
(if: $days is 2) [[[Time to go home!->home2]]]
(if: $days is 3) [[[Time to go home!->home3]]]
(if: $days is 4) [[[Time to go home!->home4]]]
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: $c_elem + " " + $c_item))(if: $c_elem is $elements) [(set: $charm to $charm + 10 )](set: $charm to $charm + (random:1,10))]
(else:)[(transition: "pulse")[Hmmm], you can't even afford anything in here. Better go somewhere else.
[[Go back->Grocery]] ]](transition: "pulse")[<img src="Assets/sun.png" width="360" height="300">]
<style>body, tw-story { animation-name: dark_light; animation-duration: 3s; }</style>
(track: 'snore', 'fadeout', 5)
(live: 4s)[(goto: "Town2")](transition: "pulse")[<img src="Assets/sun.png" width="360" height="300">]
<style>body, tw-story { animation-name: dark_light; animation-duration: 3s; }</style>
(track: 'snore', 'fadeout', 5)
(live: 4s)[(goto: "Town3")](transition: "pulse")[<img src="Assets/sun.png" width="360" height="300">]
<style>body, tw-story { animation-name: dark_light; animation-duration: 3s; }</style>
(track: 'snore', 'fadeout', 5)
(live: 4s)[(goto: "Town4")]<br>
(transition: "pulse")[<h3>Charm <i class="far fa-heart"></i></h3> $charm%]
(print: "<div class='progress'><div class='determinate' style='width: " + (text: $charm) + "%'></div></div>")
(if: $charm > 60)[Quite a charming gift you have here.](else-if: $charm > 30)[Not bad! Looks like she would like it.](else:)[Hmm. Not so charming, but it should work.]
[[Hand her the gift]]
(track: 'duck', 'play')You decided to walk around in the [kids books]<shout| section...
(set: $c_elem to (either: "addictive", "action-packed", "amusing", "astonishing", "breath-taking", "brilliant", "boring", "charming", "complicated", "confusing", "fascinating", "dangerous", "emotional"))
(set: $c_item to (either: "*Pig With Wings*", "*Men Of Yesterday*", "*Witches Of The Banished*", "*Foundation Of Darkness*", "*Opponent Of Water*", "*How to Poo Poo*", "*Moo, Baa, La La La!*", "*Click, Clack, Moo*"))
(click: ?shout)[You picked up a (transition: "pulse")[$c_elem] book called (transition: "pulse")[$c_item].
(track: 'duck', 'play')
(if: $days is 1) [[[Time to go home!->home]]]
(if: $days is 2) [[[Time to go home!->home2]]]
(if: $days is 3) [[[Time to go home!->home3]]]
(if: $days is 4) [[[Time to go home!->home4]]]]
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: $c_elem + " book called " + $c_item))
(if: $c_elem is $elements) [(set: $charm to $charm + 10 )]
(set: $charm to $charm + (random:5,15))You decided to walk around in the [adult books]<shout| section...
(set: $c_elem to (either: "addictive", "action-packed", "amusing", "astonishing", "breath-taking", "brilliant", "charming", "complicated", "confusing", "fascinating", "dangerous", "emotional"))
(set: $c_item to (either: "*Trump: How to Get Rich*", "*Indian-ish Recipes from an American Family*", "*How to Date Men: Dating Secrets from America's Top Matchmaker*", "*Calculus 11th edition*", "*The Communist Manifesto*", "*A Brief History of Time*", "*The Call of Cthulhu*"))
(click: ?shout)[You picked up a (transition: "pulse")[$c_elem] book called (transition: "pulse")[$c_item].
(track: 'duck', 'play')
(if: $days is 1) [[[Time to go home!->home]]]
(if: $days is 2) [[[Time to go home!->home2]]]
(if: $days is 3) [[[Time to go home!->home3]]]
(if: $days is 4) [[[Time to go home!->home4]]]]
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: $c_elem + " book called " + $c_item))
(if: $c_elem is $elements) [(set: $charm to $charm + 10 )]
(set: $charm to $charm + (random:9,15))You decided to walk around in the [returned books]<shout| bin...
(set: $c_elem to (either: "addictive", "action-packed", "amusing", "astonishing", "breath-taking", "brilliant", "charming", "complicated", "confusing", "fascinating", "dangerous", "emotional"))
(set: $c_item to (either: "*The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump*", "*Fifty Shades of Grey*", "*Pale Fire*", "*Twilight*", "*The Da Vinci Code*", "*Necronomicon*"))
(click: ?shout)[You digged up a (transition: "pulse")[$c_elem] book called (transition: "pulse")[$c_item].
(track: 'duck', 'play')
(if: $days is 1) [[[Time to go home!->home]]]
(if: $days is 2) [[[Time to go home!->home2]]]
(if: $days is 3) [[[Time to go home!->home3]]]
(if: $days is 4) [[[Time to go home!->home4]]]]
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: $c_elem + " book called " + $c_item))
(if: $c_elem is $elements) [(set: $charm to $charm + 10 )]
(set: $charm to $charm + (random:9,18))You decided to search behind the restauraunt, in the [trash bin]<shout|...
(set: $c_elem to (either: "sticky", "salty", "fluffy", "large", "tiny", "warm", "rough", "greasy", "bumpy", "ugly", "jolly", "wet"))
(set: $c_item to (either: "Whopper", "cake cone", "ketchup pack", "raccon", "Scarlet Flandre Statue", "Chicken McNuggets", "iPhone 12"))(set: $fmon to (either: true, false))
(click: ?shout)[After digging around the trash, you actually found a (transition: "pulse")[$c_elem $c_item](if: $c_item is "iPhone 12")[, this is going to be really charming].
(if: $fmon is true)[(set: $fmon to (random:5,20))(set: $money to $money + $fmon)And you also found $fmon bucks. Lucky!]
(track: 'duck', 'play')
(if: $days is 1) [[[Time to go home!->home]]]
(if: $days is 2) [[[Time to go home!->home2]]]
(if: $days is 3) [[[Time to go home!->home3]]]
(if: $days is 4) [[[Time to go home!->home4]]]]
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: $c_elem + " " + $c_item))
(if: $c_elem is $elements) [(set: $charm to $charm + 10 )]
(if: $c_item is "iPhone 12") [(set: $charm to $charm + 30 )]
(set: $charm to $charm + (random:1,3))(set: $c_elem to (either: "sticky", "salty", "chewy", "tasty", "tiny", "rough", "greasy", "tacky", "bad", "ugly", "moldy", "wet"))(set: $c_item to (either: "Extra Large Mac", "McCree", "Filet-O-pig", "McSalad Shaker", "McLobster", "McHotDog", "Onion Nuggets", "McPizza", "Szechuan Sause", "35 piece Chicken McNuggets", "piece of cheess")) (set: $cost to (random:5,15))
You stand up to the ordering [kiosk]<shout| with the $$money you have...
(click: ?shout)[(if: $money >= 5)[(set: $money to $money - $cost)After a long time of deciding, you bought a (transition: "pulse")[$c_elem $c_item]. It cost you $cost dollars, and you now have $$money left.
(track: 'duck', 'play')
(if: $days is 1) [[[Time to go home!->home]]]
(if: $days is 2) [[[Time to go home!->home2]]]
(if: $days is 3) [[[Time to go home!->home3]]]
(if: $days is 4) [[[Time to go home!->home4]]]
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: $c_elem + " " + $c_item))(if: $c_elem is $elements) [(set: $charm to $charm + 10 )](set: $charm to $charm + (random:10,15))]
(else:)[(transition: "pulse")[Oof], you can't afford anything on this menu.
[[Go back->McDonald's]] ]](playlist: 'bgms', 'pause')(track: 'drumroll', 'play')
And you handed (transition: "pulse")[**her**] the gift <i class="fas fa-gift"></i>.
(live: 2.5s)[
(if: (random: 1, 100) < $charm - 20)[And she loves it!
(track: 'yay', 'play')
(else:)[And she doesn't like your gift...
(track: 'aww', 'play')
(stop:)]You decided to search around in the [trash bin]<shout| behind the grocery store...
(set: $c_elem to (either: "sticky", "salty", "bad", "rotten", "greasy", "ugly", "wet", "spoiled"))
(set: $c_item to (either: "apple", "cerely", "asian salad", "baguette", "sushi", "2% milk", "banana", "can of corn"))(set: $fmon to (either: true, false))
(click: ?shout)[After digging around the grocery store trash bin, you actually found a (transition: "pulse")[$c_elem $c_item], not bad at all.
(if: $fmon is true)[(set: $fmon to (random:3,15))(set: $money to $money + $fmon)And you also found $fmon bucks. Lucky!]
(track: 'duck', 'play')
(if: $days is 1) [[[Time to go home!->home]]]
(if: $days is 2) [[[Time to go home!->home2]]]
(if: $days is 3) [[[Time to go home!->home3]]]
(if: $days is 4) [[[Time to go home!->home4]]]]
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: $c_elem + " " + $c_item))
(if: $c_elem is $elements) [(set: $charm to $charm + 10 )]
(set: $charm to $charm + (random:1,3))She told you that your gifts are the best of all the gifts she has received, and it made her very happy. Seeing her with a big smile brings joy to you too.
Because of this gift, she told you a lot of stuff about herself, and your relationship with her is much closer! And you can feel the love sparkly in the air...
<i class="fas fa-heart"></i>
[[~ *fin* ~->The End]]
(playlist: 'bgms', 'play')She looked in your gift box, and she ran away with a face of confusion. So you figured she probably doesn't like what's inside there...
(if: $money < 0)[Even though you're really sad right now, you still gotta pay back the $$money you owned the bank since it's way overdue.]
And the gifts? Well, there's nothing else you can do with it, so you threw them all in the trash. Good luck to whoever found it next then.
<i class="fas fa-heart-broken"></i>
[[~ The End ~->The End]]
(playlist: 'bgms', 'play')<i class="far fa-smile-wink"></i>
This game is designed with many surprise random items and events, we encourage you to play again and discover something different and funny.
[[Play Again!->Initial]](transition: "pulse")[<img src="Assets/sun.png" width="360" height="300">]
<style>body, tw-story { animation-name: dark_light; animation-duration: 3s; }</style>
(track: 'snore', 'fadeout', 5)
(live: 4s)[(goto: "Birthday")]You decided to check out what's inside the [delivery truck]<shout|...
(set: $c_elem to (either: "dirty", "salty", "fluffy", "large", "tiny", "warm", "rough", "greasy", "bumpy", "cold", "ugly", "jolly", "old"))
(set: $c_item to (either: "Dill Pickle Lip Balm", "The Buttress Pillow", "Tortilla Toaster", "Thanos One-Piece Swimsuit for Men and Boys", "Inflatable Sloth Float", "Floating Crocodile Decoy", "1500 Live Ladybugs", "Nicolas Cage Mermaid Pillow", "Wine for Cats", "Frog-Shaped Soap"))
(click: ?shout)[You found a (transition: "pulse")[$c_elem $c_item].
(track: 'duck', 'play')
(if: $days is 1) [[[Time to go home!->home]]]
(if: $days is 2) [[[Time to go home!->home2]]]
(if: $days is 3) [[[Time to go home!->home3]]]
(if: $days is 4) [[[Time to go home!->home4]]]]
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: $c_elem + " " + $c_item))
(if: $c_elem is $elements) [(set: $charm to $charm + 10 )]
(set: $charm to $charm + (random:7,13))You decided to dig into the [returned bin]<shout|...
(set: $c_elem to (either: "sticky", "salty", "fluffy", "large", "tiny", "warm", "rough", "greasy", "bumpy", "ugly", "jolly", "wet"))
(set: $c_item to (either: "The Official 'A Game of Thrones' Coloring Book", "Chia Pet Gremlin", "Lifelike Inflatable Elephant", "Lizard Glow Bowling Ball", "Frog Eye Mask", "Taco Sleeping Bag", "Umbrella Hat", "Nicolas Cage Pillowcases", "Stuffed Blobfish - Smiling Edition", "Alpaca Print Breathable Panties"))(set: $fmon to (either: true, false))
(click: ?shout)[You found a (transition: "pulse")[$c_elem $c_item], nice!
(if: $fmon is true)[(set: $fmon to (random:3,15))(set: $money to $money + $fmon)And you also found $fmon bucks. Amazoning~]
(track: 'duck', 'play')
(if: $days is 1) [[[Time to go home!->home]]]
(if: $days is 2) [[[Time to go home!->home2]]]
(if: $days is 3) [[[Time to go home!->home3]]]
(if: $days is 4) [[[Time to go home!->home4]]]]
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: $c_elem + " " + $c_item))
(if: $c_elem is $elements) [(set: $charm to $charm + 10 )]
(set: $charm to $charm + (random:1,10))You decided to dig under the [sand]<shout|...
(set: $c_elem to (either: "sticky", "salty", "large", "tiny", "warm", "rough", "greasy", "bumpy", "ugly", "jolly", "wet"))
(set: $c_item to (either: "plastic fork", "plastic bottle", "plastic bowl", "Bud Light", "shampoo bottle", "bikini tank top", "umbrella"))(set: $fmon to (either: true, false))
(click: ?shout)[Wow! After digging around, you actually found a (transition: "pulse")[$c_elem $c_item].
(if: $fmon is true)[(set: $fmon to (random:3,15))(set: $money to $money + $fmon)And you also found $fmon bucks!]
(track: 'duck', 'play')
(if: $days is 1) [[[Time to go home!->home]]]
(if: $days is 2) [[[Time to go home!->home2]]]
(if: $days is 3) [[[Time to go home!->home3]]]
(if: $days is 4) [[[Time to go home!->home4]]]]
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: $c_elem + " " + $c_item))
(if: $c_elem is $elements) [(set: $charm to $charm + 10 )]
(set: $charm to $charm + (random:1,3))You decided to walk along the [seashore]<shout|...
(set: $c_elem to (either: "dirty", "salty", "large", "tiny", "warm", "rough", "greasy", "dried", "cold", "ugly", "jolly", "wet"))
(set: $c_item to (either: "sea shell", "fresh crab", "starfish", " and dead jelly fish", "seaweed", "Mussel", "plastic straw", "plastic bag"))
(click: ?shout)[You found a (transition: "pulse")[$c_elem $c_item].
(track: 'duck', 'play')
(if: $days is 1) [[[Time to go home!->home]]]
(if: $days is 2) [[[Time to go home!->home2]]]
(if: $days is 3) [[[Time to go home!->home3]]]
(if: $days is 4) [[[Time to go home!->home4]]]]
(set: $bag to $bag + (a: $c_elem + " " + $c_item))
(if: $c_elem is $elements) [(set: $charm to $charm + 10 )]
(set: $charm to $charm + (random:4,14))bgm1: ./Sounds/Breaktime.mp3
bgm2: ./Sounds/Five_Card_Shuffle.mp3
bgm3: ./Sounds/Hyperfun.mp3
bgm4: ./Sounds/Look_Busy.mp3
bgm5: ./Sounds/Plucky_Daisy.mp3
bike: ./Sounds/Bike.mp3
duck: ./Sounds/duck.mp3
chicken: ./Sounds/chicken.mp3
snore: ./Sounds/Snore.mp3
yay: ./Sounds/yay.mp3
aww: ./Sounds/aww.mp3
drumroll: ./Sounds/drumroll.mp3